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Does the aesthetic of BlazBlue turn you away from the series?



As does pretty much any anime aesthetic. I fucking loathe anime. I really miss the 16-bit days when we didn't know that JRPG's had anime designs. Genre is nearly unplayable for me now.

As does pretty much any anime aesthetic. I fucking loathe anime. I really miss the 16-bit days when we didn't know that JRPG's had anime designs. Genre is nearly unplayable for me now.

Gotta admit, this post makes me happy. I'm just imagining you looking back at cherished childhood memories of loving FF6 and vomiting.


No, I love it, and visuals don't matter much for me anyways.

What turns me away is the fact that each successive game feels like it gets more and more convoluted. The last one I tried to play was Chrono Phantasma and it felt like there were dozens of complex mechanics, some of them very character-specific, and I couldn't keep track of them all. And it also feels the worst of the different ArcSys games to me.



As does pretty much any anime aesthetic. I fucking loathe anime. I really miss the 16-bit days when we didn't know that JRPG's had anime designs. Genre is nearly unplayable for me now.

So wait, the problem is not that the anime aesthetic disturbs you, but rather the fact that the art is inspired in a japanese médium that you don't want to be associated with it?
I love both BlazBlue and Guilty Gear both are great fighting games. I like both games aesthetic but there are some design in BlazBlue that I don't like but overall I like the over the top nature it has. Plus Arakune looks awesome/creepy/cute all at the same time.


Nah I love some of the character designs. Relius is the shit.


Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So wait, the problem is not that the anime aesthetic disturbs you, but rather the fact that the art is inspired in a japanese médium that you don't want to be associated with it?

I'm guessing they mean that the sprites and all didn't look so obviously/excessively anime back then, unlike the larger character models of today? But yeah, weird comment lol, even with that, the box art or character portrait in the menus of FF, Chrono Trigger etc. would immediately tell you it's anime, how could you not know...
What turns me away are the dumb as shit titles. Worse than Square Enix titles.

I should note I'm talking about anime fighters in general
Just because a game is named Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Ignition, or Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] or Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, you won't play it?
No, I like how it looks and sounds. I just kinda stopped playing fighting games in which I feel like characters vary too wildly from one another for my tastes in terms of how they play.


People tend to dislike Yuuki Terumi because he’s an edgy character that a 14 year old would think up for an OC. I actually love him because of that, lol. He’s so edgy and try hard and his is dialogue is soooo hammy cheesy. He just makes me giggle because of how stupid and over the top he is about it.

I guess the stupid aesthetic is a plus on occasion?


On one hand, it has a lot of trash-tier fighters in terms of visuals.

On the other, it has the single coolest looking fighting game character of all time.


So I'm a tad divided on how I feel.


Previously, it always seemed as impenetrable to me as Guilty Gear, but I bought Central Fiction on a whim during a PSN sale in July where it was just 20 bucks (OK, it was actually because I saw Jubei's reveal trailer and thought he looked super fun), and I've had a really great time with it. The art style's never bothered me, but looking back at the art style with stuff like character portraits in every game in the series before Central Fiction, I can see why it'd turn people off.

But honestly, even if things like the art style or story bother you, it's just a fun game to play.


So wait, the problem is not that the anime aesthetic disturbs you, but rather the fact that the art is inspired in a japanese médium that you don't want to be associated with it?

huh? It's the anime aesthetic that disturbs me.

It's just that nearly all anime aesthetics disturb me. For some reason I can stomach Persona (ironic) but that's pretty much it.

Boss X

It certainly didn't help. But the game is pretty damn fun to play, and there still are some fresh character designs.
<3 Bullet.

Never had this problem with Guilty Gear though, because it's less "animu" than Blazblue which just goes full on loli and such.

Only the ridiculous amount of fan service drives me away.
I enjoy some cheesecake but when Continuum Shift was coming out and announced Makoto as a playable character I was excited. She was either in a school uniform or cloaked when she appeared in the first game, so I didn't expect what was coming. When her playable design was shown I saw the ridiculous outfit she had on with a top that allowed for as much underboob as possible and a mini-skirt so mini that it was arguable that it qualified as clothing and I was out.

Though I had already been on my way to the door with all the Arakune, Rachel, and Nu-13 I had to deal with in the first game.


I enjoy some cheesecake but when Continuum Shift was coming out and announced Makoto as a playable character I was excited. She was either in a school uniform or cloaked when she appeared in the first game, so I didn't expect what was coming. When her playable design was shown I saw the ridiculous outfit she had on with a top that allowed for as much underboob as possible and a mini-skirt so mini that it was arguable that it qualified as clothing and I was out.

Though I had already been on my way to the door with all the Arakune, Rachel, and Nu-13 I had to deal with in the first game.

They did this same bullshit with Mai. The fanservice in this game really is genuinely infuriating.


Some of the character designs are trash, but there's a lot of good ones too. Hakumen is a cool mother fucker.

I do prefer GG characters, can't really explain why.


Looks like anime overwatch.
Overwatch is anime Overwatch.

Yeah I'm the same way OP. I bought a Blazeblue game for Vita and I just couldn't handle it. Terrible Voice acting, awful story, generic art, and good music; one out of four just ain't enough.


Not so much for me, I Just can't see myself playing characters like Platinum the trinity or Izanami for reasons, dunno, my thing with blazblue is ALL about Hakumen, Tager, Jubei.

I can't see myself playing nitroblast or arcana heart tho.
With 80s/90s fanservice too.


Blazblue has a more explicit fanservice, just like the newer unfiltered anime series of that era . Actual image from Central Fiction image gallery. Chrono Phantasma has even Rachel with lingerie. GG would never go that far with May.

That's a very good point. Some of those BlazBlue art illustrations, particularly from the guest artists, can get really out there. I do feel the actual in-game stuff isn't that much of a shift from GG's more classic fanservice, but some of the post-release characters definitely seem to step it up an obvious notch.
It's just too much weirdness for me

It's like how Xrd would be if everyone is as weird as Bedman

You need some more realistic elements or at least some more coherence to make it HYPE instead of just random shit happening


But I kind of disagree with you about Guilty Gear. That series is anime as all hell too, it's just more of a 80/90s thing. (Which makes sense, considering it's the older series.) There is more of a metal vibe to it, but it's catering to general audience tastes just as much as BlazBlue was. Like I don't know how people can complain about the young girls in BlazBlue while ignoring that Guilty Gear has been pushing the same type of thing for at least seventeen years now.

Yeah, definitely. I think I chose a poor description there for it. I think a better interpretation is that BB leans towards continuing to try and chase the more modern anime flavour.

Guilty Gear certainly has its own fan service. I-no is pretty much as sleazy as it gets. She literally strips her top off for a winning pose. Then there is stuff like this


I still like this more than Platinum oland some of the other characters in BB but Guilty Gear (and pretty much all fighting games really) have its own fan service characters and arts.


I like it! and Games like SF5 would benefit a lot from anime art style instead that uncanny crap their are using since 4
It certainly didn't help. But the game is pretty damn fun to play, and there still are some fresh character designs.
<3 Bullet.

Bullet alone made me seriously consider buying Chronophantasma when I first saw her design, even though I had (and still have) no time to play the game.

I see my local gameshop sells Central Fiction for half price, so maybe I should just take the plunge...


To be honest, I've always found Blazblue's art style pretty hideous. It's not just about the fanservice (I like Guilty Gear's more fanservice-y designs like I-No), it's the garish coloring and the cluttered detail and the sheer cliche of some of the designs.

I think the newer Guilty Gear designs like Bedman have similar issues, so it might be Arc System Works' more modern style in general.
I think the newer Guilty Gear designs like Bedman have similar issues, so it might be Arc System Works' more modern style in general.
I was thinking similarly. Some characters -- like Bedman and Answer -- seem more like Blazblue characters that happened to end up in Guilty Gear.


For me it's mostly ArcSys's overcomplicated mechanics and systems that puts me off. Their games are frankly too weird. Bought Xrd mostly for its pretty graphics...Ended up playing only five hours total.

But I don't actually like their sprite art either to be honest.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
For fuck sake can we please stop with this shit!!? If you don't like art style that's fine but just stop with whole "weaboo" shit.

With that being said I know what you mean. I LOVE anime but I really don't like the character design for Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

All them are anime but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 just doesn't have that distinct style like Persona or Gravity Rush has.

Heh, personally outside of .hack I don't like any of those.

Hell, it's why I hate the human characters of the new Digimon games.
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