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Dota 2 |OT3| #BetterThenEllenPudge

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Whadda ya mean?
It already gives 2.5x the amount of xp on the creep you killed.
It's the reason why you get it on invoker since he's REALLY level dependent.
Buffing that XP gain even more would not be a good idea tbh.

Midas is fine atm imo.
It's not the go-to item any more it was 2 patches ago but still useful when bought on certain heroes or when you have early game free farm as a carry.

I know, I just mean maybe make it even more concentrated on the xp part. So 3x or 3.5x or something. But I guess it is fine where it is right now.


relies on auto-aim
I think I need an entirely different motherboard, I'm getting Memory Corruption and BSODs even after ensuing the ram I'm using is good. And a new Mother Board means a new CPU, and I'm not going down the road of a mid-end cpu, since they can't run emulators well. So I guess I'm looking at like $300-$400 it think.

Haz, get online so you can tell me which parts are the good ones.
buy intel

such gaming
many frames


I know, I just mean maybe make it even more concentrated on the xp part. So 3x or 3.5x or something. But I guess it is fine where it is right now.

midas would be core on every hero

but it would be boring to watch everyone farm midas

so valve would make it free so everyone can instabuy it

but then early/mid game would be much shorter and not so important

then dota would be boring and every game would be the same

so basically valve should remove midas from dota

plz valve


so valve would make it free so everyone can instabuy it

but then early/mid game would be much shorter and not so important

Sounds like -em alright, I wonder if that one ever makes the jump to Dota 2. I probably wouldn't do it nowadays but back in the day we played that shit almost exclusively because Bnet/Garena pubs were inherently imbalanced and people would start leaving left and right as soon as a stomp started to drag on.




Don't tell me I'm just as bad as the people I'm matched with because I'm matched with the special class of dota players

I don't even know how you can lose this game, you have to be on another level of bad to be able to lose a game like this

I'm NS mid, get first blood and gank all over the map and their Doom in the jungle, I go on 10-0 before dieing for the first time

2 of their players leave at some point because they think its hopeless for them, but my stupid team keeps doing stupid shit like going solo all the time and getting doomed and killed and never coming together for a push

We don't even have real support outside of minimal warding, I have to buy sents and a gem because they keep initiating on us with Mirana ult and no one gives a fuck

We had our first tower go down at 49 MINUTES into the game ffs

I never even took any farm from my team, all my items are from kills but my team can't even farm decent items in a 53 minutes game, and Windrunner was fucking useless all game

At the end they killed me at their base when were going as were going into their base bottom when the there's no tower or rax, and there's a huge creep wave with us, but of course my team backs away as I'm going

Then somehow the rest die, our dear russian Terrorblade doesn't carry a tp even tho I ask him to and he had plenty of space because he doesn't even farm like he should and is in the secret shop when they are pushing mid and as I'm looking at him and telling him to get back I get arrowed and die near at our base

I'm sorry, but for all the people that keep saying you are just bad as your teammates... If I'm super mediocre, these are shit tier players that have no freaking clue what they're doing even if they have a better win rate than me or a similar number of games and I don't deserve to be matched with these people 9 out of 10 matches and lose because of this fact




Don't tell me I'm just as bad as the people I'm matched with because I'm matched with the special class of dota players

I don't even know how you can lose this game, you have to be on another level of bad to be able to lose a game like this

I'm NS mid, get first blood and gank all over the map and their Doom in the jungle, I go on 10-0 before dieing for the first time

2 of their players leave at some point because they think its hopeless for them, but my stupid team keeps doing stupid shit like going solo all the time and getting doomed and killed and never coming together for a push

We don't even have real support outside of minimal warding, I have to buy sents and a gem because they keep initiating on us with Mirana ult and no one gives a fuck

We had our first tower go down at 49 MINUTES into the game ffs

I never even took any farm from my team, all my items are from kills but my team can't even farm decent items in a 53 minutes game, and Windrunner was fucking useless all game

At the end they killed me at their base when were going as were going into their base bottom when the there's no tower or rax, and there's a huge creep wave with us, but of course my team backs away as I'm going

Then somehow the rest die, our dear russian Terrorblade doesn't carry a tp even tho I ask him to and he had plenty of space because he doesn't even farm like he should and is in the secret shop when they are pushing mid and as I'm looking at him and telling him to get back I get arrowed and die near at our base

I'm sorry, but for all the people that keep saying you are just bad as your teammates... If I'm super mediocre, these are shit tier players that have no freaking clue what they're doing even if they have a better win rate than me or a similar number of games and I don't deserve to be matched with these people 9 out of 10 matches and lose because of this fact
In order to snowball you need to farm from creeps not just from heroes. After getting a kill farm that creep wave then go for another gank. And that terrorblade player is horrible lol




Don't tell me I'm just as bad as the people I'm matched with because I'm matched with the special class of dota players

I don't even know how you can lose this game, you have to be on another level of bad to be able to lose a game like this

I'm NS mid, get first blood and gank all over the map and their Doom in the jungle, I go on 10-0 before dieing for the first time

2 of their players leave at some point because they think its hopeless for them, but my stupid team keeps doing stupid shit like going solo all the time and getting doomed and killed and never coming together for a push

We don't even have real support outside of minimal warding, I have to buy sents and a gem because they keep initiating on us with Mirana ult and no one gives a fuck

We had our first tower go down at 49 MINUTES into the game ffs

I never even took any farm from my team, all my items are from kills but my team can't even farm decent items in a 53 minutes game, and Windrunner was fucking useless all game

At the end they killed me at their base when were going as were going into their base bottom when the there's no tower or rax, and there's a huge creep wave with us, but of course my team backs away as I'm going

Then somehow the rest die, our dear russian Terrorblade doesn't carry a tp even tho I ask him to and he had plenty of space because he doesn't even farm like he should and is in the secret shop when they are pushing mid and as I'm looking at him and telling him to get back I get arrowed and die near at our base

I'm sorry, but for all the people that keep saying you are just bad as your teammates... If I'm super mediocre, these are shit tier players that have no freaking clue what they're doing even if they have a better win rate than me or a similar number of games and I don't deserve to be matched with these people 9 out of 10 matches and lose because of this fact


In order to snowball you need to farm from creeps not just from heroes. After getting a kill farm that creep wave then go for another gank. And that terrorblade player is horrible lol

My point was I did snowball , I farmed when I did and left my team 99% of the farm the entire game so they can farm and got my items from kills and tower gold a lot earlier in the game. They didn't even have a top or bot rax when they pushed mid and finished the game and we only lost our first tower 49 (!) minutes into the game.. that's how big of a lead we had

They got a lead on us since they were only 3 players for most of the game, and they got fed huge creep waves since my team didn't care to finish the game or prevent them kills with simple support like buying sentries or a gem that I had to do (not that I care, I do this all the time to help support players, the only reason I do care is because they didn't even try to support this match)

Terrorblade being awful is not surprising since 99% of the games I'm playing the carry is the worst player on the team

So if you take a high impact hero like NS and provide your team a good lead? Doesn't matter, when it comes down to it the carry it most likely awful and when it comes time for him to do his job he most likely has no farm

You people really need to learnt to stop caring about whether you win or lose.

Why wouldn't I care? I'm starting a game that I know can go on for potentially an hour or longer, I try to play as best as I can and have fun... of course I'm mad that I lost because my team does the dumbest shit
I'm not angry that I lost, I'm angry because of why we lost. This game should've been a 100% win
Its not like I'm getting mad every other game that I lose because rageeeee, sometimes you just get out-drafted or simply out-played by better players, that's just fine and I have no problem losing a fun, good game for legitimate reasons


relies on auto-aim
yo haz my pc has recently started BSODing when i exit out of full screen games sometimes

what du
play in fullscreen windowed

The funny part is if they both built hex you would have won anyway.
You should also have farmed and built Necro if your team was useless imo it's what I do. SOLOQ DIFFERENT MODE


If you've got no team coordination, either win early or accept defeat. I've won so many games that the other team had huge leads because they had no team fight, and our team was able to rally and wreck them. Twice we were down one man, and still won 4v5. Of course that's going to depend on hero selection, but a great start isn't certain victory.

Also ability draft solo for the lols.


May contain jokes =>
You people really need to learnt to stop caring about whether you win or lose.

I don't understand who you people are who claim you don't give a shit if you win or lose a game. I mean, I try to stay pretty level headed and I have enjoyed plenty of games which I lost but were intense, fun matches.

But it can be very frustrating to be on a loss streak, and especially losing games like that which you really shouldn't have. It's certainly healthier not to rage about it, but I seriously doubt there's anyone playing this kind of competitive game who truly doesn't care at all if they win or lose.


Solo queueing, not even once.

i solo all the time and i always end up picking a support since no one seems to want to. i wish i had more time so i can eventually play with you guys but time is kinda scarce with me. gaf have a team at all?


I don't understand who you people are who claim you don't give a shit if you win or lose a game. I mean, I try to stay pretty level headed and I have enjoyed plenty of games which I lost but were intense, fun matches.

But it can be very frustrating to be on a loss streak, and especially losing games like that which you really shouldn't have. It's certainly healthier not to rage about it, but I seriously doubt there's anyone playing this kind of competitive game who truly doesn't care at all if they win or lose.
I only care about how well I'm doing in a match, unless I'm on some horrible ten game losing streak. If I'm doing well with my hero, it's not my fault if I lose, so I don't care. Played a recent game of single draft where the opposing team had way better heroes, and naturally we lost, but I pulled off some good kills so I was happy with it.
I don't understand who you people are who claim you don't give a shit if you win or lose a game

It's not that I don't give a shit, it's that I give much less shit as certain factors arise in a match with randoms..

1) They don't speak the same language
2) They don't listen or work together
3) They don't have any map awareness


This is a team game and if your team is working against a win... you shouldn't attach yourself to it.


You people really need to learnt to stop caring about whether you win or lose.

I like to win. Winning is fun. This game gives a strange sense of fulfillment (and lol for me) when I win. Especially those close/long games. Losing is never fun. I cannot EVER like losing. if i win/lose at a 50% ratio thats ok I guess but being on a huge losing streak is NOT fun. Even if its out of my control and I have done everything I can to win.
I like to win. Winning is fun. This game gives a strange sense of fulfillment (and lol for me) when I win. Especially those close/long games. Losing is never fun. I cannot EVER like losing. if i win/lose at a 50% ratio thats ok I guess but being on a huge losing streak is NOT fun. Even if its out of my control and I have done everything I can to win.


The only times I've had fun losing is when I was in a really silly mood and the plan from the beginning (or at some point in the middle) was to bullshit with silly items. 99% of the time, that's not the case. As a competitive person, I play Dota2 to do just that: compete. I never had fun losing when I played basketball or ran track in high school and I don't have fun losing in games designed to be man vs man competitions. Some genres make losing a little easier (like fighting games which are over quickly), but slow burning like MOBAs at times are like the equivalent of losing 15 straight fighting game matches.

Now, I don't get bent out of shape losing...I'm always gonna be a nice guy and can almost always find something useful/positive to take away from the loss that I can build on...but I for damn sure don't find enjoyment in it. That's just not how I'm wired.


At the end they killed me at their base when were going as were going into their base bottom when the there's no tower or rax, and there's a huge creep wave with us, but of course my team backs away as I'm going
Oh god that happens to me nearly all the time, not only base attacking but any kind of initiation, I start a stun, silence, etc. just to have the rest of the team back away like headless chickens.
On the winning and losing, suffering defeat or achieving victory isn't as aggravating when the match is close, but most of the the time when there is a double, triple and even quadruple kills difference is not fun at all, winning feels hollow, and losing soul shattering =/


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I honestly don't care about winning and losing. It's all just about the quality of the game for me. When I compare my MMR (~2.5k) and the people I get matched with to a lesser skilled streamer like Pyrion (who is at like 3k+) or Sheever (4k+) I can see plain as day that I have the same general level of execution as these guys, and the same or better (in the case of Pyrion) level of general game knowledge as them and it makes me feel like the game has fucked me. 90% of the games I lose I feel like if I had had 2 or 3 more of me on my team instead of some of the idiots I get lumped in with I'd have a better chance at winning.

Is it just the sheer amount of games they have played compared to me? I only have about 600 games played and both of the aforementioned players have multiple thousands. Do I just need to stick it out thru the low tiers even tho I feel like I'm a more knowledgeable player than most of the people I play with and just suck it up? The fact that you seem to get and lose a pretty static amount of MMR for each win or loss makes it feel like I'm just going to be treading water and very gradually making my way into the positive if I can maintain my ~51% winrate.

I'm definitely going to be looking to branch out my pool into some higher impact heroes tho in the near future because the heroes I play the most don't seem to have the ability to sway the game on their own as well as some snowball heroes.


I honestly don't care about winning and losing. It's all just about the quality of the game for me. When I compare my MMR (~2.5k) and the people I get matched with to a lesser skilled streamer like Pyrion (who is at like 3k+) or Sheever (4k+) I can see plain as day that I have the same general level of execution as these guys, and the same or better (in the case of Pyrion) level of general game knowledge as them and it makes me feel like the game has fucked me. 90% of the games I lose I feel like if I had had 2 or 3 more of me on my team instead of some of the idiots I get lumped in with I'd have a better chance at winning.

Is it just the sheer amount of games they have played compared to me? I only have about 600 games played and both of the aforementioned players have multiple thousands. Do I just need to stick it out thru the low tiers even tho I feel like I'm a more knowledgeable player than most of the people I play with and just suck it up? The fact that you seem to get and lose a pretty static amount of MMR for each win or loss makes it feel like I'm just going to be treading water and very gradually making my way into the positive if I can maintain my ~51% winrate.

I'm definitely going to be looking to branch out my pool into some higher impact heroes tho in the near future because the heroes I play the most don't seem to have the ability to sway the game on their own as well as some snowball heroes.

I don't know about Pyrion but Sheever is constantly getting carried by Bulldog, her solo MMR is like 500 below her party MMR.


Any tips for playing Phoenix?

I've been going tranquil boots, urn, men and then either Shiva or heart.

What I'm struggling with is the laning phase. I don't know if it's the fact that everyone knows phoenix is squishy but opponents dive me constantly. It's only once I reach level 6 that I feel secure.

I level up Spirits first then Sun Ray...leaving Icarus lvl 1 till the other 2 are maxed.

The other thing is I tend to have lag/bad ping which doesn't help as it does seem like a hero who is best played with low ping.


I don't know about Pyrion but Sheever is constantly getting carried by Bulldog, her solo MMR is like 500 below her party MMR.

pyrion usually gets carried by shane or one of his other higher buddies(sometimes will get random pro players to join in)

hes not a bad player but def 3k player. I have just about 500 games and I feel like im better than pyrion and sheever (its not saying much)
Pyrion and Sheever spend a lot of time stacking with people like Bulldog and Shane, I guess that might confuse the system a bit? Although actually I don't know if consistently playing with higher skilled people makes it easier or harder for yourself to progress MMR wise.

I also think they probably seem worse than they are because of twitch chat analysing every mistake they make into the ground. (Although Pyrion does have the most random skill builds at times.)
Any tips for playing Phoenix?

I've been going tranquil boots, urn, men and then either Shiva or heart.

What I'm struggling with is the laning phase. I don't know if it's the fact that everyone knows phoenix is squishy but opponents dive me constantly. It's only once I reach level 6 that I feel secure.

I level up Spirits first then Sun Ray...leaving Icarus lvl 1 till the other 2 are maxed.

The other thing is I tend to have lag/bad ping which doesn't help as it does seem like a hero who is best played with low ping.
I've only played phoneix a couple of times, but it seems like the key is abusing the range on those spirits, at levels 2 and 3 the damage is so massive over time and so easy to play, you can harrass the enemy out of creep range and give your lane partner free farm, without even having to dive in.


Low Tier
grimorum's awful rofl, dont take his advice. You can ask milk, me and countless others exposed that fraud back in dota 1.

legit just go quas wex early, no need exort. Either go a null talisman+tango, or 4 branch circle+tango, and just learn to last hit with the hero. Use cold snap to fight back, and the fact that you have built-in regen to exchange last hits.
grimorum's awful rofl, dont take his advice. You can ask milk, me and countless others exposed that fraud back in dota 1.

legit just go quas wex early, no need exort. Either go a null talisman+tango, or 4 branch circle+tango, and just learn to last hit with the hero. Use cold snap to fight back, and the fact that you have built-in regen to exchange last hits.

I'd love for you to go into detail about this. I just recently came across his guide and watched a couple of vods. I can't understand why he has such a following.


Low Tier
I'd love for you to go into detail about this. I just recently came across his guide and watched a couple of vods. I can't understand why he has such a following.

cuz he posted a bunch of videos of him doing the same nado ss meteor deafening blast combo with good editing.

Grimorum used to make alt accounts in dota 1 making threads like 'whos the best invokr i can learn from?' 'omg have u seen grimorums new video' etc. etc.

Guy was an attention whore who claimed he got arthritis from playing too much invokr and would quit. Sadly he was lieing.

I've only been in the same game with him twice, one was a 1v1 matchup where I forced him to jungle for 8 minutes until I got bored and killed him, and second was where he literally tornado'd a 5 man blackhole and almost threw the game. His game sense and mechanics are awful, the only thing he's ever done well is learn invoker spells by heart to the point where its automatic, thus making him look good on that hero.

Legit theres much better people to learn invoker from now. You can scope out rtz, qojvka, resolution, etc. Grimorum has a following the same way hexor had a following, for some unknown reason LOL.
I'd love for you to go into detail about this. I just recently came across his guide and watched a couple of vods. I can't understand why he has such a following.

Look up the various names he uses in his videos on Dotabuff.

You'll find that he has a bunch of invoker-only smurf accounts. He's playing against newbies in a lot of those highlights. Not all of them...but most of them. The scores of the other players in a lot of those videos should have been a sign that something wasn't quite right. Often times he made it a point to show that his teammates are like 1/30/5 combined. Those are numbers you expect from...you guessed it...really new players.

If you're interested in learning Invoker, I'd recommend the aforementioned Invoker game for practicing and watching some replays of high elo players and tournament matches. Empire's Resolut1on has been playing a helluva Voker in the pro scene lately. His buff invoker matches:


I also have seen Draskyll (yea, that Draskyll) ball the fuck out lately on Invoker. I'd recommend his replays. He's quite sound mechanically.

cuz he posted a bunch of videos of him doing the same nado ss meteor deafening blast combo with good editing.

Grimorum used to make alt accounts in dota 1 making threads like 'whos the best invokr i can learn from?' 'omg have u seen grimorums new video' etc. etc.

Guy was an attention whore who claimed he got arthritis from playing too much invokr and would quit. Sadly he was lieing.

I've only been in the same game with him twice, one was a 1v1 matchup where I forced him to jungle for 8 minutes until I got bored and killed him, and second was where he literally tornado'd a 5 man blackhole and almost threw the game. His game sense and mechanics are awful, the only thing he's ever done well is learn invoker spells by heart to the point where its automatic, thus making him look good on that hero.

Legit theres much better people to learn invoker from now. You can scope out rtz, qojvka, resolution, etc. Grimorum has a following the same way hexor had a following, for some unknown reason LOL.

Look up the various names he uses in his videos on Dotabuff.

You'll find that he has a bunch of invoker-only smurf accounts. He's playing against newbies in a lot of those highlights. Not all of them...but most of them. The scores of the other players in a lot of those videos should have been a sign that something wasn't quite right. Often times he made it a point to show that his teammates are like 1/30/5 combined. Those are numbers you expect from...you guessed it...really new players.

If you're interested in learning Invoker, I'd recommend the aforementioned Invoker game for practicing and watching some replays of high elo players and tournament matches. Empire's Resolut1on has been playing a helluva Voker in the pro scene lately.

I watched like two of his vods and came away unimpressed but in a couple of front page games I've spectated recently, his name keeps coming up when people ask "who should I learn Invoker from?" I was just curious why he gets so much attention.

I find it funny that people still go gaga over Invoker players that can queue spells on command (I can do that shit on my trash tier Invoker). Anyone can do that after 10 minutes of Invoker game.


I was going to explain how Grimorum is a massive fraud but everyone already did it. He smurfs in his videos to make himself look good and all he does is repeat the same refresher combo, even when it's completely unnecessary. 1.09 smashed him 1v1 with Ancient Apparition and together we've smacked him around in pubs. Sometimes he tries to smurf under the name Muromirg (lol... so full of himself).

Another good Invoker player you could look up is iceiceice, the og invoko.
I watched like two of his vods and came away unimpressed
Who? Resolut1on or Draskyll?

Forget the Vods because you can't watch from player perspective. Go with their actual replays.



I'm sure there are plenty of other players who's replays you could watch. There is plenty to learn from these two right now with any of those recent replays, however.

I was going to explain how Grimorum is a massive fraud but everyone already did it. He smurfs in his videos to make himself look good and all he does is repeat the same refresher combo, even when it's completely unnecessary. 1.09 smashed him 1v1 with Ancient Apparition and together we've smacked him around in pubs. Sometimes he tries to smurf under the name Muromirg (lol... so full of himself).

Another good Invoker player you could look up is iceiceice, the og invoko.

He hasn't played Invoker (or anything else) in over a year in pubs.



MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Any tips for playing Phoenix?

I max spirits first, then dive, and ult when available, leaving sun ray for last since it doesn't do much early game when your hp is low. Getting dived really shouldn't be a problem since you can icarus dive back (maybe you don't know you can stop the dive at any point?) Just harass as much as you can and if something breaks out drop a fire spirit and try to reapply every few seconds. I go tranqs, mek, heart, shivas, and lots of wards.

I'm 8 and 1 with him and he's super fun, I've got more than a few games with 25-30 assists, it's great.
I was going to explain how Grimorum is a massive fraud but everyone already did it. He smurfs in his videos to make himself look good and all he does is repeat the same refresher combo, even when it's completely unnecessary. 1.09 smashed him 1v1 with Ancient Apparition and together we've smacked him around in pubs. Sometimes he tries to smurf under the name Muromirg (lol... so full of himself).

Another good Invoker player you could look up is iceiceice, the og invoko.

+1 for iceiceice invoker. I used to think the guy was an asshole but I've come to appreciate his competitive demeanor. Dude really has ice in his veins. I wish I could land sunstrike half as good as him.

Who? Resolut1on or Draskyll?

Forget the Vods because you can't watch from player perspective. Go with their actual replays.



I'm sure there are plenty of other players who's replays you could watch. There is plenty to learn from these two right now with any of those recent replays, however.

He hasn't played Invoker (or anything else) in over a year in pubs.


Was talking about Grimorum.

He hasn't played Invoker (or anything else) in over a year in pubs.


Probably stopped polling..


Bull on a Donut
I was going to explain how Grimorum is a massive fraud but everyone already did it. He smurfs in his videos to make himself look good and all he does is repeat the same refresher combo, even when it's completely unnecessary. 1.09 smashed him 1v1 with Ancient Apparition and together we've smacked him around in pubs. Sometimes he tries to smurf under the name Muromirg (lol... so full of himself).

Another good Invoker player you could look up is iceiceice, the og invoko.

lol i bet ur just jelous legit have u even seen GRIMORUM'S RAGING FURY ?? ?
Since we're on the topic of Invoker, how do you guys land more consistent ice walls? It's easy to use it as a defensive spell but I've seen people use it to catch heroes running away. I've tried thinking about positional cues but just can't wrap my head around properly positioning Invoker sideways. I can't seem to account for turning speed.
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