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CBoaT Rumourathon 3000: Titanfall 720p, party system nonsense, still alpha textures

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I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Shouldn't you be working on a new GIF right about now?

Right, because what people want even more than another game featuring Lightning or Donkey Kong, is another resolutiongate gif. :p
Believe it when I see it

Started distrust of this account straight after the day the MS leak with news of actual games got out and there was a bit of positivity, within minutes there it was with a new thread with negative rumours. The timing stunk and was suspicious to say the least.

If it's all true then Microsoft deserve the shit they get but I can't help but feel something's going on


Banstick Emeritus
Resolution I can understand if Respawn went that route to preserve framerate, but frankly I think he's full of shit regarding textures. The beta's already come and gone.


This is pretty sand especially when you consider its an exclusive. Imagine the shitstorm if we have another MGS-GZ with the 360 version.
edit-Wait the 360 version is going to be 60fps too? Never mind then, its going to look like ass.


"Standing by his rumour that the alpha textures were final."

This can be dismissed as nonsense, concerning the XBone version at least. They have higher quality textures and there's no technical reason for them not to be included in the final game.

I also doubt they'd reduce the resolution from the beta, it played well enough.

There's a great reason -- the framerate in the beta was awful.

Still having a hard time believing it, though. Wouldn't the resolution drop be enough to fix the framerate?


Wow, those are some ass storm rumors.

720p? Don't know whether to believe this. And according to Mr. Eagle from MS the xbone can do 1080p/60fps. Though obviously if 792p is already too much for a stable framerate they might drop down to get at least the stable framerate right.

Partychat still broken? Could be. Mr. Eagles statement is ambigous on this ("improved" doesn't mean fixed)

Alpha textures? Could be the same reason as with 720p, downgrade graphics to improve framerate. Though I cannot believe there is no room for performance improvement (well, they could have run out of time).

That will be an interesting March. Infamous looking and performing much much better than Titanfall, but Titanfall outselling Infamous at least 2:1 (probably 4:1). Looking forward to the DF verdict.
Looks like this one is the big one to determine how the majority of GAF sees cboat going forward. He will always hold insider status but he's betting quite a bit on this one with that texture claim
As quite a few people have stated elsewhere in this thread:

"Framerate suffered quite a bit during the beta, struggling to hit 60, and falling into the 40s when Titans are running around the map, especially inside of Titans"

Downgrading the textures and lowering the resolution to 720p would ease up on system resources to help make the framerate more stable.
I'm responding to the textures and It seems unlikely that the alpha textures would show up in the final but CBOAT would likely know more than I do. I don't think its unreasonable to skeptical of cboat on this one though. Especially when the devs straight up said otherwise.


This would be hilarious.

And not make any sense, since there's been an open beta. Bandwidth required for higher quality textures at 60fps is still not significant, not even for that DDR3. Those textures were horrible for other reasons. They might just be shitty textures.

Unless it's a misinterpretation and he's talking about the transparencies. Still makes little sense.


Resolution I can understand if Respawn went that route to preserve framerate, but frankly I think he's full of shit regarding textures. The beta's already come and gone.

But why would he double down on that? Unless he knows it's BS and this is all a deliberate attempt at discrediting himself. Maybe MS caught him and this is the alternative to legal repercussions...


I refuse to believe that 3.5 months between locking down the beta build and the final release would result in 75% worse textures and lower resolution. The final few months of development are where optimization is supposed to happen.
Didn't the beta have framerate issues when multiple titans were on the screen?

If they can't optimize that out maybe 720p is the best option.
I don't know if the drops really were that bad but I doubt respawn would talk about even the possibility of improving the resolution even further this close to launch if they were actually downgrading.

I almost would be in the camp that expects texture downgrade to fix fps but i'm no technical expert.

If the final release is 720p consider me surprised.


Gold Member
How can he be right about the textures- weren't the beta ones better?

"framerate is king"

The only reason the textures could be worse in the final game is if they purposefully made them better in the Beta and expected people to say "well, it's Beta" when it came to the framerate.

CBOAT doesn't seem to confident about the textures, so I can't see it being true.

I don't know if the drops really were that bad but I doubt respawn would talk about even the possibility of improving the resolution even further this close to launch if they were actually downgrading.

I almost would be in the camp that expects texture downgrade to fix fps but i'm no technical expert.

If the final release is 720p consider me surprised.

Why not? People accepted the 792p beta and it shut everyone up asking about resolution. Now it's time to downgrade back to 720p for better framerate.


Resolution I can understand if Respawn went that route to preserve framerate, but frankly I think he's full of shit regarding textures. The beta's already come and gone.

I have no idea, would 792 -> 720 really impact framerate that much?


Not that I plan on owning a Xbox One anytime soon but that sucks, bad. I'll pick this up on PC when it reaches a sale but I'm honestly shocked for those with an Xbox one.

I mean weren't there official PR statements saying otherwise, in regards to the Xbox* versions? That's not legal if true. Also, not saying anything on the matter and keeping fingers crossed that everything will be fine at launch is rediculous.

That is if cboat is right.
He probably is

And to those reacting to cboat saying that they're trying to fix it until launch... umm duh?
Many games are coming out nowadays with that stuff happening. Hell DR3 just got a patch that fixed/improved some textures. And on a bigger level Battlefield 4 was released with game breaking bugs and all of the above.
It is more than believable it's happening on a rushed game that is being overyhyped by Xbox.


Started distrust of this account straight after the day the MS leak with news of actual games got out and there was a bit of positivity, within minutes there it was with a new thread with negative rumours. The timing stunk and was suspicious to say the least.

Yes, and today new bundle, people getting excited about the console and another negative cboa post

I don't know this guy agenda, but the timing is indeed very suspicious.
MAJOR?? you sure about that? I do not remember seeing anything that would be considered "MAJOR".

Yep, major. Only when titans started appearing, but yes major. I say that with my TF One version pre-order in hand, with over 20 hours of the Beta under my belt. The shit was hella fun, but atrocious once the Titans arrived. Framerate was butter smooth with just pilots and bots, but as soon as the first Titan falls, things would get progressively worse, then go up and down over the course of the rest of a round.


I refuse to believe that 3.5 months between locking down the beta build and the final release would result in 75% worse textures and lower resolution. The final few months of development are where optimization is supposed to happen.

Dude the beta happened like a week ago. How is that 3.5 months away from launch?


The comment about the alpha textures makes no sense whatsoever as they were genuinely dreadful and just a placeholder to test the networking of the game. There's zero chance those would ever be final in any version of the game.

One thing I find most interesting is with just over four weeks to go we've still not even seen a single screenshot of the 360 version.
But why would he double down on that? Unless he knows it's BS and this is all a deliberate attempt at discrediting himself. Maybe MS caught him and this is the alternative to legal repercussions...

It feels that way to me. That cboat is almost trying to blow his credibility on purpose
Dangerous things happen when a buttocks collides with a xbone. I don't see why they would downgrade the textures from the beta when the beta ran fine from most accounts, except when inside titans.


Dreams in Digital
I'm not going to believe this immediately but it could be one of the reasons the 360 has been put back a week. If there isn't that much of a difference between the versions, it wouldn't shift any consoles, so it makes sense to give the X1 a weeks head start.


I'm responding to the textures and It seems unlikely that the alpha textures would show up in the final but CBOAT would likely know more than I do. I don't think its unreasonable to skeptical of cboat on this one though. Especially when the devs straight up said otherwise.

I get that, though CBoaT's history of accuracy is pretty spot on, I don't really know why he'd have a reason to stake his reputation on the textures like that unless he was certain. If he's wrong, he's wrong, but "Framerate is King" and if framerate was suffering as badly as it seemed to during the beta, some drastic measures being taken doesn't seem that unreasonable.
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