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Can't bring myself to watch The Force Awakens more than a couple of times

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What can i say i am a mega fan. And rewatch the OT again once or twice a year.

I know more a handful of people who re watch these movies crazy amounts of times. I don't think it's that uncommon.

I knew a guy who claimed to have seen pinball wizard 65 times. I've probably seen ghost in the shell 25 times and I was never even that into movies. As a kid, stuff like the first ninja turtles movie, or e.t. or alladin or whatever many of us have actually worn out vhs tapes. So yeah I'm not shocked if someone has seen a particular movie 40-50 times.


Elden Member
I find as I get older I can't rewatch films that much anymore, I just don't get much enjoyment out of it. When I was a kid and teen I could rewatch my favorites endlessly. Now even my favorite films will put me to sleep if I've seen them enough.
What's interesting about Luke in the first film?

Great point. Nothing, other than the fact it was the first time I watched the story of a Jedi losing their family and then discovering their powers only to be unrealistically able to hold their own in a saber duel against a vastly more experienced enemy for some reason.

It was great when I first watched it a couple decades ago.


And people who pretend like star wars was never about stuffy politics before the prequels are the worst

Where are the stuffy politics in the OT? The never-seen Senate is dissolved about 45 minutes into A New Hope. The films largely chronicle a violent militarized revolution.

Great point. Nothing, other than the fact it was the first time I watched the story of a Jedi losing their family and then discovering their powers only to be unrealistically able to hold their own in a saber duel against a vastly more experienced enemy for some reason.

I find recollection of A New Hope disturbing.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Great point. Nothing, other than the fact it was the first time I watched the story of a Jedi losing their family and then discovering their powers only to be unrealistically able to hold their own in a saber duel against a vastly more experienced enemy for some reason.

It was great when I first watched it a couple decades ago.

What the hell version of ANH did you watch? Extra special edition?


Great point. Nothing, other than the fact it was the first time I watched the story of a Jedi losing their family and then discovering their powers only to be unrealistically able to hold their own in a saber duel against a vastly more experienced enemy for some reason.

It was great when I first watched it a couple decades ago.

Chewie shot Vader with his bowcaster, creating a more even match for the underpowered protagonist? Guess I missed that deleted scene from the OT.


I never said that the plots were of the same quality (even in my first post, I said that the plot was "about" as poorly constructed as one of the prequels). I meant that the fact that all of them have major structural flaws and failures that make what could have been an interesting plot puts it on par with the prequels. When I watched the prequels, I thought "how could you fuck up the backstory to Star Wars this bad?" When I watched Rogue One, I thought "how could you fuck up the backstory to Star Wars this bad?" A movie with a third of it serving next to no purpose is a mistake on par with a movie not having a main character. All three movies feel unfinished and amateurish, and its those qualities that Rogue One shares with the prequels.

Even with a second act that is repetitive, I think this is hyperbolic. Which is where we disagree. And it didn't serve "next to no purpose", it just didn't advance the actual plot of the film as much as the other two. It still accomplished a lot with its characters.


RO is tough to rewatch because I know everyone dies. But TFA I've seen twice and a 3rd time isn't out of the question.


Took me three attempts before I was able to finish TFA. Fell asleep twice and forced myself on that third attempt. Not watching it again.


I haven’t seen Rogue One but out of every other Star Wars movie, TFA feels like the one with the least identity of its own.

Yes, the prequels were shit, but they were atleast original. In my world, that’s atleast better than a movie I feel I’ve seen before.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
Took me three attempts before I was able to finish TFA. Fell asleep twice and forced myself on that third attempt. Not watching it again.

I'd go to a doctor, like seriously. Who the hell can't stay awake for 2 hours?

I haven’t seen Rogue One but out of every other Star Wars movie, TFA feels like the one with the least identity of its own.

Yes, the prequels were shit, but they were atleast original. In my world, that’s atleast better than a movie I feel I’ve seen before.

So your world is opposite world where you prefer to watch shit movies? Weird.
Anakin turning to the darkside because he had bad dreams about his wife, is a good premise but executed in genuinely the most hamfisted way possible.

I think the original premise that George Lucas had was a more political story where Anakin began to slowly doubt whether or not the Jedi were good in the first place, and began questioning whether they were trying to overthrow Palpatine and his government for their own ends. It's obviously still there in the story, but the Clone Wars animated series fleshes that out a lot better. I'm not sure why Lucas decided to go with the fear of Padme dying instead, but it felt like a cop out.
I really could have done without the Starkiller because the whole concept and execution was stupid. Otherwise, I thought it was a pretty good film and I'll watch it again before the next one releases despite that.


I think the original premise that George Lucas had was a more political story where Anakin began to slowly doubt whether or not the Jedi were good in the first place, and began questioning whether they were trying to overthrow Palpatine and his government for their own ends. It's obviously still there in the story, but the Clone Wars animated series fleshes that out a lot better. I'm not sure why Lucas decided to go with the fear of Padme dying instead, but it felt like a cop out.

He changed the story after showing his friends (Spielberg, Coppola, etc.) a rough cut and taking their advice.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Great point. Nothing, other than the fact it was the first time I watched the story of a Jedi losing their family and then discovering their powers only to be unrealistically able to hold their own in a saber duel against a vastly more experienced enemy for some reason.

It was great when I first watched it a couple decades ago.
As others said, that's uh....not the plot of a New Hope....
I like the lightsaber battle with Rey/Finn/Kylo.

The rest of the movie was kind of a bore.

I don't understand the point of the whole puzzle pieces to find Luke. Who's idea was it to make a trail to follow Luke and why did they make it into a puzzle? That whole plot line was just dumb. They should have just let him go back to Tattooine and give him Obi Wan's old place.
I like the lightsaber battle with Rey/Finn/Kylo.

The rest of the movie was kind of a bore.

I don't understand the point of the whole puzzle pieces to find Luke. Who's idea was it to make a trail to follow Luke and why did they make it into a puzzle? That whole plot line was just dumb. They should have just let him go back to Tattooine and give him Obi Wan's old place.

Can't have two Tatooines in the same movie.


I'd go to a doctor, like seriously. Who the hell can't stay awake for 2 hours?

I couldn't do it twice! I watch some pretty awful movies in general, but the lack of intrigue, "magic," and the by the numbers story and pacing of TFA made nothing surprising or entertaining, and my interest fell asleep so my body fell asleep next.
I like the lightsaber battle with Rey/Finn/Kylo.

The rest of the movie was kind of a bore.

I don't understand the point of the whole puzzle pieces to find Luke. Who's idea was it to make a trail to follow Luke and why did they make it into a puzzle? That whole plot line was just dumb. They should have just let him go back to Tattooine and give him Obi Wan's old place.

Which turned out to just be a piece of a standard galactic map? Pretty sure they could have just filled in that missing blank quite easily. It's just not a very well thought out story. Sure, the prequels story can fall down under scrutiny, but at least there's more thought and actual back story and "reasoned" motivation in them. TFA is just a massive web of blanks in the backstory that we're told to wait and see about because no one who should know has a fooking clue what the answers are.

It's very hard to be an excited fan about it. I mean I'm looking forward to VIII, but I'd rather watch the prequels than TFA.


The map thing is because they changed the plot during production so that the macguffin was a map and not Anakin's lightsaber. In the original version the lightsaber itself was what everyone was pursuing, presumably because it contained something that would point to Luke.

For some reason they changed it to just a map, which necessitated having a missing piece of a map, which necessitated R2 randomly waking up to provide that piece.


He not only was hurt, he was emotionally drained. That's genuinely the worst thing that can happen to any force user. Hell it's arguably the only reason why Luke beat Vader. And no she didn't poke him with the lightsaber, how is this poking?

It's like people are making up scenarios in their heads and then subsequently getting outraged at those scenarios.

That would be incredibly stupid.

This series never even establishes that you need advance Jedi training to use those. And do a play by play on the scene. How in the world is what she did "destroying him." She spent literally more than half the fight running away and being on the defensive.

Wow thanks for reminding everyone how much of a little bitch Kylo Ren actually is. Jesus Christ, he got buried hard. Exhaustion or not, there's no way a force user who has actually gotten training should lose to a complete rookie who just learned how to use the force a couple of hours ago.

Not even Vince McMahon has the audacity to do that to something stupid like that. This is like having the face completely destroy the heel on the Raw that take places three weeks before the actual PPV. Like why does anyone even care about Kylo considering we already know he's a bonafide jobber to the stars?
"TFA is safe. At least the prequels were risky"

None of the storytelling in Star Wars is risky, the fuck you talking about?

They're fairy tales for kids. They're the fuckin DEFINITION of safe storytelling. The prequels were just as thoroughly/liberally sampling from the originals as TFA did. The primary difference being George Lucas waited 30 years to get back on the horse and in the meantime became a full time CEO and nothing but.

So you have a career executive trying to tell kids stories with a frame of reference that no longer includes old serials and young contemporaries, but instead includes compromised boring grownups and annoying bureaucrats.

But even if you allow for those films having succeeded (only one of em kinda did) you still have some really fucking simple and simplistic mythmaking on display, made compelling via stylish execution and endearing personality.

The only "risk" so far as the storytelling goes was retconning the Gargoyle Man to be Farmer Kid's angry dad. And even that became safe.

Star Wars is not where you go for "risky" shit. Its inherently safe. That's part of its charm. A BIG part.

edit: above post is a good example of how safe the storytelling ultimately is: you got someone applying pro wrestling narrative rules and terminology to it with a straight face. And it fits just fine.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Wow thanks for reminding everyone how much of a little bitch Kylo Ren actually is. Jesus Christ, he got buried hard. Exhaustion or not, there's no way a force user who has actually gotten training should lose to a complete rookie who just learned how to use the force a couple of hours ago.

Not even Vince McMahon has the audacity to do that to something stupid like that. This is like having the face completely destroy the heel on the Raw that take places three weeks before the actual PPV. Like why does anyone even care about Kylo considering we already know he's a bonafide jobber to the stars?
At that point Kylo was just swinging it around like a stick instead of doing anything a force user should do like predict their enemy's attack.


Why is Rogue One liked so much?

I gave it two tries, the first time I couldn't remember a thing about the movie the next day except for the very memorable end scene. The second time it was sort of better but still did not come close to Force Awakens. It's not far from the prequels for me.


I enjoyed TFA but I'd be totally okay if I never saw it again. I've seen it maybe 3 or 4 times now I think? It's not particularly inventive, like you can just watch the original trilogy and get your fill. I'm excited for TLJ because Rian is extremely creative and I know he'll come up with some cool shit we haven't seen before. The casino stuff in TLJ is going to be really unique for a SW film I'd imagine.
Why is Rogue One liked so much?

I gave it two tries, the first time I couldn't remember a thing about the movie the next day except for the very memorable end scene. The second time it was sort of better but still did not come close to Force Awakens. It's not far from the prequels for me.
Because it has some of the best action and cinematography in the series, a PG HK-47, an awesome Vader scene and an ending that while is obvious is still very nice to long fans of the series.


Unconfirmed Member
Everything J. J. Abrams directs is generic and forgettable. The guy never takes a risk with anything, and so never really does anything particularly great or awful. From the moment he was announced as director, I was expecting a movie critics and fans rave about it the month it came out, before completely forgetting about it and not really wanting to return to remember.

I think most people prefer the well executed genericness of it to the big misses of the hit and miss prequel trilogy, but I prefer the creativity of the prequels personally.
I think most people prefer the well executed genericness of it to the big misses of the hit and miss prequel trilogy, but I prefer the creativity of the prequels personally.

Creativity without execution is still a giant fucking mess.

Of course people prefer well-executed films. It's kind of the fuckin' point: People don't go to movies looking for well-intentioned tire fires of shitty execution. Nobody wants that when they go.

They want a movie from people who managed to hit the target they were aiming at.

The entire idea of "riskiness" is often vastly overrated when it comes to people subsisting primarily on big-budget blockbuster fare as it is. Like, of all the things you can hit a four-quadrant people pleaser for, the degree of "risk" applied is way down on the list

People love underdog narratives and tend to wedge them in even if they don't fit. This pops up among film fans by situating super-safe films like... basically anything that's part of an established brand/series, as some sort of "risky," "chance-taking" endeavor.

I can't figure it out. Forgetful characters, bad dialogue, lackluster acting (with the exception of Forest Whittaker who was completely awful), patch work script, and one forced Vader fan fiction scene. It's a mess.

I think you mean "forgettable?"

This is some CinemaSins shit.
Wow thanks for reminding everyone how much of a little bitch Kylo Ren actually is. Jesus Christ, he got buried hard. Exhaustion or not, there's no way a force user who has actually gotten training should lose to a complete rookie who just learned how to use the force a couple of hours ago.

Not even Vince McMahon has the audacity to do that to something stupid like that. This is like having the face completely destroy the heel on the Raw that take places three weeks before the actual PPV. Like why does anyone even care about Kylo considering we already know he's a bonafide jobber to the stars?

JJ didn't even have the decency to have Kylo lose by outside interference. Have the planet break apart and save Kylo before he's on his ass scared to death, scared to look, and shook with a buck 50 scar on his face. The bum lost cleanly to a concussed novice who never used a saber before the fight.
Same here, dunno why it is getting so much hate here. I thought TFA sucked

"I don't get why this one thing everyone liked is getting so much hate...

...anyway, let's get back to my totally rational hate of the even more liked and much more popular thing, that's way more interesting."



And people who pretend like star wars was never about stuffy politics before the prequels are the worst

There's literal conference meeting room scenes in the OT that establish the background for what's going on. TFA lacked that. Like, what the hell is the First Order anyways? What has the universe been up to since we've been gone? Oh we're zapping 4 planets at a time now, was I supposed to care? Another Deathstar?

TFA is a trainwreck of a Star Wars movie. Rogue One had a lot less work to do and managed to mostly pull it off. TFA gets the casting and production value right but not much else.
I would have liked TFA if it wasn't such a retread. I complained about it from the start, but everyone told me I was crazy and it was JJamazeballs
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