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Does anime fanservice ever keep you from recommending an anime?

However, despite that our numbers are small, we are / were fans of the medium. And in that, you can see how terrible it may be for a given girl anime fan! Imagine, for a minute, that YOU are a fan of something that YOU are not the target demographics for. A girl ( like me) jumps into the anime medium and all we perceive is that there are fan service done at the expense of our representative bodies, done for the presumably "straight male boner".

Female fans usually read Yaoi/Shounen-Ai manga somehow.

There are some anime with fanservice aimed at female, like Free or that new Dive and a lot of Shounen-Shows still try to "pair" straight males, because apparently a lot of girls like that, but I agree.

I can totally see if an anime just having fanservice scenes aimed at female and all of a sudden you have the fans who like "traditional fanservice" getting mad because of that...


I will never understand why is it called "fanservice'. Fans really want to see that stuff and like a poster said before "maybe giving a straight guy a boner every so often" wtf? This disturbing "fanservice" is what keeps me away from enjoying more anime.


Yeargh... That 3P stuff is yuck !

As for the other one, ballroom is a very cute title :> I really like the manga as well!

Audio, thank you for putting such effort to converse with me :>

It's late here and I'm about to go to sleep but I do appreciate your points of view.

For now I just want to say that I understand now you were greatly affected by the words of "straight guy boner". I think I can empathize with your frustrations but I also can empathize with a LOT of girls fans of anime. I acknowledge that maybe our numbers, as audience for anime, do not constitute a 'majority' and therefore a LOT of anime are produced for dudes. I understand that.

However, despite that our numbers are small, we are / were fans of the medium. And in that, you can see how terrible it may be for a given girl anime fan! Imagine, for a minute, that YOU are a fan of something that YOU are not the target demographics for. A girl ( like me) jumps into the anime medium and all we perceive is that there are fan service done at the expense of our representative bodies, done for the presumably "straight male boner".

You can see the frustration of such an experience, certainly? Do you not think there should be a better experience for a girl who might like anime ( in the future)?

Having said that, I can see the nuance in your position. I am glad that you find lolicon reprehensible, as well.

I might revisit and reply more when I'm awake tomorrow, but yes, for now, I just wanna say thanks for replying to me earnestly! It certainly helps me understand where you are coming from.

Before you head off, without a doubt I can empathise and understand. It's why in my lifetime I'll probably only ever watch 5% of the anime ever made. I personally prefer content with thought-provoking storylines, and I'm far more choosy around comedy. I feel the same way about video games for example, where it can at times be challenging to find content that isn't almost exclusively "dude bro" or "sexualised on steroids". To quickly try and sum it up, I find it incredibly important to criticise, point out a lack of variation and for sure, to be exact in criticisms of sexual content, such as highlight when it's fired in out of nowhere. Often in anime, you do get a serious tone scene that just goes YOLO here's some breasts for no real reason. A lot of people watching that get... nothing out of that. Probably an eye roll and why.gif? I get that. I see it myself. What causes me to care more than people bashing those displays of sexual content is when I feel there is a little nuance lacking in being clear about what sexism/sexist behaviour actually is and isn't. The waters can get murky at times, sure, but as I've tried to say being sex-positive for me is accepting there will be content at times that isn't to my taste, or that I even give up on due to what the writers have done, but that doesn't immediately mean said content is sexist/writers are sexist/anyone who views and enjoys or doesn't mind are sexist. Sexism implies a serious derogatory view on women/disrespect. To some, that can mean any sort of sexual depiction of a woman or a woman's body, but that to me is where it can start to become like a puritan movement. It's also what causes the disconnect where some of said people will champion a woman doing as she pleases with her body as long as she is happy, but then turning around and contradicting that approach where they will be overly hostile to any displays of nudity/flirtation/sexual roleplay/etc. While it may be few and far between there are actually females who to enjoy sexual displays via characters/fantasy roleplay. I could never buy and display some of the figurines Japan kindly produces for the anime market, but hey, have a browse on Twitter and you'll find some girls/women who enjoy collecting and displaying. Cosplay is often a taboo subject because again, there are many sex-positive cosplayers who actively enjoy role playing as some of the lewdest or provocative characters to come out of games or anime or comics. Life is complex, there is a balance to be had everywhere, and often I just feel dealing in absolutes or extremes just isn't helpful. To be clear again, criticising or disliking a character for being sexual/not your interest is not the same as accusations of sexism.

I think what doesn't actually help here is the term "fanservice" is a pretty dumb one. It implies a double positive by nature "fan / service", but it's used to seemingly umbrella ALL the displays of sexuality in anime. Not just anything that can be argued as sex-positive. Of which there are plenty of seriously questionable choices/uses (such as children, I mean, 5,000-year-old dragons) thrown in along with the more harmless boobs and butt jokes or the main protagonist for the roleplay of fantasy/power getting all the girls. It's not all the same. For any sexist/borderline "illegal" content that exists in anime, there are other tropes that may be tiring, but they exist in all mediums in life whether it be games, tv, movies or books. As we're a sexual species it's not going to be possible to rewrite human history/biology and try and expunge all crude/mischevious behaviour that doesn't serve lofty goals. I mean, how many of us have flings/one night stands/fleeting romances/flirt on Tinder? The point there is as long as humans are consenting and happy, sexual exploration/enjoyment and consumption will occur. I get that yourself and many others will routinely disclaimer "we're not trying to remove/censor", and I accept that, the key focus of my debate is on challenging anyone who in my opinion throws around accusations of sexism a little carelessly. Asking for more diversity, or trying to point out to content creators when they go overboard/make stupid choices is not the same as just blanket accusing people of quite a heinous act/belief system (sexism).

Ultimately though, we can both agree, about 80%* of anime is indeed trash :p

*figure pulled from my ass, but it's probably true.


Absolutely. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid would be a million times more popular (and recommended) in the west if Lucoa didn't have those massive tits.

The same goes for One Piece.

That's why I'd really want Hero Academia to become popular. All the students have normal bodies, Midnight is kind of hot and Mt Lady is just very pretty.
Absolutely. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid would be a million times more popular (and recommended) in the west if Lucoa didn't have those massive tits.

The same goes for One Piece.

That's why I'd really want Hero Academia to become popular. All the students have normal bodies, Midnight is kind of hot and Mt Lady is just very pretty.

Doesn't MHA sexualize high school girls?
It does yeah. Fanservice can be offputting for some people so it's only natural I only really recommend anime with heavier stuff to people I know won't mind.
Doesn't MHA sexualize high school girls?
I wouldn't call the students sexualized unless you count Hagakure walking around naked to use her invisibility quirk


I love anime and I love titties but "fanservice" is annoying and distracting

Indeed. Code Geass R2 would have been more enjoyable without the fanservice. Fairy Tail is another series that have too much fanservice, and it is annoying as hell. Heck, that was one of the main reasons I dropped it.

Doesn't MHA sexualize high school girls?

Only instance I remember as close to being sexualized is when two dudes from the same class deceived the girls to wear cheerleader outfits.


I love anime and I love titties but "fanservice" is annoying and distracting

Pretty much, i've trained myself to look past it, and it doesn't bother me in shows where it's clear that fanservice is the point but the random pantyshot or whatever, is really not something that elevates a show and i doubt even the targeted teenage male demographic would miss them if they went away.


Yeah I haven't seen the film but I read about it now that you mentioned it. It does seem different in that it indeed portrays the abuse as disturbing instead of trying to be funny, cute or to titillate the viewer. I don't think there's any nosebleeds from people peeking under kids skirts. And the film doesn't sexualize the kid character, but it implies that she has been abused.

This revenge movie is heavily inspired by anime. One scene goes even further than anime movies.
The little girl smashes the testicles of the child porn ring leader with a crowbar

Ending is very sad.I liked that it mixes live action and animation.In the end you get to see how the animated child actually looked like in real life. Watching this heart wrenching moment made me despise all these trends even more.


Yeah like Momo she's totally not sexualized

[NSFW] http://imgur.com/a/YUKXG

Almost every female character in MHA is sexualized to some extent, despite many being minors.

Mineta is widely hated by MHA fans because he exists to remind them who they are really and what they are really watching. He is the western anime fan's shame projected onto a character.
Almost every female character in MHA is sexualized to some extent, despite many being minors.

Mineta is widely hated by MHA fans because he exists to remind them who they are really and what they are really watching. He is the western anime fan's shame projected onto a character.
I love mineta, he's hilarious. He's thirsty as fuck and everyone rightfully shames him for it.


Absolutely. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid would be a million times more popular (and recommended) in the west if Lucoa didn't have those massive tits.

The same goes for One Piece.

That's why I'd really want Hero Academia to become popular. All the students have normal bodies, Midnight is kind of hot and Mt Lady is just very pretty.

Lol, I feel like there's a lot more prominent reasons as to why One Piece isn't a "million times more popular" in the West, but yes, I suppose that is another reason to add to the pile.


Lol, I feel like there's a lot more prominent reasons as to why One Piece isn't a "million times more popular" in the West, but yes, I suppose that is another reason to add to the pile.

Yeah. One Piece didn't even catch on too much in comparison to Bleach and Naruto in its early days where there wasn't even really any fanservice.


Absolutely. Kobayashi's Dragon Maid would be a million times more popular (and recommended) in the west if Lucoa didn't have those massive tits.

The same goes for One Piece.

That's why I'd really want Hero Academia to become popular. All the students have normal bodies, Midnight is kind of hot and Mt Lady is just very pretty.

Kind of funny to mention those two properties in the same breadth talking about popularity.

Re: One Piece -- it was way more grounded fan service wise earlier in the series and that still didn't help it over here, so I don't think that's it. Early Nami/Robin were really no worse than any character in Bleach/Naruto/other significant properties.
Lol, I feel like there's a lot more prominent reasons as to why One Piece isn't a "million times more popular" in the West, but yes, I suppose that is another reason to add to the pile.

One piece is still extremely huge worldwide , even in some countries/circles it's not #1 , it's never far from the top. i feel like Op doesn't need to be more popular since it has longevity AND strenght.


Junior Member
I would recommend Shokugeki no Souma, I like the story and the cooking looks so good, but the fanservice is too much.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Just look what fanservice has done to anime. smh

Female fans usually read Yaoi/Shounen-Ai manga somehow.

There are some anime with fanservice aimed at female, like Free or that new Dive and a lot of Shounen-Shows still try to "pair" straight males, because apparently a lot of girls like that, but I agree.

I can totally see if an anime just having fanservice scenes aimed at female and all of a sudden you have the fans who like "traditional fanservice" getting mad because of that...

I dislike Free and Yuri of Ice >:3 .... donno the new Dive one but I probably will grawrrrrr at it too if I see it ??? XD

Before you head off, without a doubt I can empathise and understand. It's why in my lifetime I'll probably only ever watch 5% of the anime ever made. I personally prefer content with thought-provoking storylines, and I'm far more choosy around comedy. I feel the same way about video games for example, where it can at times be challenging to find content that isn't almost exclusively "dude bro" or "sexualised on steroids". To quickly try and sum it up, I find it incredibly important to criticise, point out a lack of variation and for sure, to be exact in criticisms of sexual content, such as highlight when it's fired in out of nowhere. Often in anime, you do get a serious tone scene that just goes YOLO here's some breasts for no real reason. A lot of people watching that get... nothing out of that. Probably an eye roll and why.gif? I get that. I see it myself. What causes me to care more than people bashing those displays of sexual content is when I feel there is a little nuance lacking in being clear about what sexism/sexist behaviour actually is and isn't. The waters can get murky at times, sure, but as I've tried to say being sex-positive for me is accepting there will be content at times that isn't to my taste, or that I even give up on due to what the writers have done, but that doesn't immediately mean said content is sexist/writers are sexist/anyone who views and enjoys or doesn't mind are sexist. Sexism implies a serious derogatory view on women/disrespect. To some, that can mean any sort of sexual depiction of a woman or a woman's body, but that to me is where it can start to become like a puritan movement. It's also what causes the disconnect where some of said people will champion a woman doing as she pleases with her body as long as she is happy, but then turning around and contradicting that approach where they will be overly hostile to any displays of nudity/flirtation/sexual roleplay/etc. While it may be few and far between there are actually females who to enjoy sexual displays via characters/fantasy roleplay. I could never buy and display some of the figurines Japan kindly produces for the anime market, but hey, have a browse on Twitter and you'll find some girls/women who enjoy collecting and displaying. Cosplay is often a taboo subject because again, there are many sex-positive cosplayers who actively enjoy role playing as some of the lewdest or provocative characters to come out of games or anime or comics. Life is complex, there is a balance to be had everywhere, and often I just feel dealing in absolutes or extremes just isn't helpful. To be clear again, criticising or disliking a character for being sexual/not your interest is not the same as accusations of sexism.

I think what doesn't actually help here is the term "fanservice" is a pretty dumb one. It implies a double positive by nature "fan / service", but it's used to seemingly umbrella ALL the displays of sexuality in anime. Not just anything that can be argued as sex-positive. Of which there are plenty of seriously questionable choices/uses (such as children, I mean, 5,000-year-old dragons) thrown in along with the more harmless boobs and butt jokes or the main protagonist for the roleplay of fantasy/power getting all the girls. It's not all the same. For any sexist/borderline "illegal" content that exists in anime, there are other tropes that may be tiring, but they exist in all mediums in life whether it be games, tv, movies or books. As we're a sexual species it's not going to be possible to rewrite human history/biology and try and expunge all crude/mischevious behaviour that doesn't serve lofty goals. I mean, how many of us have flings/one night stands/fleeting romances/flirt on Tinder? The point there is as long as humans are consenting and happy, sexual exploration/enjoyment and consumption will occur. I get that yourself and many others will routinely disclaimer "we're not trying to remove/censor", and I accept that, the key focus of my debate is on challenging anyone who in my opinion throws around accusations of sexism a little carelessly. Asking for more diversity, or trying to point out to content creators when they go overboard/make stupid choices is not the same as just blanket accusing people of quite a heinous act/belief system (sexism).

Ultimately though, we can both agree, about 80%* of anime is indeed trash :p

*figure pulled from my ass, but it's probably true.

hi audio! sorry yesterday got away from me, it was very busy at work ; __ ;

so, from your post, i think you are feeling upset that other people are thinking differently about sexualization contents in anime? but you yourself admit that you will only consume about 5% of anime, or that 80% of anime is 'crap'. There must be a reason why you think 80% of it is crap? Some of the reasons may be that the story sucks or the animation sux or it has too much pedo contents, or etc etc etc

why does it affect you so much if another poster think that maybe, just maybe, one of these numerous reasons is that there might be something a little sexist in the medium as an aggregate vibe/ issue?

again, i do not think that Laiza's post was sex-negative. as a girl, i can echo her perceptions with the fact that some (not all), some sexualization and fan service in animes are NOT done with nuance or complexity befitting complex human being representations. in fact, i can see that a few other posters in this thread of the male gender have also come up with examples and perspectives that, they too, believe a degree of fan service and sexualization in anime can be improved so that they are not so .... well, sexist.

what i'm trying to say is that it seems you are overly concerned that your beloved medium has been deemed sexist by another poster. despite the fact that you agree that 80% of anime may be in poor form.

i understand that when something i like is called 'sexist' or 'racist' or 'problematic' by another person, there's a natural and instinctive desire to argue that "people shouldn't be SO EASY to call things sexist/ racist / problematic! because it devolves the entire value of humans being humans and we're here to enjoy sex and wank! those who can't enjoy what i enjoy are probably not doing their lives right!"

but then i would like to think we're bigger than that

or we should be?

as for bolded parts, i agree. as long as people are consenting and happy, go crazy! :D

but maybe some girls do not really 'consent' on being represented in animes as mostly fap fodders or fan service wank materials? :thinking emoji:

as for me, my issue is mainly with under-age characters being sexualized. i dont mind that animes, like other types of media, has a degree of sexualized contents. porn is good :> i just would like proper adult women instead of children's figures to be used in the sexy scenes. adult women are appealing! children should not be!

i know at least, in this, we are in agreement with :> again, i appreciate the conversation, audio !
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