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David Attenborough abandons his polite silence on creationists and climate change.

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While his tread softly approach has won him admiration and a wider audience across many circles (including those who sometimes see science as a threat to belief), it's compelling to see this great man speak up on what he believes in his twilight years.

Interview link.

Sir David Attenborough, the greatest naturalist of our time, says it’s foolish to blindly accept what you’ve learned at your mother’s knee.

Sir David Attenborough is one of the great naturalists of our time, celebrated for decades of peerless documentary making, an infectious love of the animal kingdom and that distinctive and enthusiastic whisper. Once criticized by campaigners for his reticence to address contentious issues, Attenborough is no longer willing to speak in hushed tones.

Sitting opposite the kangaroo enclosure at London Zoo, he told The Daily Beast he had lost patience with the “ignorance” of creationists, polluters, and climate change deniers. “To simply say that you must accept unquestioningly what you learned at your mother’s knee is not the act of an intelligent person,” he said.

It was a rare flash of frustration from a man who has spent more than 60 years in the public eye. He now walks with the aid of a stick but thanks his “lucky stars” that he is still making wildlife documentaries at the age of 87. As I arrived to meet him, he was describing to a former colleague how a cameraman had recently asked him to look directly into the lens while filming a segment instead of turning to face the creature that he was holding in his outstretched left hand. “How could I be so disrespectful?” he said. “No one wants to look at me.”

But we have been happily looking at him since the 1950s. In the U.S. Attenborough is perhaps best known for the Life on Earth series that was broadcast on PBS in the 1980s, on the other side of the Atlantic he is an institution, recently winning a BBC poll to find the greatest living British icon. His work has often been diluted for an American audience, with his masterful narrations for Planet Earth and Life re-recorded by Alec Baldwin and Oprah Winfrey before they were broadcast on the Discovery channel. There have also been accusations that the U.S. network sought to downplay climate change in the shows.

In fact, Attenborough says he has finally grown sick of America’s attitude to climate change. “I think it’s very sad that people won’t accept evidence for what it says—it’s extraordinary that one of the wealthiest, materially advanced societies in the world can support irrational myths in that way,” he said. “That they should do it privately is up to them but since what they do effects that whole world it’s pretty serious that they should not accept that humanity has been responsible for these changes that are absolutely evident to everyone else.”

You could hardly describe the response as knee-jerk since Attenborough has made a career of resisting controversy, often describing himself as “a reporter” with no views of his own. He does also have sympathy for those who resist the prevailing science on climate change. “There are very good reasons why people should not wish to accept it, because it interferes with their business,” he said. “I would much prefer it wasn’t true—but it is true and unless we can do something about it we are going to be in trouble.”

He has less time for those who deny the existence of evolution, however. “Every society in the world has found it necessary to produce a story to account for the fact that humanity is on earth,” he said. “The Australian Aboriginals think that the first humans were regurgitated by a great rainbow serpent in the sky, the people in Thailand think the beginning of the world was a huge pool of milk and a snake was pulled by demons, and the milk coagulated and that formed human beings and there was a time, two and a half to three thousand years ago, when people on the east end of the Mediterranean thought woman was made from the rib of the first man.

“If somebody says to me I believe every word of the Bible is true, you can’t argue against that degree of irrationality…there is actually a way of looking at the natural world and seeing the evidence and it’s all there. And what’s more it’s the same evidence whether it’s in Australia or Northern Europe or wherever. It’s all the same—it all produces the same answer and you can all see the evidence—if you reject that then there’s nothing I can say.”

Attenborough and his fellow naturalists have been demonstrating the science behind evolution and the fossils that show the development of animal species for decades, and yet recent years have seen an uptick in the number of Americans who believe God put humans directly on earth. One suggested explanation, has been the surge of unchecked disinformation available online. “Never before in history has the entire world been able to speak to one another. We are at the beginning of an extraordinary evolution as a species—one species is able to communicate instantly with every member,” Attenborough said. “I’m not so cynical as to think that ignorance will always win.”

Far from cynical, Attenborough’s eyes still glint with a boyish enthusiasm when he returns to the latest discoveries about the natural world. “We found a scientist in Bristol who discovered that plant roots not only make subsonic sounds when they go down but other roots hear them and react,” he explained, with hands recreating the subterranean movement. “What happens is that the root goes down and this root will grow in an opposite direction. The mechanism nobody had known before. It’s completely new!”

With his 90th birthday on the horizon, he says he has no plans to give up making documentaries. “It isn’t because I exercise, or diet, or live a virtuous life or something, it’s just that fortunately my legs still work, they don’t work as well as they did, but they can get me around,” he said. “That I should be invited to keep doing it is just a huge delight and privilege, and I propose to take advantage of it.”


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I really really hate the title of the article.

“Never before in history has the entire world been able to speak to one another. We are at the beginning of an extraordinary evolution as a species—one species is able to communicate instantly with every member,” Attenborough said. “I’m not so cynical as to think that ignorance will always win.”

my favorite bit.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Well said. Hoping this doesn't turn out like the thread where people were telling him to kill himself because he compared humanity to a disease.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
David Attenborough could tell me that trees have become sentient and have learned to use rudimentary weaponry and now only would I believe him, I'd somehow feel comforted.


“It isn’t because I exercise, or diet, or live a virtuous life or something, it’s just that fortunately my legs still work, they don’t work as well as they did, but they can get me around,” he said. “That I should be invited to keep doing it is just a huge delight and privilege, and I propose to take advantage of it.”
Gotta love the man.


David Attenborough could tell me that trees have become sentient and have learned to use rudimentary weaponry and now only would I believe him, I'd somehow feel comforted.

In before someone uses this post to claim that atheism and science are just pseudo-religions.


He was awesome in Jurassic Park.



I love his documentaries. I realise he isn't the sole voice or researcher behind them, but the way he speaks so passionately and the way the subject material is presented is just so compelling and amazing in its own right.

I was watching an episode of The Rise of Animals on tv the other night. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bgs18

It basically tells the history of invertebrates and how we got from aquatic animals to the first land animals, amphibious creatures, reptiles, dinosaurs, mammals, birds etc.

I defy anyone to watch that and not find the evidence for evolution absolutely rock solid.

Any creationist who watches that and still thinks god did it is a braindead moron.

Dead Man

He seemed to cop a lot of flack on here the last time he was talked about, for being self loathing or some other bullshit. Love the bloke, I rewatch his early stuff all the time. Life on Earth in particular is a favourite.


If somebody says to me I believe every word of the Bible is true, you can’t argue against that degree of irrationality…there is actually a way of looking at the natural world and seeing the evidence and it’s all there. And what’s more it’s the same evidence whether it’s in Australia or Northern Europe or wherever. It’s all the same—it all produces the same answer and you can all see the evidence—if you reject that then there’s nothing I can say.

Dropping bombs, Attenborough-style.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
He narrated the greatest nature documentary of all time and he's a knight. A knight of science. And he could read my latest tax return and have it sound amazing, so I mean, what better guy to be on the forefront of climate change education? You can't be an asshole to David fucking Attenbourough. You can't call him a liar. It'd be like calling Mr. Rogers a big, fat, phony.


Ugh, I heard about his work being re-narrated for the US audience.

Wasn't there some bullshit with Sir Attenborough describing mating habits, but the Oprah Winfey version saying the animals were "in love"...?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ugh, I heard about his work being re-narrated for the US audience.

Wasn't there some bullshit with Sir Attenborough describing mating habits, but the Oprah Winfey version saying the animals were "in love"...?

What. I didn't hear this. Planet Earth wasn't re-narrated. Maybe his older stuff?

I think you could get beat up from something like that.


Funny, I have been going on a marathon watching his programs on Netflix like crazy. Great narrator and he's speaking some truth in the OP.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
It was 2009's Life. Lots of not-very-happy reviews because of the changes.

Holy shit.

Review said:
This is atrocious. I'm watching "Life" on Discovery channel right now, with Oprah narrating. Some of the reviewers said that the script was re-written for her, and I can believe it. I can't believe Attenborough saying lines like "hunting crab seals is toooo much work!" Oprah narrates this thing as if she were reading a bedtime story to little kids and comes off as snarky and condescending. In the opening segment, she's discussing a fox chasing an ibex kid and it's basically like "heeeere comes the fox! UH OH!!"

The most embarrassing thing is that I'm thinking that British people think that Americans demanded this. Who's going to be doing the next special, Dr. Phil? "Oh-kaaay, here comes the alee-gaytor, it's prey tries to run, but that neeeever works! HAW HAW HAW!" Don't get this. Get the real version.



So not worth it
Any creationist who watches that and still thinks god did it is a braindead moron.

The Creationist point of view has never been a view that's inspired by rational and objective thinking, no matter how much one might argue otherwise. It's a believe in the mythical stories from the bible and projecting that on real life observations.

That however does not make the person uttering them a "braindead moron." Very smart people can just as easily delude themselves into believing stories based on conviction, indoctrination and emotional wanting than people with lower IQ's and/or education.


That however does not make the person uttering them a "braindead moron." Very smart people can just as easily delude themselves into believing stories based on conviction, indoctrination and emotional wanting than people with lower IQ's and/or education.
Yeah if anything it seems more likely that a intelligent person would be more likely to cling on to irrational beliefs with stronger conviction then someone less intelligent.. but I'm speaking strongly from personal experience here.


Yeah if anything it seems more likely that a intelligent person would be more likely to cling on to irrational beliefs with stronger conviction then someone less intelligent.. but I'm speaking strongly from personal experience here.

sorry laf :(


The Creationist point of view has never been a view that's inspired by rational and objective thinking, no matter how much one might argue otherwise. It's a believe in the mythical stories from the bible and projecting that on real life observations.

That however does not make the person uttering them a "braindead moron." Very smart people can just as easily delude themselves into believing stories based on conviction, indoctrination and emotional wanting than people with lower IQ's and/or education.

As far as I'm concerned its the same as someone who falls for a pyramid scam or sends hundreds of thousands of dollars to a Nigerian prince. With all the evidence to the contrary, if you hold on to an incredibly tenuous position then it can only be through willful self-deceit.


I love his documentaries. I realise he isn't the sole voice or researcher behind them, but the way he speaks so passionately and the way the subject material is presented is just so compelling and amazing in its own right.

I was watching an episode of The Rise of Animals on tv the other night. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bgs18

It basically tells the history of invertebrates and how we got from aquatic animals to the first land animals, amphibious creatures, reptiles, dinosaurs, mammals, birds etc.

I defy anyone to watch that and not find the evidence for evolution absolutely rock solid.

Any creationist who watches that and still thinks god did it is a braindead moron.

Rise of the Animals is one of the best documentaries I have seen that goes over the evolution of vertebrates, but man does it gloss over some remarkable stuff.

I could put together a 10 part series on the evolution of jaws and teeth alone, and it only got a few minutes.


I suspect in large part he hasn't felt the need to speak out because here in the UK creationism just isn't a big deal. Neither the CoE or Catholic church subscribe to the idea of the old testament being anything other than allegorical vs factual so no one beyond a few small fringe churches touts that sort of thing. Most people her see creationism as a US phenomena.
His work has often been diluted for an American audience, with his masterful narrations for Planet Earth and Life re-recorded by Alec Baldwin and Oprah Winfrey before they were broadcast on the Discovery channel. There have also been accusations that the U.S. network sought to downplay climate change in the shows.

Jesus Christ, that's depressing.


Love David Attenborough and all the work he puts into helping show the natural world, animals, environments. I can see why he's so frustrated after spending so much of his life/time trying to educate not only adults but children as well.
I've never got into the Attenborough documents that much (I've seen some and they're good though), but the man is pretty cool. Hopefully he'll be able to continue his work for a long time still.

Holy shit.
Review said:
This is atrocious. I'm watching "Life" on Discovery channel right now, with Oprah narrating. Some of the reviewers said that the script was re-written for her, and I can believe it. I can't believe Attenborough saying lines like "hunting crab seals is toooo much work!" Oprah narrates this thing as if she were reading a bedtime story to little kids and comes off as snarky and condescending. In the opening segment, she's discussing a fox chasing an ibex kid and it's basically like "heeeere comes the fox! UH OH!!"

The most embarrassing thing is that I'm thinking that British people think that Americans demanded this. Who's going to be doing the next special, Dr. Phil? "Oh-kaaay, here comes the alee-gaytor, it's prey tries to run, but that neeeever works! HAW HAW HAW!" Don't get this. Get the real version.

LOL. I bursted out laughing so hard when thinking of Dr. Phil (in a hypothetical situation) saying those things! I can imagine it so clearly in my mind. I don't think I've ever bursted out so hard.
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