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Did you age well?

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Goddamn, some of you haven't changed at all.


25 and bored at work


Yes, I'm 35, but people always think I'm 25. Being generally thin, exercising, not partying too much, and eating a Korean diet helps.


Apart from thinning hair, probably yeah. People constantly guess my age at 5 years under where it is, to the point of refusing to believe me until I show them my licence.
No not really, I mean sure, lost a lot of weight and my facial hair looks pretty good, but I've got bags under my eyes that you could land planes on, and I'm all but bald.

J. Bravo

I went from skinny no muscle long hair with no style and super pale to skinny with some muscle and a lot of strength, a decent haircut, and pretty pale still but I'm good looking 😁 not like Jeff winger good looking but I do pretty well.

Basically in Hs up until my second semester of senior year I was 5'9"ish 135, then grew 3 inches and gained 40 pounds through lifting weights. Stayed lifting and about 6' and I weigh 183-190 now.

23 now, graduated in 09.


Only 24 here, but I haven't changed a lot since I was like 19. Before that was a different story, though, due to terrible self-grooming. College changed me, man (for the better admittedly).


So far, so good. I know how to 'dress myself up better' than when I was younger too which helps a LOT. (and even to a few people here; I'm not seeing so much as 'good aging' as much as 'a good look' in general that means no silly high-school "it" haircuts or whatever else.. That said, you're beautiful, GAF!)

I've also consciously avoided harsh emotions that means I don't raise my eyesbrows and avoid frown lines on my forehead! ...I've done this for 10 years. You can call me silly, but my dad practically has a MAZE on his forehead, something I'm trying to avoid.... and it's kinda worked! :D
I'm mostly worried about chipmunk cheeks now
I am almost 29, starting to feel like its hitting me now, people used to think I was like 19 when I was 26 or something

and my cousin thats 4 years younger than me looks 10 years older than me.

she used to drink and party at like 14 and smokes though.


My wife and I on our first date in April 1999 watching The Matrix

My wife and I this past December (after ten years of marriage and two kids)


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Six years isn't aging, lol.

I'm 41 now. I am out of shape, but I have my hair and original teeth, so that is something.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
Not at all. I'm about to turn 30, my hairline has receded, I got a bit of a belly, I'm wearing glasses. I look like shit.

Nope. I'm 23 (almost 24) but I still look like a skinny 16 years old who can't grow a decente beard. The worst part is that my hairline is receding (and it's not like my forehead had a normal size to begin with) and I have the worst eye circles I've ever seen...

I'm basically a (ugly) kid with some old man features...I've been unable to look myself at the mirror for years now. Sometimes I even feel guilty for my girlfriend, everytime she tells me she loves how I look I have this weird feeling inside, it's like I think she deserved better...
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