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Can Nintendo win you back?

They never had me so they can't win me back.

That said, they could make me buy their next console by doing a few things:

1) Good tech. There's no need to be the most advance hardware out there, but make something at least comparable to what others offer.

2) Multiplat games. I don't buy a console just fir 1st party games. Never did. Never will. Make sure the console gets most of the game coming out and it will become a big incentive.

3) Unified account system like the ones we have on PSN & Live. I don't need to explain this, right? Get with the times.

4) Keep making good software. This is not a problem for nintendo. Just wanted to add it to the list so ppl know this is important too.

5) Stop focusing so much on amiibos. I don't want to buy them. I don't mind that they exist, but if you keep locking cool stuff behind it, I might think it's not worth to buy "NX" if I don't intend to buy amiibos.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair

I loved, and still love, the NES and SNES because they had the majority of the best third-party games of their respective gens, but when Nintendo lost the third-party support with the N64 I just stopped caring since I've never cared much for their first-party output besides the odd game here and there. Unless they suddenly become the go-to alternative for all third-party devs, they just can't win me back, since Sony has, since the PS1, offered first-party output I like more and better third-party support.
The question is open to everyone.

I honestly just need a unified account system and some sort of achievement system. For some odd reason people found excuses not to add achievements. I think Nintendo can and would add an interesting twist to it. Unified account system is a no brainer.

I am already going to buy a Wii U but these things will ensure I don't get a Nintendo console late.

The deal with DeNA will have created just that. The achievements on the other hand is something I hope they can avoid entirely or at least make optional.


Still a fan, but Metroid needs to be at E3 in some capacity. Nintendo loses points with me the longer they go without a new game from that franchise. It holds a special place with me, along with Zelda.
While they never had me to begin with, I'm open-minded:

1) For me, the difference between the exclusives, and past experiences will probably always give Sony the edge;

2) Microsoft has some interesting games but not enough to drop $ for such a similar console & I'm not a fan of some of their strategy/practices;

3) With their 1st party history (in which I was never immersed), Nintendo will probably continue to be a good choice for a secondary console/family friendly option to me. That would be fine if I was looking for those things. I am not at this point.

Until I feel like I have enough time to juggle another library of games, or the console cost is so low that it's hard to resist, or I start a family and want another option in the house, I'll be fine.
The older that I get and the less time that I have to dedicate myself to games, the more appreciative I become towards Nintendo focusing on art style vs graphics. They're games this for the Wii U have been just beautiful. If all a person wants is amazing real life like graphics then Nintendo games aren't going to be for you and that's ok. My frustration with Nintendo is that they should be willing to offer hardware that allows third parties to bring AAA games that offer impressive graphics and still lets Nintendo create their games with the iconic style they've offered since the beginning. It shouldn't be one or the other.

Let me have the amazing art-style of Zelda Wii U, Mario 3D World, Pikmin, Mario Kart, etc., AND games that require more power like the coming Fallout 4, DOOM, the next Elder Scrolls, Battlefield, etc. I also would like Nintendo to relax on the new input methods. To be honest, I'm almost the most excited for the reveal of Nintendo hardware compared to Microsoft and Sony. You just never know what they're going to do.


They haven't lost me, but I would love a unified account system, region free hardware/software, and more third party support. I wouldn't mind cross buy between the console and handheld, too. Their fun first party titles and exclusives are what keep me.
Now that they are developing mobile games, they have me back, as far as that goes anyway.

Yup, I'll see what they have on phones, but as far as consoles and handhelds they will never compete again for my dollars as long as they hold to their low power principles, and the policies that treat all of their customers like children (voice chat, etc)


I don't think they could at this point. Sony & Microsoft's systems are extremely similar, so there's no use for Nintendo to offer a third console that's just like the other two when most of the market already got cozy with those kinds of systems from Sony & Microsoft.
I never understand this thinking. Why can't Nintendo use their games as a differentiator?

There is no reason they have to use out of date hardware. There is no reason their online has to be out of date.

They can have the exact same hardware and have their games be the reason to get a Nintendo console, rather than force you to choose between them or all the rest.


1. A real focus on online multiplayer gaming. Microsoft nailed it with Xbox Live ages ago, just copy and improve on their formula. I want to talk to and game with my buddies who live four hours away from me. Give me an online Mario platformer already.

2. The account system that has been mentioned a million times. I rarely buy digital games on Nintendo consoles for this reason.

3. More challenge. I understand that they want to be as accessible as possible with their core titles, but it'd be nice if one of the bajillion spinoffs they did was a Zelda or Mario game that was challenging as fuck.

4. Achievements/Trophies. Again, just copy what Microsoft or Sony has done (preferably Sony). Do it for all games, and make them viewable list-form instead of only exclusive to a specific game.


This is what I want:

-New next Gen console with competitive hardware
-fundamental things like a good network, voice chat etc.

Then we can talk.
At this point I kinda feel like I'm good with Nintendo. I'm barely interested in 3rd parties that can barely support themselves, but I do have a PC and Steam for those releases, SFV and etc. Still have classic fighting games on my 360 and FightCade, Nintendo actually has a catalog of fun, challenging, and accessible games for me, friends, and whatever that comes over.

Not to mention they have a low key library of great titles outside of the main pillar titles. They do well for a company that doesn't get support for third parties, and I'm not burned out on their games. I don't think I can ever return to an Xbox or a Playstation as a primary gaming device.

I would be nice if Nintendo offered more games like Dark Souls, Witcher, MGS, etc. Content, subject matter, and art style.

As far as those games go, From Software needs to be supported to even release those titles which honestly without a Sugar Daddy won't last long. Konami's a zombie and Kojima's gone, you can have the Witcher.... I'm not too fond of the gameplay. It's more PC than a polished Japanese console title that Nintendo would usually developed and I don't think current day Nintendo would work to deliver that. They don't fuck with Rare for a reason.

They could easily contract with able devs that can release games like that, but that requires a display of talent, passion and ability despite the capitalism. Something not too often companies have shown recently.


They lost me during the Wii era but I came back for the WiiU era. The games they have released so far on the WiiU have been overall fantastic. As far as games I missed by skipping on Wii. I ended up playing SMG 1+2 but couldn't play Skyward Sword to completion. It is the only console Zelda I did not complete but I hate motion controls.
You can never be certain but I honestly cant ever see Nintendo winning me back as a customer any time soon, other than maybe picking a 3DS down the line for Pokemon and Monster Hunter but that’s about it.

I think to be fair, I never had the super amount of nostalgia that some people have for Nintendo. Its not that I was too late for it since I started gaming as a child on Atari, C64, Vic 20, Amstrad and spectrum before I got my original NES. Didn’t get a SNES since I got a Megadrive but my nephew (10 months younger than me) had one so I played a lot of it at the time. I think I decided to skip Nintendo consoles after owning the N64, it was a great console with some fantastic games, Wrestlemania and No Mercy are probably some of my most played games ever but the sever lack of third parties on the console was really off putting. They then of course followed that up with the Gamecube which again was severely lacking in third party titles, it did once again have some great games (Which I played when I borrowed my friend’s gamecube) but it wasn’t enough to justify the purchase for me. Then of course it was the Wii which I did actually buy for my wife and played a lot of Wii Sports but the 3rd party (Decent third party especially) games was even worse and me and the wife got bored so she sold it. Wii U, following that same trajectory too.

Without some extreme improvements on games available, UI, Network features etc there just isn’t enough to justify me spending all that money on a handful of games so I will rather stick with other consoles to cover all my needs.


As far as those games go, From Software needs to be supported to even release those titles which honestly without a Sugar Daddy won't last long. Konami's a zombie and Kojima's gone, you can have the Witcher.... I'm not too fond of the gameplay. It's more PC than a polished Japanese console title that Nintendo would usually developed and I don't think current day Nintendo would work to deliver that. They don't fuck with Rare for a reason.

They could easily contract with able devs that can release games like that, but that requires a display of talent, passion and ability despite the capitalism. Something not too often companies have shown recently.

Sooo, you're saying you want Nintendo to fund a From Software game?


As long as Nintendo keeps pumping out stellar first party titles, they will always have me as a customer.

For me, game consoles are always about the games, not fringe features. Their account system, voice chat policy, achievements... I just don't care. All I want is great games. Nintendo never has a shortage of them.


I'd be in the dick
Proper account system and an end to locking content behind amiibos (alternative ways to get the content without the figures is fine) and I'll be back on board. Both the 3DS and Wii U are systems with a good number of games I want to check out on them but I really don't like the way Nintendo is running things right now.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Eh, they came close to losing me with the Wii, but they've brought me back with the Wii U.

What I wanted to see from them, and what I think they're delivering now is games that are really good games. Super solid mechanics, great technical performance, and a ton of polish. I'm a pretty simple guy to please, but the Wii U is the only system right now where I feel like I consistently get that.

That said, I do wish they had a bit more third party support. Nintnedo's published stuff like Fatal Frame, Xenoblade X, the Platinum stuff, etc... but I'd like to see more exclusives on the system from Japanese developers who maybe aren't working directly with Nintendo on a game.


We need a proper account system from them and none of that if my console breaks or if I sell it to get a new one I lose all my digital games. What Sony has in place, with the ability to add/remove a console to your account is perfectly acceptable.

They have the games, but they need this to be on the forefront. I really hope we finally get this next month.

We're not thieves Nintendo!


Probably not unless they did something pretty drastic. Not discounting the quality of Nintendos games, their current library just doesnt appeal to me enough to purchase the console. Maybe if they went 3rd party but I dont see that happening.


No. I won't be coming back. That whole Wii era and their attitude at the time just rubbed me the wrong way. Everything was about waggle in a box that was basically a struggle GameCube+. IMO they have a hand in these weak pathetic consoles we see now. MS and Sony saw how much Nintendo succeeded with their strategy last gen which some what effected their plans for this gen. Just my opinion. Really tired of every system having or need a gimmick as well. Over them.
Probably not unless they did something pretty drastic. Not discounting the quality of Nintendos games, their current library just doesnt appeal to me enough to purchase the console. Maybe if they went 3rd party but I dont see that happening.

So basically you're not interested in buying their titles but they should go third party so you can continue ignoring those titles?


Although they have never lost me, I'm not a fan of any controller that has come out since the GC controller. This includes the pro controller and the classic controller. Give me the option to use the gamecube controller (not just on smash) or make something akin to that.

And yes, a bad (or lack of) controller option(s) can ruin an entire game.

Case and point, DKCReturns. The second I started playing it I said to my little brother, "Wait, there's no way to change the roll option? I have to shake it to roll? Here, you play, i'll wait for them to patch it"

I ended up beating it on the Dolphin emulator where I could map shake to my usb gamecube controller. TLDR, if you want to experiment with controllers, fine, but always give us to option of using traditional control schemes... always


They won me back a year ago. After the Super Nintendo I stopped playing Nintendo games. Now I play the 3DS and Wii U more than other systems.

Honestly Nintendo helped to revive my love for video games again. I feel like an idiot for ignoring Nintendo games for 20 years. I missed so much good stuff during that time.

Can't wait to get my copy of Splatoon.
They had me enough to buy a 3DS and Wii U, but they'll have to do a few things to make me come back for another round with their next platforms. The starter and principle thing that needs to be is region free systems. No region system, no buy, no matter the quality of the games they put out. I won't support it anymore.
They make the most consistently great games in the entire industry. The Wii U's lineup trounces the PS4 and Xbox despite lack of third party. They never lost me.


Very unlikely, I even started buying used nintendo games. Why should I give them money if they aren't making any effort to appease their supporters.


I'd be cool with Lost Kingdoms 3 on Wii U. It'd actually be perfect for the controller.

Not even a Souls game, huh?

Though now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind a third Lost Kingdoms game, either. I only played the first game, and while I didn't think it was all that great, it did have some good ideas, and From Software has been pumping out such amazing games lately that they'd probably nail a new Lost Kingdoms.
They never lost me, but they'll have to vastly increase/diversify their first and second party lineup while keeping the Nintendo quality I've come to appreciate if they want me to buy the next system at launch. I have little to no interest in multiplats on a Nintendo system, but that doesn't excuse a lack of compelling software at all. It's why I held off on buying either a 3DS or Wii U for a good while after launch.
Very unlikely, I even started buying used nintendo games. Why should I give them money if they aren't making any effort to appease their supporters.

This makes zero sense. You want to play their games enough to still buy them used but don't want to reward them for the creation of said games. Ok...
Not even a Souls game, huh?

Though now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind a third Lost Kingdoms game, either. I only played the first game, and while I didn't think it was all that great, it did have some good ideas, and From Software has been pumping out such amazing games lately that they'd probably nail a new Lost Kingdoms.

Souls is straight, I got it on Steam. I'd rather just have something built around the console. Like I've actually branched out and played other games. There's very few that Nintendo needs to have on it's system hell I'd even go so far as to say none at this point.

If we're talking Dark/Edgy/Mature I'd take a Wii U Kyle Hyde game or another Platinum Games entry [specifically Anarchy Reigns].


They lost me during the Wii era but I came back for the WiiU era. The games they have released so far on the WiiU have been overall fantastic. As far as games I missed by skipping on Wii. I ended up playing SMG 1+2 but couldn't play Skyward Sword to completion. It is the only console Zelda I did not complete but I hate motion controls.

My only gripe with them. Just, don't force these silly control schemes on us. Offering them is fine (some people prefer them) but just always always always give us the option to use something more traditional.
They don't really need to. I mean there's areas that could stand to be improved, some more than others. But they still make the best games out there, and that counts for a lot.


They have never lost me, alltough I do loathe their controllers after the gamecube. Will always stay for the games though.


Gold Member
Obviously Nintendo, like any company, can make improvements, but they can't win back what they never lost. They will always carry significant weight in the part of my heart that identifies as a gamer. I also absolutely adore the fact that they, as a company, tend to dance to the beat of their own drum, as that is something that I strongly identify with. I love their individuality and stubborn streak, and I'll always be a huge fan.
They never lost me. I won't say they are perfect, and they have made a lot of bad decisions over the years. But there is no one in the industry I trust more when it comes to quality in games, and that hasn't changed. In fact with this generations tendency to have bug laden releases with hefty patches the first month or so, my trust in their commitment to quality has only grown.

There are a lot of things they can improve on, but they never lost me.


Nintendo is the reason I play video games. The industry is full of lug head copycats. The common studio thinks that Rambo, Lethal Weapon, Mad Max, Star Wars, Aliens, Night of the Living Dead, are unmovable religious laws that you have to worship and follow as inspiration from a game design point of view.

Truth is, games became popular in the 80s when that crap was in our culture. Not every game imaginable has to copy those trends to be successful. Although Nintendo has ripped off Aliens, Starwars, and Rocky (Metroid, Star Fox, Punch-Out) They proved that you can make a game out of Yarn, Pushmos, Pokechews, Pikmins, or random things that start with P and still be successful.


Mm. I don't really think they can. I own a n3ds, but it sees virtually no use, and was purchased because of majoras mask and the new fire emblem. I lost interest in most of their franchises as I got older, and even the newer Zelda titles have had no allure for me (twilight princess might have ruined any interest in newer titles in the series for me).

I don't think their games are stupid or lame or even childish like some seem to, but they also don't appeal to me all. There's a few things they have I will likely play, but a wii u isn't one of them.


This makes zero sense. You want to play their games enough to still buy them used but don't want to reward them for the creation of said games. Ok...
I'm speaking of the Amiibo situation. Intentionally limiting Amiibo, and the constant miss handeling of NOA. Has made me not give a damn about them. Won't support them until they do something about it.


Junior Member
I never understand this thinking. Why can't Nintendo use their games as a differentiator?

There is no reason they have to use out of date hardware. There is no reason their online has to be out of date.

They can have the exact same hardware and have their games be the reason to get a Nintendo console, rather than force you to choose between them or all the rest.
Except for the fact that even if they make their hardware like the PS4, that won't bring the third parties back.

Dr. Buni

No, but they can lose me if they release a new home console next year. It is far too soon to kill the Wii U. The only way that would be acceptable is if the next console is retrocompatible with (digital) Wii U games. At the moment though, I am moderately satisfied with Nintendo. While they ruined certain franchises like Fire Emblem recently, they are releasing a lot of gems in the past few years.

Edit: Top of the page noo

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
They mostly have. I didn't care for the Wii at all, but I love my 3DS and Wii U, especially the former. I'm not a big fan of the tablet controller, and mostly play with the pro controller when possible, but otherwise it's a nice system and has a nice first party library plus Wii game support.

I don't know that I'll buy the next console day 1, especially it it's out next fall, as I'd worry about it failing if Nintendo fans feel put off by the short Wii U life span. Once I see it's doing ok and going to get at least a Wii U level of first party game support I'd be on board for sure.
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