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Burning fat, what works the best?

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So GAF I'm a pretty big guy, I'm 5'11 and I weighed 305lbs. I've been dieting and slowly getting myself into exercising cos I'm trying to drop this second person I'm carrying with me. I was trying to poke your guy's brains to see how I can speed up my results. So at my peak weight (most) I was at 325 about 3 months ago, I had a cancer scare and went on only 1 banana and 1 small yoplay yogurt all WEEK. Well I got better but I had dropped to about 300, once I got better I started eating normal and bumped back up to 310. Now that I started working out and dieting for the past 9 days, I've dropped from 305 to 288 and I was wondering if there's anything else that could help me out on my journey? Like should I look into getting a fat burner? My mom tried taking Alli or whatever that thing was. What would you guys recommend? I do realize progress is slow, I get that, but a boost is always nice.

My current diet: every morning I eat one small bowl of oatmeal mixed with natural honey from a local hive. For breakfast-lunch snack I eat 1 hard-boiled egg with 50,000 scoville hotsauce for flavor. Lunch I drink a meal replacement Vega one mixed berry with nothing else added, tastes awful. Lunch-dinner snack I'll eat another egg with hotsauce again. And for dinner usually whatever is made that night, so tonight my mom made some pulled beef in the crock pot so I'm going to eat a very small bowls worth. And usually if I get hungry after dinner I'll eat a vines worth of white grapes.

My workout regiment: I wake up at 6am even though I don't need to be at work till 945 I'll do some full body calisthenics, and then go for a thirty minute walk, and once a week I'll double up on the walk and go for two separate sessions of 30 minute walks. I'm just doing this until I feel like I can go into the gym and not be winded after 10mins.

So gaf what would you recommend me?!


Calorie deficit + weightlifting

So GAF I'm a pretty big guy


Cardio + diet to lose any body mass in general (water, fat, muscle), and weight training to keep as much muscle as you can so you don't get skinnyfat.


Losing weight is 80% Diet, 20% exercise, highly recommend to download a calorie app to help you go below a calorie deficit.


When you wake up do some cardio on an empty stomach.

My absolute favorite and, in my opinion, best form of cardio exercise is jumping rope. It's cheap and fun. You might feel weak since you don't have a lot of energy but you will burn so much calories jumping rope than 30 minutes of walking.
You're going at a good rate, anything faster might not be sustainable once you reach your goal.

Like should I look into getting a fat burner? My mom tried taking Alli or whatever that thing was.


My current diet: every morning I eat one small bowl of oatmeal mixed with natural honey from a local hive. For breakfast-lunch snack I eat 1 hard-boiled egg with 50,000 scoville hotsauce for flavor. Lunch I drink a meal replacement Vega one mixed berry with nothing else added, tastes awful. Lunch-dinner snack I'll eat another egg with hotsauce again. And for dinner usually whatever is made that night, so tonight my mom made some pulled beef in the crock pot so I'm going to eat a very small bowls worth. And usually if I get hungry after dinner I'll eat a vines worth of white grapes.

So gaf what would you recommend me?!

I would strongly suggest finding a lunch that fits you calorie needs and doesn't "taste awful".

As for cardio, I would suggest swimming or a bike or an elliptical will you drop a little more. I found running and other impact carido to hurt a bit when I started out.


Sounds like you are starving yourself. No wonder you're hungry.

Use my myfitnesspal and stick with whole foods.

Also don't waste your time on cardio. Lift weights.


It doesn't if you are losing weight at a slow pace, I actually think that's the better way of doing it, why? Because you are going to have better / new habits, that are going to be part of you for the rest of you life.


Sounds like you are starving yourself. No wonder you're hungry.

Use my myfitnesspal and stick with whole foods.

Also don't waste your time on cardio. Lift weights.
I'm not hungry it's just after dinner if I want a snack ill go with grapes to tide me over.
Ketogenic and cardio is working for me. I've gone from 320 to 240 in the last year or so. I made the mistake when I was younger losing weight really really fast (almost 350 to 180 pounds in under a year) by using a stair climber for 3 hours a day, everyday, while changing my diet. I gained that weight back almost just as fast. This time I've been taking it slow and it's been working.

Edit: I also cut down on sugar. The only sugar intake I have is from fruits. No sugary drinks, no candy, no ice cream, nothing. You'll notice if you completely cut out sugar you will drop weight pretty quickly.
Intermittent fasting(8 hour eating window max) + strength training during fasting period (end each strength training with a form of HIIT cardio + calorie deficit + increase protein intake + don't eat many complex carbs like bread, rice and pasta.

This has gotten me to less than 9% body fat with a shredded six pack. I've done it twice now to confirm that it works and it does, very quickly I might add.


What does that diet consist of? A quick Google search says low carbohydrates and high fat?

Yeah really low carbs, moderate protein and high fat (about 5% C, 60% F & 35% P). I use MyFitnessPal to track my meals every day because the calorie deficit is very important - the first week was definitely the hardest because my energy levels were so low but as soon as I went into ketosis I was amazed by how strong I felt especially since I was consuming less than 30g of carbs a day. I weight train 3 times a week (with a bit of HIIT) and I've walked outdoors more than I ever have thanks to Pokemon Go :) Still have shit load of weight to lose though but I keep losing a little bit every day!


I so tired of people saying cardio is a way of losing weight. 90% of losing weight is diet.

Another thing I'm tired is seeing people thinking "diet" is the same of starving to death, or eating only salads.

In order to lose weight you just have to cut carbs, or at least eat less of them. Have patience, losing weight is a slow process; you gained weight over time, months or even years of eating more carbs than you burn.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What does that diet consist of? A quick Google search says low carbohydrates and high fat?

Exactly that. Eat fat (and not carbs) to use more fat and thus lose more fat.


your body is the result of these 3 basic pillars:

there are millions of diets online but it seems to me you eat to little for your weight. If you are permanently hungry during your day you are doing something wrong. Eat more proteins, maybe cleaner than eggs. Also at evening try to avoid carbs. The best meal would be meat (fish, chicken, turkey) with vegetables.
Helps to increase your metabolism rate by increasing the number of meals you have each day, but they have to be of smaller proportions (and healthy, of course. LOL). Also, try not to eat any large meals past 8 pm.

Stay away from sugary drinks, especially soda. Iced tea with a sprinkle of sugar or flavored seltzer water make great substitutes.


I so tired of people saying cardio is a way of losing weight. 90% of losing weight is diet.

Another thing I'm tired is seeing people thinking "diet" is the same of starving to death, or eating only salads.

In order to lose weight you just have to cut carbs, or at least eat less of them. Have patience, losing weight is a slow process; you gained weight over time, months or even years of eating more carbs than you burn.
I've been going to gyms for years and the cardio bunnies are the most pudgy. People overestimate cardio.

Cardio can be amazing while fasted though.


A huge calorie deficiet does wonders to slim my face down. But it also eats through my muscles instead of my belly fat, so i end up a bit skinny fat.

So heres my basic set up.

A small cup of tea
A small coffee sized cup of cheerios in the morning.

A medium sized salad with some chicken breast

And then a normal dinner.

It was really rough at first, but when u do it often its not so bad.

If i eat a bigger breakfast like a suasage patty with some hashbrowns, then i go for a smaller salad during lunch.

Or a turkey sandwich wrap.
Why are you people recommending HIIT to someone who weighs 3 hundred pounds...

Pick a diet and stick with it (consult a specialist if you can) and take long walks everyday


Intermittent fasting is easy and keeps the weight off. Fast for 16 hours then 8 hour window for eating. Repeat. Also exercise on an empty stomach then break your fast afterwards if your schedule allows.


A mudslide of fun!
You dropped 17 pounds in 9 days.

Count your calories and take in less than you are using. Your current diet is unsustainable so try and find a diet that you can continue on even after you are where you want to be weight wise. Cut carbs to start.

Do strength training.
Why are you people recommending HIIT to someone who weighs 3 hundred pounds...

Pick a diet and stick with it (consult a specialist if you can) and take long walks everyday

Diet and lifting weights is better.

I don't think HIIT is bad but I'd find low impact HIIT at that weight. Airdyne, rowing machine, swimming would all be options.


The One and Done™;214887417 said:
Intermittent fasting(8 hour eating window max) + strength training during fasting period (end each strength training with a form of HIIT cardio + calorie deficit + increase protein intake + don't eat many complex carbs like bread, rice and pasta.

This has gotten me to less than 9% body fat with a shredded six pack. I've done it twice now to confirm that it works and it does, very quickly I might add.

Sounds good to me +1
You dropped 17 pounds in 9 days.

Keep doing what you are doing.

Count your calories and take in less than you are using.

Honestly, most of that was probably water from retaining less carbs.

17lbs in 9 days isn't really a good thing long term (pretty normal at first).

I'd aim for losing 2-4lbs a week max at that weight. Typically you should aim for 2lbs a week unless you want that weight you lose to include muscle mass.
Do keto + cardio and weights. Give it a bit more focus on cardio since it'll definitely work your ass more if you're out of shape. Sure you'll hate it like I did but in the end it'll start being fun. Also do weights but don't make it the main event.
Also keep counting calories but imagine that it isn't to hard at your weight. You're maintenance must be super high at the moment.
Also for Keto you WILL feel like shit the first week. Just the keto flu. All that dependency on carbs/sugar mess you up when you deprive your body of it. But afterwards you feel fantastic, not as hungry, no more brain fog, overall stronger. I thank the gaffer that recommended it to me.

Went from 245+ Lbs at 5'7" down to 181 and counting.
Slimmed down, gained a bit of muscle, I can finally run a mile nonstop and then some. Still have work to do but in great shape compared to last year.
Helps to increase your metabolism rate by increasing the number of meals you have each day, but they have to be of smaller proportions (and healthy, of course. LOL). Also, try not to eat any large meals past 8 pm.

Stay away from sugary drinks, especially soda. Iced tea with a sprinkle of sugar or flavored seltzer water make great substitutes.

The multiple meals per day and not eating after 8 is bullshit, or at least I didn't need to worry about either of those things when I lost 95 pounds.
So GAF I'm a pretty big guy, I'm 5'11 and I weighed 305lbs. I've been dieting and slowly getting myself into exercising cos I'm trying to drop this second person I'm carrying with me. I was trying to poke your guy's brains to see how I can speed up my results. So at my peak weight (most) I was at 325 about 3 months ago, I had a cancer scare and went on only 1 banana and 1 small yoplay yogurt all WEEK. Well I got better but I had dropped to about 300, once I got better I started eating normal and bumped back up to 310. Now that I started working out and dieting for the past 9 days, I've dropped from 305 to 288 and I was wondering if there's anything else that could help me out on my journey? Like should I look into getting a fat burner? My mom tried taking Alli or whatever that thing was. What would you guys recommend? I do realize progress is slow, I get that, but a boost is always nice.

My current diet: every morning I eat one small bowl of oatmeal mixed with natural honey from a local hive. For breakfast-lunch snack I eat 1 hard-boiled egg with 50,000 scoville hotsauce for flavor. Lunch I drink a meal replacement Vega one mixed berry with nothing else added, tastes awful. Lunch-dinner snack I'll eat another egg with hotsauce again. And for dinner usually whatever is made that night, so tonight my mom made some pulled beef in the crock pot so I'm going to eat a very small bowls worth. And usually if I get hungry after dinner I'll eat a vines worth of white grapes.

My workout regiment: I wake up at 6am even though I don't need to be at work till 945 I'll do some full body calisthenics, and then go for a thirty minute walk, and once a week I'll double up on the walk and go for two separate sessions of 30 minute walks. I'm just doing this until I feel like I can go into the gym and not be winded after 10mins.

So gaf what would you recommend me?!

Lower it to 20,000 Scoville sauce.

j/k I'm just amused that you included that detail
If eating "normal" is causing you to be overweight then you have a poor diet, address your diet so it is balanced, don't go on a "diet" address your normals so you can maintain in the long term and you can fix the problem at the cause so you aren't a yo yo dieter. To lose weight you don't need to exercise, you can eat like shit if you want (as it looks like you are doing) as long as there is a calorie deficit you will lose weight. But eat healthy you most likely live in a country where you can chose to have the best diet available, the information is ready available, is cheaper than eating junk and you get to eat a lot.

Download the app myfitnesspal, record everything you eat and drink make sure you include all oils you cook with and condiments. Do that before you start to adjust your eating habits so you have an understanding of how much you are overeating. Then adjust your goals accordingly to what you will be able to consistently do. Foods high in fibre such as veg, wholegrains and legumes will be best as you can eat a lot for little calories, make sure you get your fats (go for the healthy options) as they are vital but watch the amount you eat as they are high calorie (this includes nuts and seeds), avoid sugars you be getting more than enough with wholegrains.

In terms of exercise HIIT is one of the best for fat loss (Nike have a good app for the basic stuff and Insanity is great if you want to push it) but if you are out of shape that isn't a good starting point and there is no point in trying to lose weight by only exercising as that is never the problem, exercise it is the cure to being unfit not to being overweight as that is related to diet. As you have started walking keep doing it until it is routine and look at something like "Couch to 5k", that will get your cardio vascular in check in no time and will form a good basis to wherever you want to go.

Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is up the amount of protein you are eating when cutting calories, not by body builder standards but enough to counteract the muscle wastage caused by cutting calories.
Unless I'm mistaken your timeline has you going from 325 to 288 in 3 months. Not sure about that but based on your routine you just need to keep it up, while increasing the exercising time. Instead of 30 mins walk 60. At some point it'll seem the same amount of effort.

Given that you're still not working out hardcore, diet is going to be your number one key for now.


You could eat whatever and just learn about portion sizing for moderation and maintaining a calorie deficit.

Better way would be to learn about what makes up the calories and nutrients of different foods you like, and maintain a calorie deficit while also moving over to a healthier balance.

High protein foods will make you feel fuller faster, and for longer, which will help you resist urges to down a bag of chips or something.

Exercise is a great supplement to your diet change, and can help burn some extra calories. Just remember it is a supplement and not a replacement for a better diet.
Do whatever diet suits you best.

In terms of exercise, I weight lift everyday and do HIIT every other day, for recovery.

Unlike plain cardio, weightlifting is not mind numbingly boring and burns a ton of calories.
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