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Breaking: CCP Announces Dust 514 Console MMO At GDC Europe


Rez said:
two "slicks" in one sentence, Gamasutra?




This is very ambitious. I really hope it works out though, having an FPS where the players really impact the world and who controls it would be freaking awesome.


JoeMartin said:
All of it sounds like it could be interesting but it all also sounds arbitrary at this point. Direct what kind of objectives, and to what end? And to what degree will the console players affect the gameplay of the PC players? Just how closely will the games really be connected? Will it be a superficial link wherein the games loosely translate non-essential influence to one another, or will it goes as far as having direct market and sovereignty interaction, possibly even avatar interaction via Ambulation?

Depends on how far they take the relationship between the two games, definitely. Even the EVE players interested in this now might end up regretting this game's existence given it influences sov too directly. But there are other levels it could influence without making it too strong in its impact.

We'll just have to wait and see.
Rez said:
two "slicks" in one sentence, Gamasutra?



Yo, that shit was slick man. =p

I don't really know shit about EVE, I always thought it was like wall street with space ships. However, this game sounds awesome, in concept. The the fps demo actually looks up to par with big console shooters. I want to see more!

I used to get way more hyped for MMOs. Ever since WoW they all seem like pebbles thrown at a bullet-proof glass...
First-person MMO? Fail.

Make it 3rd person and it's a win.

I'm on my fourth try (in as many years) with EVE and this time it has clicked. The game is fantastic, runs great on my mac, and I really hope this console venture is just as amazing and inspiring as the progenitor.

EDIT: Just watched the video - looks great. However, I'm getting a bit tired of developers pigeon-holing "console" gamers and what "console gamers" like to do. I'd be more than happy with straight-up EVE on the PS3, but this looks good too. Hopefully it will retain that hardcore edge that EVE has.


Micromegas said:
EDIT: Just watched the video - looks great. However, I'm getting a bit tired of developers pigeon-holing "console" gamers and what "console gamers" like to do. I'd be more than happy with straight-up EVE on the PS3, but this looks good too. Hopefully it will retain that hardcore edge that EVE has.

If your fellow console gamers would stop buying every damn FPS that hits the 360, then perhaps they wouldn't feel the need to pander in such a way. And if they were to port EVE to the PS3, it would bomb so horribly there'd actually be a crater.


It might have the best netcode of any large FPS game out yet, so there's that.

but it might have a lot of stupid frustrating mechanics

Translated Interview

eve dreads must suck pretty bad if they can't conduct a proper orbital bombardment


Mindlog said:
It might have the best netcode of any large FPS game out yet, so there's that.

but it might have a lot of stupid frustrating mechanics

Translated Interview

eve dreads must suck pretty bad if they can't conduct a proper orbital bombardment

Oh god, don't talk about sovereignty. Not in connection to this. Blood will be shed.


Sounds to me like this is going to add a whole new market level and sov system. While it seems good and all, it makes me wonder if a bunch of xbox idiots wont just mess up everything, play the game just to kill and not worry about whose sov they are messing with, may end up hurting smaller alliances...

Anywho, we need to start recruiting now for the anti-goonswarm DUST alliance :p


Bryant said:
Sounds to me like this is going to add a whole new market level and sov system. While it seems good and all, it makes me wonder if a bunch of xbox idiots wont just mess up everything, play the game just to kill and not worry about whose sov they are messing with, may end up hurting smaller alliances...

Anywho, we need to start recruiting now for the anti-goonswarm DUST alliance :p



Bryant said:
Sounds to me like this is going to add a whole new market level and sov system. While it seems good and all, it makes me wonder if a bunch of xbox idiots wont just mess up everything, play the game just to kill and not worry about whose sov they are messing with, may end up hurting smaller alliances...

Anywho, we need to start recruiting now for the anti-goonswarm DUST alliance :p
get out


Winterblink said:
I'm not sure it's fair to call it generic and derivative, I mean how many first person shooters out there aren't? As a long time player of EVE I think the visuals fit in perfectly with the established style of EVE itself, which is what I was hoping for. Gameplay wise it's too early to tell based on a short trailer and a smattering of gameplay details.

Maybe so, but you could have told me that was Halo I probably would have believed you. Not saying that it's particularly a bad thing, just that it didn't really inspire me much.

Dev Interview said:
K: And between the Employer in Eve and the soldiers only money is transfered? Or are there more ways, which would mean the Eve player could support his soldiers.
CCP: Through higher values of money the player supports his soldiers more. And yes, money will be the minimum an Eve player can transfer to his soldiers.

K: And in return the Eve player get's the corresponding Sector of one planet, if his soldiers win the battle. If he owns most sectors on a planet, he will own the planet. But what does he get from that?
CCP: What can be done with the planets will be announced next year at the time our next expansion is due. This will introduce planetary control. If a player controls a certain amound of planets in one sun system, he will own the whole system. That expands our souverenity system and makes warfare within Eve more transparent and shifts it to a whole new level.

So you want EVE players to give away their money, cross their fingers and hope for the best?


Hopefully it turns out well. MMOs have so much potential....they could be so much more than the tedious grind/loot fests they are now. (no offense, MMO fans)

That said, how are they going to prevent the giant PC space fleets from devastating the army ants running around on the planet's surface with orbital strikes or something? It's like the PC guys control Star Destroyers and the console guys control Stormtroopers...

Bryant said:
Sounds to me like this is going to add a whole new market level and sov system. While it seems good and all, it makes me wonder if a bunch of xbox idiots wont just mess up everything, play the game just to kill and not worry about whose sov they are messing with, may end up hurting smaller alliances...

Anywho, we need to start recruiting now for the anti-goonswarm DUST alliance :p

People care little enough about alliances and affiliations in real life, and you expect them to care about it in a videogame? :lol

And screw anti-Goonswarm, Goonswarm is the best thing about EVE. They're the only ones who don't take it way too seriously.


Holy farking crap. Do want. Interaction between games in a consistent universe is something I've always dreamed of. Awesome to see it happen. i hope it'll be good.

I mean, it could be bad. Really really bad. But i want it to be good, obviously.


Asmodai said:
And screw anti-Goonswarm, Goonswarm is the best thing about EVE. They're the only ones who don't take it way too seriously.

Goons take it just as seriously as the next alliance. They just spam CAOD into the ground with their pseudo-I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. Goons are good at controlling their image, I'll give them that much. But they're not holding onto 2 entire regions and a massive POS network by not caring.


JoeMartin said:
Goons take it just as seriously as the next alliance. They just spam CAOD into the ground with their pseudo-I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. Goons are good at controlling their image, I'll give them that much. But they're not holding onto 2 entire regions and a massive POS network by not caring.

True. I have to admit, if they really didn't care, they wouldn't put in enough time to be competitive with the societal outcasts that compose the rest of the alliances in EVE. But their motivations are better: they're in it to have fun, to piss off uptight nerds, and things of the like. The other alliances seem to be trying to live their life in the game instead.

But when it comes to consoles, you watch: we will show the EVE world what genuine indifference looks like!

As long as it doesn't have a monthly fee. If it does, I'm guessing it will be catastrophic failure.


Junior Member
Depends on WHO cares.
The Mitani certainly does.

The goons... people tell me they really suck at the game. But they are Barbarians lead by worldclass leaders, which completely balances things out.
And they are legion.

Long live the GoonSwarm!!

*total fanboy*


JoeMartin said:
So you want EVE players to give away their money, cross their fingers and hope for the best?

With a good reputation/ranking system that shouldn't be something most players have to worry about.

An example:

Level 4 Grunts are available for cheap. Will likely get the job done. There is a risk but in the best case the EVE player paid little money for something that usually would require much more work on his side. If the mercs fail no one will force him to hire them again.

Level 15 Spec-Ops have a reputation to uphold. They want to keep getting hired by big corporations so failure is not an option. As an EVE player you'd have to pay extra but these guys are almost guaranteed to get the job done.


Junior Member
FoxSpirit said:
Depends on WHO cares.
The Mitani certainly does.

The goons... people tell me they really suck at the game. But they are Barbarians lead by worldclass leaders, which completely balances things out.
And they are legion.

Long live the GoonSwarm!!

*total fanboy*


I can see it now.

"Hey guys! I'm going to pick a rifle to fight with! I'll be there in a sec!"
*You need combat lv3, Rifle training lv3, Reloading skill lv2, Aiming lv1, Specialty Rifle Combat lv2.*
"Err..ok, I'll train them"
*Training left: 4d22h13m*
*4d22h13m later*

"Finally I can use the Rifle, wait, wheres my ammo?"
*You need ammunition training lv2, Rifle Ammunition lv3, Bullet Penetration lv2, Magazine refinement training Lv3*
*Training left: 17d12h16m*
Darklord said:
I can see it now.

"Hey guys! I'm going to pick a rifle to fight with! I'll be there in a sec!"
*You need combat lv3, Rifle training lv3, Reloading skill lv2, Aiming lv1, Specialty Rifle Combat lv2.*
"Err..ok, I'll train them"
*Training left: 4d22h13m*
*4d22h13m later*

"Finally I can use the Rifle, wait, wheres my ammo?"
*You need ammunition training lv2, Rifle Ammunition lv3, Bullet Penetration lv2, Magazine refinement training Lv3*
*Training left: 17d12h16m*
good times


Asmodai said:
True. I have to admit, if they really didn't care, they wouldn't put in enough time to be competitive with the societal outcasts that compose the rest of the alliances in EVE. But their motivations are better: they're in it to have fun, to piss off uptight nerds, and things of the like. The other alliances seem to be trying to live their life in the game instead.

I'd say it's quite rather the opposite. Goons are so busy being goons all the time that it completely consumes them. And while their antics may be funny to read about from the third person on the internet, they are the very embodiment of societal outcasts.

More to the point, anyone seriously involved with EVE in any capacity is in every right a "nerd" by conventional definition, and Goons can throw a fit as well as any of them.

Goons are just as serious, blob just as much, nap everything in sight the same, and cry foul when they lose just as much as the next alliance. They're playing the same game with the same rules as everyone else and they are by no means an exception - if they were genuinely only about griefing internet nerds and getting carebear tears then there are far better avenues towards accomplishing it than conquering multiple 0.0 regions. The only thing that's different about Goons is that they have everyone believing that they're different, even themselves.


Why haven't we gotten a direct-feed trailer yet? It looks incredible with cam, I want to see if an MMOFPS stacks up to the leading SP shooters.


Bryant said:
Sounds to me like this is going to add a whole new market level and sov system. While it seems good and all, it makes me wonder if a bunch of xbox idiots wont just mess up everything, play the game just to kill and not worry about whose sov they are messing with, may end up hurting smaller alliances...

Anywho, we need to start recruiting now for the anti-goonswarm DUST alliance :p

What kind of idiot alliance would hire crappy mercs?

Oh yeah, most alliances in EvE do a lot of stupid stuff. Really this is just a move to get ROL Aluminium™ to spend more real world money on ISK to hire mercs.


JoeMartin said:
I'd say it's quite rather the opposite. Goons are so busy being goons all the time that it completely consumes them. And while their antics may be funny to read about from the third person on the internet, they are the very embodiment of societal outcasts.

More to the point, anyone seriously involved with EVE in any capacity is in every right a "nerd" by conventional definition, and Goons can throw a fit as well as any of them.

Goons are just as serious, blob just as much, nap everything in sight the same, and cry foul when they lose just as much as the next alliance. They're playing the same game with the same rules as everyone else and they are by no means an exception - if they were genuinely only about griefing internet nerds and getting carebear tears then there are far better avenues towards accomplishing it than conquering multiple 0.0 regions. The only thing that's different about Goons is that they have everyone believing that they're different, even themselves.

I see what you mean: the Goons entered EVE with noble intentions, but like everyone else, the mindless timesink of grinding in MMOs consumed them.

They were once men. Now they are neither living nor dead. They are the MMO addicted.

I have high hopes for this, if they ditch the ridiculous training BS of the PC version. I played the trial for 30 minutes to realize just how much time they were expecting me to put into the absolute bullshit grinding stuff.

I will not play a tedious game like that for even an hour unless the game afterwards is like having a hundred thousand dollar hookers on my own private Space Shuttle. It isn't worth it.
This is the thing I have been waiting for. I hope CCP delivers on this game. So much potential. If theres one MMO developer that I think can actually create a world were being a merc would be cool its them.
Micromegas said:
I'd be more than happy with straight-up EVE on the PS3.

No, you wouldn't.

Seriously, think this through. The amount of micromanagement you do in EVE, all the menu-surfing and chatting and coordinating? It's made for a PC environment. It really is.

I don't think it's right to say console gamers are "FPS-only" but I don't think CCP is saying that. They're saying that making a different game, where this kind of management isn't designed around and for a PC experience, is the way to go. and I agree.


timetokill said:
I love CCP :D

Pretty much the only company doing things with MMOs to deliver on the promise of MMOs, in my opinion.

I agree. I wonder if console user's will be able to buy and sell PLEX's for in game isk. Could be interesting.
Winterblink said:
Historically, CCP's been really big on integration of game data into the outside-the-game experience. It started out as just some data shown on the forums, and they've been externalizing bits and pieces for years through their API. When rumblings about DUST being a console shooter started hitting the webz, I figured they'd find a way to tie that experience directly into the game (and vice versa) somehow, looks like that was a correct assumption.

Being a console shooter I hope to christ they do their homework based on the successes and failures of other consoles. Make it painless on day 1 (get your fucking servers ready for the demand), make it seamless to jump into games (especially with your friends), and get your controls nailed down before launch. I'd be surprised if they didn't do some kind of COD-style reward system, but what would be awesome is if the availability of those rewards or other supplies is directly tied into game data as well.

I don't see the bolded part happening even though CCP themselves are aware FPS are viewed as pickup and play games. The reason it won't happen because CCP is integrating the game with Eve Online.
If this was only related to factional warfare (FW) this wouldn't be a problem because FW so far has maintained its status of being EVE's pick up and play PvP. Yet this will also be related to SOV and that means DUST players will have to deal with alliances which means DUST players will have to deal with bureaucracy. Redtape politics is not conducive for pickup and play gameplay.

eggandI said:
They should have just added this FPS portion to EVE. Nobody's going to buy generic FPS shooter #43985 because it has some arbitrary tie ins with EVE. Shame, I would have given EVE another go if this had been integrated in it.

But if you don't like EVE now why pay for that when you can just pay for DUST? I think it's a bit crappy that this portion of EVE's gameplay might end up being exclusive for consoles but you just typify why CCP is correct to try and reach out to new gaming demographics.

CoLaN said:
That looks like Planetside on steroids.

Day 1, especially being an EVE online player.

Unfortunately it won't be. I misread a review thinking they'll have planets to host up to 256 players like MAG (which is still short of the 360 Planetside achieved).

In this video the CEO clearly says it will be less than 255. Sure it leaves a lot of room for interpretation but I this point I would be surprised if the game allows for more than 128 people.

Darklord said:
I can see it now.

"Hey guys! I'm going to pick a rifle to fight with! I'll be there in a sec!"
*You need combat lv3, Rifle training lv3, Reloading skill lv2, Aiming lv1, Specialty Rifle Combat lv2.*
"Err..ok, I'll train them"
*Training left: 4d22h13m*
*4d22h13m later*

"Finally I can use the Rifle, wait, wheres my ammo?"
*You need ammunition training lv2, Rifle Ammunition lv3, Bullet Penetration lv2, Magazine refinement training Lv3*
*Training left: 17d12h16m*

L:lol L
You know how people always have those ridiculously ambitious game ideas that are too hard and complicated, so they're always shot down? CCP has those ideas and actually does them. The way Eve works blows my mind, I think they can pull this off.
Looks like things are motion.

New branch in Newcastle (subtly called 'Dust Development ltd') opened, from former Midway guys, and they're recruiting!
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