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Dusk Golem reiterates that the Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5 (Admitted to starting console wars, demodded)


Hang on. Wasn't this the same guy that said the PS5 struggles with 1080p games?

So are PS5 games going to run at 360p?

Do you even read OPs?
In the other thread, he said PS5 struggled even in 1080p in current RE8 build due to engine or other constraints, but those will be easily fixed until release and it will run fine on both systems.

If you attack him, at least use informed arguments.

Kagey K



2TF difference > 0.5TF difference. Everything doesn’t work on percentages lol.


Man if only Sony hired you as an external consultant, that why they wouldn’t have been left in the dust. Missed opportunity that.

It is not unusual for a project to over-run its budget, and PS5 seems the case to me. 🤷‍♀️

Whoever managed the Series X hardware project, just seems to do better this turn.


I wonder what happened with Halo... did 313 got this powerful and more easy to code devkits, later than Capcom and the other devs that Golem knows?
Too many strawmen here.

The X was still constrained by the XB1 and the PS4. The same will happen to the PS5 and Series X.

If you actually believe 3rd parties arent going to be making games for last gen systems until the next ones hit a certain number you are fucking delusional.

You obviously missed the differences in RDR2 and what they could do between the 2 systems.

Most Sony exclusives only hit about 6 million before they start bundling, even if the person never plays it it counts as a sale.

They can’t even hit 10% most of the time when they release an exclusive, but everyone wants us to believe that’s what really matters.

Capcom already went Next-Gen only. EA games Battlefield and Dragon Age will be Next-gen Only. Bethesda's Starfield is Next-Gen only. Shadow Worrior 3 is Next-Gen only. All are expected to be 2021 games. 3rd parties won't stick with current gen. Only Phill Spencer is sticking with Xone.

Kagey K

I wonder what happened with Halo... did 313 got this powerful and more easy to code devkits, later than Capcom and the other devs that Golem knows?
Same thing is going to happen to a bunch of games, or they will stick to the timeline and release too early.

Either way we all lose.

Kagey K

Capcom already went Next-Gen only. EA games Battlefield and Dragon Age will be Next-gen Only. Bethesda's Starfield is Next-Gen only. Shadow Worrior 3 is Next-Gen only. All are expected to be 2021 games. 3rd parties won't stick with current gen. Only Phill Spencer is sticking with Xone.
I don’t think that’s accurate.


The only substantial loss they take is in the SSD and it remains to be seen how it is utilized.

It’s going to render more graphics and effects, just not as quickly (theoretically)

They are stronger in CU counts and therefore TF numbers. But as many people have pointed out the gpu does not only exist of CU's. They are a part of it and the TF number is meaningless without knowing all the other stuff.
With RAM speeds its also hard to tell, since they have a split pool, so its partly a positive, partly a negative. SSD is no competition.
So we will see how all comes together in real life performance.

I dont trust the "most powerful console" mantra yet. I need to see it to believe it and they couldnt show anything yet.
At least Sony waited with their most powerful console thing til after they've shown games on it (during the PS4 era I mean).


NaughtyDog Defense Force
2TF vs 0.5TF. If something needs 1TF more power than the PS5 has it doesn’t matter what the percentage difference is, just how much power there is.
That's now how it's measured.

Round the numbers to 2TF and 1TF.

PS4 would have DOUBLE the amount of TF compared to the Xbox One.

Even though PS5 has two less TF than XSX, it's not anywhere near 50% less in TF count.

You don't know how scaling works, which is why you're comparing these two figures. Comparing GTX 2070 Super vs GTX 2080 Super gap is around 20% and the performance gap is not big at all.

These are the facts.
Forgive me if I'm misremembering, but haven't we had months of devs talking about how easy the PS5 is to develop for, with better tools and ease of accessing the systems power than the XSX?

Given that pretty much everything we saw at the PS5 Showcase was running on actual PS5 hardware, while possibly everything at the XSS/X one was on PC, if not flat out just CGI for a game barely in production, it seems a bit of a leap to suddenly believe MS's machine is just leagues better than Sony's with most Devs finding the former a breeze and latter a nightmare to create on suddenly.

It may well be true of course, but I find it suspicious given that this all comes from one random guy on twitter, pretty much the day after Xbox had to delay Halo Infinite due to very obvious development problems, as well as speculation Fable was basically vaporware.

It's all a little bit too convenient.
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all first party, will be interesting to see how multi platforms perform On both systems.

I wouldn't be surprised if third party are too lazy to do extra work to get 4K on PS5 by using slightly less effects or shadows or aliasing and so on. FUD Golem is implying that the PS5 is not capable of true 4K which we know is not true. Third party devs being lazy or incompetent means nothing about the hardware
Yeah well, great power without great games is a waste. Also, if that power isn't put to good use it's also a waste.

Much care, attention and optimization is required to bring out the most out of a console - just look at The Last of Us 2 which to me is the best looking video game ever made. The Xbox One X doesn't have anything that comes close in my opinion, and the same could be true for the PS5 vs XSX.

Now, if it had any exclusives that really took advantage of the hardware it would be different, but it doesn't.

Numbers don't mean much really. It's like bragging that you have a 10 inch cock but never using it since you're ugly and can't get girls to fuck you.

I mean, I'd rather have a 7 inch cock and being able to get girls. It's more than enough 🤷‍♂️
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Kagey K

They are stronger in CU counts and therefore TF numbers. But as many people have pointed out the gpu does not only exist of CU's. They are a part of it and the TF number is meaningless without knowing all the other stuff.
With RAM speeds its also hard to tell, since they have a split pool, so its partly a positive, partly a negative. SSD is no competition.
So we will see how all comes together in real life performance.

I dont trust the "most powerful console" mantra yet. I need to see it to believe it and they couldnt show anything yet.
At least Sony waited with their most powerful console thing til after they've shown games on it (during the PS4 era I mean).

I don’t know what to say as nothing can be proven or disproven at this point?

Hopefully it works out for you.


It's very clear to me this Dusk Golem guy is spreading second hand information being fed to him by an interested party and he has a big mouth problem.

The PS5 being less powerful than the Series X is a given. This shouldn't surprise anybody. But saying the PS5 struggles with 4k when it's confortably more powerful than the Xbox One X is straight anti-Sony propaganda.

Also, I find very hard to believe Sony will price the PS5 higher than the Series X knowing beforehand it doesn't have the power advantage. In fact, if they didn't care about the Series X price tag we should know theirs by now.



So 2 devs who work on XSX exclusively and probably dont even have PS5 devkits (because why would they) say the console is good. Shocking. Also, if its so powerful, why do their games look like current gen I wonder.


I guess you skipped a lot of math back in school right?
I guess you still think that percentages are the be all and end all.

the percentage difference is smaller but the actual difference in power levels is bigger. You can do more with an extra 2TF than you can with a smaller difference.
Think about it this way - if I have $5 and you have $10 you have 100% more than me. You can buy something else worth an extra $5. If I have $5mil and you have $8mil, you only have 60% more than me, but you can buy a shitload more with an extra $3mil than you can with $5.

The PS5 being less powerful than the Series X is a given. This shouldn't surprise anybody. But saying the PS5 struggles with 4k when it's confortably more powerful than the Xbox One X is straight anti-Sony propaganda.
Next gen games will be more demanding than current gen games. Just because it has more power than a console that can do 4K doesn’t mean every game can do 4K by default.
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Mister Wolf

So 2 devs who work on XSX exclusively and probably dont even have PS5 devkits (because why would they) say the console is good. Shocking. Also, if its so powerful, why do their games look like current gen I wonder.

You do know what they have access to. Your feelings aren't facts.
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Venom Snake

The gap between ps5 and XsX suggests such a possibility. Sadly, I conclude from the last MS show that it will be the only gap in favor of the XsX for at least some time. It's a pity because I was counting on a bit more, everything that could interest me exists as ideas and plans for now.



I don’t know what to say as nothing can be proven or disproven at this point?

Hopefully it works out for you.

Thats the point. I'm just tired of this whole one thing is more powerful than the other and people saying it like we know it for a fact when we simply dont. Maybe in a few month and then we can go around bashing the whoever loses.

Kagey K

It's very clear to me this Dusk Golem guy is spreading second hand information being fed to him by an interested party and he has a big mouth problem.

The PS5 being less powerful than the Series X is a given. This shouldn't surprise anybody. But saying the PS5 struggles with 4k when it's confortably more powerful than the Xbox One X is straight anti-Sony propaganda.

Also, I find very hard to believe Sony will price the PS5 higher than the Series X knowing beforehand it doesn't have the power advantage. In fact, if they didn't care about the Series X price tag we should know theirs by now.
Do you want them to push 4K/framerate or effects?

Don’t get mad cuz it can’t do all 3.

Sony might have fucked up this time, we won’t know until they release, but it wouldn’t be the first time the gambled and failed.

Kagey K

Thats the point. I'm just tired of this whole one thing is more powerful than the other and people saying it like we know it for a fact when we simply dont. Maybe in a few month and then we can go around bashing the whoever loses.
So we are on the same page then.

But it’s going to be did Cerny lie about how much it’s throttled, and can Xbox hold the sustained advantage.

The github leak is seeming more realistic as we get more numbers to compare to and Sony needs to do a breakdown now to stop the Rumor.


Gold Member
Forgive me if I'm misremembering, but haven't we had months of devs talking about how easy the PS5 is to develop for, with better tools and ease of accessing the systems power than the XSX?

Given that pretty much everything we saw at the PS5 Showcase was running on actual PS5 hardware, while possibly everything at the XSS/X one was on PC, if not flat out just CGI for a game barely in production, it seems a bit of a leap to suddenly believe MS's machine is just leagues better than Sony's and most Devs are find the former a breeze and latter a nightmare to create on suddenly.

It may well be true of course, but I find it suspicious given that this all comes from one random guy on twitter, pretty much the day after Xbox had to delay Halo Infinite due to very obvious development problems, as well as speculation Fable was basically vaporware.

It's all a little bit too convenient.

I think they've probably just got the PC engine ported to both consoles and it plays a little more nicely with the Xbox right away, either because it has the raw grunt to overcome any performance issues or it plays nicer with their windows like abstraction. Like Cerny said there's probably a months worth of work to get things truly optimised and working on the differences on the PS5. There will be improvements for the Xbox as well - at the end of the day it might hit those peaks for a few hours gameplay but it might have other issues with AI, NPCs etc. Too vague really.


2TF vs 0.5TF. If something needs 1TF more power than the PS5 has it doesn’t matter what the percentage difference is, just how much power there is.

At this stage I'm willing to bet that the real world gap is smaller than this.

The IO, (variable) clocks and maybe Geometry Engines (we don't really know too much yet) will keep those 36cu more saturated for longer periods than XSX, thus the operational flops will be closer than what you think.

Faster and more efficient.
Some of you all are getting into secret sauce in the external power brick levels now.

Nothing is happening that is making the PS5 more powerful. It can’t raise its power level and it’s always going to be stuck at Krillen.

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.

The 7 years of hell syndrome is strong in this one.
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Kagey K

A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person's argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.

The 7 years of hell syndrome is strong in this one.
Looks like projection.

At least I hope it is, because I honestly believe you are smarter then that.

Prove me wrong.
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I don't understand why people still feel that Series X is NOT stronger than PS5? It's going to be the 900p vs 1080p situation.

If you want the stronger console and/or gamepass, buy Series X. If you want the Playstation exclusives and ecosystem, buy the PS5. If you can't make up your mind, buy both.

And when it comes to RE8, it doesn't matter where the fuck you play it, since if you're not doing it in VR, you're doing it wrong anyway.


Capcom already went Next-Gen only. EA games Battlefield and Dragon Age will be Next-gen Only. Bethesda's Starfield is Next-Gen only. Shadow Worrior 3 is Next-Gen only. All are expected to be 2021 games. 3rd parties won't stick with current gen. Only Phill Spencer is sticking with Xone.
eh. Battlefield maybe 2021, Dragon Age in 2022. Starfield fuck knows when (but it still uses Creation Engine)
So much for next-gen only games that you mentioned :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Looks like projection.

At least I hope it is, because I honestly believe you are smarter then that.

Prove me wrong.

You can't insult my intelligence and then say "then" instead of "than". Also, this thing you're doing right now, this trolling thing isn't working.

Nobody is claiming that the PS5 specs are better than what the specsheets indicate. It's 10.28TF vs XsX at 12TF. There's 18% between them, any decrease in frequency will be minor as Cerny said. No extra GPU in the power brick FUD is needed. The only way a game runs 4K on XsX and not on PS5 is if there is no wiggle room and they port the game direct without lowering any effects. PS5 is capable of 4K gaming, it's proven.


Do you even read OPs?
In the other thread, he said PS5 struggled even in 1080p in current RE8 build due to engine or other constraints, but those will be easily fixed until release and it will run fine on both systems.

If you attack him, at least use informed arguments.

DF said it was 4K. Unless Capcom have some tricks in play to make it look 4K.

Kagey K

You can't insult my intelligence and then say "then" instead of "than". Also, this thing you're doing right now, this trolling thing isn't working.

Nobody is claiming that the PS5 specs are better than what the specsheets indicate. It's 10.28TF vs XsX at 12TF. There's 18% between them, any decrease in frequency will be minor as Cerny said. No extra GPU in the power brick FUD is needed. The only way a game runs 4K on XsX and not on PS5 is if there is no wiggle room and they port the game direct without lowering any effects. PS5 is capable of 4K gaming, it's proven.
Only time will tell until then it’s speculation and FUD.

we can’t prove or disprove Cernys claims until we get a full breakdown, which Sony seems unwilling to provide.

Nice Grammar catch though.
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Do you want them to push 4K/framerate or effects?

Don’t get mad cuz it can’t do all 3.

Sony might have fucked up this time, we won’t know until they release, but it wouldn’t be the first time the gambled and failed.

Mark Cerny said in 2016 8TF were needed to achieve native 4K resolution. The PS5 surpasses that. If you don't mind I will trust his opinion more than wild speculation from Dusk Golem and you projecting personal wishes.

Only time will tell until then it’s speculation and FUD.

we can’t prove or disprove Cernys claims until we get a full breakdown, which Sony seems unwilling to provide.

Nice Grammar catch though.

A Sony breakdown isn't going to prove anything. What we need is a DF breakdown. Sony aren't going to give us a side by side comparison with XsX
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