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Do you also dismiss games because of their artstyle?

I almost dismissed Twilight Princess due to its artstyle.

Kinda wish I did because it's the only game in the series that I genuinely dislike.


Not playing a game because you don't like a key aspect of it is not dismissing it. If a game looks (visually looks) unappealing to you, you don't need to ignore it for any reason. It's as much an aspect of the game as anything else is.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
More than I'd like to admit.

If the game's look is not heavily-stylized, it's going to have a lot tougher time grabbing my attention. "Realistic" artstyles are boring as far as I'm concerned.
I'd only dismiss a game based on artstyle if I don't have any info on it, but I only buy games if I have info on them, so it's almost a moot point. A good artstyle will just push me towards looking for info, but in the long run that won't make a difference.

Though, when I see people praising too much a game's artstyle I tend to be turned off. Ultimately the only thing that matters in a game is gameplay, and if I don't see praise for the gameplay itself I make a mental note of the game being all graphics and no substance.


Artstyle is the most important part of the game to me so i pretty much do this always.

So you literally choose games based on looks? You love all genres equally provided they have the right art-style? I mean art-style counts for something, but to dismiss games based only on looks seems, dare I say it, shallow? Not to attack you or anything, but this is very strange to me.
I am often initially repelled by brownfilter / grayfilter / pissfilter "realistic" games, but if the games themselves are unique I'm not against playing them. However, 80% of the time they're military shooters, so...


So you literally choose games based on looks? You love all genres equally provided they have the right art-style? I mean art-style counts for something, but to dismiss games based only on looks seems, dare I say it, shallow? Not to attack you or anything, but this is very strange to me.
Why do you play games?


Not at all. Although there are naturally art styles that I like more than others, or even strongly dislike.

Like for Pulirula which I have always found very ugly.

Never got me to not try a game though.

Very realistic games tend to severely bore me though after a while. So I really need some variation from those.


I don't dismiss them, but it definitely impacts my interest. On paper a game like World of Final Fantasy is exciting but the artstyle is pretty horrible. The game turned out ok but I bet a lot of people didn't look twice because of it.


Desaturated realism. I want colors. Muzzle flash doesn't count. Blood red doesn't either. If your game looks more realistic that last year's Doom, then find someone else to buy it. I almost skipped that because it looks generically space marine real. But with demons.

You really want my attention? Blue skies. That's a big selling point, really. Not grey, not HDR oversaturated white. Blue. I can forgive a lot of realism if it at least gets that part right.
Only if it's so obviously wonky that I can' even bring myself to give it a shot. Mainly applies to games with over the top scantly clad or nonsensical designs.


Jak & Daxter, and Psychonaughts both having character designs that don't gel with me. Jak in particular feels like he stepped out of an MMORPG, and feels very character-createry. Whispy giant yellow hair and elf ears because some books say that's fantastical.

In Psychonaughts case, the main character (and others) are going for a kind of "weird and wonderful" vibe and that also weirds me out. They remind me of character models you'd find in typical books teaching 3D software. I do appreciate that Tim Schafer avoids making protagonists intentionally attractive, though.
I despite the artstyle of the Dishonored series, still I can usually look past "bad" artstyles if a games is still good. Dishonored, especially the second one, was not however.


That's a huge reason for me to be interested/dismissive toward a game.

Haven't played a lot of Souls games other than Bloodborne, because a Victorian Horror setting is way more enticing to me than Fantasy.

I love the Fantasy setting, but it has to set itself apart because because it's been done SO many times before. Never felt compelled to play Witcher 3 or Divinity because I'm so burnt out on Fantasy.

I've also played ALL Devil May Cry games, but haven't gotten to Bayonetta yet. I will eventually, because the gameplay though.


When I see anime style schoolgirls or silly JRPG heroes, that look - on male side - like their are spending 3 hours in toilet in the morning, and - on the female side - look like early teen with big boobs which are barely covered by more silly armors... I say no.
Nothing wrong with that OP. You have to look at a game for many hours, if doing that is unappealing, that's a valid reason not to play it.

Recently, Salt & Sanctuary is that for me. Zero interest because it looks incredibly ugly imo. Also, that furry Metroidvania game I forget the name of. Blech.

I didn't get A Link Between Worlds because it's ugly as sin.

Also valid. Completely charmless, ugly game.
Absolutely. I'm a huge Zelda fan but i'm not excited for BotW because of the art style. Too cartoony, too bright, too colorful. I want the dark, realistic and mature style of OoT, MM and TP back. I never got into Skyward Sword and the art style was one of the reasons.

To this day I've never played Wind Waker (or Phantom Hourglass) because I hate the godawful art style.

BotW (and to a lesser extent Skyward Sword) seem like a good compromise of the two extremes.


Not even Skullgirls' artstyle stopped me from buying it. The main thing that turns me off is seeing things like "story driven" and "cinematic" etc


I also find things in a style like Dragon's Crown just plain ugly to the point I couldn't play for more than 30 minutes. Compared to something in a similar gameplay style like, say, Dust: An Elysian Tail which is actually a much more visuaully interesting and appealing game.
woah those are certainly some opinions

anyway the only game I can remember refusing to give a chance because of artstyle is dust


Chibi style, I can't stand it. Skipped World of Final Fantasy for this, it could be the best game from a long time, that's a no no to me.


I originally dismissed windwaker but still ended up getting it a couple of years later. i'm a lot more open to other art styles these days. I tend to dismiss a game if its first person.


I lack interest in a lot of Japanese games because of the choice of art style. Especially things like chibi, or a lot of the creepy loli elements in some of the games that come from Japan. Probably the most notable for me is Etrian Odyssey, which I've mostly skipped because the art style makes me feel gross. Which is a shame, because I love first person "blobber" style dungeon crawlers, but some of the art just makes me cringe.


I do it, and I don't find it silly. The visual aspect of a game is a huge part of playing it...if you hate what you're looking at, the experience will be soured.

For me, it's the persona games.
I had this problem with the original dishonored, but I'm happy to have played it, great stealth combat if you invest in more teleport reach early on.
Towards the end of the game the atmosphere gains in epicness and that was when I made peace with the artstyle.
Yes. Artstyle is very important to me. For example: I refuse to play those new Rayman games because they look atrocious, the character design is ugh.
I originally dismissed Bayonetta for this reason, in particular her character model which is simultaneous oversexualized and hideous, like a 300 pound women wearing yoga pants with "sexy" on the ass.

Then, out of morbid curiosity, I downloaded the demo. It's now my favorite game of last generation.
As much as Dragon Quest VIII is universally praised, this is the exact reason why I never felt inclined to play it. Just not a fan of Akira Toriayama's character designs. Obviously the same reason why I didn't enjoy Dragon Ball Z (aside from the fact that they talk too much on the few episodes I've seen).


No, I'm with you as well.

There are games that only with their art style captivate me completely like let's say Bloodborne.

Meanwhile I have this excellent game that is also very good, Nioh, however, I can tell for sure that I miss Bloodborne just by playing Nioh.

The art style of Nioh is fine but it's just not as good as Bloodborne, at least for me, that is why every time I'm playing, I keep thinking that I should go back and play Bloodborne instead of enjoying the art of Nioh by itself.

It's normal, every person has their own preferences and that is okay. Of course even if I don't like a certain art style, the rest of the game can actually work well enough for me to bypass that problem, however, it will always be a let down inside my head.


EDIT: Sorry, I forgot about the Bethesda games. I've never finished any of their games. I've tried but their graphics are horrendous in my opinion. I have never been able to play one of their games for more than just a few minutes. I can't do it, I'm sorry, but I just can't.


Yes I do. I also wouldn't read the greatest novel ever written if I could only get it on chiseled stone tablet.

They're not just games, they're experiences.
Not really. I suppose I don't let the developer's chosen art style keep me from playing a good game. I'm sorry this is such a deal breaker for so many of you.


Back then when Wind Waker was brand new and I was a teenager, I almost did. The fan in me played anyway and loved it. More recent example was Street Fighter 4. This was probably the last time too. I thought it looked so atrocious at launch, and still do considering it came after 3. Based on its art style I avoided it even though I was a long time fan since the original sf2. Got past the art style and ended up loving it once I played it. Since then I stopped judging games off looks and have found so many gems that otherwise I would have missed out on.
Yep. Will never play Bloodborne because every screenshot I see of it is a huge turnoff.

Most JRPGs are the same way. Can't really do Monster Hunter or Tales Of for similar reasons.
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