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CoD Ghost use the same frame to frame promo video than MW2

I don't see what is wrong here. The announcer is pretty annoying though. Trailer would have been better if it was without that guy.


Well considering they used the exact same animations from the ending of Modern Warfare 2 it may just be one giant fan service. That or they did copy paste the same script.


Regularly boosts GAF member count to cry about 'right wing gaf' - Voter #3923781
The trailer that made me finally buy a PS3 and MW2. I see what you're doing Activision.
Haven't they done this before? Doesn't bother me really, it's the same map after all.

Isn't this actually what you were referring to? I think this is old.

EDIT: Oh, the video was uploaded today? Hm, I guess this really is a separate thing.


Junior Member
It's a throwback, nothing wrong with them doing that. There's no "lazy devs" story here.

On a sidenote, this trailer was freaking sick for MW2, got me so hyped!


Fan service but the announcer kind of ruins it and only makes it seem deceitful.

The rest of the game is my issue...lol

Hip Hop

Nothing wrong with this. It's done on purpose, why are you surprised?

They brought back Favela, a classic. This is great actually, very "nostalgic".


It's a shame this great map will now play like arse with Ghost's garbage spawn system.

I really hope Sledgehammer go back to how things were in Cod4 & MW2 for the new game.


I expected similarities, but some sections are completely identical. If that is 'fan service' then it was a mistake, as it isn't doing fans any service, just making the dev look bad.


You serious OP? This is a very obvious throwback and fan service to that Modern Warfare 2 video. Nothing nefarious about it.

C'mon now.


Definitely fan service.
Don't be ridiculous and say they remade a trailer entirely in a different game due to laziness.
Anyone who does instantly goes on my "never take this muppet seriously again" list.



Left, is official Favela map preview in Ghost. Right in first uncut mp gameplay for MW2. Same enemy placement, same script, same kills, same weapons switching. Fan service or using same script ?

Dude it was the point. Read the descripion of the official video

Description taken from video

"Why does this look so familar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4PMRFkx07g"

It was clearly done on purpose


Even says in the video description. Why does this look familiar? With a link to the MW2 video. So it pretty much fan service. Perhaps attempt to bring out same excite everyone got when MW2 was first shown.


Everyone keeps telling fan service. The endings being identical with the same animation is not fan service it's placeholder trash left in due to laziness.


MW2 was the fucking GOAT.

Best Call of Duty game released of ALL TIME.

MW2 was pretty terrible, beginning of the end.

Still remember the day and reason I sold it:
  • Game starts on that trench level
  • Other team all have grenade launches equipped
  • They fire from their spawn to ours as soon as the game begins, destroying our entire team.

Also stackable killstreaks is retarded.

The Mean

Neo Member
What if this was some hilarious metacommentary from the devs about the reuse of assets in modern Infinity Ward Call of Duty games?


Nah, you don't have to, Velociraptor got it right.



Well we all have different tastes


So, the same as CoD6's then?

Well, I played an embarrassing amount of MW2 and I never once saw an enemy spawn in front of me in Team Deathmatch. It happens often in every cod since.
I vaguely remember someone saying they changed it after MW2 to stop spawn trapping, but it broke the game for me. They made the maps more open too, which didn't help.
TDM went from teams working together to try and hold the best position on a map, to a free for all clusterfuck, spawning anybody anywhere.
Spawning players in an enemy's line of sight should never be acceptable.
MW2 would gladly spawn you into enemy killstreaks but that's what Cold-Blooded was there for...
I should probably stop typing now.
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