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Capcom, PS Vita and E3 : Speculation thread


Ok, we know they are working on Street Fighter x Tekken for PS Vita which will include the 12 DLC characters for free and that will include a code to download them in the PS3 version. They also released Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 which was great. Sony is making sure that they get great stuff from 3rd parties with upcoming games like Assasin's Creed III Liberation, Call of Duty or Bioshock, and looks like they will announce a lot of 3rd party Vita stuff in E3. Can we expect something from Capcom?

But besides that, what do you think that Capcom is going to announce for PS Vita in E3? If they do it, which kind of game/s do you thing is going to be?

-Are they going to port or release as multiplatform a recent or upcoming AAA HD console game like Dragon's Dogma o Resident Evil 6?
When Vita was announced they said that in some few weeks they had ready a full featured version of MT Framework for Vita (UMvsC3 and SFxT use it), and showcased a Lost Planet 2 cutscene running on it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRcmRNGjU1s

-Are they going to steal a DS / 3DS exclusive?
Ace Attorney has been ported to phones, and Sony has PS Suite for Android devices too, so who knows. Monster Hunter preformed in PSP like in no other device and seems dumb to don't release it for Vita. So is maybe Monster Hunter 3G a timed exclusive? Can be Monster Hunter 4 a multiplatform game? Can be the next Ace Attorney game released in Vita too? Sounds strange to see the LP spinoff released in PS3/3DS only too. Then we have the Resident Evil portable fiasco and the RE 3DS games. And Capcom loves to port (remember RE4, RECV, LP cases), so it wouldn't be so strange to see something like this.

-Is Capcom going to support PS Suite or to port their phone games to Vita as PSN games?
The controls of some PS Certified devices that will support PS Suite like PS Vita, Xperia Play or PS3 would be way better for a lot of Capcom iOS/Android games than touchscreen only controls, and they may be more appealing for console handheld average player than for the average phone player : MvsC2, SFIV, Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunter, Devil May Cry 4, 1942 games, Capcom arcade games, Ghosts ’N Goblin: Gold Knights games, RE4, Mega man games, RE games, Lost Planet games, Ace Attorney games, etc.

-Are they going to create a new IP for Vita or going to release sequels of their PSP games?
In addition to a lot of straight ports or collections for PSP they also released games like Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man X Maverick Hunter, Monster Hunter Portable series, Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, Last Ranker and Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble (this one in GC too). Can they announce a similar game for Vita or to release sequels or HD revisions for these titles?

-Are they going to announce more PS1,PS2,PSP BC games for PSN?
Now seems that Sony will use Gaikai for PS1 or PS2 games, maybe in Vita too. In this case, can Capcom announce that they put there more games available for Vita BC?

-Or do you think that they are going to show there SFxT as their only Vita game?


The all mighty Sven confirmed in Capcomunity that they have unnanounced Vita projects, but doesn't mention E3:

Sven said:
All we've announced is SFxT at this time... but there are plans for other projects in the works that I can't talk about.



MonHun is probably not happening. Nintendo have more money, and they'll have even more money if they pay whatever it costs to make sure Sony never get it.
nah, capcom hate sony, they're not gonna make any exclusive game for Sony, whether it's PS3 or Vita.


I think we might get a little something at E3, but being a japanese company, I expect any major Capcom/vita announcements to happen in japan. Especially something like monster hunter. TGS is in a few months away, right?
I was actually just trying to think of what soured the relationship between Capcom and Sony if anything. PS2 was good days for Capcom.
Nothing. Not because Capcom hates Sony, but because I don't see anything that would make sense right now.

Especially Ace Attorney and Monster Hunter. Even if they would go to the Vita at some point (which is very doubtful in itself) you wouldn't hear about that at E3.


An blind dancing ho
Are they going to port or release as multiplatform a full AAA HD console game like Dragon's Dogma o Resident Evil 6?

Dragon's Dogma run like crap on PS360 I doubt it will be easy to port it to a lesser hardware.

Are they going to steal a DS / 3DS exclusive?

I highly doubt it, Nintendo locked MH super hard, and Soul Sacrifice project mean that Sony know that MH will be a 3DS/Nintendo exclusive for a long time now.

Are they going to create a new IP for Vita

If Sony funded the project/give them money sure.


Japanese focused projects are going to 3DS and PS3.
Worldwide projects are for HD consoles and PC.
Expect late ports of fighting games. Nothing else.

So nothing this E3.


tagged by Blackace
The only Capcom titles I see being on Vita in the future is another fighting game (if announced), Monster Hunter, AA, or perhaps another outsourced LP spin off (least likely).

Expect HD collections or compilations further down the line of their classic games, or even individual old titles themselves. Capcom has talked in the past about keeping on releasing those older games for a quick buck and I don't see why they wouldn't continue that (should the Vita do well, of course).


I highly doubt it, Nintendo locked MH super hard, and Soul Sacrifice project mean that Sony know that MH will be a 3DS/Nintendo exclusive for a long time now.
As I know they never said it's exclusive, so maybe 3G is just a timed exclusive and MH4 can be multiplatform, being released in both devices the same day.
Some Sony Europe hinted months ago that MH was also coming for Vita, and the most important thing : it's Capcom. Remember what they did with stuff like RE4, Lost Planet or Code Veronica.
Dragon's Dogma run like crap on PS360 I doubt it will be easy to port it to a lesser hardware.
I know, but it was included in a (fake?) list that leaked a number of Vita games, so who knows. This, and knowing that Capcom loves to port, is why I considered it.


No amount of new threads will convice Capcom of creating more games for Vita.
or 3DS, or WiiU, or Wii, etc.
... Yeah, but even back then Capcom had sided with Nintendo. RE4, for the biggest example.

I know but why? Didn't they have enormous success and a much higher install base with Sony then? Why in the world did the REmakes and RE4 suddenly start going to Nintendo? Its not really surprising since Capcom jumped on to any new system(RE Code Veronica). Its just odd to me.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
To get it out of the way - there wont be a Monster Hunter announced for Vita. Besides that, there could be some Ports or Vita multiplattform releases, but i dont see why e3 would change their view on Vita. They made it very clear so far that they dont expect much from Vita.....for now.
-Or do you think that they are going to show there SFxT as their only Vita game?

This. Capcom have shown their hand and it's firmly in Nintendo's corner.

And while I realise that the lack of MH will seriously hurt the Vita in Japan, it doesn't really effect me one bit. The last Capcom game I bought was Miles Edgeworth, though I guess I'll pick up DMC Trilogy and Dragon's Dogma when they're cheap enough. They've gone from being my favourite publisher to being almost completely irrelevant to me in 5 years.
It'll probably be along the sames lines as the Wii or PSP, only without Monster Hunter, which is big in Japan, but otherwise the support for both platforms wasn't great. Both were very port heavy. So that's the fate I expect for the Vita.

On some level I wouldn't mind an Onimusha 4 (the one after 3 that wasn't called 4) port and things like that.

Mr Swine

The only way a MonHun game will ever come out to vita if it starts to outsell the 3DS and have a size able user base which it doesn't have right now and won't have until next year if sales start to pick up at the end of the year
It'll probably be along the sames lines as the Wii or PSP, only without Monster Hunter, which is big in Japan, but otherwise the support for both platforms wasn't great. Both were very port heavy. So that's the fate I expect for the Vita.

Capcom seems to deem Vita not worth even a cheap port now. other wise Ex Trooper will got Vita release along with PS3 and 3DS
Ports of HD re releases and nothing more.

Nintendo have portable MH and RE locked down and capcom have kind of hated sony since the ps1 era.


Not anything of any importance I guess.
Capcom goes for the money, and that's something Sony isn't very likely to spend on exclusives..
And Sony and Capcom aren't very close with eachother anymore since the PS3 launched, so if there's something to announce at the E3, expect it to be some port of a PS360 game.
I don't plan on owning a Vita at any point soon, but really hope to see Sony come out fighting here with some good partnerships. Don't give up on it just yet!


Are they going to port or release as multiplatform a recent or upcoming AAA HD console game like Dragon's Dogma o Resident Evil 6?

When Vita was announced they said that in some few weeks they had ready a full featured version of MT Framework for Vita (UMvsC3 and SFxT use it), and showcased a Lost Planet 2 cutscene running on it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRcmRNGjU1s

-Are they going to steal a DS / 3DS exclusive?
Ace Attorney has been ported to phones, and Sony has PS Suite for Android devices too, so who knows. Monster Hunter preformed in PSP like in no other device and seems dumb to don't release it for Vita. So is maybe Monster Hunter 3G a timed exclusive? Can be Monster Hunter 4 a multiplatform game? Can be the next Ace Attorney game released in Vita too? Sounds strange to see the LP spinoff released in PS3/3DS only too. Then we have the Resident Evil portable fiasco and the RE 3DS games. And Capcom loves to port (remember RE4, RECV, LP cases), so it wouldn't be so strange to see something like this.

-Is Capcom going to support PS Suite or to port their phone games to Vita as PSN games?
The controls of some PS Certified devices that will support PS Suite like PS Vita, Xperia Play or PS3 would be way better for a lot of Capcom iOS/Android games than touchscreen only controls, and they may be more appealing for console handheld average player than for the average phone player : MvsC2, SFIV, Monster Hunter Dynamic Hunter, Devil May Cry 4, 1942 games, Capcom arcade games, Ghosts ’N Goblin: Gold Knights games, RE4, Mega man games, RE games, Lost Planet games, Ace Attorney games, etc.

-Are they going to create a new IP for Vita or going to release sequels of their PSP games?
In addition to a lot of straight ports or collections for PSP they also released games like Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man X Maverick Hunter, Monster Hunter Portable series, Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, Last Ranker and Viewtiful Joe Red Hot Rumble (this one in GC too). Can they announce a similar game for Vita or to release sequels or HD revisions for these titles?

-Are they going to announce more PS1,PS2,PSP BC games for PSN?
Now seems that Sony will use Gaikai for PS1 or PS2 games, maybe in Vita too. In this case, can Capcom announce that they put there more games available for Vita BC?

-Or do you think that they are going to show there SFxT as their only Vita game?

I definitely think Monster Hunter will come to Vita at some point. But TGS would make more sense than E3.

An HD collection for Vita seems feasible, maybe RE4 and RE5 in one package?

Ace Attorney wouldn't surprise me, but I doubt they'd use PS Suite.

A new franchise from Capcom exclusive to Vita is unlikely.

Dragon's Dogma spinoff, maybe?

Didn't they show Lost Planet 2 running on Vita at some point?


I wonder which system Capcom is more likely to make PS3 ports for: the Vita or Wii U.

Maybe that's a stupid question but I don't know the answer.


Monster Hunter or Ace Attorney wouldn't be announced at E3, I don't know why you would expect anything about them there. They're japanese centric games and they would get announced at a japanese centric event (TGS or an extraordinary conference).

Also the Vita situation in Japan is so dire that I see no reason why Capcom would risk diluting the MH brand on it. Nevertheless, if there is a MH game in the works for Vita, it certainly won't be announced before MH4 is out on the 3DS.

Heck, Ex Troopers isn't even announced for Vita while it's on the PS3, but it's getting a 3DS version. For me that shows Capcom isn't really keen on spending money on Vita projects.
I was actually just trying to think of what soured the relationship between Capcom and Sony if anything. PS2 was good days for Capcom.

I can't think of anything really.

They can afford to be picky I guess with the amount of income choices they have between other platforms.

Also the Vita situation in Japan is so dire that I see no reason why Capcom would risk diluting the MH brand on it. Nevertheless, if there is a MH game in the works for Vita, it certainly won't be announced before MH4 is out on the 3DS.

pretty much.
The only way a MonHun game will ever come out to vita if it starts to outsell the 3DS and have a size able user base which it doesn't have right now and won't have until next year if sales start to pick up at the end of the year

I am sorry, but what kind of argumentation is this? A game like Monster Hunter in Japan does not need a big install base, because it will boost hardware sales by itself.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
An HD collection for Vita seems feasible, maybe RE4 and RE5 in one package?
I don't think the Vita could handle RE5 all that well. I'm sure it could achieve something reasonably close, but it would be more of a straight port with minor downgrades than an HD release. RE4 would work well on the Vita, though.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I don't think the Vita could handle RE5 all that well. I'm sure it could achieve something reasonably close, but it would be more of a straight port with minor downgrades than an HD release. RE4 would work well on the Vita, though.

Capcom had RE5 running on 3DS - and their Lost Planet MT Framework Demo showed what is possible on Vita. I think Vita would be able for RE 5 - even if a bit of downgrade was necessary.
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