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Dragon Age: Inquisition-"Jaws of Hakkon" story DLC announced, out tomorrow for XBO/PC


I hope all of you detesting the Timed DLC due to MS, will hate all other forms of exclusive and timed DLC Due to Sony as well.
I'd definitely trade Destiny DLC priority for Dragon Age DLC priority but Destiny doesn't allow trading.
Bravo lol

You're gonna pay anyway so

i'm gonna guess EA staffers are gonna have a laugh at this kind of attitude
Not really, once I lose interest that's about it for me. I enjoyed DAI, but the only thing that could really force my hand is Cassandra dlc and the chances of that are slim. But I'd expect someone with your avatar to say something like that:p



out of fuckin nowhere!

brb checking prices for the pc version (sold my ps4 copy a while back)


I'm not even understanding the salt in this thread. Deals like this happen so much I don't even get why people still get upset or offended. Plus we knew this was happening like last year.


I hope all of you detesting the Timed DLC due to MS, will hate all other forms of exclusive and timed DLC Due to Sony as well.

Do you have reason to believe otherwise? And why did you add "exclusive" when people have only been ranting about "timed"?


Wow this came out of no where, kinda glad I got the Xbox version.

Odd that there was no build up to this, suggests its small DLC?


They can absolutely fuck off but you'll still buy it if you enjoyed DA:I.

Nope. I'll just read a wiki on it and do the entire vote-with-wallet thing. I have a weird feeling where I feel that if money talks then lesser sales will stop bad practices but I know the world we live isn't like that.


Hmm that's a good point.
showed up in DA2 DLC right? So maybe we'll get more idea of what
is planning (maybe even get some cool Magic quests?) but not really anything of substance. Sort of as a tease.

That's exactly what I'm thinking of. Dragon Age II's DLC did huge stuff to the lore, but ultimately only set things up to be explored later and didn't satisfactorily close the book on them.

introduced Corypheus, who clearly survived that boss battle, though I was shocked they were planning as much as they did for him, and they used it to confirm that at least the broad strokes of the Chant of Light are actually true, but implied that The Golden City of the Maker was already blackened before the Magisters visited there, recontextualizing what we thought we knew about the Old Gods like Dumat, and the Darkspawn in general.

Mark of the Assassin
introduced the fact that the Qunari aren't actually a species, but a religion, something that is kind of hinted at in Origins but everyone in both games treated as a race instead, we still haven't really seen payoff for this, thoug Iron Bull's character delves into it some more. I'm hoping we actually go to Par Vollen and Tevinter in the next mainline game.

I could totally see them doing stuff like this for the DLC in Inquistion, and the scale of this game is such that it would be much easier to do it for much more varied groups of people and concepts across Thedas.


At first I thought it was an EA access thing, not exactly MS but if it's on PC I guess not. I don't see a problem with it really, I'd much rather get things a few weeks later than half the games content gut like Destiny etc like Sony gets for the PS4. At least when it comes out you're paying the same amount for the same amount of content, not the same amount for half the content... fully timed exclusive is the lesser of the two devils in my opinion... But I have an xbox one and not a PS4 so take that how you will since that will sway my opinion (obviously).


Does anybody know what the "EA Access" logo is in there for? Does it have something to do with the DLC?

Great it's not out on PS4 yet, people are too busy playing Bloodborne anyways.

Why are you assuming there is 100% crossover between DA:I PS4 players and those who will play Bloodborne?


Talk about timing. I just finished DA:I yestarday and was planning to trade it. I will delay it to see what's it about.
Sucks that PS4 owners get shafted, but I'll be getting it once it finally does come out regardless.

Hopefully as the generation goes on, and the PS4 extends it's market dominance, timed DLC will go away as it becomes too expensive for what MS can hope to get back from it, and unnecessary for Sony.


Unprecedented partnership and all that...

Happy to see DLC finally announced for my GOTY 2014.

Will play it when it eventually comes out on PS4.


Damnit, I actually uninstalled the game yesterday thinking "Well, we won't get DLC this soon will we?" *Click*.

Probably just means you can access this content during the main game.

Please god no, I hate. hate retrograde DLC.
It doesn't help me enjoy what I've already finished to go back do things that ultimately won't change anything in the end.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Kind of crazy that this is coming out with such little fanfare, given how relatively successful DA:I was.

Sympathize with the PS4 fans, at any rate.

I wonder if this will be a separate campaign, given how DA:I's 'story' comes to an end, and the functionality of the war map changes and the like.

Either that, or you'll have to go back to a pre-ending auto save state, which I think Bioware auto-sets for you.


I was literally just talking about how I need to see a DLC trailer and now this happens. I'm psychic. I'm so excited omg.


Curious to see what this DLC includes. Originally, I had planned on playing DA:I but got side tracked with other games that had interested me more (at the time). Now, after I'm done with Bloodborne, I'll be borrowing the game from a friend. Curious to see if DLC adds any new maps or anything. If so, I might consider picking up the game myself.

After Bloodborne, I basically won't have any games until E3 so given how long and fun DA:I looks, sounds like a good way to fill my time until then. :)


Tomorrow? Bad timing with Bloodborne, BioWare. But I will be buying it anyway. Can't say when I will get around to it, though.
I only finally beat this game on Saturday after, what?, 5 months (and 120 hours)? I don't think I'm remotely ready to get back into it. I'll wait until this DLC (and probably the next DLC pack) are on sale.


EA throwing shade on Sony for the whole EA Access thing. Corporations are not above petty bitchslapping, obviously.

This isn't because of EA Access.

The "partnership" of MS / EA announced the exclusive DLC as part of a co-marketing plan back at E3 2014.


I'm still not done with it (I'm about 34 hours in) but it looks like Origin just updated the game for me. Can this be anyhow related to this DLC announcement?
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