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Bizarre redesigns of game characters.


You only see Samus' face in Prime. I'm not sure how that counts as a redesign when her face in previous Metroid games was only seen in very simplified pixel form.

The actual difference in Prime was that you only saw her face.
Nope, you also see her face in Fusion, which released before Prime, and the general posture seen in previous games as shown in the pics certainly doesn't imply Prime's take is supposed to be the "default" Samus like Galador implied:
From natural, realistic, relatable, battle-worn like she's been through hell, attractive yet tough...

...To supermodel glamour, enormous chest, beauty marks, lip gloss, salon hair, and a face of perpetual bored indifference.
This is completely and utterly false:

1) Prime doesn't define Samus "default" appearance/looks at all.

2) Samus in Other M doesn't stand particularly out from all the games released between Prime and Other M (Echoes, Corruption and Zero Mission), so why not get mad at those?

3) All the looks and postures of the character are pretty close, except Prime which is more realistic in both style and how a woman such as Samus would look, and Super Metroid which is a bit more anime and muscular. All the others could be accused of the same thing Galador has against Other M. If anything, 8-bit Samus has bigger breasts.


EDI from Mass Effect 2


EDI from Mass Effect 3



They released on the same day dood.

November 17, 2002.
And it changes absolutely nothing. Samus's posture and looks from Fusion are the same or very similar as the previous ones, Prime's take stands out from it and from the games released after, and Other M Samus is similar to all the other ones.

All points which you didn't reply to because you can't nitpick them.

I don't even understand how one has to argue about this. When Samus was seen at the end of Prime back then, it was obvious for everybody that it was a bold interpretation that stood out from the games before it, including Fusion. Fusion Samus surprised nobody, just like nobody was surprised when Echoes Samus went back to the more usual look (which was done horribly, BTW).

Suggesting Prime established a look which got ruined by Other M is completely imaginary BS.


And it changes absolutely nothing. Samus's posture and looks from Fusion are the same or very similar as the previous ones, Prime's take stands out from it and from the games released after, and Other M Samus is similar to all the other ones.

All points which you didn't reply to because you can't nitpick them.
I didn't reply to them because your first statement was something blatantly wrong you could have verified with a google search. If you're not going to put any more effort than that, why should I?

I also didn't reply because your argument is fucking ridiculous. "Posture"? You literally only see her face in Prime, how the fuck did you get posture from that? Do you mean her posture in the Power Suit? "Looks"? Again, her faces in Metroid, Metroid 2, and Super Metroid were all extremely simple and abstract. The first games to show it in more detail were Prime and Fusion (not counting Super Smash Bros Melee, where she looked different from both games).

Suggesting Prime established a look which got ruined by Other M is completely imaginary BS.
I agree.

I also think your argument about Prime Samus being a redesign is completely imaginary BS.


And after 7 games of changing costumes--usually drastically--these things tend to become less bizarre. Or did we forget Cyber Samurai Predator Skeleton from Tekken 5?

Jesus, those cheeks. Infamous 1 Cole looked and sounded like a chain smoker in his mid-thirties, which... he wasn't, at all.

I didn't like the original redesign (thought it looked really poor in-game and nothing like the original Cole, which, paired with the voice change, was too much) but I think the design they settled for is great. Clearly recognizable as Cole, but looks more like a human bean, rather than a gaunt vampire (which is ironic, considering Festival of Blood) with a bad case of Batvoice.



The entire series has had a bit of a problem with things fitting together coherently. Like the look and voice of cole in the first game didn't fit with his personality or his friends. He looked like someone who had drug addict friends and maybe had been to war, he was generic skin head guy #4334246224. He didn't look like someone who would put up with someone like zeke, care about his girlfriend or have a sense of humour.

In infamous 2 they fixed that imo. He looked and sounded more in line with the people he hung out with and the personality he had. It just came at the expense of continuity, but it was worth it imo. He was a better character for it.
I didn't like some of Arkham Knight's redesigns, especially Riddler and Ivy. More than times than not it looks way too gritty whereas I liked most of the semi-realistic/comic book-like designs from Asylum and City.

Riddler from City

Riddler from Knight

Ivy from Asylum

Ivy from Knight (looks like a hobo)

The new Ivy is better imo, didn't like the blow up doll look of the old one.


I didn't like some of Arkham Knight's redesigns, especially Riddler and Ivy. More than times than not it looks way too gritty whereas I liked most of the semi-realistic/comic book-like designs from Asylum and City.

Riddler from City

Riddler from Knight

Ivy from Asylum

Ivy from Knight (looks like a hobo)

Don't mind new Ivy.

Anyone know if they used a real life model for her face?


No longer canonical
I really hate Super Sentai Knock Off Yukari and Baseball Player Junpei.
Junpei was my favorite P3 character and his Arena redesign just makes me "ugh."

Akihiko wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't shirtless for no apparent reason.
(I know the reason is "fangirls/fanservice.")

Mitsuru had an extremely classy, tasteful redesign for the Arena games planned and then they threw it out and went with a leather catsuit and a giant fur coat.
What the fuck? That's not something in Mitsuru's character to wear at all.

It's so goddamn stylish, functional and classy, but they went with what we got in the final version instead:

What the Hell. One of the worst examples of "pandering and edgy" I can think of.
"She's got a fur coat! Because ice powers! DO YOU GET IT!? ICE IS COLD! ...Do you get it...?"

Fixed it for you.....as usual.
From natural, realistic, relatable, battle-worn like she's been through hell, attractive yet tough...

...To supermodel glamour, enormous chest, beauty marks, lip gloss, salon hair, and a face of perpetual bored indifference.

Though Samus's "face" will always just be this to me:

I know other people have addressed this already but I do get quite tired of people clinging to the version of Samus that was in one game for a few seconds as if that's the canon one and all the other ones are an affront to it. The Samus from Prime 1 is the outlier from a new studio their first time out the gate.

If it's your favorite, that's great and all, but that depiction is the odd one out.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Arkham Knight Ivy is sexy as fuck.

Some of ya'll....


The entire series has had a bit of a problem with things fitting together coherently. Like the look and voice of cole in the first game didn't fit with his personality or his friends. He looked like someone who had drug addict friends and maybe had been to war, he was generic skin head guy #4334246224. He didn't look like someone who would put up with someone like zeke, care about his girlfriend or have a sense of humour.

In infamous 2 they fixed that imo. He looked and sounded more in line with the people he hung out with and the personality he had. It just came at the expense of continuity, but it was worth it imo. He was a better character for it.

I really don't get how all arguments about I1 Cole boil down to people with shaved heads are bad people.


I just looked through all 18 pages, and I'm amazed nobody else has posted this yet:

Chris in Resident Evil 1

Chris in Resident Evil 5

Granted, there's about a decade between RE1/Code Veronica (skinny mid 20s Chris) and RE5 (ripped mid 30s Chris). Maybe he started hitting the gym because he knew bioterrorism was just getting started?


all the fire emblem characters..i really hate the new artwork style..before it was really sober,now it tries really hard to appeal to a specific demographic
I dont think anyone mentioned Chris because at this point I think new muscled up Chris is more popular then old normal Chris. He's been around just as long as normal Chris.
I didnt like the redesign when I played RE5, but Im used to it by now. if anything, REmake Chris looks too skinny now.


Blue Mary from The King of Fighters, if you don't know.


Also, as much as I love Battle Network, there are more misses than hits in terms of re-imaginings.

So happy you posted this (and on page 1 no less!)

I came to post this.

Went from "Ready to fight" to "Ready to f**k"
not a fan at all.


So happy you posted this (and on page 1 no less!)

I came to post this.

Went from "Ready to fight" to "Ready to f**k"
not a fan at all.
Um… That costume has like the lowest sex appeal. It is just bad. As in "not good". It's like a little kid trying to emulate sexiness.


Street fighter III Ryu was amazing. Sfiv Ryu is a veiny, steroid abusing bug eyed terror.

Definitely agree with this. Both Ken and Ryu (especially Ken) looked fucking godawful in SF4, as did the rest of the roster, but Guile looked the worst. I'm really excited to see him as DLC in 5 just to see if they can fix his model from 4.
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