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heh i do this a lot. i think it's that i want help, i just flooded with anxiety when it comes to opening up.

I would sit there, with my hood up, looking as sad as possible.

Then someone would ask if I was ok, and I would say I was, in as unconvincing a way as possible.

They would ask again, and I would repeat that I was really fine, perhaps let out a laugh, as if the thought of me having trouble was unfathomable.

They would stop perusing after that, and I would resent them slightly for doing so.


You got Moxie, kid!
Come to chat.

Instructions (again):

Channel and password together is: #depression_gaf depressionsucks

For future reference:

1. CONNECT: leave the server dropdown on mibbit

2. NICK: choose whatever nickname you want
(although if you want to reserve a nickname for yourself only, there are other steps you can take. I used this guide because it was easiest, even though we're not really in the mozilla servers: https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC
If you want to change your nickname at any time, type "/nick NAMEYOUWANT" )

3. CHANNEL: "#depression_gaf depressionsucks"
(type in all the stuff in the quotation marks. #depression_gaf is the channel, and the depressionsucks part is the password to enter into the room)

4. Press the "CONNECT" button~!
(tabs on the top will display the different channels or private chats you are in)


This is ruining my life.

I have no confidence.

I shut everyone out.

I'm so done.

What did I do to deserve feeling like this?

I don't think I'll make it either. I'm transgendered so my situation is quite different. I'll continue to try for a while yet but optimism is becoming scarce. I just can't integrate into this world. I never have and I don't think I ever will. There's ups and downs but the trend line is unmistakably heading south and another 40-50 years of misery will likely not change that.

At some point I guess you have to call it a day. And I'm really tired at this point. I view it as 'hanging on', but eventually the day is going to come where I don't want to anymore. It's sad. It's such a waste of a life. I often cry about what I feel I will end up doing. How it will hurt those around me. But they have a life, I have nothing.
If you or anyone else needs someone to talk to, me and the good people in this thread will be here to support you.

I basically browsed GAF the entire day.

A normal day for me is pretty much; wake up, breakfast, gaf, dinner, gaf, bed.

Seems even more pathetic when I type it out like that.
You have some hobbies? There is a lot of stuff you can do to keep yourself entertained or distracted. Movies, TV shows, videogames, exercise, art, writing, music, cooking, comic books, novels, etc.


I would sit there, with my hood up, looking as sad as possible.

Then someone would ask if I was ok, and I would say I was, in as unconvincing a way as possible.

They would ask again, and I would repeat that I was really fine, perhaps let out a laugh, as if the thought of me having trouble was unfathomable.

They would stop perusing after that, and I would resent them slightly for doing so.

All the time...I know that feel man...
All the time...
Even online, I would always wish people would put a little effort to make me talk about what's wrong...
Maybe that makes me a bad person...I dunno.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Even something that I'm sure would make a normal person happy makes me feel like shit.

My uncle just told me to pick any place I'd like to go to and me and him can travel there, all expenses paid by him. Without even giving it a serious thought I'm feeling so unbelievably guilty...


Am I the only one who talks to himself when being alone? I do that when there is no one around but sometimes people hear me and think I am crazy :(


I can go about my day in a content manner, then the slightest thing can set me back to feeling like crap. The fact I don't really have anyone to go to when I feel like this doesn't help either, I could try but nobody ever understands so what's the point. I just currently feel like where I am in my life just keeps getting worse and worse as time goes on. Its definitely a time for action and change and get out of my current rut, and only I can do that for myself. I just hope I can maintain the motivation to succeed. Last year was an unfulfilling waste for me, I don't want it to be the same this year.
I can go about my day in a content manner, then the slightest thing can set me back to feeling like crap. The fact I don't really have anyone to go to when I feel like this doesn't help either, I could try but nobody ever understands so what's the point. I just currently feel like where I am in my life just keeps getting worse and worse as time goes on. Its definitely a time for action and change and get out of my current rut, and only I can do that for myself. I just hope I can maintain the motivation to succeed. Last year was an unfulfilling waste for me, I don't want it to be the same this year.

If it would help, I am always available to listen to a rant via pm. There are several other folks in the thread here that would be happy to as well :) I might not respond right away, but I will respond, even if my advice is crap. I am a good shoulder if you need it.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Just going to copy and paste something I made for a blog on another forum I go to:

Anyways, I'm not blazed right now, in fact I've stopped smoking, for now at least. I realized I was doing it to just pass the time and to some extent I was using it as a form of escapism from reality, which is never any good. I used to do that with video games, and that was never any good. I've stopped smoking before because I ran out of weed, because I needed to pass a drug test, because I broke my glass. All involuntary quits, I realized I had never actually quit on my own, so now I'm doing it. I still have at least a G of it stashed, but I'm not touching it for now. It has been a little over a week and I've come to the startling reality that I'm not as in control of my mental state as I thought I was. The weed allowed me to self-medicate my depression and anxiety to an extent, but without it I'm realizing it's getting worse rather than better. I've never had anxiety attacks before, but I've had two in the past month, almost over nothing too. My depression is also getting worse. I've never thought about suicide this much or this hard, but it comes into my head every night now. I'll lay awake for hours, even if I feel dog tired before getting into bed. All the things I've done, haven't done, or just put off come into my head and pound that I'm a failure over and over. It scares me, because I think I need professional help to conquer this, and I have no idea who to turn to. My father is one to scoff or get angry at this. My mother is one to worry herself to death over this. My brother is one to ignore this. I would have no way to pay for it. And even now I don't know if this even matters at or if it is all in my head.

This song always soothes me:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4ga_M5Zdn4
Sleep disturbances, either way (too much or too little) are indeed symptoms of depression.

The PHQ-9 is a well studied, widely-used, well validated screening tool for depression. Again, it's just a screening tool, not a diagnostic tool. The diagnosis of depression is made clinically, by a health care professional. The PHQ-9, or similar scales, is simply used to see if someone has symptoms suggestive of depression and, if so, how bad those symptoms are. You can also use repeat PHQ-9s to measure someone's response to treatment.

Give it a try and let me know what your score is and what you answered for question 10.

Thanks. the score I got was 7 and the answer to question 10 was 'Not difficult at all'.


You got Moxie, kid!
Thanks. the score I got was 7 and the answer to question 10 was 'Not difficult at all'.

So it doesn't sound very depression-y. GET OUT OF THIS THREAD. DEPRESSED PEOPLE ONLY.

There are lots of ways to approach a primary sleep problem. This is a book that they recommend in the sleep medicine department here. I use melatonin, 3mg (you can break them in half - you don't need more than 1 mg or so), occasionally for sleep trouble. Knocks me out, but the dreams are pretty weird.

I'd start there (or take some benadryl) before considering prescription drugs.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Reluctantly going for a regular doctors appointment for my shoulder... gonna do whatever I can to make her prescribe some heavy painkillers - gonna make February pass by fast.
I'm depressed as all hell, and I've been watching this thread for months to validate my own emotions when it comes to the corroding effect that depression has. I never feel intelligent enough for this forum, or thread, but I just want you all to know that you've all been a great help in lessening the seemingly incurable pain that permeates my nights.

I probably won't post much, I may never post again... but I just wanted ya'll to know how much of a help all of you have been. At times I feel like the internet has a part in my depression, but this thread proves to me that the internet still has some good to give... (besides porn!)


Junior Member
Thanks. the score I got was 7 and the answer to question 10 was 'Not difficult at all'.

Total Score Depression Severity
5-9 Mild depression

It's probably not a major issue, but because of the negative events you are at a higher risk of developing more serious depression. Smart thing would be to take some preventative action. Just something to be aware of, so take concious action(as you have already started) and take care of yourself. Maybe go for some counselling or something.

In terms of sleeping, prepare yourself better for sleep. Switch off all distractions like the TV and PC. Just give yourself some peaceful time while awake, slow everything down. Don't runimate about your problems, you want to be relaxed before you lie down. Maybe read a book or do some meditation. If you have to change your clothes, brush your teeth etc don't rush, do it in a peaceful way, as if you got all the time in the world. Progressively dim the lights if you can to simulate sunset.


If it would help, I am always available to listen to a rant via pm. There are several other folks in the thread here that would be happy to as well :) I might not respond right away, but I will respond, even if my advice is crap. I am a good shoulder if you need it.

Thank you, I'll definitely keep it in mind if I feel like ranting here in the future. I just need to take more action for myself to get me where I want to be. I feel like I don't have a purpose job wise as there is nothing in particular that I really enjoy or feel I'm really good at. Finding something I'm good at and can be content with doing would be one of the bigger things I'd like to achieve. Trying to be more social and making some more friends would be nice too, it can be a lonely existence sometimes.
I'm depressed as all hell, and I've been watching this thread for months to validate my own emotions when it comes to the corroding effect that depression has. I never feel intelligent enough for this forum, or thread, but I just want you all to know that you've all been a great help in lessening the seemingly incurable pain that permeates my nights.

I probably won't post much, I may never post again... but I just wanted ya'll to know how much of a help all of you have been. At times I feel like the internet has a part in my depression, but this thread proves to me that the internet still has some good to give... (besides porn!)

Coming forward is the first step. It's good to see that despite being depressed you sought to communicate with others.

If I had the power to cure all of our ailments I really would. Unfortunately that's not the case.
Communicating with others is better than nothing though.

Even if this doesn't convince, don't feel afraid to talk about your problems here. Everyone here is trying to work through their problems and talking to someone who can understand some of the pain you go through can go a long way towards achieving some relief.


Does anyone know what happened to Eric? I'm kind of worried. This post was from December, he hasn't posted since.

Damn hope he's all right.
But his last log in date was some time in January, comparing his last post in December.
So it's kind of proof he didn't do things immediately after posting that.
Let's hope at least he didn't jump the gun without thinking it through.

Still haven't even mustered up the courage to call my new therapist yet...I haven't had mind numbing depression as of late, but it's just kind of a haze through my eyes lately.
I hate phones...I seriously hate talking on the phone...I just can't do it...


I've been seeing someone new, and each time we part I feel like absolute crap and spend the rest of the day/night in bed. It's troubling how quickly I cling on to someone, anyone in my life. Oh, and I had trouble maintaining an erection a few nights ago, and there are so many potential reasons (nervousness, AD side-effect, maybe I'm not that attracted but am desperate) that I am feeling glum all around. Bah to it all.


Scaley member
I feel overwhelmed by negativity. My family sucks; school sucks; my friends are non-existent; I'm either numb or sad (extremely sad) or angry; I'm pretty much broke since I don't have a job... I don't even feel stable enough to provide the support that I want to for you guys. What am I holding on to at this point?


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
I feel overwhelmed by negativity. My family sucks; school sucks; my friends are non-existent; I'm either numb or sad (extremely sad) or angry; I'm pretty much broke since I don't have a job... I don't even feel stable enough to provide the support that I want to for you guys. What am I holding on to at this point?

If it helps, I'm glad I'm able to talk to you on steam, because I honestly don't have many people (read: anybody) to talk to.
I tend to get depressed often but one thing that definitely helps is making small little goals every day and making sure you complete most or all of those goals.

It could be something minimal as reading 10-15 pages of a book.
Watching some tutorials on youtube.
Taking a walk outside.

Once you finish these short term goals you will feel a tad better. This helps me so YMMV.

Hope that helps!


Scaley member
Well, it's true.

EDIT: our avatars are too alike, confused me for a second there

They may be similar, but my avatar is obviously superior. ;)

I tend to get depressed often but one thing that definitely helps is making small little goals every day and making sure you complete most or all of those goals.

It could be something minimal as reading 10-15 pages of a book.
Watching some tutorials on youtube.
Taking a walk outside.

Once you finish these short term goals you will feel a tad better. This helps me so YMMV.

Hope that helps!

I try to do this too. Usually it ends with me staring at my goal (e.g., textbook), then the moment I try to begin, my motivation falls to 0 and I do nothing for hours and waste the day. Every day.


I tend to get depressed often but one thing that definitely helps is making small little goals every day and making sure you complete most or all of those goals.

It could be something minimal as reading 10-15 pages of a book.
Watching some tutorials on youtube.
Taking a walk outside.

Once you finish these short term goals you will feel a tad better. This helps me so YMMV.

Hope that helps!

yes this is good. i need to get back onto it thanks for reminding me.

i used to create a written list. i would even include incredibly basic things like showering, shaving, brushing my teeth. partly because at my lowest they are hard for me and because the more i ticked off the easier it was to build to harder goals as i had that boost in mood (from the start of the day too) and had a list of things i've acheived to counteract the negative side of my brain telling me i could do nothing. i'd also have a weekly list of longer goals.

it's like my own real life playstation trophy list lol


You got Moxie, kid!
I'm depressed as all hell, and I've been watching this thread for months to validate my own emotions when it comes to the corroding effect that depression has. I never feel intelligent enough for this forum, or thread, but I just want you all to know that you've all been a great help in lessening the seemingly incurable pain that permeates my nights.

I probably won't post much, I may never post again... but I just wanted ya'll to know how much of a help all of you have been. At times I feel like the internet has a part in my depression, but this thread proves to me that the internet still has some good to give... (besides porn!)

There are plenty of us willing to talk via PM. the chat, skype, etc. Don't feel intimidated about posting here, either! We're all kind of in the same boat, here - just trying to get better, stay better, help each other, you know?


So knowing I look like a turd and there's absolutely nothing good about me or the person I am.. How can I get a woman in my life?


So knowing I look like a turd and there's absolutely nothing good about me or the person I am.. How can I get a woman in my life?

Don't judge yourself, don't judge your look specially. And try to give off a feeling of self-confidence.

Well that's what I don't do but should do too ><


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
They may be similar, but my avatar is obviously superior. ;)

I try to do this too. Usually it ends with me staring at my goal (e.g., textbook), then the moment I try to begin, my motivation falls to 0 and I do nothing for hours and waste the day. Every day.

Put "play a session of game X with Smiley" on your to-do list and I'll make sure we get to it. Whatever game X will be!

That offer of course extends to everyone here. I'm thinking some smooth TBS'ing or whatever you prefer.


yes this is good. i need to get back onto it thanks for reminding me.

i used to create a written list. i would even include incredibly basic things like showering, shaving, brushing my teeth. partly because at my lowest they are hard for me and because the more i ticked off the easier it was to build to harder goals as i had that boost in mood (from the start of the day too) and had a list of things i've acheived to counteract the negative side of my brain telling me i could do nothing. i'd also have a weekly list of longer goals.

it's like my own real life playstation trophy list lol

This is bizarre way to enter the thread - but how did you guys... discover what was happening in your lives?

I try and do this; I make these lists from time to time and I find they focus my mind, but I had no idea that this lack of motivation was a.. sign of depression?

I know self diagnosis is easy, not to mention dangerous, but... well I've had three days off work, spend Saturday night and Sunday with my girlfriend - but today I've been alone all day and haven't managed to motivate myself to do anything.

It's not that I've not wanted to; my job is easy (retail) and I can't get better at it outside of work itself. I'm 24 and I know I'm "better" than my job - but I don't know what to do. I don't know what I want to do career wise and that pressure is kind of crippling me, it's prevented me from doing absolutely anything today.

I'm sorry for bringing a stupid problem into the thread - feels like it's a pretty insignificant one compared to some of you guys, but it felt like this feeling (which I've been having on and off for a year) could be maybe something beyond the realms of "frustration."
Hi Guys Feel kind of strange posting in here, but I think I'm at my limit.

Around 18 months ago or so I started feeling very odd, slowly, like I was living my life in a bubble and I couldn't concentrate on anything at all, and when I could I would get distracted by other shit in my life.

So I make an appointment to talk to my Doctor and he thinks its because im a tad overweight, and I needed to lose 20 pounds. I had to argue with him that I didn't think that was the case, and he finally referred me to someone for ADD testing. (My family has a history of it) I was tested positive for ADD-PI and was put on 20mg of Adderall-XR. It worked fairly well and my productivity has gone up, but I still cant shake this strange feeling of not feeling like myself.

I currently hate my job. I am a sysadmin and I feel like I babysit 300 computer users everyday. Today I had to explain to someone how to scan something into a computer. I feel completely abused in this role, and that my talents are being wasted in this bullshit of a hole.

I am almost done with my bachelors degree(3 more classes), but I find it harder and harder to get the motivation to do the school work, and that even if I do graduate this job is going to keep on making my life awful.

I felt pressured by my longtime girlfriend to move in together to a house that I didn't really like, and I was pressured by my longtime best friend to let him move in with us. The whole situation stresses me out, and I never feel like im going home to anything anymore. I am constantly listening to them bitch about each other, and I never feel like I can just relax in my own space.

I feel constantly down and depressed, and I am not sure on how to make any of this better.

Any advice on what to do would be appreciated.


You got Moxie, kid!
So knowing I look like a turd and there's absolutely nothing good about me or the person I am.. How can I get a woman in my life?

Step 1 is to not think that any more. Accepting your flaws is fine, and healthy, and all that, but defeatism, pity, etc isn't going to attract anyone. If you look at people who are less than super attractive and are in relationships, they're generally at some kind of peace with how they look. The poke fun at it themselves, or they just have confidence nonetheless. I don't know any surefire way to get to that point - I'm not terribly confident about my own looks, so I'm quick to poke fun at myself for being short, and unathletic, etc. - but you need to have some self worth and self confidence, or no one is ever going to be comfortable being around you. So fake it a bit, or find humor in projecting this persona that you're absolutely gorgeous. You can get pretty far being kind of silly about it. Then, when you are feeling more popular, or someone notices you, you'll just kinda quietly exude confidence.

There's this almost universal experience that people have where, they get zero romantic attention until they start dating someone. Then, things just go nuts. After finding a date for prom, I ended up with over a dozen offers which is just...well, that's fucking insane (for me). It was almost all offers from friends who weren't looking for romance, but the same principle applies. People respond to you when you're confident.

Then, in college, where I was in a super committed relationship, it was like some kind of bizzarro world where the ladies loved me. I absolutely was not looking for relationships, which I think was the key. I was just...myself? Like, comfortable just joking around, being goofy - I didn't worry about making some incredible impression. And, as a result, I guess I made a good impression. :p

I'm not sure any of that is helpful, but keep in mind that it was free. But seriously, I don't think anyone responds to extreme self-doubt and defeatism. You have to like yourself at least a bit, fake it a bit, something.


Scaley member
Put "play a session of game X with Smiley" on your to-do list and I'll make sure we get to it. Whatever game X will be!

That offer of course extends to everyone here. I'm thinking some smooth TBS'ing or whatever you prefer.

Heh, that would be a matter of finding you online on XBL or Steam and making sure we have the same games.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Heh, that would be a matter of finding you online on XBL or Steam and making sure we have the same games.

I'm in lecture right now, but having the same games can be arranged... I own most of them anyway -cringe-


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Should we try to revive depression gaming night? And by "revive" I mean "actually attempt it"?

I'm down. I'm willing to give out free games, too, I always have a couple giftable codes laying around. I vote in favour of something more peaceful (like Civ or something), but I'm down for anything, if we wanna get some Coop Shooters or so going on. What's everyone's favourite genre? Or should we just pick a game and then see who shows up?


You got Moxie, kid!
I'm down. I'm willing to give out free games, too, I always have a couple giftable codes laying around. I vote in favour of something more peaceful (like Civ or something), but I'm down for anything, if we wanna get some Coop Shooters or so going on. What's everyone's favourite genre? Or should we just pick a game and then see who shows up?

You're the best, Smiley! Why don't you try picking a game and we'll go from there? We can chat about it in...chat...too.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
You're the best, Smiley! Why don't you try picking a game and we'll go from there? We can chat about it in...chat...too.

I'll make sure to get into the chat once I'm home... I'm in lecture right now. Should be home in 2h-ish. Think of idea til then, I'll try think of examples for various genres... Just wondering if there's general thread-interest though?


You got Moxie, kid!
I'll make sure to get into the chat once I'm home... I'm in lecture right now. Should be home in 2h-ish. Think of idea til then, I'll try think of examples for various genres... Just wondering if there's general thread-interest though?

There certainly has been interest, but I kinda dropped the proverbial ball. Also the literal ball. And the figurative one, I guess.

Also, pay attention to lecture, Smiley.

We were going to go with Castle Crashers before. I'd still be up for that. Civ could be fun, but that's a bit of a commitment, yeah?

Other ideas:

Any Serious Sam
Diablo 3
Any shooter
Lego Something

...trying to remember which of my games have co-op. Suggestions are welcome.


Am I the only one who talks to himself when being alone? I do that when there is no one around but sometimes people hear me and think I am crazy :(


I don't have local friends, so I talk to myself to keep my sanity checked.

Maybe I already lost my mind.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Ooh Castle Crashers, right. Yeah Civ would be long. Awesomenauts also has Coop and I think it's good. I'll look at my steam library for ideas once I'm home. Far Cry 3 also has coop :p or Torchlight, cheaper than Diablo.

Edit: sorry for clogging up the thread :x


All the time...I know that feel man...
All the time...
Even online, I would always wish people would put a little effort to make me talk about what's wrong...
Maybe that makes me a bad person...I dunno.
That doesn't make you a bad person at all. I sometime feel the same way. People ask me how I feel I just say, "I'm okay" or "I'm alright" because I don't want to explain how I truly feel.

Even something that I'm sure would make a normal person happy makes me feel like shit.

My uncle just told me to pick any place I'd like to go to and me and him can travel there, all expenses paid by him. Without even giving it a serious thought I'm feeling so unbelievably guilty...
What's to feel guilty about? Your uncle wants you to be happy. Why not take him up on his offer? I would love to travel myself.
I'm depressed as all hell, and I've been watching this thread for months to validate my own emotions when it comes to the corroding effect that depression has. I never feel intelligent enough for this forum, or thread, but I just want you all to know that you've all been a great help in lessening the seemingly incurable pain that permeates my nights.

I probably won't post much, I may never post again... but I just wanted ya'll to know how much of a help all of you have been. At times I feel like the internet has a part in my depression, but this thread proves to me that the internet still has some good to give... (besides porn!)
You seem plenty intelligent to me. You are welcome anytime.


I felt pressured by my longtime girlfriend to move in together to a house that I didn't really like, and I was pressured by my longtime best friend to let him move in with us. The whole situation stresses me out, and I never feel like im going home to anything anymore. I am constantly listening to them bitch about each other, and I never feel like I can just relax in my own space.

how did this happen? Do you own or rent the house? Can you afford it without him? Seems to me like your friend needs to find another place to live. Not exactly very helpful advise, I know.


You got Moxie, kid!
This is bizarre way to enter the thread - but how did you guys... discover what was happening in your lives?

I try and do this; I make these lists from time to time and I find they focus my mind, but I had no idea that this lack of motivation was a.. sign of depression?

I know self diagnosis is easy, not to mention dangerous, but... well I've had three days off work, spend Saturday night and Sunday with my girlfriend - but today I've been alone all day and haven't managed to motivate myself to do anything.

It's not that I've not wanted to; my job is easy (retail) and I can't get better at it outside of work itself. I'm 24 and I know I'm "better" than my job - but I don't know what to do. I don't know what I want to do career wise and that pressure is kind of crippling me, it's prevented me from doing absolutely anything today.

I'm sorry for bringing a stupid problem into the thread - feels like it's a pretty insignificant one compared to some of you guys, but it felt like this feeling (which I've been having on and off for a year) could be maybe something beyond the realms of "frustration."

Hi Guys Feel kind of strange posting in here, but I think I'm at my limit.

Around 18 months ago or so I started feeling very odd, slowly, like I was living my life in a bubble and I couldn't concentrate on anything at all, and when I could I would get distracted by other shit in my life.

So I make an appointment to talk to my Doctor and he thinks its because im a tad overweight, and I needed to lose 20 pounds. I had to argue with him that I didn't think that was the case, and he finally referred me to someone for ADD testing. (My family has a history of it) I was tested positive for ADD-PI and was put on 20mg of Adderall-XR. It worked fairly well and my productivity has gone up, but I still cant shake this strange feeling of not feeling like myself.

I currently hate my job. I am a sysadmin and I feel like I babysit 300 computer users everyday. Today I had to explain to someone how to scan something into a computer. I feel completely abused in this role, and that my talents are being wasted in this bullshit of a hole.

I am almost done with my bachelors degree(3 more classes), but I find it harder and harder to get the motivation to do the school work, and that even if I do graduate this job is going to keep on making my life awful.

I felt pressured by my longtime girlfriend to move in together to a house that I didn't really like, and I was pressured by my longtime best friend to let him move in with us. The whole situation stresses me out, and I never feel like im going home to anything anymore. I am constantly listening to them bitch about each other, and I never feel like I can just relax in my own space.

I feel constantly down and depressed, and I am not sure on how to make any of this better.

Any advice on what to do would be appreciated.

Heya! New faces are always welcome. I think everyone feels a little weird posting at first. There's no contest to see whose problems are objectively the worst or anything; if they're causing you problems, they deserve some attention, no?

So I figured out I was depressed by literally making a list of all the bad stuff and all of the good stuff going on in my life. I remember it really vividly - sitting in my dorm room and just writing stuff out. I felt like absolute garbage, but I could not, for the life of me, come up with anything in my life to explain it. Everything was going so well! So I saw a counselor at school and got a referral to a psychiatrist.

Apologies for spamming it, but here's the inventory we use in the hospital here: PHQ-9 It's a commonly used screening tool for depression. You get a score, and you'll have an answer to question 10. It doesn't not give you any diagnosis, but it's helpful for asking, "could this be depression?" or "could this be really bad depression?" At which point you should definitely see a doctor.

I've kept journals throughout my years with depression. I've found that really helpful. sometimes just trying to figure out how to explain what's going on in your life can give you those "ah-ha" moments. Like if you hang out with some friend a lot, and every time you do, the next day you're writing about how you feel worse, maybe you shouldn't hang out with that person?

You can have ADHD AND depression, YuriLowell. If your physician isn't really helping, you should probably see someone else. Some family docs get really stuck on some theme - like weight loss solves everything, or everyone just needs to drink more water, or...something. Surprisingly, not all doctors "believe" in depression, or think it's a cop-out or something. It sucks, but there you go.

You certainly have a lot of sources of stress in your life right now. It might help to talk to someone - psychologist, therapist, whatever - to see if you can get a better handle on things. I'd be stressed out if I were you, too. And that could easily push ME into depression. Try the PHQ-9 and see if it sounds like depression. In any event, it sounds like you've got a lot going on. I try and enlist some help to keep yourself healthy.
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