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CBO score on Senate GOP health bill released, 22M more uninsured relative to ACA

I really hope the idiots who kept saying, "Stop worrying about nothing, it's not in the Republicans' best interest to let their constituents die" have finally woken up.

My Republican voting parents that just retired at 62 are going to get fucked by this. Oh well, they'll probably still vote the same way next time.

Same with my dad. I don't know what the hell he's going to do unless he starts working again, but he was so miserable with his old job that I can't really see him going back.
If old people see their premiums increase 10x in a single year, they're not going to vote for a Republican.

Yes they will. They will vote R simply because that is the home team. The home team can trade away Jordan, LeBron or Gretzky and still fans will flok and vote their team as if they were saints and the best. Old people have a team set, nothing short of murdering relatives directly (like physically killing them in person) will make them change voting sides. Murder ala passing AHCA-version will still be justified by Fox&friends and voting R will not change since the R party will (lyingly) promise to fix it and blame the "other;" whoever they can place false blame on.


My Republican voting parents that just retired at 62 are going to get fucked by this. Oh well, they'll probably still vote the same way next time.

Why not let them know the consequences of their vote? Tell them they played themselves nicely. Also tell them you will not be contributing to them financially and that they should be prepared to work way into their 70s. Reality should kick in quickly from there.


I really hope the idiots who kept saying, "Stop worrying about nothing, it's not in the Republicans' best interest to let their constituents die" have finally woken up.

Same with my dad. I don't know what the hell he's going to do unless he starts working again, but he was so miserable with his old job that I can't really see him going back.

I would've been shocked a few years ago (like...4-6) but not now. It's pretty obvious their leadership is out for the literal blood of their constituents. They're willing to kill them just to give tax cuts to corporations.
Yes they will. They will vote R simply because that is the home team. The home team can trade away Jordan, LeBron or Gretzky and still fans will flok and vote their team as if they were saints and the best. Old people have a team set, nothing short of murdering relatives directly (like physically killing them in person) will make them change voting sides. Murder ala passing AHCA-version will still be justified by Fox&friends and voting R will not change since the R party will (lyingly) promise to fix it and blame the "other;" whoever they can place false blame on.

This wasn't the case at all in 2006 after the GOP tried to privatize Social Security and succeeded in cutting Medicare. Fox News was very much around in 2006.



I didn't say I agreed with him, I was just throwing that out there as the possible rationale of a typical Trump voter. This is also someone who praised the Lonon mosque attack as "good to see Christians finally fighting back", so it's safe to say we don't agree on a whole heck of a lot.
Oh don't worry, I didn't think you bought into it. "Lower premiums!*" is totally going to be the talking point though and it's so misleading.


The savings on the deficit won't materialize out of thin air either, it will be at the expense of the health and productivity of America's people and workforce. The non-value added expenses of businesses will go up. Sick people can't work.
The savings on the deficit won't materialize out of thin air either, it will be at the expense of the health and productivity of America's people and workforce. The non-value added expenses of businesses will go up. Sick people can't work.

There won't even be any deficit saving, as McConnell plans on taking the savings and instantly make a tax cut for next year's budget.
I am so defeated. I am a type 1 diabetic with insurance through a really good employer. Did they make any changes to pre-existing condition stuff?

I can't fight this stuff anymore.
Any Trump voters in here want to tell me how they feel that the man they voted for is 99% sure to be completely oblivious to what's in this bill and what it does? In all likelihood, his own staff are keeping this stuff from him because they know he would turn on it.


I rely on my mental health meds to not be in a suicide state. Has really changed my life. I can't go without them now. Don't know what I'm gonna do.



Premiums and the deficit analysis from WaPo:
Republicans said their bill will make health insurance cheaper. Except, under Obamacare, 64-year-olds making $26,500 a year are on track to pay $1,700 in annual premiums in 2026. And under the Senate GOP bill, they would pay $6,500.

What this means: The Senate bill keeps Obamacare protections for preexisting conditions. But it does cut federal subsidies that older, lower-income Americans use to purchase health insurance through the online Obamacare marketplaces, which will force them to pay more for deductibles and premiums. Under this bill, insurance companies can charge older Americans much as five times as a 21-year-old, compared to three times as much under Obamacare.

$321 billion
That's how much Senate Republicans' bill will reduce the deficit over the next decade.

This is good news for Senate Republicans, because they just cleared an important procedural hurdle. Senate Republicans' bill had to reduce the deficit by at least $133 billion in order to allow them to vote on the bill via a budgetary rule that allows them to avoid a Senate Democratic filibuster.

What this means: Watch for why the deficit goes down. The CBO says the government mostly saves money by cutting some $772 billion in federal help for states to pay for Medicaid. Still, this is a selling point for conservative Senate Republicans, who can say they are getting government out of health care and saving money while doing it.


Honorary Canadian.

Meanwhile the headlines on every cable news channel is the 22 million number. Why do they even bother with these dumb statements?
So their buddies at Fox know which talking points to start hammering home.

Am I correct in that the tax break for middle class is the not having to pay the tax if you're uninsured?


I am so defeated. I am a type 1 diabetic with insurance through a really good employer. Did they make any changes to pre-existing condition stuff?

I can't fight this stuff anymore.

Long read, but should give some info and idea about where this is going for people with pre-existing conditions: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/06/ahca-senate-bill-preexisting-conditions/531375/

Basic idea seems to be that it's going to get a lot more expensive for people with pre-existing conditions.


i assume we just aren't going to have a health care market at some point because if you pass legislation with a supermajority (or over 60 votes), then the other side gets 50 senators and +1 house member, they can undo it due to saving money...

If i was an insurance company i'd be skyrocketing rates and taking all the money i can right now before it all goes to shit when it gets tried again


Tax cuts ain't shit when those medical bills come around. That's if you are even lucky enough to have a medical bill!
Can Republicans for once not act like evil assholes regarding healthcare? Why is caring for other people and their health such a hard concept?!
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