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Chile rescuers divided over how much to tell trapped miners

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The 33 trapped Chilean miners were today delivered their first hot meals in nearly a month, as a debate broke out over how much information should be shared with the men before they are rescued. The first delivery of hot food – rice with meatballs – and cheese sandwiches was a sign that efforts to improve the men's living conditions 700 metres inside the San Jose mine are gradually bearing fruit. Rescue crews have promised that the trapped men will remain on a daily diet of about 2,500 calories, but at the rescue headquarters at the mine head, a fierce debate has begun over communication between the men and the outside world.

Government psychologists are helping family members craft letters to the men in an effort to avoid upsetting them with any bad news from home. Newspapers sent to the men are allegedly censored, with disturbing crime stories removed. Government health officials are undecided over what movies the men should be shown on a video projector which was lowered into the shelter last week. "They have told us to not ask any questions to the men in our letters," said Carolina Lobos, 26, daughter of trapped miner Franklin Lobos. "We are supposed to write in a positive way that will bring them up."

But Professor Nick Kanas, who has studied for over a decade the impact distance and isolation has on astronauts, and is co-author of Space Psychology and Psychiatry, warned that censoring the men's letters could create a climate of mistrust and suspicion between them and their rescuers: "I would not screen anything; if you start to do that you are setting up a base for mistrust. The miners will then ask, 'What else are they hiding from me?'" As Chile nears its national bicentennial, aides to President Sebastián Piñera are looking for ways to include the miners in the national celebration. "The whole nation will sing the national anthem at noon on the [September] 16th," said Ena Von Baer, a spokeswoman for the president. Asked whether that included the trapped miners, Van Baer said, "When I say all Chileans, I mean every Chilean."

"That sounds tricky," said Kanas. "It would be good in that it will link the miners to the surface and they will feel they are part of a celebration. But it should not be used by anyone. But care should be given that the miners do not feel used by anyone else for their own advantage, that will not work very well." A poll released on Wednesday showed Piñera's approval rating has jumped 10 points to 56% since the mining drama began nearly a month ago. Throughout the rescue operation, Piñera has taken centre stage, positioning himself as the hard-nosed executive who will spare no cost to save the lives of his countrymen.

Information about the miners' health has been released to the public, including a controversial statement by Jaime Manalich, the Chilean minister of health, who diagnosed five of the men as suffering from depression, then the next day announced they had been cured. "That is probably not such a good idea," said Lawrence Palinkas, an anthropology professor at the University of Southern California, when asked about making the depression diagnosis public. "These diagnoses carry a certain stigma … and the miners have no control over the conditions which caused this – which makes it all the more important that the government protect confidentiality." The selective release of video footage of the men has raised the question of how the Chilean government seeks to both help the miners while also shaping the perceptions of a worldwide audience. The latest video of the miners, a brief take with no audio released, showing the men in clean red shirts, many having had a fresh shave, was in stark contrast to the dirty and tired faces seen last week.
Source: The Guardian


It's good to keep their spirits up, but the last thing you want is for the guys you try to rescue to be your enemies.
That's never a situation you would want to be in: Knowing that you have to censor yourself, or knowing that the information is censored to keep your spirits up. Ack.
These guys have been trapped down there for weeks and weeks and the best they can get is rice and a cheese sandwich, what the hell :lol


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This is possibly the worst analogy ever: But a decade ago on Big Brother 2 in the US, Sept 11th occurred outside the isolated household, and they had to decide whether to tell the remaining contestants. Obviously they did, since it made for good TV. It's just an interesting scenario to decide whether to isolated people about some big event that the whole world outside knows about already.
If this isn't a warning about government censorship then I don't know what is. Generally, it is really hard to censor things. But now they have a chance to control what these guys get to know . . . so they jump on it.

Fuck man. Just be honest with them. And while you are at it, run an internet line down the hole so they can access the outside world.
speculawyer said:
If this isn't a warning about government censorship then I don't know what is. Generally, it is really hard to censor things. But now they have a chance to control what these guys get to know . . . so they jump on it.

Fuck man. Just be honest with them. And while you are at it, run an internet line down the hole so they can access the outside world.

Err, they do the same thing with soldiers in the field and astronauts.
It isn't exactly the "man" trying to brainwash you.
It's just trying to keep your mind clear and focuses.


Can't anything be done to get these guys out before December? Is this a matter of Chile having crappy drilling technology or a matter of the mine shaft integrity as to not cause another collapse?


If I was trapped in a hole and I thought people were lying to me about what was going on in the world, I would assume humanity had been enslaved by damn dirty apes. Or something.


CrankyJay said:
Can't anything be done to get these guys out before December? Is this a matter of Chile having crappy drilling technology or a matter of the mine shaft integrity as to not cause another collapse?

More of the latter.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
BocoDragon said:
This is possibly the worst analogy ever: But a decade ago on Big Brother 2 in the US, Sept 11th occurred outside the isolated household, and they had to decide whether to tell the remaining contestants. Obviously they did, since it made for good TV. It's just an interesting scenario to decide whether to isolated people about some big event that the whole world outside knows about already.

Shit, I totally forgot about that.

I wonder what kinds of studies have been done on this subject matter (not just the astronauts I presume).


I haven't been following this story that closely, but if they can get all of these supplies down to them, there has to be some kind of hole in the rubble, correct? Is it that the hole isn't very big and they can only get small items through (i.e. not big enough for a person)?

Big Chungus

elwes said:
I haven't been following this story that closely, but if they can get all of these supplies down to them, there has to be some kind of hole in the rubble, correct? Is it that the hole isn't very big and they can only get small items through (i.e. not big enough for a person)?

It's a hole that they drilled from the surface (which took about 2 weeks).

They put supplies into a long tube and lower it down.

Takes about an hour for the supplies to reach the miners.


Kills Photobucket
I would have thought the hardest choice would be to dress up like aliens or zombies to scare them when they get them out.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
So is there no way to rescue them? Or is the rescue just going to take a really really long time?
Do these miners have bathroom facilities? I mean 2500 calories a day + 33 miners......

I feel so bad for these guys. Every effort must be taken to get them the fuck out of there.


That kind of censorship would make me think that a nuclear war or revolution broke out while I was stuck in the mine.
This is dumb. As soon as the miners start to think they aren't being told everything, they will naturally begin to think that it is because they aren't going to make it out.


pffft, I just feel sorry for all of them because they wont get to shit, piss, or masturbate in the privacy of their own homes.

Like seriously, going a week without masturbating is like an eternity for me. I just don't know how I would hold up.


LaserBuddha said:
This is dumb. As soon as the miners start to think they aren't being told everything, they will naturally begin to think that it is because they aren't going to make it out.
This is what I'm thinking, too.


KevinRo said:
pffft, I just feel sorry for all of them because they wont get to shit, piss, or masturbate in the privacy of their own homes.

Like seriously, going a week without masturbating is like an eternity for me. I just don't know how I would hold up.
They're probably masturbating each other all over the place.
LaserBuddha said:
This is dumb. As soon as the miners start to think they aren't being told everything, they will naturally begin to think that it is because they aren't going to make it out.

I thought you said "make out" instead at first :lol :lol :lol
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