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Dungeons and Dragons: Who still plays?

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I play..We have a GAF group that plays online using some tools and Voice over IP, Real life has been a real bitch lately though preventing us from actually playing .. but when we do it has always been fun.
I still hate 3.5 and 4th ed though. but just moving with the flow ... a friend of mine still only DM's in ADnD 2nd Edit. he refuses to move along with the new stuff and frankly you don't need to at all.
Staccat0 said:
That said, 4e kind of sucks for making a unique character. It definitely feels like it encourages min/max players and it has some "right" choices and "wrong" choices as far as class, race and power combos are concerned. I've heard this is improved if you buy the expansion books...

Y'know, if there was an official D&D thread where people recounted their sessions I would read that shit weekly.

You cannot build an ineffective character in 4e no matter the combination of race and class. The only discrepancy will be a slight modifier difference applied to the dice roll.
Scalemail Ted said:
You cannot build an ineffective character in 4e no matter the combination of race and class. The only discrepancy will be a slight modifier difference applied to the dice roll.

Pretty much, characters are pretty focused and even with some poor choices of powers when leveling up, characters still generally have their same utility functions for the group.
hoverX said:
No problem! What city do you live in?

Sw burbs of Chicago. Tons of games out there but don't really want to drive 45mins. =(

Something may pan out tonight though from a SW burbs Meetup Group. They're having a meet and greet at a fairly local bar.


krypt0nian said:
Sw burbs of Chicago. Tons of games out there but don't really want to drive 45mins. =(

Something may pan out tonight though from a SW burbs Meetup Group. They're having a meet and greet at a fairly local bar.

That's cool. I've yet to actually meet up with someone. most games seem to be on hold until the end of the holidays. I'm also a little apprehensive about meeting up with complete strangers. I'm somewhat introverted.


rSpooky said:
I play..We have a GAF group that plays online using some tools and Voice over IP, Real life has been a real bitch lately though preventing us from actually playing .. but when we do it has always been fun.
I still hate 3.5 and 4th ed though. but just moving with the flow ... a friend of mine still only DM's in ADnD 2nd Edit. he refuses to move along with the new stuff and frankly you don't need to at all.

Doesn't help that our illustrious DM is banned from OT. :lol

The system works quite well though; little to no communication issues unless someone's hardware is messed up.


the idea of playing online sounds cool but i'm also looking to start playing in an attempt to expand my social circles.
hoverX said:
the idea of playing online sounds cool but i'm also looking to start playing in an attempt to expand my social circles.

Just go and play with a group, don't worry about it. You will be surprised but most gamers tend to be very similar. I've had instances where I just didn't like certain people but I just stopped going to games with them and would try another group till I found people I was comfortable with.

Especially since these sound like people you will never really see again and such it's no big deal.
It's really difficult to find a good group; I've been pretty successful in college, but I'm worried about once I graduate. Oh well, it's been a ton of fun.


Amibguous Cad said:
It's really difficult to find a good group; I've been pretty successful in college, but I'm worried about once I graduate. Oh well, it's been a ton of fun.

i can imagine it's pretty hard to find a compatible group. all the people i've met seem alright so far, but i guess i have to meet them first.
Kinda hoped JayDubya would poke his head in here.

Any updated impressions of 4E now that it's been out for well over a year?


krypt0nian said:
Kinda hoped JayDubya would poke his head in here.

Any updated impressions of 4E now that it's been out for well over a year?
I still loath everything about it.
krypt0nian said:
Kinda hoped JayDubya would poke his head in here.

Any updated impressions of 4E now that it's been out for well over a year?

D&D was an overly stuffed game that dealt with lot of carry over of old rules that other have done better. D&D4E is one of the biggest changes to the system which obviously sets its old fans apart but it's also gotten many new players to jump in who loathed the old systems. Never saw a reason to play D&D in the past when so many other fantasy RPG's are out in the world that just play much better, far smoother, more intuitive, etc. DnD 4e is a step in the right direction, all dnd had going for it really was the name which almost everyone goes to when they first think, roleplaying.

D&D of old was more about making a character by the numbers, a player had to know the rules in depth to make a character and everyone had to be ingrained in the game to play it properly, something which is rarely seen by any other pen and paper rpg which lend themselves to the idea that anyone can sit down and start playing right away. In D&D you didn't know what you were doing, you were going to lose right away, you were going to be useless to the group, it was game over. The whole system promoted the idea of ROLLplaying instead of Roleplaying.

Obviously old fans of DnD hate 4e due to how restricting it's become and if anything more rules heavy on character definitions, while becoming simpler at the same time. Our group long ago quit DnD and ran countless other RPG systems and setting for years, but we are now playing again since 4e is just an overall improvement and a revamp that the old crusty system needed.


krypt0nian said:
Kinda hoped JayDubya would poke his head in here.

Any updated impressions of 4E now that it's been out for well over a year?

i switched from 3.5 to 4.0, and honestly none of us have any problems with it. there's just a lot of simplifications of certain rules, but most of them aren't really a big deal. having a blast with it.


BattleMonkey said:
D&D was an overly stuffed game that dealt with lot of carry over of old rules that other have done better. D&D4E is one of the biggest changes to the system which obviously sets its old fans apart but it's also gotten many new players to jump in who loathed the old systems. Never saw a reason to play D&D in the past when so many other fantasy RPG's are out in the world that just play much better, far smoother, more intuitive, etc. DnD 4e is a step in the right direction, all dnd had going for it really was the name which almost everyone goes to when they first think, roleplaying.

D&D of old was more about making a character by the numbers, a player had to know the rules in depth to make a character and everyone had to be ingrained in the game to play it properly, something which is rarely seen by any other pen and paper rpg which lend themselves to the idea that anyone can sit down and start playing right away. In D&D you didn't know what you were doing, you were going to lose right away, you were going to be useless to the group, it was game over. The whole system promoted the idea of ROLLplaying instead of Roleplaying.

Obviously old fans of DnD hate 4e due to how restricting it's become and if anything more rules heavy on character definitions, while becoming simpler at the same time. Our group long ago quit DnD and ran countless other RPG systems and setting for years, but we are now playing again since 4e is just an overall improvement and a revamp that the old crusty system needed.
I still don't find any reason to play D&D (besides of misguided nostalgia, such as in my case.) For the record, I was never a fan of D&D, usually preferring to play other systems or freeform.
4E may have simplified things, but it turned the game into something like a video game, which I hate. In the old editions, you could at least create more diverse characters, but 4E thinks that it's a zero-sum game between simplicity and choice for some reason.
Who ever is designing D&D should take a look at it's original first edition and rethink the whole system, they should keep the flavor of the original while making it simple, diverse and fun. I would imagine a 3 classes (Warrior, Rogue and Spell-caster), a simple combat system and nothing of all that powers, destinies or any such bullshit. It's may have been nice in Exalted, but that's not what I want in the gritty dungeon crawling world of D&D.
Also, they should stop releasing stuff yearly.


I bascially just stopped my 3.5 campaign. We played for about seven years and the characters got to 30th level. It was the biggest and longest game I've ever run.

4th edition looks to be a fun, simple game but calling it D&D is nothing but a shady branding exercise. I've got the core books and while I enjoyed reading them there is way too much different to believe that it was the next step in D&D. It's running on a separate track altogether.

A great product that we have played around with is Pathfinder. It's basically D&D 3.75. If you like 3.5 and don't want to change to 4th then Pathfinder is the system that will continue to grow and evolve. Plus they've cleaned up a lot of the 3.5 broken rules without changing the flavour of the game.

I'm curious to see what Hasbro thinks of 4th. Are they satisfied with the numbers. I recall there being a lot of backlash. Pathfinder sold out as a result. I wonder where the game will go from here.
Dyno said:
I bascially just stopped my 3.5 campaign. We played for about seven years and the characters got to 30th level. It was the biggest and longest game I've ever run.

4th edition looks to be a fun, simple game but calling it D&D is nothing but a shady branding exercise. I've got the core books and while I enjoyed reading them there is way too much different to believe that it was the next step in D&D. It's running on a separate track altogether.

A great product that we have played around with is Pathfinder. It's basically D&D 3.75. If you like 3.5 and don't want to change to 4th then Pathfinder is the system that will continue to grow and evolve. Plus they've cleaned up a lot of the 3.5 broken rules without changing the flavour of the game.

I'm curious to see what Hasbro thinks of 4th. Are they satisfied with the numbers. I recall there being a lot of backlash. Pathfinder sold out as a result. I wonder where the game will go from here.

Don't agree about 4E at all but I like pathfinder too.

Not sure of the overall numbers but the fan community online is the most amazing group of peeps.


Dyno said:
I recall there being a lot of backlash.

i've seen this too. even at my local games shop there are tons of 3.5 books for sale still. I have no experience with 3.5 at all so i'm wondering if i made the right decision buying 4e books. i think there is a big community for D&D in general (compared to pathfinder) but it's taking a long time for them to convert to 4e.
Videogames have pretty much killed D&D. Why futz with dice when we have cheap machines that can perform millions of calculations a second.
speculawyer said:
Videogames have pretty much killed D&D. Why futz with dice when we have cheap machines that can perform millions of calculations a second.

Because there's a ridiculously large player base? I'm sure its smaller but its by no means killed.

And nothing on PC comes close to the interactive storytelling of PnP RPGs. To call PC games RPGs is almost an insult.
hoverX said:
i've seen this too. even at my local games shop there are tons of 3.5 books for sale still. I have no experience with 3.5 at all so i'm wondering if i made the right decision buying 4e books. i think there is a big community for D&D in general (compared to pathfinder) but it's taking a long time for them to convert to 4e.

lol don't fool yourself. The reason so many stores have 3.5 books is because they can't get rid of the shit. Go to any gaming shop and they have tons of 3.5 books still on shelf, the stuff is long out of print, discontinued, etc. They aren't selling the books, otherwise they wouldn't have a way to restock the shelves, the books are just collecting dust. Similar happened with D&D early 3.0 books, lot was put out and suddenly, oh shit 3.5! WOTC is pretty shitty with how they handle new editions and they basically jam out as much product as possible and could care less about making it obsolete.
Any 'Savage World' fans here? Going to be doing a Necessary Evil campaign soon with my evil Luchador villain character!

Been reading the CthulhuTech books too, the art in them has been awesome for the most part outside some of the newer sourcebooks, but it's a cool universe, just not sure how well I would be able to get people into the universe since it's pretty heavy on the background knowledge needed.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like I may be joining a group in the coming weeks. Kind of been wanting to play again for a few years (haven't since high school).

A little off topic, but does anybody know of any systems out there for real beginners to pen and paper? I'm pretty much the only one of my current friends that EVER played pen and paper RPGs, and when I try to explain the good sides and why they're fun it doesn't seem like anybody can ever see past the 100 page rulebook and tables upon tables of weapons, equipment, skill descriptions, etc. I'd like to find a real easy system in something like a small paperback pamphlet or something that just provides the bare minimum of what it would take to play a game so I could teach them the rules in 10 or 20 minutes and then get to it.

I guess I'm imagining something almost like a board game + storytelling - the board. Haven't been able to find one yet (though honestly I haven't looked too hard) but I have a few ideas on one I'd like to design if what I'm looking for doesn't already exist.


Monroeski said:
Looks like I may be joining a group in the coming weeks. Kind of been wanting to play again for a few years (haven't since high school).

A little off topic, but does anybody know of any systems out there for real beginners to pen and paper? I'm pretty much the only one of my current friends that EVER played pen and paper RPGs, and when I try to explain the good sides and why they're fun it doesn't seem like anybody can ever see past the 100 page rulebook and tables upon tables of weapons, equipment, skill descriptions, etc. I'd like to find a real easy system in something like a small paperback pamphlet or something that just provides the bare minimum of what it would take to play a game so I could teach them the rules in 10 or 20 minutes and then get to it.

I guess I'm imagining something almost like a board game + storytelling - the board. Haven't been able to find one yet (though honestly I haven't looked too hard) but I have a few ideas on one I'd like to design if what I'm looking for doesn't already exist.
Free-Form it.

I also remember Risus, despite describing itself as comedy, as a rather simple system... Maybe you could check that out as well.


Unconfirmed Member
dude said:
Free-Form it.
Looking for something with a bit more dice involvement.

Some of the ideas I have are basically free form + a few dice based systems on top, but I'd really like to know what else is actually out there already. Even if it's something I don't actually play, even studying an existing "simple" system would help provide me with ideas for my own system and examples of what to cut and what not to cut. For instance, I think foregoing dice rolls for HP gain/level is a good idea, and instead of "to hit" and "damage" rolls I'd just combine them into a single damage roll with maybe a chance to miss on a 1.

dude said:
I also remember Risus, despite describing itself as comedy, as a rather simple system... Maybe you could check that out as well.
Will check it out. Looks like they may have a few other good ideas for games on that site as well.
Monroeski said:
Looks like I may be joining a group in the coming weeks. Kind of been wanting to play again for a few years (haven't since high school).

A little off topic, but does anybody know of any systems out there for real beginners to pen and paper? I'm pretty much the only one of my current friends that EVER played pen and paper RPGs, and when I try to explain the good sides and why they're fun it doesn't seem like anybody can ever see past the 100 page rulebook and tables upon tables of weapons, equipment, skill descriptions, etc. I'd like to find a real easy system in something like a small paperback pamphlet or something that just provides the bare minimum of what it would take to play a game so I could teach them the rules in 10 or 20 minutes and then get to it.

I guess I'm imagining something almost like a board game + storytelling - the board. Haven't been able to find one yet (though honestly I haven't looked too hard) but I have a few ideas on one I'd like to design if what I'm looking for doesn't already exist.

Roleplaying is not for everyone, even with people who play alot, they sometimes care more about the ROLLplaying aspects and the numbers rather than the actual taking a role aspect.

Really I think a good investment for very simple game is 'Savage Worlds', you can get the main rulebook online for about 8 bucks, it's a heavily supported game system with a ton of different settings and it's actually fairly popular. The game itself is not heavy on the rules, it's all very simple and not going to frustrate new players like something like D&D, Pathfinder, etc could. 'Savage Worlds'has settings for Fantasty, Futuristic, Wierd War II, Sci Fi Gothic, Horror, Pulp Adventures, Super Heroes, etc etc.

If your willing to do horror and mystery type games, I would also recommend 'World of Darkness' system. It's a very very simple game and is a more narrative based gaming system.

For new players it's always best to give them freedom of creativity, but keep them into a focused and short campaign to get them started. If they can handle it, then move onto longer more open campaigns to play with more player involvement. The best games happen when players get comfortable playing roles and they basically take control of the game through their actions, instead of having every single thing dictated to by the GM.
My friends and I tried playing with some starter pack we picked up probably 5 or 6 years ago. Never got far but we were left a joke for the rest of our lives so far about poisonous goblin food. :lol

We always wanted to try it out but having no one who really knew how to play and not really giving it much of a chance it just fell apart. I actually tried looking for a youtube video of people playing after seeing a quick shot of what looked pretty awesome in the Penny Arcade TV episode.


Black Canada Mafia
Me and my friends are going to start playing D&D this thursday! I've never played D&D before but... I am pretty sure I know all the rules. I know the friend that is going to be the DM has the handbooks and I think two pairs of dice sets, and he also let me use his Character Sheet building software, but I don't have any sort of materials myself, and I feel like I should know the official rules before I go into this game.

Is there any sort of... guide for beginners, just explaining all the stats, abbreviations and leveling system? I mean, I think I already know all this stuff, but I want to make sure and not just be going off my gut. What makes this easier is that half of the people playing are going to be completely new to the D&D scene, so there is going to be a growing period, and I would not be surprised if we swap out of a few of the people who take it less seriously.

Anyway, if anyone can provide links, I'd appreciate it! Wish me luck.
Kinitari said:
Me and my friends are going to start playing D&D this thursday! I've never played D&D before but... I am pretty sure I know all the rules. I know the friend that is going to be the DM has the handbooks and I think two pairs of dice sets, and he also let me use his Character Sheet building software, but I don't have any sort of materials myself, and I feel like I should know the official rules before I go into this game.

Is there any sort of... guide for beginners, just explaining all the stats, abbreviations and leveling system? I mean, I think I already know all this stuff, but I want to make sure and not just be going off my gut. What makes this easier is that half of the people playing are going to be completely new to the D&D scene, so there is going to be a growing period, and I would not be surprised if we swap out of a few of the people who take it less seriously.

Anyway, if anyone can provide links, I'd appreciate it! Wish me luck.
If it's the most recent edition (4E) here are some QuickStart rules and the first adventure free to DL.

ChecK first with your DM before you grab the adventure though. ;)

For new players it's also good to download the D&D character creator from WOTC. It basically lets you make up a lvl 3 character and it's very very helpful for newbies to make characters with since it spells it all out to you without need for a ton of books.

If you get a subscription to D&D Insider you get full license use of the program to make characters past 3rd lvl.

Great utility, our GM has subscription so he just gives us all his password so we got full access. Nice thing about the program is that it puts all your powers and abilities on cards that you can then cut out and does all the calculations for you and prints them on the cards. It's updated with new book and Dragon magazine content on a regular basis as well.
BattleMonkey said:
For new players it's also good to download the D&D character creator from WOTC. It basically lets you make up a lvl 3 character and it's very very helpful for newbies to make characters with since it spells it all out to you without need for a ton of books.

If you get a subscription to D&D Insider you get full license use of the program to make characters past 3rd lvl.

Great utility, our GM has subscription so he just gives us all his password so we got full access. Nice thing about the program is that it puts all your powers and abilities on cards that you can then cut out and does all the calculations for you and prints them on the cards. It's updated with new book and Dragon magazine content on a regular basis as well.

This. So this.


Black Canada Mafia
BattleMonkey said:
For new players it's also good to download the D&D character creator from WOTC. It basically lets you make up a lvl 3 character and it's very very helpful for newbies to make characters with since it spells it all out to you without need for a ton of books.

If you get a subscription to D&D Insider you get full license use of the program to make characters past 3rd lvl.

Great utility, our GM has subscription so he just gives us all his password so we got full access. Nice thing about the program is that it puts all your powers and abilities on cards that you can then cut out and does all the calculations for you and prints them on the cards. It's updated with new book and Dragon magazine content on a regular basis as well.

Woah didn't know we could do that, our GM subscribed to it, and I just used the program at his place, and made a PDF of my char sheet to keep - Im going to make him share his password with me =p thanks for the tip!

Oh and, thanks for your tip Krypt0nian, it was exactly what I was looking for.

edit: PS we are playing 4e, apparently something about 4e makes it a lot more accessible is what my DM says.
Kinitari said:
edit: PS we are playing 4e, apparently something about 4e makes it a lot more accessible is what my DM says.

4e is much more structured and the design and tools available for it just make it a much simpler process to get into than past D&D versions.
Two new releases this week:

Underdark($29.95usd) and Player's Handbook Races: Dragonborn ($9.95usd).

Loving the fluff/background in Dragonborn but haven't had the chance to dig into Underdark fully yet.

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