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Destiny: Traditional "very directed" campaign story; entire solar system explorable


I have a feeling that indie pub Activision might be able to scrape together some Kickstarter money by launch to let people know about the game, maybe get a Facebook page up & running or something.

Haha, seriously. Poor Bungie, poor Activision. Maybe if they get another hollywood director to shoot a commercial for them, that'll finally elevate their niche shooter.
Okay? I can understand microtransactions, but I really don't understand where the paywall idea is coming from considering they've been constantly saying there is no subscription fee.

A paywall doesn't have to be a subscription, it is a way to hold your time hostage for money. Unreasonable grinding, or just making sections of the game hidden behind a paywall of some sort.


As long as "very directed" doesn't mean "very linear" or "very scripted," this is great news. I'm hoping Bungie takes full advantage of the open nature of Destiny. Just imagine a campaign full of areas as unconstrained as the island in Halo CE's The Silent Cartographer, where you could freely explore the outlying territories and choose how to work your way inward. Maybe we'll finally see a return to that design philosophy now that Bungie has embraced the open world model.

Or they could do the Halo 4 thing and have you walk down differently decorated corridors all day.


As long as "very directed" doesn't mean "very linear" or "very scripted," this is great news. I'm hoping Bungie takes full advantage of the open nature of Destiny. Just imagine a campaign full of areas as unconstrained as the island in Halo CE's The Silent Cartographer, where you could freely explore the outlying territories and choose how to work your way inward. Maybe we'll finally see a return to that design philosophy now that Bungie has embraced the open world model.

To be honest even Bungie's linear halo sections never felt particularly linear. The A.I. always made things feel more dynamic and unpredictable.


Entire solar system?

Because, you see, I keep reading features. And that isn't the same. I have no doubt you'll be able to visit hotspots, but surely not the entire solar system (i.e. In a spaceship).


343i Lead Esports Producer
Damn this sounds sick. Can't wait to hop on with a few friends and romp through the Solar System. Also, it sounds like this game will take a miracle to be decent on 360/PS3. Seems like there's soooooo much to the game.
dunno if this is good for me or not.. I hate when MMO esque games try to give such a directed and specfic single-player story

recent example of GTA Online. worst part was that instead of letting us creating unique characters to enter the world to just do a bunch of dynamic repeatable quests in a sort of sandbox manner where we all have our own path, it was basically just a bunch of clones doing the same story.

it kills my MMO immersion when everyone around is basically doing the same themepark story ride. everyone saves the world or kills the villain.

just focus on the repeatable FPS dynamic events, and let us make our own stories based on the raw gameplay and guild versus guild or player versus player communities, or clan versus enemy (in the dynamic sense).

basically I don't want a MMO world where everyone is doing the same Halo 2 story I dunno just my preference

the whole solar system thing just reads to me as potential based on the lore with no actual relevance to how much exploration content is actually in the game.

BTW not a debby downer still super psyched for Destiny ;p


To be honest even Bungie's linear halo sections never felt particularly linear. The A.I. always made things feel more dynamic and unpredictable.
That was certainly true in Halo CE. (Especially Assault on the Control Room. I've never been able to relate to the complaints about its repetitive indoor areas.) Later Halo games lost some of that openness, but at least Bungie always threw us a bone in the form of two or three levels with branching paths or large areas. I have high hopes for Destiny's environment design now that Bungie finally has a game where exploration is a feature rather than an agreeable byproduct of other factors.


That was certainly true in Halo CE. (Especially Assault on the Control Room. I've never been able to relate to the complaints about its repetitive indoor areas.) Later Halo games lost some of that openness, but at least Bungie always threw us a bone in the form of two or three levels with branching paths or large areas. I have high hopes for Destiny's environment design now that Bungie finally has a game where exploration is a feature rather than an agreeable byproduct of other factors.

I was thinking more of levels like the brute prison in Halo 3 (2nd mission), or the inside of the base in the 1st mission on Reach. They are just corridor sections, but they never feel like corridor sections as there is so much going on and small features to use.


Maybe I'm just still salty over Bungie leaving, but I'm really just not that interested in this game at all, which is odd cause it looks like it'd be my jam.


Maybe I'm just still salty over Bungie leaving, but I'm really just not that interested in this game at all, which is odd cause it looks like it'd be my jam.

They didn't leave anyone. You can enjoy them still in your platform of choice. They just increased their potential audience. If you like and care for their games you should be happy that more people can enjoy them.
Destiny's fiction clearly establishes all the planets, moons, asteroids and other features of our solar system as fair game for exploration.

This doesn't sound like you can go anywhere in our solar system day 1, more like it will be possible in the future. But I could be reading it wrong, I would love to be able to travel to Europa.


They didn't leave anyone. You can enjoy them still in your platform of choice. They just increased their potential audience. If you like and care for their games you should be happy that more people can enjoy them.

Don't you try to come at me with reason and logic.
I'm still not sold on this game. I do like how the worlds are being built and the character systems seem engaging. Bungie's magic will make it a killer co-op game if anything.

But beyond that, I don't see what the hype is about. What is Destiny doing that's supposed to blow my mind when I boot it up? For all it's doing, the campaign mode just seems like an open world shooter with drop-in co-op. The PvP on the other hand looks like a mess. Perks, magic, heavy weapons and double jumping? The main reason I stuck with Bungie's multiplayer games in the past was because they weren't saturated with these annoying gameplay mechanics. The more I hear of PvP, the more I feel like they just took Reach, "modernized" it, and threw in micro-transactions to call it a day.

I hope I'm wrong and the game ends up being the adventure shooter to end all shooters. Unfortunately, Bungie's lackluster presentation and clear shift to not only the mainstream audience, but also the PS4 crowd leave me debating whether I should even waste my time.


All sounds great. Bungie have proven they do the sci-fi aspects well, and a larger, more exploratory experience sounds brilliant.

Cant wait(assuming this comes to PC....).


Great stuff. If Bungie delivers on what it's actually promising, we will have a great storyline, great graphics and a shitload of fun. I wasn't very hyped for this game until knowing you can explore other planets - and even better, real ones!

Bungie, take me my money and lead me to the Moon, Mars and Europa. :D

Great to see them on their way to putting Halo behind and looking forward.


And this image shows that there are hoppers (Halo-style playlists) for both competitive and cooperative multiplayer.

Love it, looks like a Halo lobby. If they can deliver good arena hoppers along with an amazing co-op/story experience then it's pretty much good game. Bungie wins 2014 and Halo can finally be put out its sad misery.


I'm glad this has a focused single player experience as I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer competitive matches. That's because I absolutely suck at multiplayer:(


Why can't we get an offline single player mode? I don't want to be forced to pay for Live/PS+ even when I'm not playing multiplayer.
This game is going to be bigger than Titanfall, trust me... all Activision have to do is put 'by the developers who made Halo'... and the fans will come a running....


If the pros of being always connected when playing campaign is a persistent world i'm ok with that. Already pre-ordered for the beta key and i'm really looking forward for the beta.


I think the beta is going to be so important for this game. Bungie are doing their best to explain what the game is but I really think it needs to be put into people's hands for people to see what it is all about. If the beta isn't rock solid with regards to networking and matchmaking it might not be able to do that properly. If I had faith in any company to get it working right it's bungie though. This is the game that made me buy next gen.



Why can't we get an offline single player mode? I don't want to be forced to pay for Live/PS+ even when I'm not playing multiplayer.

Because it is not meant to be a single player game? It is a pseudo-MMO, and we've known that from the beginning.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Could you elaborate?

Me and some others that I went to Dreamhack with pretty much agreed with each other that the guy who was supposed to advertise the game had a really bad attitude. He felt like he just wanted to get the hell out of there and he continuously sighed at every question he had to answer. At certain points, he pretty much ignored the person who was genuinely interested in the game.


If the pros of being always connected when playing campaign is a persistent world i'm ok with that. Already pre-ordered for the beta key and i'm really looking forward for the beta.
Yeah, I can see why people get upset about the connection requirement, but I think it still offers a lot to people who don't plan on seeking out the multiplayer element. I think the intent is that even the solo players will be presented with opportunities to blend into and out of the group events seamlessly with stuff like public events and the lobbyless world matchmaking, so that even if they don't choose to engage in it, the world still feels vibrant and alive. And who knows, maybe they'll find something in the multiplayer that they wouldn't have otherwise because it's being presented to them as an activity choice as they go rather than being a menu option, which eliminates the barrier of having to go and seek that stuff out.

I feel like someone who initially intends to just power through the story alone might find a public event like the Devil Walker fight outside of one of their story dungeons and say "okay, whatever, I'll shoot at this thing with these guys because I'm already here," or maybe end up matched with someone in a particularly tough firefight in the world and end up finding enjoyment in the multiplayer that they wouldn't otherwise have. It just seems like a really smart, albeit sort of demanding (since it requires a connection), way to ease solo players into the idea of playing multiplayer, which is really daunting given how shitty multiplayer communities seem from the outside (and from the inside at times).
So is no splitscreen confirmed or we are just speculating? I mean Halo and Borderlands both have splitscreen so I would be surprised if it didnt have it.
Come one splitscreen announcement.

This game will get played SO much more by me if it allows splitscreen. It'd be awesome when a friend comes over, for him to log into his profile and for us to couch co-op through the game.

That will probably be the only way they get me to actually explore/take my time with it. Otherwise, I will probably just plow through the story myself, and just sell it as fast as I can.
I definitely sit in the camp of "gimme splitscreen!" It's Bungie and they've been championing couch gaming ever since they entered the console arena. I would like to think they're going to continue this, but that would just rely on making an assumption. And with Activision being Bungie's tag-team partner, I'm not entirely what ways this nefarious company will have on Bungie's work.
I doubt they can deliver the experience they promise, even if its Bungie.

I hope I am wrong but it just seems like this game is too good to be true.
I don't exactly know what this experience is. Bungie, as is their modus operandi, are being very coy. Which has worked well for them in the past, but the scope of Destiny seems so far-reaching that these little morsels of information aren't satisfying enough. And going back to my above sentiment, Kotick & Co. are shrewd business people that are razor-sharp in their executions, which we've seen slice and dice some of the best studios and franchises from the past. How, even if, Bungie will remain true to themselves with Big Brother Activision watching them remains to be seen.
Reading through this thread makes me realize that Bungie has done a piss poor job of describing what their game is. I'm a huge Bungie fan and I've had a pretty good idea of what to expect since early this year but its obvious the message isn't getting out.
Agreed. And it makes me very apprehensive about Destiny. Nothing I have seen screams "buy me!," but I know it's Bungie and I put a lot of faith in the company, its staff, and its creativity. So, yes, I will be there Day 1 (unless the beta sways me otherwise), but I still am not sold. Destiny, as they are describing it, seems like Borderlands Formula 2.0 and I was quickly burnt out on Borderlands midway through Borderlands 2.
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