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Dead Rising Unplayable in SD, No Solution Forthcoming by Chris Kohler


Son of Godzilla said:
Doesn't Lost Planet use the exact same thing? No one bitches about that...

Yes, and so did the Dead Rising demo but it wasn't a problem until you're playing the full game and important info is shown in tiny text.

In the Lost Planet demo only stuff like the lifebar caption and weapon names are written really small so it doesnt matter


Rage Bait Youtuber
I'm playing it on a 27" SDTV via component and the text is small, but definitely readable.

Maybe people should hook their system up to their TV with something other than RF :p


So when Dead Rising hits the budget line at $30 you can put the $30 you saved towards your new $300* tv, awesome. Basically, I don't think buying a new television should be a prerequisite for jumping into next gen. People are already bitching about paying $400+ for a new console & yet some posters are saying that they shouldn't even bother jumping in until they can afford the $700+ outlay? Or condescendingly suggesting that if saving $400+ for a console is a scrape then you're irresponsible to do so and shouldn't join next gen until you're earning more money? Screw that man..

* I'm pulling the tv prices out my arse, a) I'm Australian so have no idea what they cost in the US, b) I haven't looked at the prices of new televisions in ages, so am not even giving a roughly converted price guess.


The Faceless Master said:
the last time i checked every Xbox 360 comes with Composite out, and only some come with Component, and even with the Composite/Component cable, the default position on the switch is SD, so it looks to me like out of the box, 100% of Xbox 360 units display in SD... what is "meant to be" again?
Actually, I was talking purely about the size of the TV. SD or HD, no one should be playing a game on a 14'' set. You might as well be playing it in B&W with an RF connection. Though composite is shit, even it comes on the hybrid cable. If you can't do component, spend a few bucks on the s-video cable. It's worth it. Like I said before, I was playing my 360 on a 32'' CRT through s-video, and the picture wasn't far from HD. You don't need to go HD, but you should have some standards.


The problem is NOT the TV we use. When Dead Rising is the only game with this issue, to this degree, the problem is Dead Rising. I've played lots of 360 games, demos, XBLA games. No issues on any of them. Not impacted by the Dead Rising issue? Good for you. Lots of others are. And it sucks. This is basic QA.

Musashi Wins!

Dragona Akehi said:
Not gonna happen. Sorry. I already scraped together a sound system and I have a bad feeling that's gonna have to last me till the end of time.

So...you'll spend lots of money on games and new systems but not the tv? I mean, maybe a monitor at least? You're just being silly. And no, I'm not faulting you for not spending money, being broke, etc. But reasonably, what you play these games on should be almost as relevant.

BTW, this game does suck on SDTV, I couldn't read it either. But a 14" set for the forseeable future? Just play last gen and save for a monitor.


Just imagine if the problem was with the audio. Sorry guys, you can only hear the sound effects if you have 5.1 surround sound. But this is the XBox 360! Why the **** didn't you upgrade when you bought it?


Musashi Wins! said:
So...you'll spend lots of money on games and new systems but not the tv? I mean, maybe a monitor at least? You're just being silly. And no, I'm not faulting you for not spending money, being broke, etc. But reasonably, what you play these games on should be almost as relevant.
Last time I checked, you spend your money on seperate products, and when you purchase said product, that money is gone. So therefore, if he wanted a new TV, he would either have to give up purchasing more games in the future, the xbox, the soundsystem, etc. Please, don't tell anybody how their suppose to spend their money.


GhaleonEB said:
The problem is NOT the TV we use. When Dead Rising is the only game with this issue, to this degree, the problem is Dead Rising. I've played lots of 360 games, demos, XBLA games. No issues on any of them. Not impacted by the Dead Rising issue? Good for you. Lots of others are. And it sucks. This is basic QA.

I doubt that. I'm sure there's other 360 games out there that have this same sort of problem, for example I can think of Texas Hold Em or Battle for Middle Earth 2. Some of the stuff in BofME2 are so small I have trouble seeing them even in HDTV.

It's just that Dead Rising is such a high profile game so problems like this get magnified.


Okay, Capcom can't patch it, but can't they released a revised version of the game with texts in two sizes, slapping a sticker on the front proclaiming 'Okay for SDTVs!' Maybe even a trade in program for current buyers. There have been reiusses before, but I assume Capcom would want to avoid the expense.


This is not limited to Dead Rising, either. I borrowed a 360 from a friend shortly after launch, and playing PD0 on my 32" RCA with S-video made me feel like I was going blind. It, and the fact that the game sucked, was enough to make me stop playing.

I wouldn't expect this to end immediately either. It's pretty obvious developers are assuming HD when placing the text for games. Hopefully there will be enough of a backlash to remind them that more than 80% of TVs worldwide are SD.
Aaron said:
Actually, I was talking purely about the size of the TV. SD or HD, no one should be playing a game on a 14'' set. You might as well be playing it in B&W with an RF connection. Though composite is shit, even it comes on the hybrid cable. If you can't do component, spend a few bucks on the s-video cable. It's worth it. Like I said before, I was playing my 360 on a 32'' CRT through s-video, and the picture wasn't far from HD. You don't need to go HD, but you should have some standards.
so you're the TV police now?

it doesn't say "your TV must be |_________________| this size to play next gen" on the box...

plus, like i alluded tt, the $299 unit doesn't come with a hybrid cable...

Musashi Wins!

datruth29 said:
Last time I checked, you spend your money on seperate products, and when you purchase said product, that money is gone. So therefore, if he wanted a new TV, he would either have to give up purchasing more games in the future, the xbox, the soundsystem, etc. Please, don't tell anybody how their suppose to spend their money.

It's about being reasonable. When you're buying into all this HDGEN1!!1 stuff. The 360/PS3 will be not as good on regular sets. This might suck, but it's a reality. It's part of the hobby, and I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but what they want. Just stating the obvious. It doesn't excuse this game being unplayable, I'm just saying that if buying systems for $$$$$ is a priority, isn't the display part of it?

Please don't be so absurd as to preach against opinion on a gaming forum.



"Capcom doesn't care about people with cheap TVs."
Musashi Wins! said:
It's about being reasonable. When you're buying into all this HDGEN1!!1 stuff. The 360/PS3 will be not as good on regular sets. This might suck, but it's a reality. It's part of the hobby, and I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but what they want. Just stating the obvious. It doesn't excuse this game being unplayable, I'm just saying that if buying systems for $$$$$ is a priority, isn't the display part of it?

Please don't be so absurd as to preach against opinion on a gaming forum.
'not as good' and 'unreadable text' are not in the same ballpark

people don't expect it to look as good, and many plan to get a new tv to experience the full resolution later... but readable text in a game is too much to expect?


Musashi Wins! said:
It's about being reasonable. When you're buying into all this HDGEN1!!1 stuff. The 360/PS3 will be not as good on regular sets. This might suck, but it's a reality. It's part of the hobby, and I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but what they want. Just stating the obvious. It doesn't excuse this game being unplayable, I'm just saying that if buying systems for $$$$$ is a priority, isn't the display part of it?

Please don't be so absurd as to preach against opinion on a gaming forum.
Well I wont. As long as publishers don't find it absurd that I won't be purchasing their game because they decided not to cater to 80% of all TV owners.
I played the game through component on a 2 year old CRT that's 3 feet away from me and it was ruff. It's nice that some of you had no problems, but suggesting that people should spend a ton of money on a new tv or shut up is pretty juvenile. Unfortunately I see that sort of thing a lot around here - there doesn't seem to be a single microtransaction, buggy game, hardware failure, multiple SKU, or console launch thread that doesn't have some variation of "just shut up and spend more money" posted in it somewhere.

Musashi Wins!

The Faceless Master said:
'not as good' and 'unreadable text' are not in the same ballpark

I agree. I've gone off on a tangent. That I made clear several times. Here it is again for you: this isn't acceptable by Capcom.


The text in LOTR is also terrible and Im running my 360 through component into a 68cm wega which is a fairly decent SDTV display..

I was dreaming of a patch which would increase the font size, and GET RID OF THAT F**KING ANNOYING CELLPHONE RING SOUND EFFECT!!!1! Please Jesus....!

One block of health left, with only a shitty broom handle or something to fight with and being surrounded by zombies and that damn phone rings every 10-20 seconds.. Gah!


Musashi Wins! said:
It's about being reasonable. When you're buying into all this HDGEN1!!1 stuff. The 360/PS3 will be not as good on regular sets. This might suck, but it's a reality. It's part of the hobby, and I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but what they want. Just stating the obvious. It doesn't excuse this game being unplayable, I'm just saying that if buying systems for $$$$$ is a priority, isn't the display part of it?

Please don't be so absurd as to preach against opinion on a gaming forum.
Those are true statements. I fully realize that games on the 360 will look better in HD. I don't expect them to be unplayable on SD sets.


The text issue is a problem, but it's not nearly as bad as that picture makes it seem. Perhaps it depends on the model/size of your TV but I could still read the text on my Sony WEGA 24" standard TV. Even if the text is hard to read the game is still playable.

Musashi Wins!

GhaleonEB said:
Those are true statements. I fully realize that games on the 360 will look better in HD. I don't expect them to be unplayable on SD sets.

Seriously, I agree. And I think it is (I played it on one). I was just flummoxed that a gamer would plan to buy all these new systems but use a 14" tv.


My bedroom is small.

Small enough that I'm about 2 feet away from both the TV and computer screen when I'm using the computer.

When I got Dead Rising, I initially hooked it up via composite to my 20" SDTV, and I tried playing. From 2 feet away, I couldn't make out the text at all. It was just laughably bad, like I was reading blobs of letters on the screen.

Thank god I've got a VGA cable, or I'd have probably returned the only game I've been looking forward to for a year.
Sean said:
The text issue is a problem, but it's not nearly as bad as that picture makes it seem. Perhaps it depends on the model/size of your TV but I could still read the text on my Sony WEGA 24" standard TV. Even if the text is hard to read the game is still playable.
you can read the text, i can read the text, the only difference between you and i is that i have noticed that some people complaining about not being able to read the text in dead rising, despite not having problems with other games, and you somehow haven't noticed...


Musashi Wins! said:
Seriously, I agree. And I think it is (I played it on one). I was just flummoxed that a gamer would plan to buy all these new systems but use a 14" tv.
I can understand that, it makes for odd sounding priorities. In my case, I've always had a very lean entertainment/gaming budget. I buy one new game ever 2-3 months, on average. So Dead Rising was my second retail 360 game after Oblivion. New games are an event at my house. I just can't afford a new TV right now.


I'd rather not interject, but how about instead of using this horribly shallow train of thought:

"If they bought a next-gen console, they should have also bought an HD-TV!"

You guys use this following train of thought when trying to understand some of the people's feelings.

"If they bought a new console to play the newest iterations of games on, they shouldn't have to worry all the time about upgrading their equipment to enjoy the games. Especially since the chances of a company supporting an old console with new games is almost non-existant."

(Remember the days when all you were required to have was a TV + a console to play games? No stupid surround sound dealies or Progressive Scan output required to enjoy a game. What's next? A ~$200 per person sub-console to enjoy multiplayer?)


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
360 VGA cable + CRT/LCD PC monitor that everyone on this forum already has = temporary workaround until your broke ass can afford a real TV. :D

This isn't some great crisis. Yeah, it was crap for the game to be released in such an SD-unfriendly state, but the amount of attention it's drawn will likely prevent this from reoccurring much in the future. Life will go on. Gaming journalists will find new things to whine about.


Musashi Wins! said:
Seriously, I agree. And I think it is (I played it on one). I was just flummoxed that a gamer would plan to buy all these new systems but use a 14" tv.

If you can only afford one or the other you have two choices: be enjoying nextgen games now, albiet not at optimum visual fidelity. Or get a new tv now and have to wait months/year until you can play any next gen games on it.

It's all well & good to assume that all the early adopters are dudes in their 20s with decent jobs & HD gaming dens, but what about the 16year old kid who worked all summer to afford his 360, only to find that one of the biggest games of the year is nearly unplayable on the 14" telly in his bedroom? Is that just tough shit for him?
I can't believe people are actually making excuses for Capcom. How about they make the text readable without having to squint in the ****ing first place?


The Faceless Master said:
so you're the TV police now?
No, I'm the karma police, and my boss is a bitch.

it doesn't say "your TV must be |_________________| this size to play next gen" on the box...

plus, like i alluded tt, the $299 unit doesn't come with a hybrid cable...
It's called the retard pack for a reason.

I'm not saying the text size in DR isn't a problem, or that Capcom shouldn't do anything to address it. I guess I'm a bit bewildered that people would actually play a $400 console on a $100 TV.
Musashi Wins! said:
Seriously, I agree. And I think it is (I played it on one). I was just flummoxed that a gamer would plan to buy all these new systems but use a 14" tv.
yeah, how dare a gamer spend money on games and consoles instead of a tv, a nice leather couch, central air, a new car, a trip to the bahamas and a full body massage


I tried capcom's tip of putting the 360 in widescreen mode and it did seem to make the text easier to read, but of course all the characters and such are squished a little


The physical form of blasphemy
What is so hard to understand...

I really don't get it. Some people, don't know/think/feel that they should have to "upgrade" their TV's to play/view/watch a video game system. Console gamers really aren't used to having to "upgrade" equipment to get the best out of something that is "usually" plug in and start playing. Some people actually saved for a next gen system, and used the money they saved on it. Not everyone has an infinite amount of disposable income, nor does everyone have the knowledge about what an HDtv is, let alone the fact that a video game system is going to require it. Hell, I had to explain to a lady the other day about why an HD is sooo much better than a regular.

Sure, one could infer that they should research, but...that ain't the point. Capcom messed this up. Its' not the fault of the "broke people", nore is it the fault of those who couldn't really see it on their HD sets.

I could understand if HD was standard, but...its NOT.

Anyhow, Modus is right about the price point. They are getting cheaper now. If you just have to have a set, suck up your pride and throw one on layaway at walmart.


flinging feces ---->
Son of Godzilla said:
Wow, they had to have chosen the worst tv possible to take pics of. Its pretty much fine on mine.

Seriously, I don't understand what the huge problem is. Unless you need glasses (I do and I use them), the text is only slightly but if I focus (on my SDTV, because obviously on my HDTV it super easy to read) I can easily read it.

Try tuning your TV's to a darker setting. It'll help, and don't overdue the sharpness on your TV either

It's fine. It could be bigger, but the only thing I have trouble reading is Otis's calls (which are eligible if you sit close to your TV)

Medium-sized problem, but nothing gigantic.
Aaron said:
No, I'm the karma police, and my boss is a bitch.

It's called the retard pack for a reason.

I'm not saying the text size in DR isn't a problem, or that Capcom shouldn't do anything to address it. I guess I'm a bit bewildered that people would actually play a $400 console on a $100 TV.
Why? If we can only afford one or the other then why wouldn't we choose the 360? Buying the tv first would be like buying $10,000 rims for a car we haven't even bought yet.
m0dus said:
You wanna go cheap?


27" 1080i CRT with HDMI support - $359.99 USD. Less than the price of a premium 360, or equivalent to the price ofr 7 360 games. Compatible with everything from your Wii to you PS3 and DVD player. And that's after spending all of 35 seconds searching Best Buy.com--many online vendors will offer tremendous deals on better sets.

The hilarious thing is, come christmas, TVs like this will PLUMMET in price, and get rather dirt-cheap anyway (especially 'day after thanksgiving' sales and the like)

Honestly, if you're playing $59 games on a $300-400 console, the "I don't have the money!" excuse doesn't hold water, IMO. The truth is, you likely don't have the patience/willpower to save the money to enrich your gaming (and Movie viewing) experience beyond compare.

But hey, you say you don't have/want to spend the money? then invest $30 in a VGA cable and play on the computer monitor you are using right now. That's an acceptable stopgap measure that will still be leagues better than playing it on a crappy 15" SDTV, and will give you the HD experience at a low price.
Yeah, Capcom should've spotted the unreadable text issue before shipping, but honestly, this isn't the watergate-sized affair that some people are desperate to make it. I hear the game looks atrocious on those 13" black and white sets, too.

I got that beat. Over the weekend a store here in Seattle placed coupons in the paper for 52" 1080i/720p DLPs for $399 that were originally priced at $2000. Sure they're some bizarre brand (Totevision....I've never heard of 'em) but for 400 bucks, why the hell not? I bought one and I don't even know what the hell I'm going to do with it. It's just sitting in my garage at the moment.

Just storing away HDTVs for the Apocalypse.
I think the dialogue would have been more appealing anyway if they made it bigger with a picture of the character talking, RPG style.

The way it is now is just... unfortunate.

Also, would it have killed them to give Otis a voice?


The Faceless Master said:
yeah, how dare a gamer spend money on games and consoles instead of a tv, a nice leather couch, central air, a new car, a trip to the bahamas and a full body massage
The leather couch alone costs more than a decent TV. A 30'' SD with component connections is hardly a luxury item. Not like say... an Xbox 360.

Systems_id said:
Why? If we can only afford one or the other then why wouldn't we choose the 360? Buying the tv first would be like buying $10,000 rims for a car we haven't even bought yet.
You're joking, right? Is all you do with a TV play videogames? I watch movies, broadcast TV, etc... if anything, the TV has far more possible use than the console does. You don't have any current consoles that would look better on a better TV. Heck, some PS2 games support progressive or widescreen. Such logic makes no sense.
m0dus said:
You wanna go cheap?


27" 1080i CRT with HDMI support - $359.99 USD. Less than the price of a premium 360, or equivalent to the price ofr 7 360 games. Compatible with everything from your Wii to you PS3 and DVD player. And that's after spending all of 35 seconds searching Best Buy.com--many online vendors will offer tremendous deals on better sets.

The hilarious thing is, come christmas, TVs like this will PLUMMET in price, and get rather dirt-cheap anyway (especially 'day after thanksgiving' sales and the like)

Honestly, if you're playing $59 games on a $300-400 console, the "I don't have the money!" excuse doesn't hold water, IMO. The truth is, you likely don't have the patience/willpower to save the money to enrich your gaming (and Movie viewing) experience beyond compare.

But hey, you say you don't have/want to spend the money? then invest $30 in a VGA cable and play on the computer monitor you are using right now. That's an acceptable stopgap measure that will still be leagues better than playing it on a crappy 15" SDTV, and will give you the HD experience at a low price.
Yeah, Capcom should've spotted the unreadable text issue before shipping, but honestly, this isn't the watergate-sized affair that some people are desperate to make it. I hear the game looks atrocious on those 13" black and white sets, too.
4:3 aspect ratio for viewing standard TV in fullscreen format

not that i'm disagreeing on the price plummeting etc, just pointing out that this particular model is 4:3 :p


Tagged as I see fit
IceIpor said:
I'd rather not interject, but how about instead of using this horribly shallow train of thought:

"If they bought a next-gen console, they should have also bought an HD-TV!"

You guys use this following train of thought when trying to understand some of the people's feelings.

"If they bought a new console to play the newest iterations of games on, they shouldn't have to worry all the time about upgrading their equipment to enjoy the games. Especially since the chances of a company supporting an old console with new games is almost non-existant."

(Remember the days when all you were required to have was a TV + a console to play games? No stupid surround sound dealies or Progressive Scan output required to enjoy a game. What's next? A ~$200 per person sub-console to enjoy multiplayer?)

Could not have said this any better myself. Capcom screwed up. Xbox360 supports SDTV. No, you should not have to go out and BUY A NEW HDTV to play games on the console. That's just asinine. Just because you have an HDTV doesn't everybody needs to go run out and buy one to play videogames this generation. Also note: I'm buying an HDTV, but you gotta be kidding me - dropping 359.99 on a new set when you've already got a functioning one *just* for HDTV resolutions? What? So now to enter next gen I need to spend 759.99....and that's without a game??? Give me a break.

Capcom screwed up and MS' QA dropped the ball here.
Aaron said:
The leather couch alone costs more than a decent TV. A 30'' SD with component connections is hardly a luxury item. Not like say... an Xbox 360.
but a nice leather couch will increase the comfortability of your gaming, incerasing the time you can play and enjoy games...
central air will allow you to be comfortable even in the harshest outdoor conditions...

a new car will allow you to speedily and safely get new games from the store to your home...

a trip to the bahamas and a full body massage will both go a long way towards resting and relaxing your body so you can come back as fresh as ever, ready to enjoy more videogames...

yes, this is how you sound when preaching about a new tv...
Yea i can't see crap on my SDTV either. But then again its a 19" samsung. Im hoping the VGA cable i ordered and my 19" crt should give a better resolution.


The Faceless Master said:
but a nice leather couch will increase the comfortability of your gaming, incerasing the time you can play and enjoy games...
central air will allow you to be comfortable even in the harshest outdoor conditions...

a new car will allow you to speedily and safely get new games from the store to your home...

a trip to the bahamas and a full body massage will both go a long way towards resting and relaxing your body so you can come back as fresh as ever, ready to enjoy more videogames...

yes, this is how you sound when preaching about a new tv...
Sounds like you took a leap of logic, and just jumped off a cliff.

Look at this way, imagine if you were really nearsighted and decided to not pay for new glasses, but instead put that money towards some cool sneakers, and take a walk in some lovely natural scenery near where you live. Now you're moving real well, but the whole world comes off as blurry. Wouldn't it have been more worth it to stick to your old shoes and bring the world into focus?
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