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Coke Zero almost killed me.

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"Just drink water" is officially back boys. In any thread about any beverage or non-Soylent food product feel free to post "Just drink water."

Thread: Best dark roast coffee?
Just drink water.

Thread: Oranges vs. Grapefruit?
Just drink water.

Thread: Should I try skydiving?
Just drink water.

With so many choices in the world isn't nice to just drink water?
I drink about 2 litres of coke a day, I can cut it out, but I just enjoy drinking it when I get home and chill out with some games or tv shows.

Although I am not drinking any for the next two weeks because I have a race coming up


Black Canada Mafia
Never drank the stuff to begin with, and hell I cut out all pop about 7 months ago now, but that's intense. Least you and your passengers came out of it safe. Maybe try some actually healthy drinks instead since, you know, they'll definitely not cause something of this sort. No idea where anyone got the idea that diet or no calories = better. Diet/no cal =/= better, never will be better either.

I mean... let's assume you're not allergic to phen...whatever it's called.

What are the downsides to diet vs non-diet? We know just some of what drinking hundreds of calories in sugar water does - and it's almost 100% bad (it's not bad in the sense that, having calories is essential to living, but that's I think basically where it ends being useful). We know that drinking what essentially amounts to water, colouring, some carbonation and sodium is significantly less bad for you than drinking sugar water with all of the above.

So yeah, absolutely better. Of the hundreds of studies done on both diet sodas and aspartame, the vast majority have shown no negatives. Some studies show that people who drink diet sodas are more likely to be overweight which... is sensible. There was a recent study that showed a link between saccharin intake and the gut bacteria in mice, which was very interesting - but still, much more research needs to be done in that before we can even kind of gain any insight out of how it might affect humans (if at all). But seriously, all good evidence points to diet soda being significantly better for you than regular soda.


"Just drink water" is officially back boys. In any thread about any beverage or non-Soylent food product feel free to post "Just drink water."

Thread: Best dark roast coffee?
Just drink water.

Thread: Oranges vs. Grapefruit?
Just drink water.

Thread: Should I try skydiving?
Just drink water.

With so many choices in the world isn't nice to just drink water?
Nobody's saying to only drink water, only to avoid fucking canned sugar. What messed the OP up was probably a withdrawal from the 5-6 goddamn cans of caffeinated sugar a day.

Luckily i had extensive testing done by a cardiologist and everything is ship shape. I'd be more worried about a heart attack if i were a smoker or had a family history of heart disease. Thanks though.

Yeah, okay. You already made a post saying you eat healthy otherwise which amounts to "I eat healthy except for the shitty things I eat."


Nobody's saying to only drink water, only to avoid fucking canned sugar. What messed the OP up was probably a withdrawal from the 5-6 goddamn cans of caffeinated sugar a day.

Yeah, okay. You already made a post saying you eat healthy otherwise which amounts to "I eat healthy except for the shitty things I eat."

Oh calm down and drink some water.


I drink about 2 litres of coke a day, I can cut it out, but I just enjoy drinking it when I get home and chill out with some games or tv shows.

Although I am not drinking any for the next two weeks because I have a race coming up
Are you being serious about drinking 2 liters of pop a day?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
"Just drink water" is officially back boys. In any thread about any beverage or non-Soylent food product feel free to post "Just drink water."

Thread: Best dark roast coffee?
Just drink water.

Thread: Oranges vs. Grapefruit?
Just drink water.

Thread: Should I try skydiving?
Just drink water.

With so many choices in the world isn't nice to just drink water?

With the ironic exception of alcohol related threads. I mean, you'll get a few teetotalers but nothing like this.
What messed the OP up was probably a withdrawal from the 5-6 goddamn cans of caffeinated sugar a day.

I guess I'll take your advice over that of the doctor I saw who actually ran tests on me, and over the results of my blood tests which all show completely normal blood sugar levels. Good thing I have armchair internet doctors to diagnose me.


I guess I'll take your advice over that of the doctor I saw who actually ran tests on me, and over the results of my blood tests which all show completely normal blood sugar levels. Good thing I have armchair internet doctors to diagnose me.

I'm not saying your doctors are bullshitting, I'm saying you are.
I'm not saying your doctors are bullshitting, I'm saying you are.

If you have a rebuttal to the *actual diagnosis* I mentioned on the previous page, and why you think it's medically unsound and demonstrates evidence of me bulshitting, other than your, you know, opinion, feel free to mention it. Otherwise you're trolling, by definition.

What kind of shape are you in cpp?

Average? I don't know, I walk about 3 miles a day. Certainly not overweight by any measure, and my BMI is about 20.
The majority of people who use diet coke or its artificial-sweetener siblings don't experience blackouts. I am concerned your self-diagnosis is masking a chance to find another problem, one that may potentially be more serious than "most aspartame-sensitive person on earth."

What if the blackouts were a blood sugar issue or something of that nature? Sugary coke doesn't actually make a recurrence of this a guaranteed impossibility, and you may not discover it is still a problem til the worst possible moment.

Also if you're still concerned about the dietary impact of coke, which you seem to be from the original beverage decision, just stop drinking the stuff. there are better caffeine sources, or things to casually sip on.


Hows your blood sugar OP? Recent studies have shown that artificial sweeteners raise blood sugar, which is likely what happened to you.
The majority of people who use diet coke or its artificial-sweetener siblings don't experience blackouts. I am concerned your self-diagnosis is masking a chance to find another problem, one that may potentially be more serious than "most aspartame-sensitive person on earth."

What if the blackouts were a blood sugar issue or something of that nature? Sugary coke doesn't actually make a recurrence of this a guaranteed impossibility, and you may not discover it is still a problem til the worst possible moment.

Also if you're still concerned about the dietary impact of coke, which you seem to be from the original beverage decision, just stop drinking the stuff. there are better caffeine sources, or things to casually sip on.

I wouldn't exactly call it a self diagnosis, since I wrote extensively about going to the doctor in the OP and ruling out all other causes, and multiple times throughout the thread about how the doctors finally came to the conclusion that it was in fact aspartame causing the symptoms.

Hows your blood sugar Or? Recent studies have shown that artificial sweeteners raise blood sugar, which is likely what happened to you.

Four posts up. I guess I might as well stop responding in the thread. Answering the same things over and over at this point.
Well good thing OP, that's a serious wake-up call and I'm glad you made it out okay.

Personally, I can't stand the taste of fizzy-things so I never drank Pop. I remember it being really awkward at birthday parties as a kid when I asked for water as everyone else went HAM on pop.
I stopped drinking soda altogether years ago, and now when I do have the odd sip I cough and splutter like an overacting sitcom character because that stuff's so insanely sweet. I guess you build up a tolerance to it when you drink it all the time.


Black Canada Mafia
Hows your blood sugar OP? Recent studies have shown that artificial sweeteners raise blood sugar, which is likely what happened to you.

Do you think artificial sweeteners raise blood sugar more than regular sugar does? Mind you, if that recent study you're mentioning is accurate and the one I am thinking about, the implication is if all artificial sweetners increase your blood sugar level/glucose intolerance, than anything -sweet- tasting would likely be the culprit - ie, every time you taste something sweet, there is a gut bacteria reaction.
Diet soda doesn't raise your blood sugar
If it did it would kick you out of ketosis, which it does not.

Go ask a diabetic person if drinking diet soda spikes their blood sugar when they test

Hell test yourself if you want, it's simple enough to buy a finger pricker


I don't believe you have proven the cause and effect.

But it wouldn't surprise me if we are all killing ourselves with fake crap in the food that is giving us cancer down the line. History repeats and it seems each generation be ban something else that is later found to be a health hazard.

I have been drinking soda regularly for 30+ years. Diet only for 12+. And since a surgery I quit caffiene.

Soda is wierd to me, the only choices I have really do taste like shit compared to juice or other liquids, but I'm forced to drink things with no calories to keep the weight down.

I can't explain why but there must be something about the bubbles and combo of washing down a good meal.

I can easily drink a gallon during a single battlefield session.
That's pretty scary. Hope you're feeling better. Aspartame is some scary crap, I never had a problem with it previously, but I cut it out along with all carbonated beverages awhile ago. They never gave me any kind of health problems aside from cavities, but I feel healthier just not drinking em personally. Plus some studies find aspartame actually makes you hungrier rather than fuller, which seems to be counterintuitive with it being in a diet drink and all. Even if it does make you fuller I don't really like the idea of a chemical messing with my metabolism and hunger :/.

Some of you a drink an insane amount of pop, my mind is blown.
Back when I was a popaholic I drank like 3 cans of pop a day, it just tasted so delicious. Pretty sure all my baby teeth had cavities...my friend refers to Coke as Liquid Death which I find to be rather accurate.


Aspartame is a chemical produced in labs and is notorious for been bad for us. Anything unnatural can't be healthy though right?
Aspartame is a chemical produced in labs and is notorious for been bad for us. Anything unnatural can't be healthy though right?

Eh, debatable. Just like not everything natural isn't healthy, not everything unnatural is unhealthy. Things like aspartame are unhealthy yeah, but vaccines are technically unnatural and they're really good for us, GMOs are technically unnatural and aren't unhealthy either. The problem is that with most unnatural things they may seem healthy or okay at first, but you never know what could happen in the long run. At least with natural things they're usually an instant indicator of being bad for you.


I drink about 2 litres of coke a day, I can cut it out, but I just enjoy drinking it when I get home and chill out with some games or tv shows.

Although I am not drinking any for the next two weeks because I have a race coming up

I used to do this for years, then just switched to flavoured water (because regular tap water was not going to make me switch), one of the better decisions I've made. Once you find a decent flavour water it's just as good as coke without the downside.


Eh, debatable. Just like not everything natural isn't healthy, not everything unnatural is unhealthy. Things like aspartame are unhealthy yeah, but vaccines are technically unnatural and they're really good for us, GMOs are technically unnatural and aren't unhealthy either. The problem is that with most unnatural things they may seem healthy or okay at first, but you never know what could happen in the long run. At least with natural things they're usually an instant indicator of being bad for you.

A vaccine is just a small amount of the virus injected into you to kick start the immune system, no? I would deem that natural unless the virus is modified?

Also who knows what effect GMOs have on us overtime, is genetically modified food even digested properly?


The topic then moves on to Cornette’s history with drinking Sprite. He used to be an avid Pepsi drinker until he started thinking he was getting heartburn. Being that he didn’t know what heartburn was, he drank cold Pepsi to cool it off. One night he was in so much pain that he had to go to the hospital. He actually had acid reflux, brought on by stress, spicy food, and caffeine. He switched to Sprite because it was caffeine free and quit the WCW booking committee (working with Jim Herd was very stressful) and has been fine ever since. In a continuation with the New Jack Youshoot, Cornette has a taste test, Sprite, 7 Up, and Sierra Mist. He correctly guesses Sprite, but mixes up Sierra Mist and 7 Up. He has since mostly quit drinking all soda, although he’ll occasionally have a Sprite.

I don't know why people would torture their bodies with daily soda, why not just drink fruit juice or tea or whatever?
I don't know why people would torture their bodies with daily soda, why not just drink fruit juice or tea or whatever?

Fruit juice is pretty much just sugar water too. Honestly, there's no good reason to drink hundreds of calories of sugar, either from soda or fruit juice. Water all the way, man.
I don't know why people would torture their bodies with daily soda, why not just drink fruit juice or tea or whatever?

Preference, availability, and price were my main ones. Like at my school, a 500ML bottle of water was $2.50, a 750ML Coke bottle was $1.75 and fruit drinks were like 250ML and were $2 or something. However, if I ever found Arizona I'd choose that over anything else, 99cents for a large can? Count me in! But yeah everywhere you go you'd basically find a soft drink machine and they were usually cheaper $/ML than juice.

A vaccine is just a small amount of the virus injected into you to kick start the immune system, no? I would deem that natural unless the virus is modified?

Also who knows what effect GMOs have on us overtime, is genetically modified food even digested properly?

As far as I remember from High School Biology there's other things mixed in to help keep it from getting contaminated, help preserve it, etc.

As for GMOs yeah so far they show no ill effects, but you never know down the road like I said. They're still digested properly it's not as if it's completely changed just parts of the DNA are altered. We technically have modified food in the past, just with natural selection rather than us changing the DNA ourselves.
I used to do this for years, then just switched to flavoured water (because regular tap water was not going to make me switch), one of the better decisions I've made. Once you find a decent flavour water it's just as good as coke without the downside.

I have always prefered carbonated drinks, so carbonated fruit water is just way too expensive for me.


I've had Sprite Zero before. It feels like I'm drinking gases.

Fuck dat. I'll just have a full fledged soda once or twice a week.

Ill Saint

When I was in my late teens I went through a dumb phase of drinking a lot of regular Coca Cola. About a litre a day. I began to have persistent heart palpitations, shortness of breath and a recurring rash that would appear on my face and inner wrists, which in turn lead to a spiral of serious anxiety and very strong panic attacks. Doc ran tests, said I was physically fine, but to cut that crap from my life.

Needless to say I dropped that shit immediately, and my issues vanished. The stuff is a serious health hazard as far as I'm concerned.
I really don't understand why do many advocating cutting out soda altogether insist on using such a holier-than-thou and/or patronising tone whilst doing it


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Aspartame is evil.

Only drink light products if you're a diabetic.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Even after overwhelming evidence to the contrary people still think that artificial sweeteners are bad.

I don't get this denialism.


This thread needs the title changed to "I almost killed myself." 5-6 cans is abnormal.

Drinking that much reminds me of the Pepsi Max story where the person went blind drinking 10 cans a day for a year. (They recovered their eye sight when they stopped drinking.)

I drink Coke Zero about twice a week (it tastes better than normal coke imo) and honestly, I'm not a fan of juice or any other terrible tasting drink, but I'll force myself to drink it for health reasons. (On that note don't binge drink Orange Juice or your skin will dissolve.) OP, I'm not saying you're an idiot, but you really need to try harder to sustain your body, don't kill yourself for a soft drink >.>
Even after overwhelming evidence to the contrary people still think that artificial sweeteners are bad.

I don't get this denialism.

What grinds my gears are people talking about soda dehydrating you

You know, with it's 2% dv of sodium per can

So I'm guessing soup+saltines is attempted murder if diet coke is dehydrating
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