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Dungeon Fighter Live: Fall of Hendon Myre (XBLA) July 13th


Stream Archive is up: http://www.twitch.tv/xboxlivearcade/b/324477876

From what I've heard, part of why this is coming to XBLA is because Microsoft handled a lot of the multi-region translation duties... So it's not likely, just yet? Microsoft is publishing it on Live, so there's normally some exclusivity with that, but it's not impossible to see some kind of port.

So unlikely so far, to find out any more, you'd have to ask Nexon / Neople, and anyone else involved with this versions development.

Hmm, so just to clarify.....is the online multiplayer version of the game region specific like it is on PC? Or can you play with people from anywhere in the world?

If it's with anyone globally, do you suspect that could result in this version becoming more popular that the PC version here in North America?


Sketchbook Picasso
Hmm, so just to clarify.....is the online multiplayer version of the game region specific like it is on PC? Or can you play with people from anywhere in the world?

If it's with anyone globally, do you suspect that could result in this version becoming more popular that the PC version here in North America?

Most likely, yes, you can play with anyone the world over in this version. However, I wouldn't expect that to matter too much, unless it has fantastic netcode, as lagginess might be undesireable.

More popular than the PC? I doubt it. The PC is free to play, updated more, open to a lot more people, and will always have more content. Unless this version hits "Castle Crashers" style numbers in some way or another, I don't see this being a replacement...

I just hope it's successful in it's own right. I like the idea of a more classically-driven, focused Dungeon Fighter sidestory, that fleshes out the NPCs and world. I think it'd be a nice companion piece to the PC game.


Sketchbook Picasso

When?: Starting at 8PST (11EST), going until... Whenever!

Where?: XBLAfan's Twitch.tv

This should be a more in depth, better played preview than what we've seen previously (though all efforts are appreciated!). Here's a chance to see what you'll be able to play yourself, in a little over 6 hours from when it starts ^_^


Looks cool! Really enjoy games like this. I like the sprites and the characters too. Although that white haired guy with the headband looks familiar from somewhere... Btw, is that Microsoft Studios splash screen new? It's a nice improvement.
How does equipping stuff work in this? The menus are a complete mess and I can't work out what half the stuff means. Why do my armors sometimes have a strength of 5, and sometimes they have two number and a green arrow, or two numbers and a red arrow? What does that mean?


Sketchbook Picasso
How does equipping stuff work in this? The menus are a complete mess and I can't work out what half the stuff means. Why do my armors sometimes have a strength of 5, and sometimes they have two number and a green arrow, or two numbers and a red arrow? What does that mean?

Will tell you for sure once I see it all in this version personally! The new / redone craft systems might have made some odd changes. Normally, Green numbers are Stronger, red are lower, VS your current equipped items.

The "how to play" was a nice little booklet with various pages, when I saw it on the PlayXBLA stream. All should be explained there, I'd hope.

Note the game does have a rarity system, so item names will be different colors depending on uniqueness. In that case, the red items couldn't be equipped, and then you had green, blue, and purple item names, depending on rarity. (Think they go higher, too, but those were the ones I saw on PC normally).

I never found the old menus that messy (though I hated when they had some sentences that went on longer than the bounding boxes, that's pretty messy), they did a good jobn containing what info needed to be there. Haven't seen the full menu for items and such in game yet (will tomorrow!), so don't know how much they shifted it.

On PC, you had items with the potential to break, but you could fix them at the end of each dungeon run, by talking to the shop lady that'd appear. If an item broke, you couldn't use it until it was repaired, but I don't think it'd ever just dissapear. Maybe that's the strength number you see?


Will tell you for sure once I see it all in this version personally! The new / redone craft systems might have made some odd changes. Normally, Green numbers are Stronger, red are lower, VS your current equipped items.

The "how to play" was a nice little booklet with various pages, when I saw it on the PlayXBLA stream. All should be explained there, I'd hope.

Note the game does have a rarity system, so item names will be different colors depending on uniqueness. In that case, the red items couldn't be equipped, and then you had green, blue, and purple item names, depending on rarity. (Think they go higher, too, but those were the ones I saw on PC normally).

I never found the old menus that messy (though I hated when they had some sentences that went on longer than the bounding boxes, that's pretty messy), they did a good jobn containing what info needed to be there. Haven't seen the full menu for items and such in game yet (will tomorrow!), so don't know how much they shifted it.

On PC, you had items with the potential to break, but you could fix them at the end of each dungeon run, by talking to the shop lady that'd appear. If an item broke, you couldn't use it until it was repaired, but I don't think it'd ever just dissapear. Maybe that's the strength number you see?

Yeah, rarity is pretty much like Diablo to some extent:
White/Gray (Crap) -> Blue (Magic) -> Purple (Rare) --> Red (Chronicle) -> Pink (Unique) -> Orange (Epic)

Chronicle is weird and it's likely not in this game, but they're slightly better than rares. On the PC version, Chronicle drops from Otherverse dungeons (think HIGHLY GIMMICKY DEATHTRAPS), and have special properties that increase the properties of skills and stuff.
(Like increased attack strength or duration.)

Durability applies for most equips and you can also upgrade your weapons/armor. (I assume upgrading is in.) Upgrading increases the attack as well as give you additional piercing attack (you deal extra damage that ignores defense generally).


Looks fantastic! My friends and I are eagerly awaiting this release. Playing this on a console seem far more natural than PC, and I'm excited to see that it's not a straight port. Should be more fun and accessable since they've more than likely taken out the grindy MMO elements.

Maybe they'll add the other classes via DLC? I hope so. I'd really like a magic user of some kind.
Will tell you for sure once I see it all in this version personally! The new / redone craft systems might have made some odd changes. Normally, Green numbers are Stronger, red are lower, VS your current equipped items.

The "how to play" was a nice little booklet with various pages, when I saw it on the PlayXBLA stream. All should be explained there, I'd hope.

Note the game does have a rarity system, so item names will be different colors depending on uniqueness. In that case, the red items couldn't be equipped, and then you had green, blue, and purple item names, depending on rarity. (Think they go higher, too, but those were the ones I saw on PC normally).

I never found the old menus that messy (though I hated when they had some sentences that went on longer than the bounding boxes, that's pretty messy), they did a good jobn containing what info needed to be there. Haven't seen the full menu for items and such in game yet (will tomorrow!), so don't know how much they shifted it.

On PC, you had items with the potential to break, but you could fix them at the end of each dungeon run, by talking to the shop lady that'd appear. If an item broke, you couldn't use it until it was repaired, but I don't think it'd ever just dissapear. Maybe that's the strength number you see?

To address these in turn...

I assumed the green/red numbers were how it compared to my current equip but then some things didn't have triangles, or didn't have triangles that corresponded to what I had equipped, so I'm fairly confused.

The how-to-play booklet is way shorter than it should be, and doesn't really go into detail about anything.

Rarity, yeah.

The menu is in a tiny box in the middle of the screen, and where they'd have TONS of room to fit everything in if they made it bigger, nothing fits. So everything's represented by icons and there's no text to show you what you're looking at, you have to work it out. And yeah, despite having a massive empty screen, the tiny menu means text constantly has to scroll in boxes in which it doesn't fit. It takes about ten times longer to do anything than it should.

Item's durability has a different stat, 20/20 or something, so that's nothing to do with the triangles. Maybe I just misread the triangles and it really is just showing me something's better/worse, but I don't think so. I'll have another look.


Sketchbook Picasso
It's gonna take a while to see it, but console DF already has some nice differences, really... The controls are nice once you get used to them (I hate how the PC one refuses to notice all 360 buttons naturally), and you don't have to buy the cancels to your moves anymore. Also, the game seems to have dash cancelling now, allowing you to chain-cancel normals in a way that I don't believe works on PC.

There's an option for customizing your in-game avatar with different sets or something, but nothing you can buy in shop seems to suggest HOW you get those items. Maybe just through progressing through the game? Maybe they unlock in shop later? Maybe they're DLC? Can't tell yet.

Gallery is also unlocked once you beat the game.

I look forward to delving deeper into the game soon!


So, I downed the pc version after seeing it advertised on Steam. Never played an MMO and was hesitant to even install it. Then I heard about a xbla version.

I love side scrolling 2d action beat em ups and it seems the visuals have been given a nice paint hob on the xbla version judging from pics. I like the idea of an offline version and not paying for skills etc...

Anyone know the length of the campaign on the XBLA version? Any reviews? If it's over 1-2hours it's a buy for me.

What's kinda sad is to see a 2d side scroller beat em up generate so little attention/hype. I know it's popular on pc but makes me a lil :( knowing a genre I love is diminishing in interest due to "graaaaphicz & f3reeD"

Would be glad to remain an MMO virgin if I can. Any input would be much appreciated.
I assumed the green/red numbers were how it compared to my current equip but then some things didn't have triangles, or didn't have triangles that corresponded to what I had equipped, so I'm fairly confused.

Had another look at this and, yeah, can't make sense of it. Say I've got something equipped with a power of 10. Another weapon might say "15
4" and so I have no idea if that's actually better or worse. And there are also red triangles which point down and are just as baffling.

EDIT: Got it. I'm such a moron.
What's kinda sad is to see a 2d side scroller beat em up generate so little attention/hype.

Unless the kinetics and feel improve appreciably with progress and time spent, I don't think this seems like a very good BEU. Feels too compromised on the action level as it seems clearly more focused on grinding/looting/raiding...something essential to the way a F2P game works, but not to a good action beat 'em up. Would've preferred less HD detail and more and better frames of animation. Also, there could have been less detail in 2D elements, in general, if they weren't going to try and mitigate the bland visual repetition by creating more variance to large stretches of blatant tiling or obscuring them with more translucency effects running over top. Passing on this for now.
I've actually been playing this on PC since they put it on Steam, and it's pretty fuckin fun! I definitely recommend it if you like hitting things and seeing numbers appear in real time. I spent $5 bucks so I could buy my priest some dope pants and a red shirt with suspenders and a belt with some bling on it.


Sketchbook Picasso
Unless the kinetics and feel improve appreciably with progress and time spent, I don't think this seems like a very good BEU. Feels too compromised on the action level as it seems clearly more focused on grinding/looting/raiding...something essential to the way a F2P game works, but not to a good action beat 'em up. Would've preferred less HD detail and more and better frames of animation. Also, there could have been less detail in 2D elements, in general, if they weren't going to try and mitigate the bland visual repetition by creating more variance to large stretches of blatant tiling or obscuring them with more translucency effects running over top. Passing on this for now.

As mentioned in the XBLA thready, yeah, I can see how you'd think this, but I think a lot of that disappears once you play for real. On PC, when I get to the point that I'm chaining normals to pop up moves, dashing in, air juggling, only to end with a dash cancelled into a grounding throw, that then lets me get an OTG hit afterwards... I rarely felt like it compromised anything for the sake of grinding.

The animation is easy to forgive when you know they're animating these characters for different weapons, and unique avatar outfits (which all have pretty nice animation themselves, considering they're unique outfits for 2D sprites.) This isn't obvious at all on console yet though, as noone seems to have found out how to unlock such avatars yet...

This game has a slower pace than normal DFO (in gameplay, especially at first, and in stage progression, since difficulties seem more required to go through before unlocking more stages), and yeah, this could work aganist it a lot. I always through the PC one really started to open up in later Grand Flores / Early Sky Tower (enemey variety increases, bosses get more varied, and the "glomp em with numbers!" style of gameplay starts to emerge, which leads to great combos from you now-nicely-leveled fighter). But that might not even be a possibility here... (we don't know exactly how far this version goes yet!)


Sketchbook Picasso
Chronicles of DFL - First Day:

- PLAYING FROM TRIAL -> FULL GAME DOES NOT SAVE YOUR CHARACTER! Seems to happen to lots of people. So DON'T continue with your character until you go back to the game start area, and select your class and where to save from there. Because, I re-iterate, PLAYING FROM TRIAL -> FULL GAME DOES NOT SAVE YOUR CHARACTER!

-Menu screens are small because they're kept the same size for same-screen multi. I'm ok with this. It'd be nice if they dynamically scaled like Borderlands did, but I have no problem with how they are now, in some ways, I like them better than PC's...

- This is the hardest early DF has felt to me in a long while. I don't... LOSE in Grand Flores anymore! Yet here, the fact that you can't spam skills NEARLY as much without potion useage really makes this almost a whole new game.

-- A Better game? Well, I feel like I have to think about normals and cancels more, which I DO like...
--- But I'm not filling the screen with chaos as quickly. This is kinda good, because it makes the 4p aspect seem more worthwhile.

- THESE enemies are a lot scarier, in ways, in this version. Tau's attack with their axe chop a lot faster, goblins can chain you in multi-hits if you recover wrong, and the enemies actually WILL use quick recovery to get up and avoid OTG damage every once in a while. Item throwers also seem a lot more active, I've gotten Ice + Fire chained a lot more from Throwers than usual.

- I like the Pot items better here, because, the smaller item selection makes your chances to get something worthy a lot better. I recieved a Legacy item right out of a pot, on my first try after the "Trial Date Erasure" character snafu.

- I feel enough attention hasn't been given to the HD'n of the classic game's art, here. These characters have a feel that's more HD spritework rather than HD Flash art, and I appreciate that. There's a LOT more graphic content in this game than your average old brawler, and to see it all rendered in HD that looks closer to old Capcom and SNK rather than Newgrounds Flash, is quite nice. It's quite similiar to what one could expect from ASW's if they were to make a 2D side-scrolling brawler with an RPG's level of content.

- I also really like the quality of these Comic Panel Cinematis. Often times, in scenes like this, there's a lot of panels where you can tell the artist cheated, and drew something that'd never be accepted to be so big in a NORMAL physical comic, as if they forgot people would see these elements up close. None of that here; the art is detailed and well drawn all throughout, the miniscule animation is nice, without being overdone, and each fully-put-together page looks like something I'd be proud to have as a poster or wallscroll...

- Noone seems to know how we'll see Avatar-Clothing items yet, but it's surely there on the item screen. I'm personally hoping for an unlockable set after beating the game or something, but we'll see how that works out.

- The game is a bit buggy. I had a freeze right before the Lorien Hollows boss fight (Saved basically everything we did before it though; even kept many of the items we found in that aborted run), and sometimes, opening pots seems to glitch up and quick select to open or make all if you sit on the results screen too long. I've seen a plant get stuck in continually trying to attack mode, even when NOT standing close to it. And then the previously mentioned "no save out of trial" glitch.


For me, a person who started DFO a year and a half or so ago (back when it was WAY grindy), played with people with bad PCs (and was kinda one of them at a point!) which caused the games to desynch and hang for all involved, and who then came back to the game a few weeks ago, to start raising a male make and Thief-turned-Necro... This reminds me of simplier, different times of the game.

Days when fighting in Grand Flores seemed pretty fun (and I didn't know what sky tower was). Days when I actually would see my old Gunner and Fighter fall before one of the Bionche sisters. Times when early game felt like a fun challenge, rather than just a roadblock standing in front of sub class advancement.

I can really appreciate this for what it is. For me, this is more of a "Garou VS KoF XI" rather than a "KoF 97 VS KoF 98 UM". Which is to say, I feel like I'm playing a seperate, more focused game, that offers unique takes on similiar content, rather than a stripped down inferior form of something that has a superior edition.

Considering NOTHING in the SOA this year offers solid couch co-op (not even Tony!), this and Spelunky HD are doing a good job making up for it, to me.

That's not to say there's not some things I'd have changed if I was in charge of this release... but I think I'll hold onto those thoughts until I actually get to finish the full game. But I can say I can see the reason behind many of their decisions, as I play deeper...


Sketchbook Picasso
If what I described sounds good to you, sure :) There's just so little DISCUSSION for this game going on right now, and was even less before release. I'd like to help provide some discussion that goes beyond "LoL, not the PC game!" or "The trial left me unimpressed...."

2D hand drawn/pixeled side-scrolling beat em ups still remain one of my fav genres, so when one actually comes out, gotta enjoy the moment!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Might pick it up this weekend. Never tried any version of this game, mainly because it always sounded so shite/janky, but... *shrugs*

Can it be played solo or is multi basically required?


Sketchbook Picasso
Can it be played solo or is multi basically required?

Can be played solo. You might have to replace a lack of another player with a stage run or 2 for potions / exp grind, but nothing hugely annoying.

As far as Janky controls... they've got their own flavor. Cancel timing is a bit stiffer here than on PC, but actual controller integration is worlds better overall. Things get smoother as you get more moves, since you have more answers to each situation.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
I think Im going to pick it up, it sounds like this is almost a loot based game like Diablo as much as it is a beat em up.
After finally being able to sit down and have some fun with the 360 revision of DF, I've landed in Mirkwood. It feels great to have true native controller support but I'll echo that things start off a little slow. That is, until you start unlocking new skills and such, then it's just a blast.

I played DFO for a few months at its original release and its pretty awesome having this on a console. I actually love that the town is cursor based. Making your way to the different shops and NPCs is easy and uncomplicated. As for the UI, while still a little cumbersome, is vastly improved over the original.

I'm about to hop back on in a few. If anyone wants to hit me up, my GT is Frostu. Just mention that you're from here and everything should go smoothly.

I'll forever adore level grinding beat em ups. Lovely indeed.


Awesome write up SAB CA. Much appreciated.
Any idea on length?

I'm sold, native xbox controller support, hd visual paint job, no micro transactions (yet?), able to play offline. Played 20 mins and thought the comic snippets and everything was that of a polished presentation and for the price of a couple of beers it's a no brainer.

Only other side scrollers beat em ups is Dust and Double Dragon HD I'm aware this year, and hopefully that ninja game by the Shank devs.. Dust looks phenomenal and this will help tie me over until then.

Still puzzled as to why there is no discussion, reviews or any media surrounding this game...So little discussion even on a hardcore gaming forum? Seems odd. This I thought would have been a featured 'Summer of Arcade' title from my view but being a 2d scroller beat em up fan I'm a lil biased maybe..


Sketchbook Picasso
* And to Re-iterate, YUP, Up to 4p same-screen local co-op! Can mix online and off, too, though I hear that might be buggy (no surprise, right?).
Note it should also be very Drop in / Drop out, so no need to wait for a session to end, to get in and fight!

Awesome write up SAB CA. Much appreciated.
Any idea on length?


And as far as length... I think they were passing around a "5 hours per character" stat back at E3, and I've heard the max level is 20. Haven't approached either of those personally yet!

Agree with the other sentiments, really looking forward to the Phantom Breaker Beat em Up they announced for next year, as well. And don't forget Fist Puncher on XBLIG, which had a successful kickstarter to buff it up with even more features, just a few months back. Expect by years end.

The reception of DFL really makes me wonder how hard a company would have to work to make an acceptable 2D BEU for retail now-a-days, lol. Like 4 times the content of SORRemake!

Oh, there are micro transactions. You can buy high stat equipment with Resurrection Stones. I think 20 of them are 50 cents. And if I'm not mistaken, it goes upwards of 150 RS for $2.

Edit: Down below! 4 player local. :D

Yeah, I'm not sure if we can get rez stones in game, either. You CAN get legacy items from the pots in game (and maybe as drops?), however. As far as getting them to revive yourself... Probably not. The cost would be having to restart a dungeon after a KO... you'd possibly keep your EXP and drops though, so it's not the most strick microtransaction tactic at all.


Sketchbook Picasso
So uh, just to confirm, is this a loot heavy game?

- Loads of Categories or rarity (Uncommon, Rare, Legacy, Unique

- Multi difficulties per stage, higher difficulties have stronger enemies and rarer item potential.

- Rare Pots that drop random class and type specific rares. (Buyanle and findable)

- Upper level unique rares (Like weapons that have their own unique graphics, or special items that have specific skill-buffing effects),

- Item Crafting (from drops and store purchases) & Disassembling (great way to offload usless loot into useful components)

- Item refining (To buff the best loot you've found!)

- So far, it looks like anything you can buy with Microtransaction money can be found in the game (so far)

It's a pretty solid loot game :)


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Sounds good to me then. Thanks for the impressions, sir.


I really like this game! The art looks great and the music is incredible and also hilarious. It feels a lot like Capcom's D and D beat-em-ups, but with more depth.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wyhlr6mIto - gameplay video over here.

I have to say it feels kind of slow compared to it's PC counter part, also the camera is atrocious when it comes to four player coop I thought it would be the same way as the PC version but i think that is easily fixable?

Do you guys know if they have a costume shop on this version as well or is it pointless for me to keep looking as something like that would probably be DLC worthy?

I miss the exclusion of PVP but i can see why it's not added either as it feels alot slower.
I have a question; if there are four people in a party and one of them kills a boss, does everyone get a share of EXP or just the person that got the killing blow?


Played it until 3:30am last night haha.

The animations are not worse than PC. The game looks a hellofa lot better actually. The HD sprites are quite pretty.

Killing blows do seem to net you more XP. I am not sure if you get something just for attacking a creature or if you HAVE to kill it... That always slightly annoys me when it comes to RPGs. Just SPLIT THE DAMN XP! It's co-op for gawd's sake.

Also, there is no loot rolling in this version. If something drops anyone can pick it up, and it's theirs. It does split gold drops however.


The level cap is 20?!
I think I hit that in the PC version.

Pretty lame..

Not really. The scale isn't the same. It takes a loooong time to hit 20, and you'll only get some many SP to invest. This means you'll probably end up rolling multiple of the same class to use different builds.


Sketchbook Picasso
Sounds good to me then. Thanks for the impressions, sir.


I really like this game! The art looks great and the music is incredible and also hilarious. It feels a lot like Capcom's D and D beat-em-ups, but with more depth.

Yeah, it's a rare treat when taken on it's own. DF's music is also very solid, part of the reason I had to play the PC game in the first place, was because the Character Class trailer music WOULDN"T GET OUT of my head, lol.

Playing as the Fighter class feels like an homage to Maki from Final Fight 2. Especially if you give her Tonfas. ^_^

Haha, yeah, I can see there. Hopefully, you can even make her look like Maki when Avatar items are released...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wyhlr6mIto - gameplay video over here.

I have to say it feels kind of slow compared to it's PC counter part, also the camera is atrocious when it comes to four player coop I thought it would be the same way as the PC version but i think that is easily fixable?

Do you guys know if they have a costume shop on this version as well or is it pointless for me to keep looking as something like that would probably be DLC worthy?

I miss the exclusion of PVP but i can see why it's not added either as it feels alot slower.

It has a different flow, but I don't think it's that slow. And the Camera.... is made for 4 people on the same screen. The PC game considers EVERY player to be "Player 1". The Camera here is pretty much like it's always been for these types of game. Trying to change it for online might make a bunch of desyncs happen, but it would be pretty nice for there to be an "online" style camera, and an "offline" one, if they were to get so detailed.

Doesn't seem to be a costume shop yet. Yeah, it'll probably be DLC in the future, at this point. I'm fine with this personally; each set is basically the same as drawing a new character into the game, so the perfect thing to offer at a "premium". I'd love it if they gave away some free ones too, though. A bit of a giveaway as promotion works well.

Having PVP as a mode opened up to max-only characters or such, wouldn't be so bad. Speed builds differently here, than on the PC game, and Suisha still talks about watching customers brawl... it'd be a nice DLC to see, and DF with console controls for VS would be like a mini-arcade release in and of itself.

Not really. The scale isn't the same. It takes a loooong time to hit 20, and you'll only get some many SP to invest. This means you'll probably end up rolling multiple of the same class to use different builds.

Always good when someone "gets it" :) While a character starts up with a more limited moveset than someone out of SoR2 in this game, by the endgame, you have one of the most impressive movesets in any console BEU.

I wouldn't be too surprised with them possibly having to re-tool sub classes for console. The game is in HD, the systems don't have as much RAM as PCs, and people are more critical of balance on consoles, than they are on consta-patch PC games.

When looked at through console perspective, PC DFO feels like a game + multiple sequels, that you just happen to play the same character through. I'd be happy if things could actually turn out that way...


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Doesn't seem to be a costume shop yet. Yeah, it'll probably be DLC in the future, at this point. I'm fine with this personally; each set is basically the same as drawing a new character into the game, so the perfect thing to offer at a "premium". I'd love it if they gave away some free ones too, though. A bit of a giveaway as promotion works well.

So the game doesn't have costumes you can unlock/find? That's really disappointing.

Also, does this version of the game offer subclasses?
Just started playing Dfo a couple of weeks ago so this is interesting timing. Haven't been able to convince any of my friends to join me on PC version but I reckon couch coop will be a much easier proposition. So bought.
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