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Cougar Town S03 |OT| - Bad title. Good comedy

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Since I can't be the only one that is looking forward to the third season of Cougar Town that starts tomorrow, I thought I'd do an OT for it.



The third season was unfortunately cut down to 15 episodes but nevertheless one of the most charming and fun sitcoms of the recent time is back on Valentine's Day Tuesday at 8:30|7:30c on ABC!

Don't let yourself be fooled by the title. The show may have had a little bit of a rocky start with the initial premise of Courtney Cox going after younger guys but the writers quickly realized that there is so much great chemistry between the cast that they shifted the focus to them entirely. And now it is one of my favourite comedies which imo even carries some part of Scrubs in it (especially the bromance between Bobby and Andy). Make sure to watch the first two season so you'll be able to enjoy running jokes like 'PENNY CAN!' 'tiny eyes' and all the excessive wine drinking even more :)

Im really looking forward to the new season and the first episode tomorrow.
And while I can't find the source right now, I seem to remember that there will be quite a few guest stars this season as well, including Zach Braff and Sarah Chalke from Scrubs.

And because I like you guys so much, I'll even throw in a little video for you!

Confident in my Sexuality!!


I'm still not what you'd call a fan of the show, but I went to the event that was held at the Drafthouse with the creators and stars. It was enjoyable enough. We saw the premiere episode and either 2 or 3 more episodes beyond that and then they had a Q&A. I guess the dude who created it was discovered because of his work on AICN so he goes way back with Harry.

They gave us some shirts and a few drinks with dinner during the screening so it was a pretty neat event. My girlfriend is a huge Felicity fan so she was super excited to get her picture taken with Javier/Ian Gomez. She actually watched a few episodes the other night when they had a mini-marathon of sorts so I guess she was converted.


Unconfirmed Member
Looking forward to the first episode. Probably won't be able to watch it till tomorrow, gotta wait for the wife.


The show's creator was on the WTF Podcast that went up last Thursday, and talked about how the show came to be called Cougartown. I'm sure you all already know.

I haven't given this show the time of day as of yet, but listening to him talk about it makes me think I'll give it a go.

I'm giving the show some love because of how much Bill Lawrence has gone to promote it in the face of daunting odds. I've watched a few episodes and just don't get it, but I guess it won't hurt to give it a couple more tries.

big ander

First episode was great! Stuff with the green screen was funny, wine necklaces were good, and the proposal was sweet.
What gimmick did That 70's Show drop? I've seen a lot of episodes and they mostly seem the same.
Well, That 70's Show never said "okay, we're no longer in the 70s." But it did cram something like 7 christmases and 10 school dances and 6 halloweens and thanksgivings or something into 3 or 4 "years" in the timeline of the show. I never got why they decided to START the show in the late 70s, really made the timeline all wonky.
I'm still not what you'd call a fan of the show, but I went to the event that was held at the Drafthouse with the creators and stars. It was enjoyable enough. We saw the premiere episode and either 2 or 3 more episodes beyond that and then they had a Q&A. I guess the dude who created it was discovered because of his work on AICN so he goes way back with Harry.

They gave us some shirts and a few drinks with dinner during the screening so it was a pretty neat event. My girlfriend is a huge Felicity fan so she was super excited to get her picture taken with Javier/Ian Gomez. She actually watched a few episodes the other night when they had a mini-marathon of sorts so I guess she was converted.
Yeah, Kevin Biegel (co-creator with Bill Lawrence) wrote for AICN.
The show's creator was on the WTF Podcast that went up last Thursday, and talked about how the show came to be called Cougartown. I'm sure you all already know.

I haven't given this show the time of day as of yet, but listening to him talk about it makes me think I'll give it a go.
It's worth it. Lawrence seems like such a good, honest guy.
Oh come on, no Community fans got the joke?
We got it.

big ander

Oh, Lawrence had this great interview over at the AV Club too.

EDIT: Also...
Dear Community fans,
Hi, I'm one of you! A big one too. And I love that Community and Cougar Town are such close shows. It's really cool to see cross-network promotion like that. Which is why I think that you all should watch Cougar Town instead of just posting stuff from Community about it. Dan Harmon loves the show, Abed loves the show. It's great! You'll probably get more enjoyment out of watching all of Cougar Town (well, episode 6 on) and talking about it than you will talking about how much Abed loves Cougar Town. I suggest you try it, it's worth it.

Bill Lawrence's nepotism is as bad as Judd Apatow's. Dude's wife is a godawful actress.

Ellie/Christa Miller is awesome in this show.

Very good premiere. So happy to have this show back. I lost it at the wine glass holders.

The green screen gags were amusing. I hope they do more.

big ander

The show is a little girly but I watch it with my GF and we both laugh so I still like it

See, I don't even get how it can be considered girly now. Maybe in the first 5 episodes when it was about Jules having her 20s in her 40s, but now it's a sentimental and wacky ensemble comedy.


"Tom sleeps nude!"

- "ew, why would you tell me that?"

"I wanted it in someone else's head."

So good.

People don't like Ellie/Christa? Wat. Youse crazy.

Proposal was really sweet. Now to add some dose of bitter to the day and sink at the ratings. Sigh.

Davey Cakes

I was actually looking for a solid comedy to watch with my girlfriend. She doesn't watch much television but has interest in "sharing" a show with me. I figured something like a network comedy would be simple enough, but I don't want to re-watch any of the other comedies that I already keep up with (such as Parks and Rec, The Office, Community, 30 Rock, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, etc). Does Cougar Town come recommended as something that couples can watch together?


I was actually looking for a solid comedy to watch with my girlfriend. She doesn't watch much television but has interest in "sharing" a show with me. I figured something like a network comedy would be simple enough, but I don't want to re-watch any of the other comedies that I already keep up with (such as Parks and Rec, The Office, Community, 30 Rock, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, etc). Does Cougar Town come recommended as something that couples can watch together?

It's the best "hangout" sitcom in ages, full of funny, lovable alcoholics. Give it a shot and make sure to start with season two or mid season one.


Really liked the new episode, I especially lost it on the part where Bobby and Andy where sliding by Jules all sad together. And Chick is always great, especially now that le lives on a farm ^^


"Thanks babe." Jules is amazing.

The unexpected grape lady spoofing had me in tears

I adore Bobby and Andy's bromance. I think they totally embody the concept.

big ander

So good tonight. *so* good.

"You should really show everyone your paintings" "Stop spying on me" "stop being so talented."


I did not know this show was made by the same guy who did Scrubs. I have been rewatching Scrubs lately and it is still hilarious, even the later seasons. I may have to check out this show now.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
So good tonight. *so* good.

"You should really show everyone your paintings" "Stop spying on me" "stop being so talented."

Absolutely. I couldn't stop laughing the entire episode. Looks like Domination is their new Penny Can for this season, I love the randomness of it.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I forgot that Ian Gomez (Andy) was on the Drew Carey Show with Christa Miller (Ellie).


Josh and Dan both now have pilots booked in case the show doesn't get renewed. I realize it's their contingency plan and completely logical, but it just feels... defeating. :/


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Oh man, Sarah Chalke is still so goddamned hot. And when she whipped out the French, I may have pre-came just a bit. :|

I really, really love the romance angle for her and Bobby. And I really hope she doesn't just end up a fling for him. I'd like to have Bobby find some happiness before the show is inevitably canceled. I also think Cougar Town is one of the most consistent shows out there - there has yet to be a bad or boring episode. Bill Lawrence is truly talented in that regard, because there was never a dull moment with Scrubs either. Some may disagree, but as someone who ran through Scrubs from season 1-6 until catching up with the whole show, that's just a personal opinion.

Yes, Scrubs had some slower moments in season 4, for example. But even that was still some of the best television on air at the time. It was truly an incredible show.

big ander

What do you know, another hilarious one. I just love how this show manages to never sideline a character. If you wanted to you could reduce each plot to Jules+Andy, Bobby+Trav, and Laurie+Ellie, or whatever. But each plot is interwoven so well and everyone is involved in each others stories so much. It's exactly the kind of thing that makes an ensemble comedy work, and CT nails it.

@AlphaSnake: Agree with just about all of your post. Chalke was indeed hot when she was speaking French. (speculation with maybe spoilers?)
I think in the interview I saw earlier today with Chalke and Miller and Lawrence, they said that she'd be on for 4 episodes :/ maybe they'll have her leave in a way that allows her to come back often? I hope so.

And I agree with Scrubs and this being consistent. People love to talk about scrubs sucking in seasons 4 or 7, but even in those it never felt like a huge difference in quality, only a minor one. Lawrence's shows hit a great level of quality and stay right around there for their entire run, it seems. Which is awesome.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I'm literally strolling through clips of Scrubs right now. This show is fucking gold all these years later.

Elliot Makes Patient Orgasm

JD's Fantasy With Elliot

Turk Has Sex Dream About Elliot

Turk Checks Out Fellow Nurse's Ass, says DAAAYM!

I wish we could make a thread out of these. And then there are all of the clips of Turk dancing and singing.


I love Greyson's facial expressions in this show. Like last episode when he was trying to look at the nude pic of Laurie.

Oh and I neeed a wine fountain!
As soon as those guys starting singing Disney songs and Jules mentioned the name of the "operation", I knew what was coming.


Oh god, amazing episode. The Tom Cruise run had me on the floor. Actually I can't think of anything I didn't like in this episode.

The beginning was also amazing.

"Tit's one of those unexplainable things like .. magnet .. volcanoes.."

And of course:

"No, it's not just Scrubs in Florida with a lot of wine"
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