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Borecast 37: A Deadly Premonition About GOTY 2010, Our Pop Culture Rituals

direct download - http://media.libsyn.com/media/borecast/Borecast37.mp3

SEGMENT ONE: The Other Ten Commandments

Take a peek into our dark hearts as we totally rip off an AVClub article - http://www.avclub.com/articles/personal-popculture-rules,38614/ and list our own pop rules and rituals for what we watch, listen to, read, and play.

SEGMENT TWO - Playlist

(1:01:15) Deadly Premonition - My pot! It's getting cold!

(1:20:00) Class of Heroes PSP - also some Etrian Oddyssey talk

(1:32:15) When Worlds Collide - 1951 Science Fiction Classic

(1:36:30) A Fortress In Shadow: A Chronicle Of The Dread Empire by Glen Cook


(1:41:10) Doug explores the highly technical world of portable mammary physics


Either/Or - tweenie witches (!)

We'll talk to you again next week!
Oh God, I'm not a regular listener but I'm so tempted to 'tune in' to hear Drinky go nuts about Deadly Premonition. I wanna wait until Giant Bomb have their way with it first though :(
This was a really fun episode to cast. Doug's wide-spectrum prescription of hatabiotics made for a lot of laughs.

Thanks as always for the editing and posting, Kevin. :D
this was one of my rantier episodes :'(

i am not excited to hear my wife's responses when she listens to me annihilate the stupid muppets


For some reason this reminded me I have to be home earlier so my wife can take the older kid to the dentist.

Thank you borecast.


Second-rate Anihawk
Class of Heroes sounds pretty sexy, the augment system in particular. I will agree with Doug 100% that the crafting system in EO is beyond awful and the worst part of the game. Hopefully that is overhauled in EO3. Also :bow at Frag for mentioning Strange Journey. Hopefully you guys discuss it in a later Borecast.

Also re: FOE fights in EO, you can make them much easier by maxing out a Dark Hunter's climax skill and getting the FOE to 50%.
strange journey and infinite space will surely be discussed. next week will probably be more heavy rain talk, blazblue psp, and of course ff13 :teehee
Doug will be pouring out the praise for the tremendous design of Vanille in the next episode, guaranteed.

have you played achtung panzer kharkov 1943 yet, frag?

All new stuff on the PC is right now on hold while I play the SC2 beta. It's sort of a "stop the world" sort of thing, though Achtung Panzer certainly is a game I really want to play at some point.
Fragamemnon said:
All new stuff on the PC is right now on hold while I play the SC2 beta. It's sort of a "stop the world" sort of thing, though Achtung Panzer certainly is a game I really want to play at some point.
hehe yeah, I can see that. some of us aren't in the sc2 beta yet...... while you prance around in the magical pandora avatar world of gaming, we have to make do with drab everyday real world gaming :))

Eel O'Brian said:
I'll be playing the Ruse Beta and giving impressions on that.
ah nice. that game looks almost like achtung panzer. somewhat
Excellent. Another Borecast. Keep up the good work, gentlemen.

...and this Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 business...is it in any way related to the best hotseat multiplayer experience of yore, Achtung! Spitfire? Because that would be great.

Looking forward to your RUSE beta talk, Kevin!
ah always done called 'em "legos" as a chillun an' ah ain't gunna change 'cuz some goldam pantywaist of a yew-ro-peean what tole me otherwise

goldam socialists, shoulda let jerry have 'em backa dubya dubya too
Hot damn! Offensive jokes, unadulterated hate mercantilism, Warday and Turtledove's World War, love for animals eating humans on celluloid...

...unbridled enthusiasm to run up to people and hype "Oh my GOD, you've GOT to listen this shit, it's pure GOLD. Best. Podcast. EVER!"

Very entertaining this week. Ten out of ten and a koala stamp for you guys.


Setec Astronomer
Tip for differentiating North and South Carolina:

North Carolina has urban areas with tons of immigrants from other places(myself included) and generally isn't really "southern" as much until you hit the rural areas.

South Carolina still wants to wave the confederate flag.
Enjoying the episode so far while waiting on my stomach to calm down. :(

Also great entries in the Himu-Chan contest last episode. Glad the bullshit I hacked out didn't make it in before you guys recorded. Although I think Tajabo (how do you spell it?) got robbed.

Anyhow, back to sipping tea and trying to not vomit.

Edit: Hate The Muppets?! You motherfucker. . . :mad:
yeah, my wife wasn't too thrilled with the muppets hate, too. the muppets are sacred to her family, which is why i enjoy hating them so much. "enjoy your sanitized childish garbage" i tell her and her sisters with a wave of my hand. oh, how they gnash their teeth! it's good to be an elitist.


I'm about halfway through this podcast.

Dammit, I love zombie fiction. Especially shitty zombie fiction. What other excuse do I have to horde food, guns, and ammo? Any other excuse to horde shit and practice blowing things up pales in comparison to preparing for an eventual zombie outbreak.


I'd be interested to hear any possible exceptions to rules/rituals you guys have?

On the DP subject, I must be the only person alive that enjoys the driving controls. I like the fact you can check your blind spots... :lol

Also, the pot lady = the log lady.
I find it kind of funny that I agreed with a lot of things Drinky Crow said during the beginning conversation since he declared himself a complete hater of nearly everything :lol . Also, the discussion on Deadly Premonition was really great good job. I agree with the bad car controls and the annoying QTE's toward the end but the point about how the story just gets crazy towards the end is completely true and kind of makes sense in the game for whatever reason. I kind of want to try out HR just for comparison sake.
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