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Caffeine addiction

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The hardest part of kicking a caffeine addiction is that coffee is just delicious. If it didn't taste so good I'd just go cold turkey.

I do however cycle caffeine. Times where I'm less busy at work I just abstain, so when I get busy again, the caffeine will have an effect. Right now caffeine does nothing for me. I popped 4 pro-plus last night before training and felt nothing.

Try decaf?
Don't be a quitter, OP. Nah, seriously. I've tried to quit before. Went as high as 5 cups per day but I have reduced it to two. Honestly, I function better with it and coffee is not horrible for you so I am not giving in!


Will QA for food.
I quit cold turkey years ago. It was horrible and after six months I gave in. Drink about 4 strong coffees a day.

Six months is a pretty good go. Four months is the longest break I've had since I started drinking coffee around 12 years old. The first cup of coffee after those four months is great though. You almost forget how much of a buzz caffeine can give you.
Yes, caffeine withdrawal is real and it sucks. Headaches and cold sweats if you go cold turkey and it's bad enough. If you're trying to cut back, do it in moderation. Change your afternoon cup of coffee to water, or even a lower caffeine tea to help.

I'll sometimes feel nauseous, too.

Gradual cutback is the only way, for me. I'll go through periods where I step it back. If you can manage a morning workout, a really early one where you get up, put on your shoes and get to the gym before your body is even aware of where you are, it helps tremendously in quitting.


Is there any reason to not be addicted to caffeine?

If you mean "are there serious side effects of drinking several cups of coffee a day", the answer is no. This is part of the reason that caffeine addiction is not officially recognized as an addiction - you can develop physiological caffeine dependence, but since it doesn't generally cause significant problems in people's lives, it doesn't qualify as an addiction.

The biggest problems are cost and being uncomfortable if you are unable to get it.
My caffeine headaches always happen 48 hours after my last sip of strong coffee. Without fail, every time Sunday rolled around, I'd get a headache for stopping my caffeine. It's really bad and has almost got me stopping my coffee drinking, almost being the key word. The struggle of being a night owl with morning classes...
If you mean "are there serious side effects of drinking several cups of coffee a day", the answer is no. This is part of the reason that caffeine addiction is not officially recognized as an addiction - you can develop physiological caffeine dependence, but since it doesn't generally cause significant problems in people's lives, it doesn't qualify as an addiction.

The biggest problems are cost and being uncomfortable if you are unable to get it.

More like it doesn't hinder production, in fact it actually helps it. That's the reason caffeine is tolerated in society.
Well I went through all of high school and the first year of college tired and half asleep all day.

Then I started to drink coffee every morning, I was wide awake during class. my grades improved. If that's a sign of addiction, I Guess I was addicted to caffeine before I even started drinking it.


Psychologically/emotionally/whatever addicted to coffee. I don't get any energy from it (darker roasts or higher tolerance could contribute) nor do I get headaches when I don't have some. So I'm not useless before I have my cup. However I'm just way more happy and at peace with a cup of coffee. It comforts me.


Neo Member
Just embrace it, dude. Each morning you just add a little bit more and a little bit more. Don't think about how much coffee you're putting in the filter. Just keep increasing a liiiiiittle bit each day. That way, the high just keeps getting better. Never stop.
Was it a caffeine pill? From experience, pills hit you MUCH harder than drinks with the equivalent amount of caffeine content. Maybe it's because you're not sipping it over time.

It was some of those energy gels that were popular in the late 90's, Gu etc. They were promoting them at the race so I grabbed a bunch without looking at the contents.

It is pretty funny looking back and thank god my wife has a good sense of humor or she would have dumped my ass a long time ago.

I drink one cup of coffee maybe 3 times a week and have yerba mate on the other days to focus at work. Any more and I get jumpy. But if I don't have any caffeine I get headaches.
I was told to dropped all caffeine (I drank a ton of ice tea and occasionally coffee) by my doctor after having heart palpitations 3 months ago.

Feel great now. The first few weeks were rough and I do miss the energy bump in the morning but my sleep schedule and patterns are much improved.
I drink about two coffee cups in the morning and have for well over a decade now. I truly do love the taste and look forward to the act of sitting in front of my computer with my coffee soon after waking up. I wouldn't say i rely on it since i don't drink that much in the morning ( 5am ) and i am able to make it through the day with no drops or headaches. Having to make it sucks, but once i started doing it the night before and setting a timer changed everything. I look forward to sleeping so i can wake up sometimes.

About two years ago (pretty much all of 2014 i stopped drinking it for what ever reason. I believe i was just trying to get healthier by not drinking coffee, i don't know. But man did i not feel like myself. I was so bored in the morning, my energy didn't last as long throughout the day and even started gaining a little weight. This could have also been a result of my cycling/running taking a dive post cutting coffee out of my mornings, but still. This carried on well after i weaned myself off it and i felt like this 10 or so months after i quite. I guess this is how someone feels who doesn't drink coffee i guess. I started drinking again in the early of 2015 and have gotten myself back on track and feel much better about my days and what i'm capable of doing.

Basically what i'm saying is that is that you should stop doing something if its detrimental to your health. Otherwise it could have bad effects if you abuse it, ie: headaches, caffeine drops, heart problems. If coffee makes you feel good and makes you happy then do it in moderation. Like anything really, use it in moderation if it helps.


I was drinking 2/3 a day a couple of years ago, when I stopped I had about 10 days of extremely numb painful headaches. Never had the stuff consistently again, maybe one every two weeks or so.
More like it doesn't hinder production, in fact it actually helps it. That's the reason caffeine is tolerated in society.

So what you're saying is we should legalize and corporatize the production of cocaine, and have dispensers in every workplace.

I wanna see what the economy look like after a decade
I probably consume close to a gram of caffeine a day. My preworkout is 400mg caffeine.
That's way too much, man. Try to start cutting back. IIRC the recommended LIMIT is 400mg per day.

Personally, I try to stay ~300mg per day. My average per day over the course of a week is probably around 225mg per day.
So what you're saying is we should legalize and corporatize the production of cocaine, and have dispensers in every workplace.

I wanna see what the economy look like after a decade

Yeah, I don't think you've ever been on cocaine. And don't bother bringing up meth either.
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