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COMICS!!! |OT| April 2017 - Now Featuring Superstar Artist Brett Booth - APRIL FOALS!

Curious if we'll get some news about wave 3 before SDCC, Tom King teasing a New Gods book, Rucka saying he has more projects at DC coming up, and some titles shifting to monthlies seems to hint towards new books taking those slots very soon.

Anyway, Frank Miller daredevil is amazing. I already knew that
Elektra dies at some point in the run
but damn that fight and aftermath is amazing. Bullseye quickly becoming one of my favorite villains. Shame the movie kind of ruined him for mainstream.


Tony Guerrero‏ @GManFromHeck 2h2 hours ago
You might've noticed, I've parted ways with GameSpot and ComicVine.

welp thats comicvine dead
Isn't he the biggest guy on comicvine basically their Jeffgertsman (not an giantbomb expert)
He and some chick that left were the only people i know when i used to go on comicvine as youngster
ComicVine has been a shambling corpse for awhile now. I think they transferred over my FB like to "GameSpot Universe" which is mostly stuff I don't care about like Game of Thrones recaps and nerd culture memes.

I miss their articles that were just collections of commissions that people got at cons and such.
Of all things, The Other Side was the first comic I ever got my partner to read haha, she has a thing for Nam.

Couldn't get Saga vol 7 or Black Hammer in my order today, but I did get Shutter vol 1 & 2, looks like I picked the right time. won't have to wait too long for the final vol to drop and I can just cruise right through the series (provided I dig it of course)


Of all things, The Other Side was the first comic I ever got my partner to read haha, she has a thing for Nam.

Couldn't get Saga vol 7 or Black Hammer in my order today, but I did get Shutter vol 1 & 2, looks like I picked the right time. won't have to wait too long for the final vol to drop and I can just cruise right through the series (provided I dig it of course)

They were fairly clear about telling people to buy the floppies of the final volume as shutters final trade won't be collected "for a long time" whatever that means.

This was on the solicit for the first issue of the final arc.

PLEASE NOTE: This extended-length final arc will not be collected for some time after it ends, so readers of SHUTTER VOL. 4: ALL ROADS TP's shocking ending are highly encouraged to sign up for the single issues' duration.
They were fairly clear about telling people to buy the floppies of the final volume as shutters final trade won't be collected "for a long time" whatever that means.

Oh wait, really? Lol what's that all about? There will be no floppies bought here, that's for sure. I've made a terrible mistake...


Tony Guerrero‏ @GManFromHeck 2h2 hours ago
You might've noticed, I've parted ways with GameSpot and ComicVine.

welp thats comicvine dead

Thought it might be coming when Awesome Art Picks stopped being posted.

I really hope the wiki doesn't get shut down..it's such a good source for reference pictures.


Haha I was waiting on Brian linking it since it was his thing originally but he's gone AWOL so

Image July 2017 solicitations

I'm good dude, but packed to the gills? I'm not that good haha

The only solicit that matters:


Written by Jody Leheup, Sebastian Girner, art by Mike Spicer, Nil Vendrell, cover by Andrew Robinson, variant covers by Andrew MacLean, Nathan Fox

Savage, wild-eyed bears are attacking cities across America, and only the Shirtless Bear-Fighter can stop them! But as Shirtless punches his way through wave after wave of not-so-friendly fozzies, one question looms large in his furious mind...just what is driving these bears so damn crazy? Enter...The Hillbilly Warlock!

32 pages, $3.99, in stores on July 26.


They were fairly clear about telling people to buy the floppies of the final volume as shutters final trade won't be collected "for a long time" whatever that means.

This was on the solicit for the first issue of the final arc.
I'm curious why would they do that, not put in a trade.

Also donnie you can find it on comixology if you want


I get that though i am curious how it will affect them in the long run.
How is finding floppies america, because i lived outside the states and it's easier to find trades than floppies, i don't even know where to find anything but trades in Sing and Malay. I only touched like two floppies and that was when i was 12. I don't think i will be able to get a floppy of the final issue if decided to binge the books months from now. I
Also donnie you can find it on comixology if you want

Meeth. I'll just have to wait. If I like then I'll grab volume 3 then settle in for the long wait and enjoy 4 and 5 together. I get business realities etc but it's just how I read. Comics need to change for me, not the other way round! Haha

How dare you not wait for me!!!!! I shall never forget this slight.

Haha sorry man, I thought Messi was going to melt, and I had to think about the greater OT for us all. I hate to steal your thunder.

Just started Black Magick. It's black and white! I had no idea!


Why does he wear the mask!?
Catching up on Green Arrow, currently at part two of the Emerald Outlaw arc. Loving it still, especially the art, but yeah this is in the top 3 DC books imo

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
My probable July buys from Image.

Black Cloud #4
The Black Monday Murders #8
Crosswind #2
Curse Words #6
Deadly Class #31
Extremity #5
The Fix #11
I Hate Fairyland #14
Injection #15
Kill The Minotaur #2
Lazarus: X+66 #1 (Of 6)
Sacred Creatures #1
Seven To Eternity #8
Shutter #30
Violent Love #6
The Walking Dead #169
Wayward #22
The Wicked + The Divine #29
Youngblood #3

Kind of a weak month.


More Black Magick is exactly why I'm completely fine with Rucka and Scott having had as short a time as they did on Wonder Woman.
Mmm honestly Nova isn't a character I'd normally check out, there's just no naturally pull, but the art for the book looks phenomenal. Really great. In fact, Marvel are quite good with artists on their cosmic books in general. The upcoming Black Bolt with Christian Ward, Gamora. All books I know very little about the writers but great art.
Perez's art is great, especially now that he doesn't have to do that fake Aja style from the Real Hawk-Eye run.

I don't know shit about Black Bolt but I'm really hyped for the new book, in no small part due to Ward
Perez's art is great, especially now that he doesn't have to do that fake Aja style from the Real Hawk-Eye run.

I don't know shit about Black Bolt but I'm really hyped for the new book, in no small part due to Ward

Haha yea, exact same. No real Inhumans history either. I've got my eyes on this stuff though, Marvel just need to hold off burning the house down and cancelling them all. And get Del Mundo on something stat haha.

Finished Black Magick vol 1. Damn, that was pretty awesome. It's fun to see Rucka playing with cops again, he makes it seem so easy, the dialogue etc., he has such an ear for it. If anything I can think to say against it is the book is a bit of a tease. So much still shrouded in mystery, very little unveiled...but I can't say it bothered me too much, since the moment to moment character work was so strong. Rowan and her job is just a fun place to be, nevermind the strange things in the shadows threatening to step out of the cracks and corners.

The art is incredible. I've never read a book Scott worked on before, but wow. The whole monochromatic thing works so well, when colour is introduced to highlight a big moment or action, or something fantastical. It just jumps right off the page and grabs you. It works just as well for subtle moments though like the slight of hand switch out with the lighter. A really clever way to track the visual storytelling. Scott's art is so clean and bold too, the book doesn't suffer from any sort of muddiness or lack of clarity the style could cause.


On Black Magick IIRC it's a personal thing but i liked how they handle the anti-witch group from what we have seen of them. I remember them being more nuance than i thought any other book would write them as religious lunatics, well more than they are


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Isn't he the biggest guy on comicvine basically their Jeffgertsman (not an giantbomb expert)
He and some chick that left were the only people i know when i used to go on comicvine as youngster

I mean... isnt he the ONLY guy on comic vine? isnt MAtt and the other fella just part timers, that own comic book stores or something?

Rhak, your new avy

I loooooove it



I need to look at solicits. haven't read much in the past 2 months. comic wise.

So Tom king doing New Gods? miracle man wasn't getting a solo but was going actually make an appearance I assume.

edit: lord have mercy do not read the image solicits all the way if you don't want Deadly class #25 spoiled for you.

snot girl returns in July. lol zzzzzzz. Guess he really did need to come up with a solution.

Wow, you like Low that much? I mean, it's a good book most of the time, but I clearly don't hold it in as high regard as you do. I liked the first two arcs way more than what's going on now.

Damn it.

Gotham Academy is over after it's next arc.

I'm not surprised... but I'm really disappointed.

(This is old news, I guess?)

Let's be honest. No one expected this book to last more than six issues. The fact we got as much as we did is impressive.

You don't realise that every month I search the image solicits for Low HC and then Sejic. Right :(

Low HC before Sejic? This isn't the Messi I know.

Curious if we'll get some news about wave 3 before SDCC,

God damn, is SDCC sneaking up already?

That final Shutter cover.


Don't go


Shutter is surprisingly good for a book that feels very random most of the time.
20 issues in and I still don't know if I should keep pulling Superman or drop it. I like it. I've always liked Superman. I like that he's the optimistic hero. And it has Krypto! And I adore Jon. But I just never feel anything reading it. Not amused or intrigued or... anything, really aside from the occasional "D'aww, Jon is adorbs." The only issue I really loved was the Swamp Thing annual. Spending 10 bucks a month on something... I should care more about it, like I do Old Man Logan.
lazarus delayed till next year? dafuq.

Isn't there some new Lazarus mini or something I saw in the Image solicits? Also saw something like that for Bitch Planet. I hope this isn't going to become a regular thing, because part of the appeal of these indy books is that they don't try to turn a story into something that requires you to read more books. That's very much some Marvel-like behavior.


20 issues in and I still don't know if I should keep pulling Superman or drop it. I like it. I've always liked Superman. I like that he's the optimistic hero. And it has Krypto! And I adore Jon. But I just never feel anything reading it. Not amused or intrigued or... anything, really aside from the occasional "D'aww, Jon is adorbs." The only issue I really loved was the Swamp Thing annual. Spending 10 bucks a month on something... I should care more about it, like I do Old Man Logan.

Have you tried Super Sons? Jon and Damian's relationship is so great.
Isn't there some new Lazarus mini or something I saw in the Image solicits? Also saw something like that for Bitch Planet. I hope this isn't going to become a regular thing, because part of the appeal of these indy books is that they don't try to turn a story into something that requires you to read more books. That's very much some Marvel-like behavior.

I hadn't realised that the Bitch Planet was more than just a one shot thing until I saw the new solicits earlier. Much stranger than Lazarus, given there's been a lot less of the actual original creation put out so far.

But yea. No more main series Lazarus until next year. Lark is recharging and Rucka is stepping off WW to free up more time as it is. A rotating creators mini series in the mean time. Rucka overseeing but different script writers and artists for each issue. July til year end should fill most of the dead air.

Have you tried Super Sons? Jon and Damian's relationship is so great.

This is going to be my move. I like Tomasi as a writer and Jon is v. cool as was Damien under Tomasi's pen. Supes vol 2 then onto Super Sons.
But yea. No more main series Lazarus until next year. Lark is recharging and Rucka is stepping off WW to free up more time. A rotating creators mini series in the mean time. Rucka overseeing but different script writers and artists for each issue. July til year end should fill most of the dead air.


I like me some Lazarus, but it just isn't going to be the same.
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