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Diablo 3 Pre-Reaper of Souls Loot 2.0 Patch Live


Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.

I spent 150 hours before hitting a wall at pre-patch endgame, and this was in the first month or so. It's incredible for a game to captivate me for that long.

Really excited about jumping back in for the first time in like 18 months.


Diablo 3 was a failure (not sales wise) of epic proportions. Anything else is living in denial.

They ripped off so many people for a bad product. I was so disappointed.

However. Even if I won't be able to change my friends views (they will not ever touch another Blizzard product). I believe that things can be turned around. And I hope for another expansion after RoS.

When statements like that happen, it usually means that the one saying them is at least slightly delusional. Yeah, it was a failure of epic proportions when compared to what it COULD HAVE BEEN. It, however, was an awesome game, that got better and better with every patch. Is D2LOD or recently, POE, more suited to certain economic/gameplay expectations? YES! Does that make D3 worse? Nope.
I can see many folks haven't been keeping up with the news. I've been playing on PTR and beta. Loot 2.0 is a disaster. For starters, they implemented a stupid 4/2 system whereby an item can roll at most 4 primary and 2 secondary affixes. A primary affix is any affix you'd actually want (damage, defense, healing) and a secondary affix is stuff that is "nice to have" (pickup radius, MF, GF). You used to be able to find items with 6 primary affixes on them. Also they nerfed attack speed again. There are other issues but I really don't feel like listing them all here. Folks thinking they will be replacing all their gear with this patch are in for a rude awakening.

Sounds like balancing. Don't worry about it, I'm sure at level 70 everything will be okay.


Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.

I spent 150 hours before hitting a wall at pre-patch endgame, and this was in the first month or so. It's incredible for a game to captivate me for that long.

A lot of it was "always online DRM" backlash. Without it, the hate would be less acidic.

However, the game does deserve criticism for its poorly designed item drop and random item generation mechanics, the end-game wall, and its ham handed attempt to push the Auction House at the expense of rarely giving individual players good drops (which this new patch fixes after the economic failure of the AH system). Probably some other stuff I'm forgetting as well. Been awhile since I played D3.


Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.
Yup, had this not been the successor to D2, it would have had a completely different reputation. It has the best and most satisfying combat of any hack and slash game. This expansion seems to do a lot of things right, if they can pull that off for the second expansion, it will bring back a lot of fans.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Sounds like balancing. Don't worry about it, I'm sure at level 70 everything will be okay.

Just saying, folks in this thread thinking they will find a bunch of good items with this patch are in for disappointment (assuming they are at least half way decently geared).

With respect to level 70 items (which folks will not be able to get with this patch) I've played the beta at level 70 and it's not okay. The numbers go up for the items at level 70 but you will still hit a wall 40 hours in...and you can't trade with people unless you are in a party with them when an item drops and even then you have just a 2 hour window.

Just recently they announced that players would no longer be able to enchant legacy items...as was the plan for months. Their reason was because some level 60 Loot 1.0 items, when you reroll just 1 stat with the enchantress were better than the level 70 Loot 2.0 items with a reroll. If that isn't an indictment of Loot 2.0, I don't know what is.


Loot 2.0 works in concert with the AH removal to basically make you more likely to get loot that is actually good for you. Anything you craft uses this, and something like 5% of all other drops use it, such that it CANNOT have stats that aren't useful for you (There are still stats you might not like as much, but it's amazing how much less likely a bad item is when it can't have STR INT DEX VIT GOLD PICKUP RADIUS as all of its mods).

As far as post launch, Presumably you already had seen nephalem valor, that's going away in 2.0 but it was a post launch thing. PAragon levels were added a while ago, kind of a grindy additional levelling mechanism for post max level fun, gives you bonus stats when you get one including magic find and gold find, in RoS that is changing so that it raises infinitely and gives you more meaningful upgrades in the form of runspeed, reduced resource costs, crit, etc. It's VERY similar to badass ranks in borderlands 2 if you've played that.

They added monster power difficulties, and reduced inferno in general greatly. Mobs at appropriate difficulties don't tend to one shot you like they used to, and build diversity is much more lax than launch D3 (Barbs don't go tanky anymore for instance typically). In general it's more fun like Diablo should be, less punishing in stupid ways. they reworked legendaries, added tons more, just generally made 'fun' items. Added uber bosses which you fight by farming keys, kind of like the uber tristram stuff in D2, and those give you mats to make a really nice XP gain ring for alts or mains.

The xpac itself is adding a lot of other stuff, but this is just basic things that were added post launch.

Thanks for the write-up. I'm another who played around 200 hours early after launch and then quit in a sort of hissy fit of anger at Wilson. Lol. I may get back into this with the full ExPac. I need that ARPG itch scratched, I'm tired of PoE, and there's not enough Grim Dawn out yet (though I did quite enjoy act 1 alpha).


Thanks for the write-up. I'm another who played around 200 hours early after launch and then quit in a sort of hissy fit of anger at Wilson. Lol. I may get back into this with the full ExPac. I need that ARPG itch scratched, I'm tired of PoE, and there's not enough Grim Dawn out yet (though I did quite enjoy act 1 alpha).
Have you tried the van Helsing arpg? It's pretty great.


Are there any plans on forming a GAF-clan? I'm only a Junior, but I'd love to hang out with people from this awesome community. :)


Looks like the patch is up, updater is updating



I'm looking forward to jumping back in, I wasn't going to preorder but I probably will now since I want to give HoTS a go.

I had no real problem with the Vanilla game really, call me casual but I enjoyed my time with it and have continued to enjoy it every now and then. Torchlight and PoE's combat isn't as enjoyable to me which is mainly why I play a game like this.

Adventure mode sounds like it's going to pimp!

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Thanks for the write-up. I'm another who played around 200 hours early after launch and then quit in a sort of hissy fit of anger at Wilson. Lol. I may get back into this with the full ExPac. I need that ARPG itch scratched, I'm tired of PoE, and there's not enough Grim Dawn out yet (though I did quite enjoy act 1 alpha).

There is a disturbing lack of Marvel Heroes mentions in this thread. Seriously, if you haven't tried it...try it. And if you tried it back when it first came out and didn't like it...try it again. The game has improved by leaps and bounds. Just download/install the client and pick Storm and you'll be hooked. I just started playing it seriously about a month ago. I've just been unlocking heroes and leveling them to max level to try everyone. I'm on my 3rd guy (out of 29 heroes and counting). There are just a ton of heroes to try out, the itemization is really really good, and the modes are really fun (they just added a danger room-esque mode to the game).


Unconfirmed Member
I'm totally done with Diablo 3 on PC because I just enjoy Marvel Heroes so much more. But I will most likely play the PS4 version when it comes out so get on that Blizzard.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I'm totally done with Diablo 3 on PC because I just enjoy Marvel Heroes so much more. But I will most likely play the PS4 version when it comes out so get on that Blizzard.

I'm in the exact same boat. Plus, if history is anything to go by, the PS4 version will have better items (not necessarily better itemization, but items).


Eh, they said that they were adding in gear that had effects that changed the way you played. I'd call that special over what was in the game until now if it's true.
The thing is that you'll only find level 60 versions of these new legendaries which become outdated within 5 levels after starting RoS, so it's kinda pointless to farm for these unless you're not getting RoS.


The thing is that you'll only find level 60 versions of these new legendaries which become outdated within 5 levels after starting RoS, so it's kinda pointless to farm for these unless you're not getting RoS.

Still, it's a good time to get a few more Paragon 2.0 levels while we're effectively level capped.


Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.

I spent 150 hours before hitting a wall at pre-patch endgame, and this was in the first month or so. It's incredible for a game to captivate me for that long.

Really excited about jumping back in for the first time in like 18 months.

mechanically brilliant i agree. the combat feels amazing.

but in terms of variety - of items and end game? absolute steam powered turd. running the same area over and over to grind experience isnt that enjoyable. massive item inflation incredibly fast too.
in terms of promises? salty tears and broken dreams, gimped dueling is not pvp.
in terms of character ownership? zero. nada. the most customisation I got out of my character was colouring my gear. I felt no personal progression - i had no build, no points, no nuthin.


Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.

That's basically the only thing it had, (and still has) for it, but that's not the aspect that will make me continue playing it.

Looking at the changes for RoS and loot 2.0 everything is an improvement, but still an improvement over broken/stupid core mechanics and designs, so i'm not holding my breath.


Gold Member
They can shoehorn as much as they want into this game, but it isnt going to change the fact that at the root of it all, it's shit. I'm sorry but the game wasnt meant to be what it has become. You're playing a game that has so many unexpected forced changes that it can't possibly work with the base of the game. You're still playing that same shit game but with more bloat to trick you into thinking its different.


It's not really PVP just a simple brawl mode (1v1).

Oh well there you go.


Back to PoE! (which is just ok, but my expetations where met at least!)

Just saying, folks in this thread thinking they will find a bunch of good items with this patch are in for disappointment (assuming they are at least half way decently geared).

With respect to level 70 items (which folks will not be able to get with this patch) I've played the beta at level 70 and it's not okay. The numbers go up for the items at level 70 but you will still hit a wall 40 hours in...and you can't trade with people unless you are in a party with them when an item drops and even then you have just a 2 hour window.

Just recently they announced that players would no longer be able to enchant legacy items...as was the plan for months. Their reason was because some level 60 Loot 1.0 items, when you reroll just 1 stat with the enchantress were better than the level 70 Loot 2.0 items with a reroll. If that isn't an indictment of Loot 2.0, I don't know what is.

I wonder how trading will work, in D2 you just made a lobby with the item name and voila... how does it work in D3?


I can see many folks haven't been keeping up with the news. I've been playing on PTR and beta. Loot 2.0 is a disaster. For starters, they implemented a stupid 4/2 system whereby an item can roll at most 4 primary and 2 secondary affixes. A primary affix is any affix you'd actually want (damage, defense, healing) and a secondary affix is stuff that is "nice to have" (pickup radius, MF, GF). You used to be able to find items with 6 primary affixes on them. Also they nerfed attack speed again. There are other issues but I really don't feel like listing them all here. Folks thinking they will be replacing all their gear with this patch are in for a rude awakening.

The change to affixes and monster density is just balancing. I see a lot of people upset with the changes, but I'm going to sink some serious hours into the new patch before I pass judgement. From what I played on the PTR, the changes seem great for the most part.

Ploid 3.0

I can see many folks haven't been keeping up with the news. I've been playing on PTR and beta. Loot 2.0 is a disaster. For starters, they implemented a stupid 4/2 system whereby an item can roll at most 4 primary and 2 secondary affixes. A primary affix is any affix you'd actually want (damage, defense, healing) and a secondary affix is stuff that is "nice to have" (pickup radius, MF, GF). You used to be able to find items with 6 primary affixes on them. Also they nerfed attack speed again. There are other issues but I really don't feel like listing them all here. Folks thinking they will be replacing all their gear with this patch are in for a rude awakening.

Wow, oh well that knocked the wind out of my interests. What is it with Blizzard and gear? Is WoW loot boring and weak?


OK there's one good reason for farming for the new legendaries with the new loot 2.0 system before RoS, they unlock transmog options.
Don't honestly get the hyperbole about Diablo 3. The game is mechanically brilliant, unbeaten by Torchlight 2, PoE, whatever.

I spent 150 hours before hitting a wall at pre-patch endgame, and this was in the first month or so. It's incredible for a game to captivate me for that long.

Really excited about jumping back in for the first time in like 18 months.

I totally agree. I've played many other arpgs and none really felt as satisfying. I do love the upgrade system in PoE however.


Why does everyone have to download RoS now, even if they aren't getting it at launch? I'd be buying the disc version anyway. So whats the point of a disc version?


Funny thing... I started playing the game again last week. My barb was 60 but did not finished Inferno yet...

So now I finished Inferno and starter leveling my paragon (up to 12 or 13 right now)... Started doing key runs. Are those completely irrelevent now?
Why does everyone have to download RoS now, even if they aren't getting it at launch? I'd be buying the disc version anyway. So whats the point of a disc version?

Retail versions are really just keys you enter into B.net and a hard copy incase you ever delete your install and dint want to wait on the download. But still need to patch after install, so...


I just have a spinning circle next to play that says it's downloading a patch in advance , no speed or size, wtf is this ?


It's amazing how far Blizzard has turned around D3's reputation. I remember when 80% of the posts in the OTs were about what a steaming pile this game was. Everyone who worked on the updates and fixes should probably be promoted twice.

I enjoyed the game before all the tweaks, but I didn't put eight million hours into it and I didn't have D2-level expectations. I got my $60 worth of fun and I was out. Recently tried to get back in a few months ago and just couldn't do it. Think I'm just done with this style of game for a bit. I look forward to eventually checking out the xpac down the road, though.


So what is adventure mode?

Wiki copy paste:

Adventure Mode is a game mode for Diablo III that will be introduced in Reaper of Souls. Here, all the game's waypoints are unlocked, and are presented as a map instead of a list. Players can access any waypoint at any time. Bounties and Nephalem Rifts are available in this mode. Horned icons represent bosses.

None of the quests in the Campaign Mode are available in this mode. The mode can be accessed from the outset of the game. Tyrael provides a tutorial to the player at the outset.

It'll be the main mode of play. No story nonsense, just jump around any act and go. Enemies scale to player level now so you could jump to act 4 at level 1 if you wanted. Completing bounties gives some form of currency to open rifts and I think purchase items from vendor with chance for legendary.



£33 for one new Act, one new class and a bunch of gameplay improvements that should have been in the original game? Adventure mode sounds great and feels closer to how people played D2, but it simply removes content and adds QoL improvements.

I was hyped, but that price feels exploitative. Thought it would be closer to £15.
I can see many folks haven't been keeping up with the news. I've been playing on PTR and beta. Loot 2.0 is a disaster. For starters, they implemented a stupid 4/2 system whereby an item can roll at most 4 primary and 2 secondary affixes. A primary affix is any affix you'd actually want (damage, defense, healing) and a secondary affix is stuff that is "nice to have" (pickup radius, MF, GF). You used to be able to find items with 6 primary affixes on them. Also they nerfed attack speed again. There are other issues but I really don't feel like listing them all here. Folks thinking they will be replacing all their gear with this patch are in for a rude awakening.

They nerfed attack speed again? Mother fucking blizzard man, what are they thinking? It's like they don't want you to feel progression. In path of exile you can get your attack speed to over 10 a second if you focus on the proper nodes in the passive tree. Attack speed is my jam, I'm sick of this.



£33 for one new Act, one new class and a bunch of gameplay improvements that should have been in the original game? Adventure mode sounds great and feels closer to how people played D2, but it simply removes content and adds QoL improvements.

I was hyped, but that price feels exploitative. Thought it would be closer to £15.
Wait til Good Friday for half a price deal.
Yeesh, Blizz isn't joking when they say that
Blizzard said:
"your computer may run slower than normal while Battle.net optimizes your game files."
I was trying to save a word document and it took me nearly a minute to do so.
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