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Destiny locks non-DLC users out from Weekly Strikes when DLC content is in rotation


*Yes, I am a Destiny fan. Its my GOTY and purchased the DLC and cannot wait to play it when I get home....*

I don't really understand where the lack of content argument comes from. I am not sure what most people expected. The big knock on the Beta was the fear that the game was going to be content thin, and that has sort of carried over to the release. The story is crap. I agree. But I see the game as individual missions within a universe that can be taken in almost any order. Sure, it may not work with every mission but its pretty much a select and go type deal for me.

Anyway, Pre-DLC Destiny has 20 "story" missions and I use the term story lightly. Destiny has 5 strikes (6 with PS) and 1 Raid. So that is basically 26 different missions or "content". You can also free roam on each planet/moon with side quests available if you so choose to take them. There is also a PvP portion of the game with several different game modes and objectives.

Taking all of that into consideration when you compare Destiny to its predecessors and contemporaries, it actually has an equal, if not more, content.

For example: (FYI, missions, levels, chapters are all interchangeable for this discussion.)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: 18 missions
Call of Duty: Black Ops: 15 missions
Halo 2: 15 missions
Golden Eye (N64): 20 levels
Diablo III (No DLC): 31 "missions"
Borderlands (No PvP): 48 "story" missions not including side-quests.
COD: Advanced Warfare: 15 levels

I didn't cherry pick games, at least, I tried not to. I attempted to pick out games that are comparable to what Destiny was attempting to create.

So all in all, the lack of content is a myth. This game is not a $15 a month subscription. This game is not an MMO. It is an FPS. Its trying to be something else, to remain relevant once the story is over, and Destiny is struggling with their own identity because of this. But I applaud them for at least trying to keep an FPS fun to play once the story is exhausted.

Legendary HateGear it equipped, so please, flame away.
Yeah but even COD has some variety to the missions beyond shooting and stand at the computer, hold sq to unleash Dinkler to hear a small monologue. Even the tired COD follow your AI squad guy, plant charges, slow-mo breaches, grab the turret and mow down 100 dudes is worlds beyond. Without visiting the same places repeatedly.
Destiny does have good boss fights.
I'd also venture to say that a single COD level will have more cut scene than all of Destiny.


Tagged as I see fit
A full priced retail product 3 months after release has over half of it's end game content locked away because of no DLC, how are they getting away with this? Tonight's bungie update will probably mention nothing about it and just continue to hype up the new shiny raid.

I have the DLC, but I have to admit that this is not cool for sure. I finished the content of the expansion in a little under 2 hours :/. Definitely didn't feel like I got my money's worth considering how much time it took me to get through the content of the base game :(

Still love the game though and I still hope and think it will become the vision they intended for it from the beginning.


I don't consider an endless horde mode to be "amazing gameplay".

This sentence just seems devoid of meaning to me. Anyway, Destiny (for all its flaws) *does* have fantastic gameplay, by virtue of the core mechanics of moving and shooting remaining fun after tens, hundreds of hours of play.


Right now Xür could be locked for non DLC users the week the Strange Coins are tied to DLC

I can't wait for expansion exotics to be for sale from Xur just to watch people flip their lids over being locked out of "existing content" that they didn't purchase.


I would never consider a game that gives you lots of cool movement options (double-jump, slide, jet pack, hover, etc.) and then forces you to stand still on the ground to hit anything (fucking accuracy penalties) to have great gameplay. Sure, it is better than pretty much every other forced ADS shooter out there, but it is still a forced ADS shooter.

Anyway, the gameplay is more than the core shooting and movement mechanics. Things like enemy AI, weapon and vehicle sandbox, and encounter design are very important too, and Destiny is severely lacking in all of those aspects. I expect much more from the creators of the Halo trilogy (+ODST) that's for sure.

Seriously, I just replayed The Ark and The Covenant, and it's crazy how good they were at this. What happened in the last seven years, Bungie?


I would never consider a game that gives you lots of cool movement options (double-jump, slide, jet pack, hover, etc.) and then forces you to stand still on the ground to hit anything (fucking accuracy penalties) to have great gameplay. Sure, it is better than pretty much every other forced ADS shooter out there, but it is still a forced ADS shooter.

Believe it or not, this actually varies depending on the weapon type you're using - Hand Cannons, for example, actually lose very little accuracy when airborne (this was implemented within a couple weeks of the game launching) - their accuracy blooms out to merely the hipfire accuracy that many other weapons have while stationary - which is actually more accurate that one might think, considering how inaccurate the crosshairs can be with reflecting functional accuracy.

ADS is by no means "forced" through mechanics - it's actually entirely dependent on which weapon you're using. Hand Cannons, in addition to what I mentioned above, are actually highly-reliable when hipfiring. Auto-rifles are a mixed bag, but some of them, such as the exotic Suros Regime, actually embraces ADS and hipfire as different firing modes, providing different kinds of reliable firing archetypes between the two (slower, highly-accurate and more powerful shots in ADS, but fires much faster when hip-firing - both modes are very stable with practically-nonexistent accuracy loss when firing). Another, rather extreme example of non-forced ADS is The Last Word, an exotic hand cannon. It's pretty unique in how it behaves, and how you have to use it (you'll pretty much not want to use ADS with it... So long as you remember the basics of CQC).

Fusion Rifles and Shotguns don't need to be fired with ADS to be effective. With Pulse Rifles and Scout Rifles, it's recommended since they're precision weapons first and foremost anyway, though there are some outliers (Mida Multitool, for example, is perfectly serviceable when hipfiring - versatility is kind of its schtick), and Sniper Rifles... Nobody is expecting to no-scope with them. ADS is unnecessary with Rocket Launchers outside of special functions like target-tracking for some of them.


The accuracy penalties in Destiny are awful.

Maybe if you are used to COD and other forced ADS shooters (and yes, the accuracy penalties when not using ADS make it a forced ADS shooter) they don't seem that bad, but they are.

The first time I tried to no-scope with the sniper I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What a joke.
The bungie weekly update just makes a passing note among a wall of raid information about the nightfall stuff and all deej said is that it will be mixed between retail and dlc, no if's or but's.

We are lumped with this terrible and annoying situation.
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