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Dragon Age 2 Goes Gold, Live Developer Gameplay/Q&A [Update 2: Recorded Version Up]


BioWare Austin

Recorded Version:
Reluctant-Hero said:


Live Developer chat today + gameplay walkthrough with Mike Laidlaw at 11pst.


DA2 music:

also some screens i dont think have been posted:





and if anyone missed it, short Anders cinematic (minor spoiler):
Don't tell me they ditched Anders' VA from Awakening... He sounded awesome in that. He didn't sound like Anders at all in this video.


I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(


Ryu said:
I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(

First was a flawed but occasionally awesome game but keeping with what seems to be the trend of modern Bioware, they decide to throw everything out and start over instead of trying to deal with the issues of the first game.


Ryu said:
I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(
I don't mind a lot of the changes, but every time I see new screens or video I'm reminded how everything looks flat and dull. The dialogue tree has also been stripped down, which is probably the change that has me most weary.

The dullness isn't just relegated to gameplay visuals, either. That skill system above looks so boring and lifeless compared to DA:O's.

For some reason the whole project appears to be sloppier to me than the first game. I don't think it looks bad, but there have been changes to graphics, combat, and the UI that are steps back instead of steps forward. Things have been removed, but what's been added? I understand the need to "focus" on the good, and I think they've done that an extent with the battle system, but why scrap the old UI and create something that looks boring?


Ryu said:
I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(

Oh no i'm excited for it totally. Most of the problems were a non issue once i saw video of the game. I'm hyped.


Blue Ninja said:
Don't tell me they ditched Anders' VA from Awakening... He sounded awesome in that. He didn't sound like Anders at all in this video.
I don't think they ditched him.
He's possessed


Tokubetsu said:
First was a flawed but occasionally awesome game but keeping with what seems to be the trend of modern Bioware, they decide to throw everything out and start over instead of trying to deal with the issues of the first game.

I just don't think a simplification of systems is a bad thing. Take the dialog trees, I like that it's a much simpler radial menu versus the long lines of text from the first. Plus, correct me if I am remembering incorrectly here, but when you picked an option, didn't the characters just react to your choice rather than your character voicing the choice? This one it seems you choose an option and your character voices it and though they probably had to simplify the choices for that reason, I like it a lot better. It seems more immersive to me when your character has a voice in dialog.


Why does Dragon Age 2 look worse than a modded DA:O? Textures are low-res, surfaces are flat, lighting looks like crap, hairs looks weird (as if they were not shaded) etc.

I am excited for the game, but I still can't undertsand how can this game look so bad (especially when every preview praise it); I played Origins at medium settings and sub-HD and it still managed to look better :/


erotic butter maelstrom
Ryu said:
Plus, correct me if I am remembering incorrectly here, but when you picked an option, didn't the characters just react to your choice rather than your character voicing the choice? This one it seems you choose an option and your character voices it and though they probably had to simplify the choices for that reason, I like it a lot better. It seems more immersive to me when your character has a voice in dialog.

I didn't really mind this, especially since it made the option of choosing from different races possible. They decided to give a voice to the player, to make it like playing as Shepard, and because of that (at least partially) we're now restricted to humans only. I would gladly give up VA for the lead in exchange for the choice of playing as an Elf again.

Plus, I tend to skip the voices in these games anyways since I can read faster than the actor delivers the line.


Snuggler said:
I didn't really mind this, especially since it made the option of choosing from different races possible. They decided to give a voice to the player, to make it like playing as Shepard, and because of that (at least partially) we're now restricted to humans only. I would gladly give up VA for the lead in exchange for the choice of playing as an Elf again.

As someone who played as a human in DAO, I hadn't really considered this. In fact, it never occurred to me that they would have to make different voices for the different races. I just figured it would be the male voice or the female voice, race didn't matter.


Nork unification denier
Ryu said:
I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(

Nope! Buying it day one: I think it's going to be just as much fun as Mass Effect 2 was, and just as much as a break from the first game. I understand why fans of the first game, particularly PC people, are ticked off by the changes, but I'm mostly playing for the game world/characters/mythology, which I felt were some of the best elements of the first game.
Ryu said:
I must be the only one on GAF who is really excited for this game. It seems most posts I read is about how it isn't exactly like DAO and how awful that is. :(

I'll be there day one as well and I'm pretty excited for the game. I'd be lying if I said that everything I've read/seen about the game has impressed me, but I think it'll be enjoyable.


I'm much more excited for DA2 than I was for Origins. The sequel looks like it will be much more fun to play. I know a segment of the gaming audience enjoys the combat from Origins, for me, it's way too archaic for me enjoy at my current age and patience. DA2's gameplay actually looks immediate and streamlined this time around, which I'm very happy to see.


seat said:
I'm much more excited for DA2 than I was for Origins. The sequel looks like it will be much more fun to play. I know a segment of the gaming audience enjoys the combat from Origins, for me, it's way too archaic for me enjoy at my current age and patience. DA2's gameplay actually looks immediate and streamlined this time around, which I'm very happy to see.

I think it and you eloquently lay it out in text. Well said.


Snuggler said:
I didn't really mind this, especially since it made the option of choosing from different races possible. They decided to give a voice to the player, to make it like playing as Shepard, and because of that (at least partially) we're now restricted to humans only. I would gladly give up VA for the lead in exchange for the choice of playing as an Elf again.

Plus, I tend to skip the voices in these games anyways since I can read faster than the actor delivers the line.
Except elves in Dragon Age sound exactly like humans. Dwarves would need a new vocal track, but that's it. I think it's more to give the character a consistent backstory.


seat said:
I'm much more excited for DA2 than I was for Origins. The sequel looks like it will be much more fun to play. I know a segment of the gaming audience enjoys the combat from Origins, for me, it's way too archaic for me enjoy at my current age and patience. DA2's gameplay actually looks immediate and streamlined this time around, which I'm very happy to see.
So because you do not like the style of combat in the original it's fine to "streamline" it down in spite of all the people that liked the original? Not every game needs to be for every person out there. I will be one of the last people to defend origins as a high quality tactical RPG, but to me it's just spitting in the face of the people that supported your game enough to even get a sequel greenlit so that you can chase after another segment of the market. If you want to sell an action RPG call it something other than Dragon Age 2.
Yup, they're streaming the PC version with Fem-Hawke, as a mage.

They mentioned a discount code for DA2 on the EA store, but I didn't catch it. Did anyone else?


Ceebs said:
So because you do not like the style of combat in the original it's fine to "streamline" it down in spite of all the people that liked the original? Not every game needs to be for every person out there. I will be one of the last people to defend origins as a high quality tactical RPG, but to me it's just spitting in the face of the people that supported your game enough to even get a sequel greenlit so that you can chase after another segment of the market. If you want to sell an action RPG call it something other than Dragon Age 2.
I see what your point is, and in part I agree. What you wrote is fair from a subjective standpoint. However, I think there's an argument to be made that the combat from DAO is just objectively not good, and Bioware wanted to improve it with the thought that people who enjoy the type of combat from DAO are simply living in the past. I'm not going to try to argue that point, but maybe someone else can articulate it better than me.
seat said:
I see what your point is, and in part I agree. What you wrote is fair from a subjective standpoint. However, I think there's an argument to be made that the combat from DAO is just objectively not good, and Bioware wanted to improve it with the thought that people who enjoy the type of combat from DAO are simply living in the past. I'm not going to try to argue that point, but maybe someone else can articulate it better than me.

It's objectively not great because it's broken, not because it's not an ARPG.


Reluctant-Hero said:
Watching this at work, video quality is for shit. Ivreally hope they, EA/BioWare, release a direct feed of the livecast...
They did mention that they will release a recorded version later.

I have to head back to work though, so the title might be inaccurate for a few hours after this ends. :lol
Reluctant-Hero said:
Yup, they're streaming the PC version with Fem-Hawke.

They mentioned a discount code for DA2 on the EA store, but I didn't catch it. Did anyone else?
The discount was for Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition. 60% off at the EA Store. I didn't catch the code because I wasn't interested in it. You didn't miss out on a DA2 discount.


Fimbulvetr said:
It's objectively not great because it's broken, not because it's not an ARPG.
Yep. That style of combat works great even today. Just because it is old does not mean it's not a fantastic style of gameplay. You do not go around and tell people playing Dragon Quest 9 they are simply living in the past because they enjoy simple turn based combat.


Prodigal Son
Garcia el Gringo said:
The discount was for Dragon Age Origins: Ultimate Edition. 60% off at the EA Store. I didn't catch the code because I wasn't interested in it. You didn't miss out on a DA2 discount.

Possibly "da2liveevent" or maybe "da2livechat"
Nirolak said:
They did mention that they will release a recorded version later.

I have to head back to work though, so the title might be inaccurate for a few hours after this ends. :lol
Glad to hear it, thanks for the update.


Ok, the EA/Bioware marketing is definitely awful. The game is NOT the clusterfuck I was expecting. It's not what I wanted either, but the game might be worth it for a lot of people.
Acidote said:
Ok, the EA/Bioware marketing is definitely awful. The game is NOT the clusterfuck I was expecting. It's not what I wanted either, but the game might be worth it for a lot of people.
Yup, PC Gameplay is as tactical as DA:O ever was. Tactical zoom out seems decent enough.

I wonder what difficulty he's playing on? If I had to guess, I'd say "hard".

And, Acidote, your comment gives me hope for GAF's eventual "demo thread". I think a lot if minds will be changed, based on this live stream gameplay I'm seeing.
Reluctant-Hero said:
Yup, PC Gameplay is as tactical as DA:O ever was. Tactical zoom out seems decent enough.

I wonder what difficulty he's playing on? If I had to guess, I'd say "hard".

That's what I'm hoping to hear. Hopefully, the higher difficulties make for a tactical experience and the normal and lower difficulties are for those that are looking for a pause-free action game. I'm looking forward to watching this if the archive the video.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Yeah, wow, what? This actually looks decent after all.

Looking forward to the demo now.


BioWare Austin
Mike is playing on Normal, here's some screens (really low res due to the feed)





-Combat is as tactical as DA:O from their demonstration, as much micromanaging as you -desire. The entire bar seems customizable (you see Mike customize the placements of his skills), multiple combat tactics slots (equivalent to DA:O).
Stream has switched into the Q&A section. I'll update with some good ones:

- First question is about Gameplay length with side quests. Laidlaw says shorter than DA:O, but still lengthy.

- Enemies scale to character levels. But many encounters are tailored to where you are in the story.

- Fatigue has been overhauled for DA2. If you meet armor reqs, no penalty. Fatigue now applies to buffs, abilities, stamina, etc.

- Difference between PC & Console. Basically just like DA:O, the interface. Radial wheel on controllers. PC has, obviously, GFX improvements. DX11, texture packs, etc.

- Crafting has been overhauled. No more keep X number of stacked ingredients. Now once you have the craft recipe and required ingredients, you can keep producing the item at the appropriate crafter. But there are restrictions/limitations on certain powerful recipes and items.

- There is a housing system that improves over time. You'll be able to craft there, have item storage and other unrevealed features.
Combat looks cartoonish, like someone hit a fast forward button. And I have to wonder about how tactical it really is when they do things like making rogues no longer have to maneuver behind someone to do a backstab, instead having them teleport behind enemies.

I think I just can't get past some of the changes they've made (or didn't make), like restricting which weapons the classes can use and not expanding on classes at all, so you have even fewer ways to play than you did in Origins. It somehow feels even more vanilla than the first game, which was kind of forgivable as it was the first installment and the different race origins gave it some variety.


Acidote said:
Ok, the EA/Bioware marketing is definitely awful. The game is NOT the clusterfuck I was expecting.
Yep, I was way skeptical of the game after seeing those early previews. Was expecting the combat to be an awful brain dead mash button fest. After watching the feed however it looks like the combat is pretty much identical to DAO except with flashier and quicker animations.

I'm suddenly considering DA2.
anddo0 said:
Saves carry over sweet! Too bad I switched PS3s :( Damn locked saves.
I was just reading the DA:O OT this morning and read someone's post mentioning their PS3 BR drive broke and they had to buy a new PS3. They were able to a complete HDD back-up and restore it to the new PS3. Their DA:O save transferred just fine.

Damn, some of these questions give me the impression that A LOT if these feed viewers did not play DA:O

Q: "Will there be optional bosses, like dragons?"

Laidlaw's A: Yes, there will be dragons in Dragon Age 2.


I love how the "regular" PC version of this game is now $50 on Amazon. I'm sure they will still charge "Signature Edition" preorders the whole 60!
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