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Do I just not like gaming anymore?

Oh wait, I forgot. I bought, played, enjoyed, and beat Arkham World.

Wasn't as good as City, and the Batmobile was stupid. But overall I had fun. So maybe this 'fatigue' hasn't really been going for over a year.

(Yea, I know another AAA big budget game.)

Wait! Journey was awesome! (played this when it released on Ps4)
So was Transistor.

For the most part I get the PSplus smaller games. But most of them don't do much for me.


Every single game listed in your OP is a heavy time investment game.

Although I agree with a lot of the replies, you probably have fatigue and to take a break, you could try playing some more 'fun factor' less 'time investment' games.
Try Splatoon. You can get in, play 2-3 rounds in 10-15 minutes, have a blast, and be on your way.
My desire to play games comes in waves now. I bought Battlefront, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4 when they each came out. Played a lot for a couple weeks although nowhere near done with any of them. Have barely touched my Xbox since Christmas. Too busy with other things.


Gamers really tend to over focus on the super draining AAA games.

It's like eating a rich meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.



If you stopped playing videogames today would your life be any less rich because of it? If your answer is yes then maybe you should look into other hobbies to pour your time into.


Unconfirmed Member
Happens all the time. These days I'm only plating like a couple of hours of Battlefront a week with my buddies.


You're growing up, and video games aren't growing up with you. This is a problem that so many of my friends and other people I know have gone through - it has to do with content proliferation, utilization of time, and how tastes change with age.

I recommend going through and playing more tightly-paced, linear games that are closer to 6 - 10 hours in length. You can binge those and they feel extremely gratifying in comparison to 50 - 60 hour slogs.

I think I agree, but not sure what is meant by content proliferation. Just too much?

I still get some game time in because I have a medical condition that means I am bed ridden sometimes. I still feel like accomplishing things though and video games give me the illusion that I am doing that. Largely though, all my friends that were once avid gamers don't play anymore as I think as we get older and older the need to do something "real" before we die grows.


I dont know how old you are but im guessing by the mention of finals you are in your 20's.

For me that was the perfect time to lose interest. During my 20's i didnt game much at all despite owning the consoles. Being at college then first proper job etc there were far more interesting/worthwhile pursuits.

Now im in my mid 30s with kids i find myself more interested in games than i ever was.

It just sounds like fatigue to me. You and games will find each other again!

Also, learn to be ok with not finishing games. Putting in 20-30 hours into W3, F4 etc was more than enough for me to still have a good time without crazy investment.

A half hour on Rocket league can be way more fun than 4 hours of Witcher 3.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Nothing to worry about here. Never force yourself to play video games -- your life is just taking you in a different direction right now, and that's just fine. Go back when you feel like it.

I've also had some really busy times in life where I didn't game much, and only played a few (usually the very best) games in a year. Nothing wrong with that, live your life.
Just post on gaf instead of playing games. That's what we all do.

I'm hoping Uncharted 4 breaks me out of the funk. The way TLOU did. I bought a Ps3 for that game, which then made me buy a PS4 just for Naughty Dog. Between the original and remastered version of that game, I think I've beaten it 10 times. It's rare for me to even finish a game these days, 10 times is unheard of. Hopefully ND can snap me out of it once again.

Naughty Dog is just too damn good. They've pulled me back in again.
We all go through phases. I stopped gaming almost entirely for several years. Now that I'm back into it I never force it. If I'm in the mood, I game. If not, I do something else.

It sounds like u just need a breather. Take a break. Read more. Catch up on movies/TV. Try a new hobby. Eventually it'll be a ton of fun again.
Just play games if/when you want to, and do something else when you don't.

Wow, didn't realise this was a super old thread.


Has happened to me. I love everything about games except playing them. That doesn't mean I dislike games, I just don't have the time, enthusiasm or attention span any more.

I'm 37 now and have accepted that I'm never going to get back into them as I did when I was say, late teen to early twenties.

Occasionally something will crop up though and I put the time in but that's quite a rare occurrence.

In the last five years the only games I've played to completion (an replayed) are Tomb Raider 2013, Ori, Mirrors Edge and Portal 2. Slim pickings but that's just the way it is.

I'll be getting Doom 4 next month and playing ROTTR after I've bought a 1070 GPU. Will probably get a PS4 and Uncharted 4 too.

Can't see anything beyond them but something will pop up out of the blue.

Play more casual games and find a new hobby.


Nothing wrong with taking a break from gaming. And nothing more freeing than the breaking out of the "I must play game x"-mentality.

Then I'd say play something more engaging and interesting than the generic open worlds of Bethesda. So far every single game from them that I played (started with Daggerfall) bored me to death at some point.

I also woved not to play games anymore that don't respect my time. No more work-like Ubisoft collectathons for me etc.


If you're not feeling it, it's completely healthy to stop, take brakes, try new kinds of games, etc. - nothing wrong with just talking about games either (thisisneogaf.gif)
I'm pretty much over it to. I'm selling my game collection off like a madman, and am raking in the cash quite literally. Feels good man. Now I can finally focus on my newer passions like splurging on blu rays and filmmaking. ;-)
is normal

Also you should consider that you've "seen everything" if you've been a long time gamer.

Another linear duck and cover TPS? It's not gonna rock ur nutz anymore.


Gaming fatique is absolutely normal, I have downtimes where I don't play games for weeks and then there's stuff like Dark Souls 3's launch where I suddenly invest an easy 100 hours again.


Neo Member
My bf had the exact same issue. He follows up on the news and reviews on games like its his job, but he hadn't actually played a game in years. It's pretty normal to take breaks from gaming (I took once recently for about a year and a half), but I think it can be tough sometimes to come back in. Finding a game that really clicks with you helps, but I think that is easier said than done. What my bf did is after I got a ps4 we both bought a handful of games that each of us were interested, and made sure to include the last game he really loved (TLOU), so he had option, but not overwhelming option. I kind of initiated and enabled him towards playing when he had his moments of doubt - now I can't get him off my ps4! Lol.

Probably the best thing would be to get something simple that doesn't require that much commitment, just to get yourself in the mood. That's what helps me when I get that feeling of wanting to game, but I feel demotivated. Usually my transition game is Resogun and that pumps me up to start playing something else.
I think there are two things going on here:

1. Browsing NeoGAF requires very little investment. Almost all video games require a lot more investment. You load up a thread, get a tiny dose of videogame-related endorphins by reading a few posts, and can stop within seconds. Loading up a game, by contrast, is going to be at least like half an hour or something. Even booting it up will take a few minutes, while getting to a forum post takes a couple of seconds.

2. You couldn't be bothered to finish Fallout 4, or a bunch of other games that were probably not that good. You did finish Witcher 3 and Bloodborne. I think this really is a quality issue, at least to some degree.

Good post.


Best thing to do is buy games you feel you will like. Ignore Gaf or any part of the internets hyperbole and just enjoy it, or don't if it doesn't click.

The internet doesn't deal in half measures, either everything is utterly fantastic GOAT material or they are absolute bottom tier garbage.

Buy what you like, play what you want, join in with OT discussions afterwards

On the internet a 2fps drop is like the end of the world "lazy devs etc"and you will subconsciously be looking out for said drops when you play it.

Ignore all forum discussions until after you have played something long enough to know yourself. Don't let people dictate to you what you will enjoy.

stop caring about peoples opinions and start playing youll enjoy yourself much much more.


I took over a year completely free of gaming, then when I got back in didn't play more than 5-10 hours a month, if at all, for 2-3 years.

A year and a half ago I dived back in and have been having the best time gaming since the 16-bit era.

I think the break was great for me
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