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Dutch retailer lists Tales of Zestiria for PS4 (also bestbuy.com)


I wonder if the PC version will have the same release date.

What other Tales games have been released for PC that make you hopeful this one will be released too?

Edit:eek:k i just (properly) read the Gematsu article.I missed the mention of the rumored PC version.
A couple of years ago there was a (Dutch? Was it?) retailer who listed Tales of Vesperia coming out in English for the PS3 and nothing came of it. So even though it has a fair chance of happening this doesn't mean anything yet.
It was obviously going to happen, the only question was if they were going to try and get a double-dip out of the western market as well as the Japanese one.


What other Tales games have been released for PC that make you hopeful this one will be released too?

It's Bandainamco and they have been experimenting a lot on PC since Dark Souls. The game is also on the steam database which imply a build of it was or is at least worked on.


And better performance. The original game suffered in that area from what i've heard. I'll take better performance and higher res anyday

and was is dire need of AA

What other Tales games have been released for PC that make you hopeful this one will be released too?

Edit:eek:k i just (properly) read the Gematsu article.I missed the mention of the rumored PC version.

It's constantly being worked on http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=994883 so it's not just "rumors"
A couple of years ago there was a (Dutch? Was it?) retailer who listed Tales of Vesperia coming out in English for the PS3 and nothing came of it. So even though it has a fair chance of happening this doesn't mean anything yet.

I recall that too, but in between Bamco actively developing PS4 ports specifically for the western market (i.e. Godzilla, J Stars+, the latter of which's PS4 version still seems to be western exclusive at the moment, weirdly enough), and Tales games already having a habit of getting updated ports, there's far too much smoke for there not to be a fire.


there's also the fact that the next proper new tales will be years away and Vesperia on PS4 would be a quick, cheap alternative until the new one is ready

How come the next Tales game is years out? Is it because they're gearing up for the PS4 transition or because the next game isn't announced yet?


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Hope this is true. I really want to play the new Tales but my ps3 will prob go into retirement after Yakuza 5 drops.
I'm always wary of these retail listings, but regardless, Zestiria for the PS4 is a no-brainer considering the PS3 is dying off.

Personally, I'm mildly excited about a PS4 version of Zestiria. The battle system looks really nice and fluid. However, I've heard that people had issues with the story
, namely Alisha leaving the party. The DLC that was supposed to focus on Alisha ended up spotlighting Rose (the character who replaces Alisha) more than her -_-


Looks like they wrapped up work 2 months ago and are ready for release on PC barring any last-minute tuning.

That sounds about right considering the timeline of information we've received so far.
The link in the first post in that topic is just for the package, here's the link for the application, which was last updated 1 day ago at the time of this post:

(Got the link for the application in the history tab in the package page, in that tab it says the application was removed from the package, most likely in an attempt to hide it?)


Considering Japanese fans' reaction to the DLC episode and the game in general... I can't imagine this news getting a positive reception over there.

I don't blame them, either. Bamco's essentially asked them to buy two games for Vesperia, Graces, and Xillia considering how unfinished Xillia 1 was.

If it is going to PS4, I hope they fix a lot of the issues the PS3 version has. But I'm honestly baffled as to what they're trying to accomplish here. PS3 Zestiria felt kind of rushed despite supposedly having a decently long development time. And now it's going to be ported to PS4? I don't understand anything Bamco does regarding Tales anymore.


There's no chance they'd announce a PS4 version and then not localize it, right? Or would it perhaps be delayed so the PS3 version would come out first?

I wonder if a PS4 version would include the DLC or not. Probably not so they can charge us. If they could improve the various technical issues I've heard about, that would be nice.


Junior Member
It makes sense in the West most people have moved onto the new systems. I would prefer it on PS4 as its the last PS3 game on my list to buy. Although I still have a number of PS3 games to beat it just makes it easier to play for when I eventually put the PS3 in the closet.

Nyoro SF

The link in the first post in that topic is just for the package, here's the link for the application, which was last updated 1 day ago at the time of this post:

(Got the link for the application in the history tab in the package page, in that tab it says the application was removed from the package, most likely in an attempt to hide it?)

It was a system wide change to hide package names. However packages that were previously leaked still are identified. I don't think the application got deleted, see no signs of it. All the main packages are still there.

Reason why I said it was prepped for release barring last minute tune-ups was because they set all the variables that you normally see changed when a release is soon, such as ones that disallow cross-region trading and such.

However it looks like some changes are still happening, so we'll see how it goes.


I don't think the application got deleted, see no signs of it. All the main packages are still there.
I meant that the application (which I linked in my previous post) was removed from the TOZ package, not that it was deleted. ^^;
The application itself is being updated quite often.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Well, the 360 got Vesperia...

And Blue Dragon.
And Lost Odyssey.

My question was why would Xbox One get JRPG's, not why Xbox 360 had them.

Xbox One is a completely different beast, in the people running the ship, their motives, and the appeal to the people who actually buy the device itself.


My question was why would Xbox One get JRPG's, not why Xbox 360 had them.

Xbox One is a completely different beast, in the people running the ship, their motives, and the appeal to the people who actually buy the device itself.

Not to mention the established trend of X box owners not buying Japanese games, especially jrpgs, that we see in retail. I've talked about it in other threads, but the preorders and total sales for Japanese games is always deeply skewed in favor of Ps4. I don't think the Japanese publishers see a reason to port their games to XB1, and ms doesn't see a reason to pay to get them.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Not to mention the established trend of X box owners not buying Japanese games, especially jrpgs, that we see in retail. I've talked about it in other threads, but the preorders and total sales for Japanese games is always deeply skewed in favor of Ps4. I don't think the Japanese publishers see a reason to port their games to XB1, and ms doesn't see a reason to pay to get them.

Exactly, its at the point where selling japanese games for the smaller devs for XB1 is not even a consideration, as the minuscule projected sales from that ecosystem don't even cover the money lost porting it, even with the easier architecture between devices in this gen.


This is the worst kept secret ever. Placed a preorder.

Hell this probably requires a new thread considering Best Buy having it up for preorder is pretty big.
Eh, honestly, I rather wait for the announcement and the MSRP because BB sucks at retroactively applying new MSRPs to old preorders unless they've fixed that recently. It's a small hassle that shouldn't have to happen in the first place.


I love me some "Tales of " Ever since Phantasia, this is my JRPG crack game after Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series.


I've never played a Tales of... game despite enjoying JRPGs. Art style/characters always put me off, but I think I'll give this a go if it does come to PS4. More japanese games the better.
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