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Drink your Water. AKA Fuck Kidney Stones

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Spent the day at the hospital after developing a sever pain on my left side. Having had another kidney stone back in December I had a good idea what it was still doesn't make it hurt any less though. After some tests they did indeed confirm it was a kidney stone. Fortunately its "small" only 2mm but any solid object passing through kidneys to your bladder is to big. Whats worse is I apparently have two more in my kidneys that i'll have to deal with someday. Let this be a warning to you gaf, kidney stones fucking suck.
Kidney stones scare the crap out of me

Luckily I've never had one and don't think I have any family history of it if that's a thing

Hope you can sort yours out without too much pain

So does drinking more water prevent them I take it?


They are horrible.

Also, not just water, but filtered water as often water with high mineral deposits in it can cause more stones to form as well.


Runs in my family apparently also. My last ones were in December just over the new year. Annoying


drinking lots of soda caused it for me a few years back. went to the hospital more than once. i quit soda and they never came back.
I haven't had Kidney stones in like 10 years. Like you, I switched to water. Unless I eat at a restaurant, I drink water for everything. Lots of it
Good luck to you, they suck big time. Toradol is a lifesaver, if you can have it.

They gave me some Percocet for that pain, Zofran for the nausea, being in so much pain that you dry heave is just the worst, and some Flomax to help go to the bathroom. Funny enough the one I had in December was a little bit bigger 3mm but didn't cause nearly as much agony as this one. That's just the breaks I guess.


kidney stones are absolutely horrible.

Had one (and it was a fucking small one) a couple of years ago. Most painful thing I've ever felt in my entire life - I ended up throwing up once just because how painful it was. I've paranoid ever since regarding pains in my lower back :p

I feel for you, buddy.
Never had a kidney stone. I have heard from women that they rather have a child birth than a kidney stone. They said that kidney stone is 10000x worse than child birth.


Worst pain I ever had.

I Used to drink 2-5 Cokes a day regularly.

Moved back to Colorado after Hurricane Katrina and the altitude mixed with the Coke causing easy dehydration gave me 3 kidney stones.

It all happened literally 2 nights after watching that Deadwood scene with Al Swearengen(If anyone has seen the show they know).

Freaked me the fuck out! My GF at the time pulled a "man up" card after about an hour of me in the fetal position. Wanted to kill here lol.

The nurse that checked me in to the ER told us that she had a baby without painkillers and then got kidney stones a few years later....She said the kidney stones were worse. I looked at my girlfriend and told her(half jokingly) "yeah and I don't want to hear any more crap from you about woman having to endure pain that a man will never understand!"


Taught me a lesson though. For nearly ten years I have drank water religiously and have had maybe a dozen sodas over the years. Not had one since.


It helps for sure, but I don't think the mechanisms behind kidney stones are yet fully understood. Some people are just more predisposed to getting them than others.

Dehydration is a leading cause. Also high levels of calcium oxalate(which coke has a lot of). those tend to form calcium oxalate stones. Of course this is what I was told ten years ago and the science may have advanced a bit.

There are other causes as well that tend to be more common in recurring cases that form different types of stones.


so i actually only found out i had a calcium based stone only because my urine was so bloodied (basically looked like red piss... or code red mountain dew) but i never had the pain symptoms (i was 17) freaked out and went to the hospital, they did a CAT scan iirc and one of the workers said in his words " What the fuck is that huge thing doing there" Found out that due to my high calcium diet (CHEESE AND MILK) with some chemical that was found in certain sodas/pops/drinks basically left a dormant kidney stone that would never pass through and was roughly the size of half a golf ball, so they had to disperse it through sonic blasts and i had to have a stent inserted and pass the stones that way (this was during summer break) Was in some pain, but not the worst.(that was having the stent removed... god that was bad).. Go forward two more years, I drink pop a bit, cut out my dairy diet alot... my side is in the most pain i've ever felt, I go to the doctor and they tell me, sorry kid you got a kidney stone and you're going to pass it soon. That was some pain to make up for the other's lack of, I still drink pop, but considerably less and I drink plenty of water... So all in all, Dont drink tons of milk, stuff with calcium and pop... and drink your water.
They gave me some Percocet for that pain, Zofran for the nausea, being in so much pain that you dry heave is just the worst, and some Flomax to help go to the bathroom. Funny enough the one I had in December was a little bit bigger 3mm but didn't cause nearly as much agony as this one. That's just the breaks I guess.
Oddly enough,they say the smaller stones hurt more than the bigger ones, but you can clear them faster. I think my last stone was 2mm, and it hurt like hell. 10 mg of IV morphine barely touched the pain, and I'm sitting there, still puking my guts out cause the pain is so bad. Only got relief from IV Toradol, which made things bearable. Took about 12 hours to pass.
Yup, when I had my first kidney stones at age 19 it was like living hell. Woke up and spent hours in the bathroom trying to fight it, puking from the pain until there was nothing left but still feeling like I needed to throw up. Then there was the feeling like you had to pee really badly but nothing would come out. I finally gave in and had my parents take me to the hospital. They put me on morphine and apparently I passed the stone while I was on it.

Biggest factor was in-fact the lack of water. I was drinking at max maybe one glass a day but plenty of pop and other junk. Now I drink ridiculous amounts of water and restrict my pop intake to restaurants and other social things. A small price to pay in order to stave off another attack.
So how do uh, Tums effect this? Like....is it bad for you cause all dat calcium?

.....hmmm.......I've drank a large drink and a 20 oz drink and I have another 20 oz drink good to go....I'm scurred.
I eat quite a bit of cheese. Milk, but so much. Soda on occasion. But I drink plenty of water daily.

Would smoking a lot of marijuana help the pain of passing a kidney stone? Honest question, sounds silly though.
So how do uh, Tums effect this? Like....is it bad for you cause all dat calcium?

.....hmmm.......I've drank a large drink and a 20 oz drink and I have another 20 oz drink good to go....I'm scurred.

Hmm, I dunno, I take a lot of tums too. But I also drink a lot of soda and salty foods.

I eat quite a bit of cheese. Milk, but so much. Soda on occasion. But I drink Peggy of water daily.

Would smoking a lot of marijuana help the pain of passing a kidney stone? Honest question, sounds silly though.

For what it's worth, 5mg of Morphine didn't stop the pain so i have my doubts.

Edit: Actually according to the papers it was 4mg of Morphine in 1 mg Hydromorphone in two .5m doses.
For what it's worth, 5mg of Morphine didn't stop the pain so i have my doubts.

Edit: Actually according to the papers it was 4mg of Morphine in 1 mg Hydromorphone in two .5m doses.

Welp, that really sucks. Needs more morphine. After seeing the pic, I just said that I'd rather eat a gun then have a kidney stone. That pain seems like living a thousand heartbreaks in a moment and all of it is located in your dick.

Fuck you, human body, you piece of self-undoing filth!


My dad got one years ago. This is a man that I've rarely seen take a sick day, rarely complain about pain, but the kidney stone put him on his ass. Lack of water basically. I don't think there is any other history in my family with these, and I drink tons of water so hopefully I'll never have to deal with this shit.


Yup. Never had a kidney stone, but seeing a buddy of mine screaming like he was pissing a sea urchin out, that made me change my shit up.

Used to drink nothing but cola, like 4 cans a day. Now I'm a water man, cola only on special occasions and sometimes at the weekend.
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