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Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer Announced - 4 player Co-op, has free DLC (ala ME3)

Official MP Gameplay Trailer

Available classes include:

And 3 more unidentified classes, likely Templar, Arcane Warrior and something else.


Now I'm out.

This was all good and stuff, but now BW is going to be showing off the entire game, methinks. I was cool with watching the E3 demo and the SDCC demos 'cause they were all one area, but now they are doing the classic BioWare Showing The Entire Fucking Game move.


Any word on if this will scale with less than 4 people? I have one buddy I always play co-op with and we end up having to 2-man everything like Syndicate and ME3 that don't scale. It would be nice if they could make at least the mob HP scale.



Now I'm out.

This was all good and stuff, but now BW is going to be showing off the entire game, methinks. I was cool with watching the E3 demo and the SDCC demos 'cause they were all one area, but now they are doing the classic BioWare Showing The Entire Fucking Game move.



No bald cap? Lies!
Some new screen shots of SP and MP.



not me
Any word on if this will scale with less than 4 people? I have one buddy I always play co-op with and we end up having to 2-man everything like Syndicate and ME3 that don't scale. It would be nice if they could make at least the mob HP scale.

The official word for playing with less than 4 people is: "you can do it, but it will be harder."

So probably like ME3 in that it doesn't scale.



I hope that getting one or two more kills in a row does not result in a dragon flying in and dropping off a care package. Anyway, ME3 multiplayer was really addicting and was such an unexpected and appreciated bonus. Hoping this one will be equally as fun.


The official word for playing with less than 4 people is: "you can do it, but it will be harder."

So probably like ME3 in that it doesn't scale.
Thanks for the (unfortunate) info. I dislike playing with crappy randoms with no sense of teamwork so looks like we will be doing this the hard way most of the time.


Looks nice.

I wasn't a fan of the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 when it got announced but ended up loving it so I will give this a chance.

PS: A bit off topic but have they shown the game running on consoles? Because all the gameplay videos I've seen have been on PC and the screenshots will obviously also be PC. I wonder how well the current gen version holds up


No bald cap? Lies!
Thanks for the (unfortunate) info. I dislike playing with crappy randoms with no sense of teamwork so looks like we will be doing this the hard way most of the time.

Just put your info into the GAF DAI MP thread once that gets put up and add some people to your friends list, it's easy to find good players there. I never play MP games but immediately found a good crew of people when I did spend some time play playing Bad Company 2 a few years back and ME3 MP after that.

Jon Armdog

Man, this game was already going to kill a ton of my time. This multiplayer thing might just make me unavailable to do anything else until 2015.


not me
Looks nice.

I wasn't a fan of the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 when it got announced but ended up loving it so I will give this a chance.

PS: A bit off topic but have they shown the game running on consoles? Because all the gameplay videos I've seen have been on PC and the screenshots will obviously also be PC. I wonder how well the current gen version holds up

No console footage yet, but they've said current-gen compared to PC is "roughly the same," so I think it's a good bet it's slightly worse, but still doing well.


Versus (competitive multiplayer) is my favorite, but it almost never works out when it is an afterthought of a single player.
The Last of Us is one of the only single player games (with added multiplayer components) that I have seen people be really into.

Most other games that add a competitive MP as a secondary, they almost always fail. So many games have just had these useless multiplayer modes. I can see this working. But can you pause the action in multiplayer?

Is this accurate? At all? Some games that added Vs multiplayer as an afterthought that come to mind; Unreal, Halo, Diablo, Ultima, Call of Duty. I think we know what happened next with Halo, Unreal, and CoD...


This is a game changer if it is as good as ME3 MP. I'll jump in weiner first. And here I wasn't onboard previously.
Trailer looks nice, I'd rather be able to customize the actual characters rather than having them be pre-made, but I guess unlocks/microtransactions wouldn't work as well with that.


Looks like two games for the price of one to me. Of course the massive single player is the main draw, but this multiplayer looks like something I will definitely be playing as well. Hell of a package.


I am loving the enemy design in Inquisition. Looks way more varied than the other games. Origins wasn't too bad in that regard but DA2, as we all know, wasn't exactly varied in anything.


One thing I've noticed is that this looks exactly like Shadow Realms. Or the other way around, depending on how you look at it.

When they announced that, the first thing I said was it looks like a multiplayer Dragon Age.
Chris Carter of Destructoid has some hands-on impressions.

It's not just a mindless slog from room to room either, as the dungeon we ran had a more twisted labyrinthine format. During each "run," certain bonus doors can be opened by a lockpick skill (rogues) or by dispelling an enchantment on it (casters) -- these routes often grant you treasure, but can also bypass rooms and lead to shortcuts. It's not required by any means, but having a well balanced team will grant you certain bonuses beyond just spells and ability synergy.

Having said that, you don't have to worry about fighting over loot. Just like Diablo III loot is "instanced," so you'll get your fair share of items. Gold works the same way, and I was told that this is clearly the case to influence cooperative play. There is still some form of competition though by way of a scoring system. Any gold you earn can be used to buy new items (like potions), equipment, and craft new characters.


From the Escapist:

Lore-hounds won't be too disappointed with the multiplayer. Each character has its background story and will have a specific voice actor in the signature banter delivered between characters.

There won't be any restriction to double up characters in the party - you can run with two or more Reavers for example - and Costa said the A.I. will recognize this and add banter like, "My we're all looking handsome in this party."

Welp, that answers that question.


No bald cap? Lies!
I really really like the artwork we've seen for the character cards. I remember seeing a tweet to Laidlaw asking if the tarot card pack from the Inquisitor's edition of the game would be sold separately at some point and he basically said possibly. If the quality was good and the price wasn't terribly much I might actually be temped at getting them.


Thanks for the (unfortunate) info. I dislike playing with crappy randoms with no sense of teamwork so looks like we will be doing this the hard way most of the time.
I think you just need one friend who is as motivated as you. Two guys can usually carry two bads.


If the game is good and $60 isn't enough to cover the cost of making the game then charge me $70 or $80 for it. Seriously, i am fine with a higher price point if said game is better than the average $60 game. Just don't charge me $60 and try and gouge me for more money after the purchase.

I don't trust any developer (and especially not modern Bioware) to not make the game a grind to increase the incentive for me buying "boosterpacks". And by the way, the way they have set up the microtransactions should be illegal. The way it is constructed with random "boosterpacks" is akin to gambling and should therefore be regulated by the government as such.


Lengthy SP campaign kept separate and non-ghetto in favor of the MP aspect is all I'm asking for and it looks like I have nothing to worry about, so I am ok with this.

Special C

If the game is good and $60 isn't enough to cover the cost of making the game then charge me $70 or $80 for it. Seriously, i am fine with a higher price point if said game is better than the average $60 game. Just don't charge me $60 and try and gouge me for more money after the purchase.

I don't trust any developer (and especially not modern Bioware) to not make the game a grind to increase the incentive for me buying "boosterpacks". And by the way, the way they have set up the microtransactions should be illegal. The way it is constructed with random "boosterpacks" is akin to gambling and should therefore be regulated by the government as such.

It was the same way with Mass Effect 3 and the game was great. I'd much rather have optional Microstransactions along with Free DLC than paid maps that split the userbase.
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