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Doctor Who Series 10 |OT| He's Back, and It's About Time


Pretty average season so far...its like its just by the numbers,no continuing arc in sight,its just missing something...hopefully something happens soon lol.


I mean the exchange

Mickey: What's a horse doing on a spaceship?
Doctor: Mickey, What's pre-revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? get a little perspective.

is the best exchange in the entire show ever and you can't convince me otherwise.

It's just crossed my mind that with a bit more belching, that could easily be a Rick and Morty exchange.


Wish Netflix still had this. I need to go back and watch all the David Tennant ones. Something about the cheesy effects and weird pacing-- never clicked with me. I watched the important ones though, like Don't Blink and the one before he regenerates.


Wish Netflix still had this. I need to go back and watch all the David Tennant ones. Something about the cheesy effects and weird pacing-- never clicked with me. I watched the important ones though, like Don't Blink and the one before he regenerates.

In the US I think it's on Amazon.

But honestly I do think it was a mistake for the popularity of the franchise for BBC to take Doctor Who off of Netflix in the US.


Not strictly Who-related, but the BBC have announced a couple of flagship shows with some Who alumni. Rusty is writing a three-part miniseries based on the Thorpe affair; and Harness is heading up a new adaptation of War of the Worlds.

I'd heard murmurings about a War of the Worlds adaptation a few months ago, but I had a strong suspicion we'd not hear any further details until about now.

Because the chances of any news coming in March is a million to one, I'd say.
I'd heard murmurings about a War of the Worlds adaptation a few months ago, but I had a strong suspicion we'd not hear any further details until about now.

Because the chances of any news coming in March is a million to one, I'd say.

but still it comes


Not sure if this is already known, but the latest dr who magazine has a spoiler for when the door is opened.

I've not seen the magazine but apparently it's
Episode 6: Extremis

Big Nikus

Is it worth it to watch the eight episodes of Class ? I watched the first one and I thought it was okay. Eight episodes is not long but does it end with a crappy cliffhanger ? (and are there references to Class in season 10 ?)


Really? I hadn't heard about that.

It was a big rumor going around for a while, months ago (when Class started airing). But I think that was mostly just people assuming something - it's an easy guess to make about a new spinoff show after all. When news starting coming in about this season of Doctor Who we never heard anything about it again, so I don't think it's true.

The character rumored to show up was (spoilers for all of Class):
Miss Quill, although that would be very hard to pull off at this point, given at what point she ended on the show and how much context you'd need for that. The last time we saw all of them they were sitting around in a garden with one of them switching bodies with an alien, and Quill was pregnant I think? It's a weird point to have to pick up from.

So yeah it's not happening I think. I also don't think there will be a second season of Class. It'd need incredible ratings on BBC America at this point.


Not sure if this is already known, but the latest dr who magazine has a spoiler for when the door is opened.

I've not seen the magazine but apparently it's
Episode 6: Extremis

That does kill some of the speculation on who is inside


Thats how I read that sentence, I was most confused.

The thought of Barrowman killing the aliens with intense orgasms was worrying me.

Can you imagine it's Captain Jack in the vault lol

I know whatever's actually in the vault:

Moffat will say in interviews how
it is.
We will say how
it is.
So Moffat using the work '
is his code for '
absolute bullshit

Tonight's looks a bit bleh, but David Suchet's in it.


Turns out Oxygen will be being broadcast next Saturday at 7.15 and the show will not be taking a break for Eurovision. OP will be updated accordingly.

Also, Radio Times have a supposed update on Capaldi's regeneration (short version: "expect the unexpected") but more pressingly have what I think is the first actual news about series 11:

Chibnall has already started pre-production on the show and is currently talking to writers and sketching out ideas for his series arc when he starts, add sources.

His tenure is expected to begin when he writes the final scene of the Christmas special and begins in earnest with series 11 which will film next year for a possible broadcast in Autumn 2018.

As for who will actually land the new role, well-placed BBC drama sources suggest that a decision has still not been made.


Turns out Oxygen will be being broadcast next Saturday at 7.15 and the show will not be taking a break because of Eurovision. OP will be updated accordingly.

Also, Radio Times have a supposed update on Capaldi's regeneration (short version: "expect the unexpected") but more pressingly have what I think is the first actual news about series 11:

I appreciate they're carrying on the tradition of regeneration/head-writer-leaves, where the new head writes the very first scene with the new Doctor.



That's a bit of a stretch:

Gatiss claims he has no insider knowledge on how new showrunner Chris Chibnall plans to carry on the Doctor Who legacy, with talk of a fresh start and a new writing team.

I'm sure Chibnall will bring in some fresh blood though (I mean the only writers Moffat brought back for series 5 were Roberts and Gatiss). Reckon Gatiss will take the opportunity to go do his own thing, Harness will be busy with War of the Worlds, and it'll depend what Dollard and Mathieson (not to mention Whithouse) end up doing whether they'll be back.


does it includes neil gaiman ?

I doubt Neil Gaiman is going to be back on Who soon. He still loves the show but has talked about how much time it takes to finish a script relative to other shows for relatively little compensation (for a writer at his level), and he has a billion other things he's working on right now - the usual books and comics, and a bunch of tv shows. American Gods, possibly Sandman if he gets his way, and he's writing every episode for the Good Omens adaption. He's doing extremely well right now. So I'm not expecting him to be there for the 2018 series at least.


Having just rewatched the series. 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 9 > 7 > 2 > 8 > 1

Season 1 doesn't hold up. Distractingly awful score, shockingly terrible stand-alone episodes and farting aliens. Even Jack is a lot less awesome than I remember. Season 6 has my vote for most underrated, or maybe most over-criticized. It is uneven and convoluted, but I LOVE the energy and mystery of it. I think 4 of the 13 episodes were excellent and another 4-5 were pretty good.

My top-10 episodes in no order: The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, The Doctor Dances, The Eleventh Hour, Vincent and the Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut, Listen, Heaven Sent, A Good Man Goes to War and The Waters of Mars.

The Doctors, in order of preference : 11 > 10 > 12 > 9


Season 6 has my vote for most underrated, or maybe most over-criticized. It is uneven and convoluted, but I LOVE the energy and mystery of it. I think 4 of the 13 episodes were excellent and another 4-5 were pretty good.

I like you.

My top-10 episodes in no order: The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, The Doctor Dances, The Eleventh Hour, Vincent and the Doctor, The Impossible Astronaut, Listen, Heaven Sent, A Good Man Goes to War and The Waters of Mars.

Yeah, that's a good list.
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit are still my favourite episodes of the series. Amazing that they co-exist alongside Fear Her, Love & Monsters and New Earth.
Ooh, favourite episodes- now there's a difficult one.

Let's see...

1. Gridlock
2. Heaven Sent
3. Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
4. The Day of the Doctor
5. Bad Wolf/ The Parting of the Ways
6. The Doctor's Wife
7. Midnight
8. Human Nature/The Family of Blood
9. Blink
10. Father's Day
11. Vincent and the Doctor
12. The Crimson Horror
13. The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion
14. A Christmas Carol
15. Mummy on the Orient Express
16. The Unicorn and the Wasp
17. The Girl in the Fireplace
18. Face The Raven
19. The Runaway Bride
20. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Honourable mentions for Aliens of London/World War III, Dalek, Boom Town, The Christmas Invasion, Love & Monsters, Smith and Jones, Planet of the Ood, The Waters of Mars, The Eleventh Hour, Amy's Choice, The Girl Who Waited, The God Complex, The Power of Three, Listen, Flatline, Last Christmas, The Girl Who Died, Hell Bent, The Husbands of River Song and Thin Ice.

While I'm on a roll, let's talk worst episodes...

1. The Doctor's Daughter
2. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
3. Fear Her
4. The Curse of the Black Spot
5. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
6. Daleks in Manhattan/ Evolution of the Daleks
7. Victory of the Daleks
8. In The Forest Of The Night
9. The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
10. Planet of the Dead
Aw. I rather liked the Rebel Flesh/Almost People.

You're right about the Crimson Horror though. Underrated episode.
That two-parter has an absolute cracker of a premise, and consistently and thoroughly does the least interesting thing with it at every possible turn.

The way that they go to great pains to make sure that there's only one of each pair of duplicates left at the end of the story is a complete and utter cop-out, and the monster at the end is shitty in every possible way.


Bill continues to be one of the most charamatic and likeable companions of recent memory. Looking forward to this episode though, I love the concept of this episode though, the creaks and taps in the background of your house... being something else.


The Doctor being called grandfather, the Landlord commenting on leaving one's charge alone... possible Susan references?


Bill letting the guy down gently and being so confident about her sexuality is such a good characterisation. She's so well written. (My surround sound is going crazy with this knocking from different places scene)

These bugs kinda remind of Cybermites -- literally only because they're bug like... but you know.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Oh that was fun. Looking forward to playing the 3D sound one. Bill is great and Capaldi is having the time of his life.

And I'm getting more certain about who's in the vault.
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