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Crackdown 2 demo impressions

Chris R

So I downloaded this and it is actually pretty fun. The aiming sucks and camera controls funky bit jumping around grabbing orbs was a blast. Only played the demo of the first game but I might get it again and maybe buy the full game if it is fun. Driving was horrible though, easily the worst driving I've ever played in any game ever. Also since I don't have gold the coop "features" are pointless for me. I'll probably pick this up though when I can get it for $20 and just run around and grab all the orbs I can since that is what I enjoyed most.


To be fair, the driving in Crackdown 2 is really, really bad. I mean, I'm sure it gets much better as you level up your driving, but at Level 1 driving I was so constantly out of control with most cars that I just hoofed it everywhere.

Chris R

Coin Return said:
Orbs make everything better.
Meh I might try it again but no real reason the controls should be that bad off the bat. I can understand skills growing, but the driving should be at least serviceable at the start, growing into kickass as you level it up. I literally got in, crashed three or four times trying to go straight, got out, blew the shit out of that pos car and just ran and jumped around for the remainder of the game.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
GhaleonEB said:
Come September, I'll be taking one hell of a long break from Crackdown 2, and by the time I circle back to it, no one will be playing. I think it's kind of cruel, actually.
I'll be playing. I'm still playing CD1.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Flavius said:
Jesus Herbert Christ...complaining about driving in a Crackdown game.

It really is 2006 all over again.

After trying the demo...the bolded is completely true. Not quite in a good way either. I'll give the full game a rent to see if it can separate itself from 2006, but if not, I'd rather just buy Crackdown 1 used for $5 or something for my fix.


SailorDaravon said:
To be fair, the driving in Crackdown 2 is really, really bad. I mean, I'm sure it gets much better as you level up your driving, but at Level 1 driving I was so constantly out of control with most cars that I just hoofed it everywhere.

Which would be an excellent point if, you know, the game was built around the driving...at all...which it isn't. Unless something's drastically changed from the first title, the vehicles are just another play-thing in the environment.

Makes sense, given that whole climbing and leaping from building to building thing...which is very much what Crackdown is all about.


Flavius said:
Wondering how many of the folks who keep talking about picking it up on the cheap (which annoys the fuck out of me, but I'm sure I'm speaking from a pretty biased position here) are the same guys who, way back then, were clamoring for more of the same...and offering to pay for it...if only someone would make it.

I know I was not alone in my request. Hoping there's a silent majority here who's really digging what they've seen so far!

eh...I had a big long post prepared but forget it. I'll just post these instead (courtesy of derFeef in the other Crackdown thread):

derFeef said:
No big gif-bomb this time, just a few scenes I liked,



<- love it :D

More here and here.
Those are some fucking epic gifs. Makes me long for some sort of Halo-esque theater mode, although it's hard for me to imagine how that could be achieved.

I'm glad to have been able to play the demo for a few hours yesterday before the infinite time glitch was patched. For the most part, I enjoyed what I played, although the jumping somehow didn't feel quite as precise and satisfying as in the first game, but things certainly improve greatly as you level up.

One thing that's absolutely unforgivable, however, is the abomination that's now masquerading as the Agency supercar. Fuck that shit-- I want my goddamn Batmobile back!
I loved Crackdown and I love Crackdown 2 so far. I plan on getting 1000/1000 once I pick this up. Sadly, that'll have to be once the game hits $30 or less. I can't really afford any full priced games this year. Halo Reach would be the only one and it has plenty of $20 off offers from Walmart and Amazon for release.


ive been playing through crackdown 1 again, and i must say it looks and feels alot better than the sequel :(


Net_Wrecker said:
Is this possible in the demo? I couldn't seem to stick any mag grenades to my co-op partners.
Don't know if that's from the demo or from the final game (though the machinima watermark makes me lean towards the demo).

I don't know how many of the people hating on the demo have tried the mag grenades but they are a total blast. Making car slingshots with mag grenades is fucking awesome.

I really liked the demo and to me it feels like more Crackdown with more stuff (wingsuit, more co-op, more crazy stuff). As soon as I popped it in I went right back into orb collecting mode, I can quit whenever I want man, I just need one more orb then I'm done :p

I honestly don't get the people complaining about cars not transforming, sure it sucks that it's gone but it's such a minor quibble. Complaining about cars in Crackdown? Really? The only times I used cars in Crackdown 1 was for races and stunt ring achievements (and for stunt rings I just had a co-up buddy pick up the car I was in and throw me through the ring), for getting round 99% of the time was jumping from building to building. Only other complaint I had was about the aiming and apparently there is already a day 1 patch for that.


zam said:
Don't know if that's from the demo or from the final game (though the machinima watermark makes me lean towards the demo).

I don't know how many of the people hating on the demo have tried the mag grenades but they are a total blast. Making car slingshots with mag grenades is fucking awesome.

I really liked the demo and to me it feels like more Crackdown with more stuff (wingsuit, more co-op, more crazy stuff). As soon as I popped it in I went right back into orb collecting mode, I can quit whenever I want man, I just need one more orb then I'm done :p

I honestly don't get the people complaining about cars not transforming, sure it sucks that it's gone but it's such a minor quibble. Complaining about cars in Crackdown? Really? The only times I used cars in Crackdown 1 was for races and stunt ring achievements (and for stunt rings I just had a co-up buddy pick up the car I was in and throw me through the ring), for getting round 99% of the time was jumping from building to building. Only other complaint I had was about the aiming and apparently there is already a day 1 patch for that.

Well I actually loved driving around in my awesome transforming batmobile supercar. Killing fools on the road yo


zero margin said:
Once you get out of junior status your maturity and thus your opinion will change.

you people put too much emphasis on junior status as if it makes people somehow inferior :lol nerds are funny sometimes


Trucker Sexologist
MMaRsu said:
Well I actually loved driving around in my awesome transforming batmobile supercar. Killing fools on the road yo
Well, instead of transforming from a shithouse car into a badass one they'll just give the badass car.
betweenthewheels said:
The super car you unlock in the demo IS shit.

Maybe you unlock a better one at some point though...?

The only difference is that it doesn't look like the Batmobile, and doesn't have guns on it, but that shouldn't even matter since SO many people claim "the driving is crap, who drives in Crackdown anyway"...Sigh, you people complain too much. The game is fun as hell in co-op which is all anyone ever wants from Crackdown.
The demo inspired me to go back and play the original Crackdown, and I can't believe how good that game still looks.

I'm really going to miss the morphing cars in C2, still, squishing hundreds of freaks makes up for that.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I feel like I'm alone in not even knowing what morphing cars in CD1 was like, I seriously don't recall leveling it up once.


Flavius said:
Which would be an excellent point if, you know, the game was built around the driving...at all...which it isn't. Unless something's drastically changed from the first title, the vehicles are just another play-thing in the environment.

Makes sense, given that whole climbing and leaping from building to building thing...which is very much what Crackdown is all about.

Yeah, not sure why driving is such a big deal, since the only point to it is to drive on freaks which are everywhere at night, you can't miss them.


SapientWolf said:
Well, instead of transforming from a shithouse car into a badass one they'll just give the badass car.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Net_Wrecker said:
The only difference is that it doesn't look like the Batmobile, and doesn't have guns on it, but that shouldn't even matter since SO many people claim "the driving is crap, who drives in Crackdown anyway"...Sigh, you people complain too much. The game is fun as hell in co-op which is all anyone ever wants from Crackdown.
Plus if you want guns on a car you have the buggy, the tank, and the mothafuckin battle bus: an armored truck with three turrets on it. One guy driving while three co-op buddies mow people down with turrets. I'll take that over cars not transforming or any other car any day..


SailorDaravon said:
To be fair, the driving in Crackdown 2 is really, really bad. I mean, I'm sure it gets much better as you level up your driving, but at Level 1 driving I was so constantly out of control with most cars that I just hoofed it everywhere.

Ranking up you driving just adds vehicles, cars still control the same or at least in the demo, the Tank is fun tho...


A really nice in-depth interview from DF on the game's tech;


One section;

Digital Foundry: You could see in the original Crackdown that the engine managed to handle a lot of NPCs roaming the city in any given scene. In the sequel we have the enormous waves of Freaks infesting the city at night. Is this an evolution of the existing tech, or completely new code?

Gary Liddon: It's all new code so a revolution rather then evolution and a really challenging one at that. Not only do we have to render scenes with thousands of NPCs but we also have to keep them synced in a four-player network game under the fairly strict bandwidth limits imposed on us by the Xbox 360 TCRs.

Neil Duffield: For those reasons, the NPC crowd has to be as efficient as possible in many areas, memory, performance and most importantly bandwidth. Attempting this challenge was a bit daunting, but we feel we now have an engine which can be optimised in future to produce even more characters.

We managed to increase the NPC crowd count by around a factor of eight from CD1 to CD2, so who knows what we will have for Crackdown 3. The NPCs are fully LODed, in behavioural terms, so as you approach them they will be capable of different, more complex actions. This is designed to reduce the CPU and Network cost of all the characters, however they still have to be rendered, so they are also graphically LODed. In addition we have some very fast skeletal animation code (which certainly helps).

The characters also represent a rather large navigation problem; as we have so many of them, so we use a time-driven approach when calculating their position, which helps with compressing our network data and also provides a reference for keeping the characters in sync.

I've seen this bandwidth issue come a few times over the years that seems like such an arbitrary thing for MS to have on P2P based games.

SailorDaravon said:
To be fair, the driving in Crackdown 2 is really, really bad. I mean, I'm sure it gets much better as you level up your driving, but at Level 1 driving I was so constantly out of control with most cars that I just hoofed it everywhere.

I would have to agree and if the driving doesn't get better as you level up that would be a shame because I was having a hell of time controlling some of those cars I did the same.


I just finished the first Crackdown and I've never "morphed" a car... Why would you get in a car in Crackdown anyway? That's stupid!


elektrixxx said:
I just finished the first Crackdown and I've never "morphed" a car... Why would you get in a car in Crackdown anyway? That's stupid!

because the cars in the first game are awesome? Especially the transforming agency vehicles.
elektrixxx said:
I just finished the first Crackdown and I've never "morphed" a car... Why would you get in a car in Crackdown anyway? That's stupid!

Spawn at the agency and go to the garage in the middle, select a agency vehicle (only ones that morph) and enter it, watch in amazement as it transforms into a beast if you have max driving level.

The super car turns into some sort of batmobile, the truck turns into some huge artic lorry and the 4x4 gets huge wheels and can drive over anything, even up buildings.
DaBuddaDa said:
Wait, I thought this was the Crackdown 2 thread, not the Just Cause 2 thread..!

In the demo, I can not figure out how to connect one of those grenades to another player.

And it looks like they patched the time limit glitch on the demo, really dumb. :(


Net_Wrecker said:
The only difference is that it doesn't look like the Batmobile, and doesn't have guns on it, but that shouldn't even matter since SO many people claim "the driving is crap, who drives in Crackdown anyway"...Sigh, you people complain too much. The game is fun as hell in co-op which is all anyone ever wants from Crackdown.
I put countless hours into the original game and collected every orb, and I did it entirely solo. So no, co-op is not all that matters to everyone.
Seriously? It's a glitch which provides people with an opportunity to exploit the demo and play the game for as long as they want to. It would be dumb not to fix it.

Yeah, dumb not to fix it, but dumb for people who really enjoy playing the game and hate the 30 minute time limit when C1 had a 60 minute time limit. But you can only really enjoy the demo I think with having as much time as you need in an enclosed off section of the game, not both at the same time, it's what also hurt the Just Cause 2 demo I think until the unlimited time glitch was found. It really helped pass the time until the game is released too.


CrazedArabMan said:
Yeah, dumb not to fix it, but dumb for people who really enjoy playing the game and hate the 30 minute time limit when C1 had a 60 minute time limit. But you can only really enjoy the demo I think with having as much time as you need in an enclosed off section of the game, not both at the same time, it's what also hurt the Just Cause 2 demo I think until the unlimited time glitch was found. It really helped pass the time until the game is released too.

It's been years since I touched the CD1 demo, but I'm almost positive you are wrong. Timer doesn't start until your first level-up...then 30 minutes.

A few play-throughs is plenty sufficient for you to determine whether you're going to like this game or not. Everyone else consists of folks who are already sold, and the aforementioned cheap bastards who want something for nothing.
Flavius said:
It's been years since I touched the CD1 demo, but I'm almost positive you are wrong. Timer doesn't start until your first level-up...then 30 minutes.

A few play-throughs is plenty sufficient for you to determine whether you're going to like this game or not. Everyone else consists of folks who are already sold, and the aforementioned cheap bastards who want something for nothing.

There was a 30 minute timer but you could play it up to 30 minutes before the timer actually started, or get a skill to the next level, or killed 2 generals , the maximum time though was an hour.

So it's kinda a mix.


The unlimted demo was so good, but yea an hour would be nice compromise. 30 is a bit hard to really get into it.


elektrixxx said:
I just finished the first Crackdown and I've never "morphed" a car... Why would you get in a car in Crackdown anyway? That's stupid!

The amazing soundtrack! I'm sad there doesn't appear to be a personal MP3 player in the CD2. It's a crying shame that all that awesome music is relegated to the cars. I'd love to be hoping around the city to some OmTheory or Amon Tobin.


soldat7 said:
The amazing soundtrack! I'm sad there doesn't appear to be a personal MP3 player in the CD2. It's a crying shame that all that awesome music is relegated to the cars. I'd love to be hoping around the city to some OmTheory or Amon Tobin.

Agreed 100%. Both points. Loved just rolling around the city listening to the amazing soundtrack. To do that at anytime would certainly be amazing as well.
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