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Dog Eating Festival in Yulin, China (NSFW)

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Many of these things are not like the other. Veal is about how the animal is raised. Does snake wine necessitate that the snake be raised in alcohol (obviously not).

If an animal is humanely raised and slaughtered, does it matter how it's cooked/prepared?

The birds that make the birds nest for the soup just start over building a new nest when it disappears. Not defending it, but it doesn't seem to be on the same level as veal or anywhere close to the bear gallbladder thing.

Also, sharkfin soup? If the entire shark were used and humanely slaughtered, would there be anything wrong with eating the fin?

The similarity between them is exactly what you said:

If an animal is humanely raised and slaughtered, does it matter how it's cooked/prepared?

All the things I listed aren't done humanely nor are they done with thoughts on how it impacts the animal and/or the environment.

If someone wants to raise dogs for the purpose of food, then go for it. I'm not one to judge. They do it with guinea pig in S America and that is fine with me! (A pet comparison).

Personally, I eat cow, chicken/poultry, pork, fish, game animals etc etc etc. I don't eat over fished fish though or animals that are illegally hunted/killed. Stocks are depleting too fast every day, I rather not be a part of it.

Anyways, my list is just a small small fraction of animals that are used/killed for parts and illegally hunted/poached based on "culture".


Gold Member
Some people are just ignorant.

When I was in eighth grade, a filipino boy in my class admitted that his family ate dogs. The entire classroom turned on him and called him names and basically told him that he was a horrible person. Classmates told him to stay the fuck away from their dogs. The teacher didn't say anything. Poor guy was in tears by himself in the corner. Up until that day, he didn't think it was a big deal.

At the time, I thought, "eww... that's kinda gross. Why would you eat your dog?". Now that I'm an adult and realize that culture is a relative thing, I realize that eating dogs (or whatever) is fine. I hope that people who are opposed to this grow up. It's not healthy to have such a narrow perspective of the world.

PS: eating human is still bad.

We can't cook a dog in America to honor a custom. It's called animal cruelty. Sure it's great to honor customs, but kids can be jerks either way. If you've been raised around dogs and you know the law then it doesn't make you a terrible person if you're against seeing someone kill a dog for meat. Sure they slaughter pigs and cattle in slaughter houses and then you see all kinds of cows on a farm (dairy or meat cows). You aren't necessarily thinking they're going to slaughter that baby cow for food. It sits in a pasture all day long. Dogs are everywhere in America. As a kid you aren't going to know that people eat your best friend at home. It's also something I've never learned about inside a classroom and a large majority of people in America still find it taboo. How do they learn that it's bad? It's not like this is brought up a lot. Usually kids and adults get mad if they see a man beating his dog on the side of the road. I know everyone wants to stand up against culture hate, but when it's downright wrong in my eyes I cannot respect it.

I wish I had my own culture. I'd fill it with illegal activities. You have to respect it because I called it my culture.


We can't cook a dog in America to honor a custom. It's called animal cruelty. Sure it's great to honor customs, but kids can be jerks either way. If you've been raised around dogs and you know the law then it doesn't make you a terrible person if you're against seeing someone kill a dog for meat. Sure they slaughter pigs and cattle in slaughter houses and then you see all kinds of cows on a farm (dairy or meat cows). You aren't necessarily thinking they're going to slaughter that baby cow for food. It sits in a pasture all day long. Dogs are everywhere in America. As a kid you aren't going to know that people eat your best friend at home. It's also something I've never learned about inside a classroom and a large majority of people in America still find it taboo. How do they learn that it's bad? It's not like this is brought up a lot. Usually kids and adults get mad if they see a man beating his dog on the side of the road. I know everyone wants to stand up against culture hate, but when it's downright wrong in my eyes I cannot respect it.

I wish I had my own culture. I'd fill it with illegal activities. You have to respect it because I called it my culture.

Yeah but see that's the whole point, dogs are pets in America, but not really in China. So they don't have the attachment we do.

Cows are sacred in India but not in America, so we eat them like crazy. It doesn't make American culture wrong.

The bold comment just sounds immature.


I love dogs, they are so smart and loyal.

So are pigs, but we eat them and don't really care about their well being.

Culture is culture.

More people need to realize this. Like, goddamn.

I can't tell you how many times my family has made racist remarks about asians eating cats and dogs. It just stems from ignorance really. People don't seem to realize that eating dogs in China is probably as normal to them as eating pigs or cows in the west.

The only reason this makes me uneasy is because I've had dogs as pets. I'm sure I'd be thinking differently if I had a pig as a pet instead.


Gold Member
Yeah but see that's the whole point, dogs are pets in America, but not really in China. So they don't have the attachment we do.

Cows are sacred in India but not in America, so we eat them like crazy. It doesn't make American culture wrong.

The bold comment just sounds immature.

Did you ever wonder why the rich get away with so much? Because they can pay whatever fine there is and people love money. If I got to do anything in the world- I'd probably have to travel over seas to do it. And it's because some things are different where I live. If I made my own utupia and had a chance to make my own rules then I wouldn't have to listen to anyone else blaming me for it. If I wanted to eat a dog I'd have to travel the world to do it. Now I say I want my own culture. I put things in that culture that are illegal in select places. Now if that was discriminated against then I could possibly take it to court claiming that it was my culture and maybe I could get away with it. I'm pretty sure some medical marijuana cards out there aren't for a medicated problem. I'm sure there's a lot fake users smoking pot with a card saying they need it.


I'm going to reference my post because my original feelings on this matter still stand...

While I personally wouldn't consume a dog, I'm not really seeing the issue here.

Whats with the romanticism of Western food animals.

If we're talking about intelligence, Hogs are extremely intelligent animals, amazing trackers and can be used aa working animals.

But they're delicious when turned into bacon.


As for the kidnapping of dogs that are owned as pets. Thats theft of property.
Dogs were bred to be companions to humans. They have a hard-coded need/desire to have relationships with their masters. That is literally the purpose of the domesticated dog as it exists today, whereas pigs have been bred for meat.

This may not matter to everyone but this is a difference between eating dogs and eating pigs that goes beyond cultural custom.

I eat pork all the time, would never willingly eat dog, and would be just as outraged if someone's pet pig was killed for meat as I would if it were their pet dog.


Taking somethings life against its will isn't humane.

Humane: Letting a pig live a long, natural life
Not humane: Stunning a pig after a few years of it being alive then cutting its throat

You can kill things in nicer ways than others, but the act isn't humane.

Not all animals have will. You are anthropomorphizing.


Dogs were bred to be companions to humans. They have a hard-coded need/desire to have relationships with their masters. That is literally the purpose of the domesticated dog as it exists today, whereas pigs have been bred for meat.

This may not matter to everyone but this is a difference between eating dogs and eating pigs that goes beyond cultural custom.

I eat pork all the time, would never willingly eat dog, and would be just as outraged if someone's pet pig was killed for meat as I would if it were their pet dog.
But what if the dogs in China (or wherever) were bred for meat? Aren't those dogs fair game then?

Btw, it should be noted that dog is not a popular source of meat in China, never mind amongst Chinese people living outside of China.


Yeah but see that's the whole point, dogs are pets in America, but not really in China. So they don't have the attachment we do.

This is false. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-08-21/chinas-skyrocketing-pet-population

Going a little off topic, but dogs in China do behave quite a bit differently than the dogs I was around in the US. I haven't been able to figure out if it's the way they're raised, the environment, or whatever, but they're just not as social around (new?) people. In the US, I could go to a patio bar or some dog-friendly place and put my hand out to meet someone's dog and it would nuzzle my hand and be curious/friendly. In China, MAYBE 1 in 10 dogs will even notice you're there when you try to pet it. And these are domesticated dogs not the street dogs you see everywhere. Anyone else in China notice this?


Did you ever wonder why the rich get away with so much? Because they can pay whatever fine there is and people love money. If I got to do anything in the world- I'd probably have to travel over seas to do it. And it's because some things are different where I live. If I made my own utupia and had a chance to make my own rules then I wouldn't have to listen to anyone else blaming me for it. If I wanted to eat a dog I'd have to travel the world to do it. Now I say I want my own culture. I put things in that culture that are illegal in select places. Now if that was discriminated against then I could possibly take it to court claiming that it was my culture and maybe I could get away with it. I'm pretty sure some medical marijuana cards out there aren't for a medicated problem. I'm sure there's a lot fake users smoking pot with a card saying they need it.

oh... okay...


Dogs were bred to be companions to humans. They have a hard-coded need/desire to have relationships with their masters. That is literally the purpose of the domesticated dog as it exists today, whereas pigs have been bred for meat.

This may not matter to everyone but this is a difference between eating dogs and eating pigs that goes beyond cultural custom.

I eat pork all the time, would never willingly

Certain animals are bred to provide certain services, that doesn't mean they can't serve multi-purposes.

Its the same cross cultural sentimentality that has some people offended at thought of others consuming horse meat or cat meat.

I care more for how animals are raised and treated, rather than if they'll ultimately be consumed or not.


41 > 38
But what if the dogs in China (or wherever) were bred for meat? Aren't those dogs fair game then?

Btw, it should be noted that dog is not a popular source of meat in China, never mind amongst Chinese people living outside of China.

I think he's talking more the "bred over thousands of years" kind of breeding.
I'm gonna feel for many of the asian kids born in Canada and the US as this gains traction and attention. Just ammo for grade school and high school stereotyping. And to be accused of something they themselves find disgusting (since they're likely raised like any other Canadian or American and probably owning a pet as well).

Someone made the dog/pig comparison. Pigs are as emotionally feeling and likely more intelligent than dogs. It's a culture thing tho, so the people in that province see dog as we see pig.

I don't know how that Chinese province kills their dogs - if it's in a barbaric, horrid, slow death fashion which I have seen before (as most butchers in China could give two shits about animal pain), then the festival needs to be shut down. Otherwise, I can't disagree with what they do with what we already do with pigs, cows, etc. This is probably their equivalent to the numerous ribfests in North America.

I hate animal cruelty, but if there is none and the killing is for sustenance and the animal is not endangered, then I can't complain without being a hypocrite.


Unless the Vice host just has a bad palette, it doesn't seem to be anything special

Oh, I guess I'm okay with not eating dogs, I mean if people want to eat dogs I'm okay with them eating dogs but they really shouldn't eat other people's dogs.

I'll keep eating what I'm eating.
If you can eat a chicken, pig or cow, condemning others for eating dogs, cats, horses is disgustingly hypocritical and you should be ashamed.


Did you ever wonder why the rich get away with so much? Because they can pay whatever fine there is and people love money. If I got to do anything in the world- I'd probably have to travel over seas to do it. And it's because some things are different where I live. If I made my own utupia and had a chance to make my own rules then I wouldn't have to listen to anyone else blaming me for it. If I wanted to eat a dog I'd have to travel the world to do it. Now I say I want my own culture. I put things in that culture that are illegal in select places. Now if that was discriminated against then I could possibly take it to court claiming that it was my culture and maybe I could get away with it. I'm pretty sure some medical marijuana cards out there aren't for a medicated problem. I'm sure there's a lot fake users smoking pot with a card saying they need it.


This is false. http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-08-21/chinas-skyrocketing-pet-population

Going a little off topic, but dogs in China do behave quite a bit differently than the dogs I was around in the US. I haven't been able to figure out if it's the way they're raised, the environment, or whatever, but they're just not as social around (new?) people. In the US, I could go to a patio bar or some dog-friendly place and put my hand out to meet someone's dog and it would nuzzle my hand and be curious/friendly. In China, MAYBE 1 in 10 dogs will even notice you're there when you try to pet it. And these are domesticated dogs not the street dogs you see everywhere. Anyone else in China notice this?

Someone previously posted the pet:population ration in this thread, and it was much lower in China. I don't doubt that its improving, though.


I'm gonna feel for many of the asian kids born in Canada and the US as this gains traction and attention. Just ammo for grade school and high school stereotyping. And to be accused of something they themselves find disgusting (since they're likely raised like any other Canadian or American and probably owning a pet as well).
This is true. But it's not new. I'm a Chinese Canadian. Grew up in the 80s. "Go back to eating dog!" was one of top-5 taunts I heard ("show me your kung fu", "chink!", *eye-squint-face* were some others).

In hindsight, "Yup! Love it. Get the fuck out of my face or else I'll eat your dog" would have been a good comeback.
Fuckin hell. You can really see the beaten down all around suffering in their eyes. Being killed for food is probably the best day of their lives. I really do need to quit eating meat or start raising my own food.
Good way is eating less meat, and buy meat from local, small farms where animals live much more free lives. And from hunters too. Not gonna make me feel better person but at least those industry like living condition places don't get my money.
Did you ever wonder why the rich get away with so much? Because they can pay whatever fine there is and people love money. If I got to do anything in the world- I'd probably have to travel over seas to do it. And it's because some things are different where I live. If I made my own utupia and had a chance to make my own rules then I wouldn't have to listen to anyone else blaming me for it. If I wanted to eat a dog I'd have to travel the world to do it. Now I say I want my own culture. I put things in that culture that are illegal in select places. Now if that was discriminated against then I could possibly take it to court claiming that it was my culture and maybe I could get away with it. I'm pretty sure some medical marijuana cards out there aren't for a medicated problem. I'm sure there's a lot fake users smoking pot with a card saying they need it.

... WTF are you on about?
I could only hope anyone that eats and tortures pets when other food sources are plentiful and available gets some kind of ass/stomach cancer or better yet suffers a fate where they are chopped to pieces and fed to a dog or cat.

I dont care if its part of their culture its disgusting and they are rightfully ridiculed/condemned. I am sure its in someones culture in the world to eat human, doesnt make it right.

Fuck your culture and backwards ass traditions. Its 2015, fuck off with those mindless respecting other cultures bullshit replies.


What the actual Fuck!! Humanity is so fucked! How can a human being do something like that to a domestic animal?
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