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Debbie Wasserman Schultz's primary opponent dislikes "open borders", Iran deal.

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HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Tim Canova was driving from a rally against money in politics to a protest against chemical giant Monsanto this month when his spokeswoman called to tell him that Sen. Bernie Sanders had just gone on CNN and endorsed his long-shot primary challenge against the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

What a legendary way to start this off (with rallies against a big corporation and "GMOs"), but the real meat is later on.

He opposes “open borders,” though he supports some pathway to citizenship. But the insurgent said he believes that Hispanics will support him once they hear that Wasserman Schultz took money from people tied to the payday loan industry and that African Americans will back him because he opposes the war on drugs. (Wasserman Schultz opposed a ballot referendum to legalize medical marijuana.)

Much of Canova’s campaign literature emphasizes his opposition to the nuclear agreement with Iran, a position shared by many in the district’s large and active Jewish population. Wasserman Schultz backed the deal.

“She’s Jewish; I’m not. But I’ve had a Jewish stepdad for 40 years, and I was a volunteer on a kibbutz. . . . And she voted for the Iran agreement,” he said. “Either she got duped by [Obama deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes or she was in on it.”

I mean, this is really antisemitic it seems? "I know Jews voted for this deal, but I have a Jewish friend and I know what's better for you Jews."

Anyway, DWS isn't good at leading the DNC, but she's going to cream this guy, but I just thought it was weird that Bernie is supporting a guy further to the right than DWS just because he hates her personally, lol.

On the Jewish point, it sounds to me like he is just talking about his ability to get votes from that portion of the population. Am I reading that wrong?
On the Jewish point, it sounds to me like he is just talking about his ability to get votes from that portion of the population. Am I reading that wrong?

“She’s Jewish; I’m not. But I’ve had a Jewish stepdad for 40 years, and I was a volunteer on a kibbutz. . . . And she voted for the Iran agreement,” he said. “Either she got duped by [Obama deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes or she was in on it.”

? He's clearly saying that the only way you could support this as a Jew is if you were tricked into liking it.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
“She’s Jewish; I’m not. But I’ve had a Jewish stepdad for 40 years, and I was a volunteer on a kibbutz. . . . And she voted for the Iran agreement,” he said. “Either she got duped by [Obama deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes or she was in on it.”

? He's clearly saying that the only way you could support this as a Jew is if you were tricked into liking it.
Or he's saying such a supporter is a traitor.
This guy is really fucking weird.

It would also be worthwhile to break the monopoly of central banks in the issuance of currency by funding some government operations with money created and issued by treasuries and finance ministries—money that would not add a penny to public debt. This is what President Abraham Lincoln did by issuing more than $400 million in U.S. notes, the so-called Greenback, to pay the huge costs of the American Civil War and national economic development programs. A century earlier, colonial Pennsylvania enjoyed fifty-two years of non-inflationary growth by issuing and lending its own currency into circulation, thereby financing major development of infrastructure without incurring debt or high tax burdens. Adam Smith, in his classic work Wealth of Nations (1776), praised Pennsylvania’s success with government-issued money. Such proposals have been introduced in Congress over the years, but Wall Street lobbying has prevented such legislation from passing.


Velcro Fly

So Sanders endorsed this guy because he was running against DWS and not for any specific policies he supports right? I know he said this guys views were closer to his own but damn


Sounds like someone most Democrats would agree with. Nobody really likes the Iran deal, or open borders, or blocking marijuana decriminalization/legalization.

The Iran deal part is just to get the Jewish vote and say he's pro-Israel. Being for a path to citizenship but against "open borders" is what most Americans and even Democrats agree with. And the marijuana bit is just really dumb on Schultz' part and reeks of bought vote.

I say that as someone who hopes Hillary wins. I don't see people supporting Schultz over him at all.
Sounds like someone most Democrats would agree with. Nobody really likes the Iran deal, or open borders, or blocking marijuana decriminalization/legalization.

The Iran deal part is just to get the Jewish vote and say he's pro-Israel. Being for a path to citizenship but against "open borders" is what most Americans and even Democrats agree with. And the marijuana bit is just really dumb on Schultz' part and reeks of bought vote.

I say that as someone who hopes Hillary wins. I don't see people supporting Schultz over him at all.

Democrats favor the Iran deal around 80/20.

"I'm against open borders" is almost always a dogwhistle against immigration and being anti-immigrant is not really something Democrats support.
Sounds like someone most Democrats would agree with. Nobody really likes the Iran deal, or open borders, or blocking marijuana decriminalization/legalization.

The Iran deal part is just to get the Jewish vote and say he's pro-Israel. Being for a path to citizenship but against "open borders" is what most Americans and even Democrats agree with. And the marijuana bit is just really dumb on Schultz' part and reeks of bought vote.

I say that as someone who hopes Hillary wins. I don't see people supporting Schultz over him at all.
Uh I think the Iran deal is pretty great actually.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'll agree the tide is turning on Marijuana reform. That's going to be changed nationally by legislation or the DEA within the next 8 years.

Legislation will allow for a sales and tax method.
The DEA can at the very least change its schedule to something far closer to it's real threat, so Research can be done at a far wider scale.


Being anti-"Open Borders" is the Sanders populism equivalent of being anti-PC. It is pretty much the same in my opinion to a racist person arguing that he has the right to be a bigot without repercussion, in this case a laid off worker blaming foreigners for taking his job and wanting the country to isolate itself from the world.

This also removes from consideration the fact that some factories are moved elsewhere due to environmental regulations and some companies hire foreign workers because there is insufficient trained locals. It all makes me wonder what kinds of concession Sanders would give to get his economic ideals enacted if it ever came to that. Just seeing how he attributes racism to economic disenfranchisement is very telling.


Not a dumb candidate. He's literally triangulating her on all policy differences.

A politician.

Don't feel sorry for Debbie one single bit if she loses.

Btw Debbie would of bailed her support to the deal if her seat was truly in danger at the outset of the deal. Do we forget that the next-in-line Senate majority leader Schummer bailed on the president for the simple reason that he needed to keep his seat as challenge free as possible?

Sadly for Debbie she didn't expect a challenger - nor one to get this much steam. Nonetheless as OP confidently says - "she will cream this guy" - or so we'll see.
Iran is a country that publicly executes people for being gay. We shouldn't trade with countries who have such a blatant disregard for human rights.

Also, Wasserman-Schultz district (FL-23 around Miami) is heavily Jewish. Its some awkward phrasing but I think he's just pandering to them.

Not my district, but I'd vote for him over Debbie in a second.


Do you actually disagree with any of her policy positions or how she has voted or is it just how she is running the DNC?

For me? Disagree with a few of her policies if the above posts are true, and I definitely disagree without how she is running the DNC.

But worst of all, I disagree with not getting an UPGRADE in exchange for booting her out. This is sort of bumming me out. Some of these quotes set off some serious alarm bells for me.


I am for GMO labelling. Monsanto's DARK Act would prevent states from having GMO labelling.

In addition, Wasserman Schultz's support for fast-tracking the TPP endangers labelling. The TPP's investor protection provisions would allow giant corporations to challenge labelling laws in suits brought before arbitration panels made up of corporate lawyers.

I would like to learn more about fusion, I know the Europeans have invested more in this technology. Nuclear fission presents safety issues, just look at Fukushima disaster.

I have not thought much about polygamy and plural marriages. Sorry.

Black Lives Matter has done a great public service by showing the ongoing and pervasive racial discrimination in our entire criminal justice system, which needs reform from top to bottom and at every level.

Martin Luther King, Jr. called for an updated G.I. Bill of Rights for poor people, black and white. This type of universalist approach (jobs for all, education, health care, housing, for all) might be the best way to achieve the goals of reparations. However, there is also an important symbolic message from reparations that perhaps could be achieved by truth and reconciliation commissions to deal with many of the historic injustices in this country.

I support a minimum basic income, which was actually proposed by none other than President Richard Nixon and conservative economist Milton Friedman.

It's important to raise taxes on the top bracket, but I also think the top bracket should not start at $413,000. CEOs who make tens of millions of dollars a year and hedge fund managers making billions of dollars of year should not be in the same bracket as folks making hundreds of thousands. For billionaires and millionaires we may need a top marginal rate over percent, though I'm not sure how much higher than 50 percent
If we don’t get big money out of politics, we will not accomplish what needs to be done for working families, the middle class, ordinary citizens. This is why my campaign is not taking a penny from corporations, their political action committees (PACs) or Super PACs. Instead, we are financing our campaign through thousands of small donations from ordinary citizens. When elected, I will not owe any special favors to any corporate interests or billionaire donors. This is in stark contrast to my opponent, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has raised many millions of dollars from large corporate interests. Not surprisingly, her policy positions and votes in Congress largely reflect corporate agendas.
While my opponent also calls for overturning Citizens United, this is part of her pattern of saying one thing and doing another. She says she’s for small-donor driven elections, but she raises millions of dollars from large corporations and their PACs and Super PACs. She has voted for a bill to prevent the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) from forcing corporations to disclose their campaign spending to shareholders, and to block the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from curbing special interest donors from forming sham “social welfare” organizations that hide their political spending. These measures were in Omnibus spending packages that she voted for without lodging a single word of protest. As of February 26, 2016, she has refused to co-sponsor the DISCLOSE Act, introduced by Congressman Chris Van Hollen (with more than 110 co-sponsors), to shine a light on the flood of special-interest money.

And in mid-February, it was reported that the Democratic National Committee (DNC), which Wasserman Schultz leads, reversed President Obama’s 2008 ban on the DNC taking money from corporate lobbyists. President Obama was right to ban lobbyist donations because it raises all kinds of conflicts of interest and corrodes our politics, and leads to sweetheart legislation for large companies while costing taxpayers billions of dollars.
I will support an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020, along with special protections for small businesses.
Significantly, these are not mere theoretical matters. Under a similar investor rights provision in NAFTA, the energy giant TransCanada recently announced it was suing the U.S. government for $15 billion for the Obama administration’s decision to not move forward with the Keystone XL Pipeline because of concerns about greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. My opponent, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, may say that she’s for addressing climate change, but by voting to fast-track the TPP, such words ring hollow.

loki 16

The Iran deal was good. I do agree with him on marijuana and open borders. Immigrants already living here should be given a citizenship but we should have border control.
Iran is a country that publicly executes people for being gay. We shouldn't trade with countries who have such a blatant disregard for human rights.

Also, Wasserman-Schultz district (FL-23 around Miami) is heavily Jewish. Its some awkward phrasing but I think he's just pandering to them.

Not my district, but I'd vote for him over Debbie in a second.

How many times have our sanctions actually improved human rights or the conditions of the people living in the countries living their. They are a great way to cut a country off without going to war, but I don't see how you expect more sanctions would improve the lives of gay people Iran besides making you feel morally right


How many times have our sanctions actually improved human rights or the conditions of the people living in the countries living their. They are a great way to cut a country off without going to war, but I don't see how you expect more sanctions would improve the lives of gay people Iran besides making you feel morally right

The Saudi's are a worse case scenario even. The deal is good, not a perfect deal but a good deal. Politicians will play around with its support to get into office - it's standard fare. More so now that it passed.
How many times have our sanctions actually improved human rights or the conditions of the people living in the countries living their. They are a great way to cut a country off without going to war, but I don't see how you expect more sanctions would improve the lives of gay people Iran besides making you feel morally right

This. Cuba and Iran (really much of the Middle East) should be poster children for why those sanctions are shit. They don't work at all; influence works, by maintaining connections and dependencies. If Iran/Cuba/etc are surviving on their own under sanctions, why the hell would they care about your complaints on human rights?
The whole "primary DWS" movement is so stupid to me. Because, even if you hate her as DNC chair, chairship isn't determined by being in Congress. So even if you boot her from Congress, she keeps her position. If you hate her actions as chair, this really doesn't so anything about it.


Sanders reeeeeeeeeallllly hates DWS it seems

Dancing with the Stars?

Oh, Debbie. well she's been dogging him like Lucy with the football for a year now. in his eyes her finger has been on the scales for Clinton ever since this thing started, and it has. But he hasn't paid the same party dues, so he should understand it. I think he was hit in the eye with progressive liberal pie and thought the Democratic party was a party of idealists and not practical realists.
The whole "primary DWS" movement is so stupid to me. Because, even if you hate her as DNC chair, chairship isn't determined by being in Congress. So even if you boot her from Congress, she keeps her position. If you hate her actions as chair, this really doesn't so anything about it.

It's mostly salt at this point. Bring down whoever you can.


It honestly blows my mind how wanting tougher border laws, a wall and enforcing immigration laws is so vehemently opposed or is so enthusiastically cheered. There is a middle ground between 'no borders/no one is illegal' and 'round them all up door to door like the stasi in the night and deport them' etc.


The opposition to the Iran Deal is dissapointing. I consider that deal to be the best foreign policy move the U.S. has made in the past 25 years.

That being said, Cannova is committed progressive in other areas, and foreign policy isn't nearly as important in the House.

I don't think it can be argued that DWS deserves to remain as DNC chair. Since she took over, the Democrats have suffered unprecedented losses at state level and in both houses of congress. The continued failure to adopt a coherent national strategy to build a coalition capable of governing will eventually prove fatal to both the party and the country.
I'll cross post this

Canova's website is fun

Far more serious than recreational marijuana use is the rise of illegal pill mills, the over-prescription of opioids, the enormous increase in heroin abuse, and the epidemic of flakka, synthetic crystals and bath salts imported from China, which has turned many users into paranoid and often violent zombies with superhuman strength and off-the-charts near-death vital signs. In the first year since the flakka epidemic began in Broward County, 60 people have died as a result, with hospitals getting dozens of overdosed patients a day, and on some nights, half the calls to police are flakka-related emergencies. Likewise, opioid use has resulted in an alarming rise in overdose deaths around the country, including in more affluent areas, and particularly in South Florida. These are the type of drugs on which we should be focusing our law enforcement and public health efforts.

He also hates China

When a decade later, the U.S. entered into permanent normal trade relations with the People’s Republic of China, a communist dictatorship with no independent trade union movement, no political freedoms, and far lower wage rates, labor standards, and environmental protections.

As a law professor, scholar and activist, I opposed these types of trade policies, including NAFTA, permanent normal trade relations with China, and China’s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Good luck with this one bucko. I wonder what he means, like free ad space? I'm for publicly funded elections but how do you get free ad space on cable TV out of that lol.

Candidates for federal elections should be given free TV and cable airtime. After all, the public owns the airwaves, and TV and cable companies have benefitted from billions of dollars in public subsidies.

He seems to hate the Fed, I dunno, not an expert on this
Another source of our growing income and wealth inequality is related to the Federal Reserve and monetary policy. Since the 2008 financial collapse, the central bank has purchased several trillion dollars in assets from the largest Wall Street financial institutions, while making tens of trillions of dollars in near zero-interest loans to these big banks. Meanwhile, millions of ordinary Americans were wiped out by the crash, they lost their homes to foreclosure, they lost their jobs, and they lost their life savings - and yet the Fed has done virtually nothing to help them. This is totally inexcusable.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the Federal Reserve provided loans directly to “Main Street” small- and medium-sized businesses, and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) – essentially a federal infrastructure bank – provided billions of dollars in grants and loans to rebuild the economy. But since 2008, the Federal Reserve has provide no assistance to Main Street and we’re still waiting for a federal infrastructure bank – something that’s been promised in presidential election campaigns in 1992 and 2008 and that many economic powerhouses with modern infrastructures, like Germany, Japan, and China, have had for years.

But I thought China was a
communist dictatorship with no independent trade union movement, no political freedoms, and far lower wage rates, labor standards, and environmental protections.

Conveniently he's left off anything on his site about his ideas on immigration

And he wants Sanders to Cruz into California


And he's disingenuous

Rove’s conservative super-PAC, American Crossroads, offered its “endorsement” of embattled Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in her competitive House re-election bid.

“Debbie Wasserman Schultz has played a critical role over the past several years in the massive Republican gains we have achieved at the state level, in the U.S. House of Representatives, and in the U.S. Senate,” said Steven Law, president of American Crossroads, in a faux-statement of support. “Wasserman Schultz’s leadership has also been a catalyst for the emerging civil war in the Democratic Party this year, ensuring that their nominating process will drag on far longer than that of Republicans.”

Apparently sensing the opportunity to stir up a bit of trouble within the Democratic ranks, The Tea Party Express followed Rove’s trollish way and released its own endorsement of the Democratic congresswoman, crediting the moderate with aiding the rise of the right-wing movement.

“While both Wasserman Schultz and Canova share extreme liberal views that are damaging to American prosperity, the scales tip for us to endorse Wasserman Schultz because conservatives and the Tea Party have thrived during her tenure as DNC Chairman,” said Tea Party Express Executive Director, Taylor Budowich.

“Wasserman Schultz has also been guilty of outrageous statements regarding Karl Rove, including falsely blaming him for everything from the formation of the Tea Party to global warming,” Budowich continued.

“We might as well feed her bogus conspiracy theories by joining Rove in endorsing Wasserman Schultz. We wish her the best of luck in keeping her seat and her position as DNC Chairwoman.”

He's touting troll endorsements as if they were real.

Apparently he also likes to go to events and get right up to her and demand she debate him.


Oh here's his immigration stance from an AMA on reddit

I am not in favor of open borders. I think we need secure borders. But I also think we need to address the "push" causes of migration, such as the failed states south of our border, many have failed because of US support for corrupt oligarchies and coups that brings enormous harm to large populations.


Interesting guy, has next to no internet footprint prior to jumping into this race, so he's a literal unknown, who no one would be paying attention to, getting shoved to the forefront because Sanders doesn't like DWS.

He's a mixed bag of lefty solid ideas and wacky bullshit but what I think most importantly is that he strikes me as someone who shouldn't be a politician, so probably not a good candidate.... just like how Sanders isn't the right kind of person for the Presidency... hey they're meant for each other.


We shouldn't pretend that DWS isn't full of her own wacky bullshit. Even if you're a progressive she says stuff that's nutty on the regular.


In this thread, opposing permanent normal trade relations with China equals hating China.

I wonder what that makes the people who negotiated the TPP, considering the TPP was conceptualized as a trade agreement designed in part to isolate China.

If you don't know what I am talking about, look up Joe Stiglitz.
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