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E3 2016 Press Conference Grading Thread


As a follow up to last years thread
Or dont Im not a cop, but its a more interesting thread

Sony (A+)......followed up the GOAT press conference with the GOAT press conference
MS (B) Gave a very boilerplate E3 press conference, but showed some neat games
Nintendo (N/A) Didnt follow it too closely but I heard it was nice
Ubisoft (A-) Gave a great conference as always and the best conference Ubi has ever given, made even the not so interesting announcements seem interesting
Bethesda (B) Nice small announcements, nothing shocking
PC (N/A) Didnt watch uz I don't have a PC
EA (C) Gave a very EA conference and destroyed any historical reverence with Battlefield 1 with their post show multiplayer session


EA (D-) - Boring for the most part. Came for Mass Effect info. Left disappointed.
Bethesda (B-) - Showed off some interesting things
Microsoft (B-) - A few interesting demos, nothing too shocking. A solid, if unimpressive, lineup
Ubisoft (C) - Average on all levels. Nothing outstanding, nothing TOO terrible
Sony (B) - Some cool games, but Days Gone left me cold and in hindsight they actually didn't show that many games off.

The Pope

Sony A. It was about games and not about Sony.Something was missing from the end though. Sony please always use a orchestra. Minimal Exec talk, minimum marketing "Only on....etc". Just showed the games and made a dignified mature show.
Microsoft B. Very strong, very businessy conference. Things are going to get interesting.
EA D: Out of touch.
Only ones I watched.
Sony (A+) - Great presentation (the orchestra and the look of the theater!), great pacing, minimal filler and interruption, nice surprises and good to great gameplay showings. Oh, and that entire Kojima segment. "I'm back!"

Microsoft (C+) - It felt like another checklist conference ("okay, we got our holiday titles, we got our indie segment," etc...) but I think there was some solid content overall. The hardware, Minecraft sections and general filler marred what was otherwise a decent show. Shoutout to We Happy Few.

I didn't watch anything else but shoutout to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
My annual grade-sheet for those who want it:


I added Nintendo in just for the sake of all their announcement videos. It's not a traditional conference I know, but some people would bitch if I left it off.


Bethesda (C) Their best ideas are lifted directly from other games (FO4 = Minecraft ESO TGC = Hearthstone Quake is seemingly MOBA), Dishonored 2 looks GREAT but...it's their only standout. Remastering Skyrim instead of Morrowind? Ugh. Quake could be cool after Doom but they absolutely 100% failed to sell it.

EA (N/A) didn't watch

Microsoft (B) Largely a very good if very standard showing. Lots of games, good games, mostly good trailers. The minecraft section was very Corporate Cringe though, and Scorpio's cool reveal was a bit confusing in the following day. Those "dude on stage" and wide-shots instead of direct-feed footage really harmed the show for no reason. FFXV was sooooo bad. Play Anywhere was great.

Sony (A) Absolutely fantastic pacing and way to show things. Even their "dude on screen playing" didn't get in the way because they put it in a little window to the side. The orchestra was amazing, non-stop games, lovely polite call out to Orlando. Only complaint is Days Gone's demo could have been axed and given screen time to say, Gravity Rush 2. An indie sizzle real at least would have helped too. Not showing the title until the end of the trailer was an amazing touch that actually got me a little interested in COD this year.

Ubisoft (D+) The only conference that I watched that truly brought the cringe. And they have embraced the cringe, for better or worse. Watch Dogs 2 fixes it's protagonist problem, but other than that the game is extremely strange and awkward. What could be a fun fight tha powa story is awkwardly violent and ends up being a domestic terrorist story. Eesh. Not...good timing at all. Extremely disappointed to find that Eagle Flight has killing and competitive elements. Steep looks sweet though.

PC Gaming Show (C) Better than last year, but still a bit slow, very poor timing. I stopped watching to catch up with Ubisoft. Lots of games I'm not personally interested in, very narrow focus (Mods mods mods multiplayer multiplayer multiplayer). Didn't feel like it properly celebrated the diversity of the platform, leaving it more like a "steam marketplace users" show.


Sony gets a B+ for showcasing some amazing games accompanied by a live orchestra. The little-to-no filler presentation made for an engaging experience throughout.

Microsoft gets a C for their hardware, especially the S. It's a sexy little box but their games were not interesting in the least. Recore and Scalebound were duds, and the platform staples did nothing for me. The Scorpio was essentially the "itsnothing.gif." Still, I'm intrigued by its potential to hopefully recruit games that are not usually associated with the Xbox brand.

Didn't really follow the other pressers too closely.
Sony: A (I really liked the VR stuff and they have some very high quality looking titles)
Microsoft: A (very excited about Scorpio, the S looks fantastic too, and I'll probably get most of the games they showed - MS are going in a great direction once more)
Nintendo: B (Zelda looks awesome, but I'm disappointed by their lack of NX, conference or even a Direct)
Ubisoft: B (great host as usual, a solid and enjoyable conference)
Bethesda: B- (solid but unspectacular)
PC: ? (didn't watch)
EA: D (for dull!)


Sony: B+ - They get it. Trailers and gameplay with minimum BS. Would have liked teensy brreaks in between to just give us bullet points of new info. When you see something like Death Stranding you want some basics such as theme, genre, premise, etc.

MS C+ - It dragged and got a bit tedious. The lack of new games also hit them.

Nint F - Playing Zelda for 4 hours is not a conference.

EA D - Trailer for a trailer. Talking heads spouting marketing gibberish in place of trailers. EZAllies nailed them.


Gold Member
In order of appearance:

EA: F - Absolute waste of time. Zero new games aside from Fe which was awkwardly crammed in there for no reason whatsoever
Bethesda: C - Dishonored 2 new footage was nice, but the segment took too long. All the Fallout 4 stuff was eh... Prey was neat but too vague, and other than that the show lacked any kind of impact
Microsoft: B - Tightly organized, plenty games but no surprises whatsoever
Ubisoft: B - Ubisoft always strikes a nice balance between bizarre and awesome. The Steep/Watchdogs/Wildlands/Southpark stuff was neat, Aisha Tyler was great, Yves' ending speech had impact
Sony: A - All games, no nonsense. Live orchestra was a great addition, several surprises.

Overall I think all shows were worth watching aside from EA. I still don't understand what the hell they were thinking organizing a conference called "EA Play" and show zero games being, you know.. played. The Mass Effect bait-and-switch was terrible, and the Star Wars reel was just a kick in the balls with zero news. The only reason they had that LA / London swicheroo going on is so they could drag Jose Mourinho on stage for some cringeworthy banter no one gives a fuck about.

They had so little to show they actually showed the Battlefield trailer twice.


I only watched Bethesda, and I'd give it a C-.

+Dishonored 2 will be awesome, glad to see their design principles haven't changed since Dishonored
+Prey, while a complete reboot with little to do with the source material, looks like it could be a great (and MCA is helping out!) setting
+Bethesda VR means big AAA games are coming to Vive

-No MachineGames
-No Tango Gameworks
-No DOOM single-player DLC
-Unexciting Fallout 4 and TESO additions (Nuka World could be cool, they showed like 30 seconds that revealed nothing)

=Skyrim Remastered is cool for console players, if a bit pricey
=Battlecry is apparently shelved (it didn't look like it was going anywhere)
=No new little surprise announcements, just Shelter and TESL updates
=New Quake is MP-only, not even from Id Software

A showcase with all their developers would have been an A+ event. Instead, it was just Arkane's two studios carrying the load by themselves with filler from the rest. They did a fine job, but you can't expect one showcase and a CGI reveal to be enough for an hour.


Sony (A-) Great pacing, Nice showcasing of mainly first party titles, Felt shorter than usual, not as diverse as previous E3s noticeable missing an indie showcase.
MS (B+) Some cringe with minecraft and sea of thives, Everyall good showcase and loved the introduction to Play anywhere.
The only one I watched was Sony's. I'd give it a B. Started laughing at the woman throat singing or whatever that was.

I'd be happier if more Japanese games were present.
Sony - A

God of War and Death Stranding wer great for me. But it had some rough patches with the Skylanders and Lego stuff plus lack of interesting indies. It would have gotten a B+ if it weren't for the hype as fuck live orchestra that elevated the conference into legendary status.

MS - C+

The only games that really appealed to me were Dead Rising 4 and We Happy Few. Good pacing though, but a rough show for my most anticipated Xbox game, Scalebound. I was considering bying an XBO for that game, but the weak gameplay demo lowered my hype considerably. Also, almost any news had leaked already so it was lacking punch

Didn't watch the rest. I'm a busy man lol


EA: D-
What an incredible disappointment! Not only was it devoid of meaningful announcements, we didn't even get significant footage of some games that were already announced like Mass Effect! The pacing was weird and what they chose to talk about was often silly and not what the people who tune into E3 want to hear. The Star Wars segment in particular was awful. They didn't tell us anything we didn't already know other than Criterion's new IP is probably dead.

Bethesda: C
These guys are the masters of the solid press conference. They had a couple of cool announcements with Quake and Prey but we unfortunately didn't get much information. The rest of the show was DLC, a Skyrim remaster, and what I felt was a terrific, though long, look at Dishonored 2. It's hard to actually complain about anything here, but there wasn't a whole lot that was great either.

Ubisoft: C+
I would have scored this a good bit higher if it were shorter and paced better because there were a lot of great games and demos, but waaaay too much bullshit and every segment went on too long. Ghost Recon, South Park, Watch Dogs, Steep, and For Honor all seem like strong games, but we didn't need 10+ minutes dedicated to ALL OF THEM. They should have cut Just Dance, the Ass Creed movie, and VR, and put together a nice, tight one hour conference that would have been killer.

Microsoft: B
This was a very good conference! Plenty of great games and ecosystem exclusives, started off with a tremendous bang with the slim and Gears, and handled the Scorpio better than I would have expected. While some of the notable games shown did nothing for me like Scalebound and Sea of Thieves, there was a lot to enjoy. The main knock I have on it would be the Minecraft segment and the fact it was a little short on NEW game announcements. One of the three that were announced, Forza, we all knew was coming anyway.

Sony: A-
This is what I think a press conference should be. They stormed out of the gates with 5 legit great looking exclusives and finally showed off some interesting new VR games. Third party games were kept to a minimum and we got to enjoy a legit megaton with the Spider-Man announcement. There was no bullshit, no talking, just game trailers and game demoes one right after the other. The only thing that kept this from being an A+ was the awkward ending. Days Gone seems cool and all, but it wasn't impressive enough to close E3 with. I think it's obvious that something got pulled at the last minute.


Microsoft - C+. The Slim is aesthetically amazing but is noticeably larger and computationally weaker than the original PS4. It also costs approximately the same and does not include a rechargeable controller. Maybe I'd buy one if the Xbox One had a lot of exclusive games that interested me. The Scorpio's unveiling was an incredibly ill-conceived clusterfuck on so many levels (ambiguous messaging, no games shown, developer circle-jerk, etc.). The usual game iterations never did and still don't interest me. I was expecting / hoping Recore would be a puzzle adventure game like Zelda / Okami but it looks like Vanquish / Devil May Cry, which is definitely not for me. The indie titles look good (Below, Inside, We Happy Few, Cuphead) but will eventually make it to the PS4.

Sony - A. Really can't complain here. Horizon looks really special; gave me Red Dead vibes. I like how little emphasis was put on selling new hardware (no mention of Neo, PS VR given < 10 minutes); it makes me feel like Sony is committed to supporting their existing platform. The stuff that was not shown (Naughty Dog, Suckerpunch) makes me look forward to another killer conference next year.

Nintendo - D. The Wii U and 3DS are effectively dead at this point, and there has been no announcement of new hardware or even a frickin' price cut on the current stuff. I don't know what to think of Zelda; I don't have 5 hours to watch the stream. The artstyle looks good to me, the UI is horrendous, and I'm on the fence about the Minecraft elements baked into the game.


EA - F
Just horrible. Obnoxious sports sections, an entirely gimmicky "two location" thing. No proper footage of any upcoming game, not even ME:A. Battlefield 1's trailer was disappointing and the MP stream afterwards was dire.

Bethesda - F+
Only slightly better than EA. Quake was a big surprise for me but nothing else was. Such a massive let down after last year's pretty good showing.

Microsoft - C+
In hindsight this was better than I originally found. Showed off a lot of good games, though I don't have much interest in them outside of Forza. Scorpio + Xbox One S announcements were unsurprising but still pretty good. Dropped a point because of the incredibly obnoxious cameraman.

Ubisoft - D

Just a run-of-the-mill Ubi conference this year. Went on a lot longer than it should, why did we need an AC interview? Steep looks really interesting, so does For Honor.

Sony: - A-
Really great pacing this year. Resi 7 and Death Stranding are my best surprises of the show. Definitely one of Sony's best "feeling" conferences despite the announcements not living up to last year's hype as much. Sony showing again they've completely forgotten how to end a conference with that tiresome Days Gone demo.

Nintendo/Zelda - A

If it weren't for the Pokemon they made us sit through before getting to Zelda this would be a 9. Zelda managed to keep my attention for 5 hours since there was just so much to see. Definitely my Game of the Show. Note that this is ONLY Zelda, I'd rate Nintendo's entire E3 presence at a D because it was just so disappointing having no other announcements.


Electronic Arts (F) - Like a kid who had a "show and tell" class at school and took the first random thing he found in his room. You had nothing to show, nothing to tell. Minus points for thinking you are better than everybody else and doing your own event instead of attending E3.

Bethesda (D) - Great show last year with two big games that demoed really well, lackluster show this year with just one big game and a couple of CG trailers. You really don't have to do a press conference every year if you don't have enough material to fill it.

Microsoft (C) - Hey, it feels like I've seen all this before...

Ubisoft (B) - I like the atmosphere and mood of Ubi's conferences. They've learned self-irony and not to take themselves too seriously. They had good content, but it should have been 30-60 minutes shorter.

Sony (A) - Different from everybody else, different from what they've done in the previous years. And all that in the best possible way. Should've shown some love for GT Sport, Gravity Rush 2, Bound, and other first party titles that are coming out this year.

Panda Rin


Only Titanfall 2 provided any new information. All of their other stuff was unappealing. Battlefield 1 looks fantastic though.​

Bethesda: D-

Overall pretty disappointed. Not into Quake, Fallout 4 DLC seemed piecemeal, and the Dishonored 2 didn't look particularly special (although it's still day one for me!). Prey's concept looks interesting, but no gameplay.​

Microsoft: B+

As a PC gamer, I was super hyped. Gears 4, Scalebound, Halo Wars 2, and Sea of Thieves on PC? Count me in, Microsoft.​

Ubisoft: B-

For Honor, Steep, and especially South Park were all highlights for me. Others felt a little flat, but Ubisoft has a fairly diverse lineup despite what others say.​

Sony: A-

Really nailed the tone, no BS approach. RE7, GoW, and Spiderman all look incredibly fresh! Outside of Lego, their footage was all new. Only downer is we didn't get to see more titles on the pipeline. If the conference told me anything, is that Sony has a ton of great exclusives coming out in the next two years, some of which weren't shown during the conference (Nier, Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, DQ 11 and Builders, Ni no Kuni, Dreams, GT)​

PC Gaming Show: B+

Almost forgot about this one. Solid show, lots of new titles were announced, better pacing.​
Overall Score: F

What a train wreck this was. Nothing stands out. The Battlefield 1 trailer looked great (DICE always makes good trailers) but I learned more during the BF1 livestream about the game than during the conference. The "Celebs" were a joke and only there for a big paycheck (they probably could have done a full campaign in Battlefront with the money they spent on celebs). The sports dragged on too long and we saw nothing interesting about Star Wars.

Overall Score: B+

Quake, Dishonored II, Prey. Yes please. Not much fluff but other than Dishonored II nothing coming soon that I care about. Fallout 4 stuff is a nice touch but I've grown tired of it and as for Skyrim , I already have it on PC so other than the better mod capabilities with a 64bit game it doesn't interest me.

Overall Score: A

Finally Microsoft is taking the PC seriously again. Sea of Thieves looks amazing and all the games I care about are launching on PC in additional to consoles. I don't really care about Scorpio or the S but they did bring the goods. Now, in terms of their focus on PC, I just hope they deliver. On a side note, watch the fantastic interview with Phil Spencer that GiantBomb did.

PC Gaming Show:
Overall Score: A-

Much better than last year. In a better time slot though they really missed the ball by overlapping with Ubisoft. Need to sort that out next year. I still love the format and the host. Day9 seemed to ask all the questions I myself wanted to ask and it was just a nice, relaxed show. Some issues with it (Rofflestomping newbs) but overall, a good show. Sort out the scheduling (maybe put it Sunday between EA and Bethesda) and it could be one of the best. Plus, I am primarily a PC gamer so this is my focus.

Overall Score: D

Oh Ubisoft, at least you're consistent. Wildlands looks like an interesting game but no fucking clue why they tacked Tom Clancy's name to it unless they are required to make a Tom Clancy game every year to keep the license (this is probably true). The "commentary" was so obviously scripted and fake, just please stop. I'm sure there were other games but I can't remember them. South Park stole the show, best bit by far. Just have Trey and Matt host the show (with Aisha, I do like her). Grow Up looks good (Grow Home was in my top 5 of it's year). For Honor looks great but nothing else interested me.

Overall Score: C (Show and presentation would be an A though)

This was clearly the best presented show. The live orchestra was amazing and really added to the show. Live scoring the trailers and footage? Fucking brilliant. They had some great looking games I'll never play because I don't own a PS4 nor do I care too. Really wish they'd do more on the PC and stop treating it as the enemy to the PS4. I'd use a Sony run PSN store on PC in a heartbeat for their games, movies, music, etc... Most people will say they've "won" E3 but as someone who is clearly not in their target demographic, they had almost nothing to offer me. I also find Kojima to be overrated and don't understand the rabid fanboyism over him so his big reveal was very "meh" for me.

Overall Score: N/A

Didn't even watch it


PC (N/A) - didn't watch cause last year's was ass
Nintendo (N/A) - Zelda was great, but you don't get a score for one game, still more enjoyable than some legitimate conferences

EA (D-) - the only good parts of the conference were bits of Titanfall 2 gameplay, bits of Mass Effect gameplay, bits of Battlefield 1 gameplay, the rest was a sloooog
Bethesda (B) - I liked the Prey trailer even though there wasn't gameplay, and I absolutely loved the last few minutes of the Dishonored 2 segment. Nuka World footage showing up if just for 5 seconds was also cool, as were the rest of Fallout 4 expansions.
Microsoft (B) - lots of good trailers with Forza Horizon 3 and We Happy Few being the highlights, followed by Dead Rising 4 and then Scalebound
Ubisoft (C) - The entire South Park segment, Steep reveal, Watch_Dogs 2's world looked great to explore even if the gameplay didn't grab me that much
Sony (A) - best pacing and an insane amount of games that I plan on getting: GoW, REVII, Horizon, Detroit, Spiderman, FFXV. Felt least corporate-y


EA F -- They managed to pick the two awful things they did on their previous 2 conferences and put it together. The only good thing was Fe. Battlefiled 1 was interesting as well, but they did show the same trailer twice and I`m not that into it.

Bethesda -- Didn't watch.

Microsoft B -- It was practically the same as last year. They didn't linger too long on things that matter, but still it wasn't as good as it could be. Most of the games shown didn't catch my attention.

PC Gamer B -- Huge improvement from last year's. Trailer after trailer with little talking in between. There were a few down moments (AMD again, but it's understandable), and it started at an awful time, too close to Ubisoft's.

Ubisoft B -- Quite good as well. The South Park segment was funny. The Star Trek one was too long tho. I don't care about Star Trek, so it was quite boring to me, but I can see how good it would be for Star Trek fans. Overall the pace was nice, but 2h was too much.

Sony A+ -- Jesus, Sony. It was almost perfect. The orchestra was awesome. It was trailer after trailer with no talking, I almost couldn't breath. Lots of impactful moments (RE7, Kojima). The only bad thing was the Crash part, and a little bit of the VR details.

Nintendo A -- Technically not a conference, but it was exactly why I loved Treehouse on E3 2014. The Pokemon Sun/Moon segment was a little dumb, although I liked what I saw from the game. Zelda was incredible and watching the people from Treehouse playing it was great. We got to see Chiko - The Destroyer. Second day was great as well.
Sony: A- (great but not as awesome as last year)
Microsoft: B- (good games and stuff but the whole windows 10 blabla made me wonder whats the point of an xbox)
Ubisoft: B (fun en genuine ambiance)
EA: C- (only trailers, no gameplay... What were they thinking?)


Sony: A+ Crash Bandicoot returns and Spoderman. Don't care about any of the other new games shown.
Nintendo B++ Zelda looked incredible. And sold me an NX. Would buy on wiiu if the system wasn't dead.
MS: B- Only interesting thing was that they announced S and scorpio at the same conference. Honestly nothing they showed interested me, but if I were on the other side judging. (MS: it would be a A.)

The bottom 3 I couldn't care less. I absolutely never buy games from EA and Ubisoft and Bethesda was boring this year.
EA F :didn't watch
Ubisoft F :didn't watch
Bethesda : F

PC: Didn't even know there was one. So an F by default for not making it known.


EA (D-) - I try to prepare myself for the nonstop barrage of sports stuff every year, but I just can't get over how disproportionate the amount of time they give to it feels compared to their other games. Battlefield One looks good, but I'm not convinced showing the same trailer twice (and a third time at a later conference) followed by an awkward ensemble of celebrity multiplayer was the best way to demo it. A third year of Mass Effect teasers is unforgivable. The Star Wars showcase was almost entirely generic behind the scenes banter with just brief seconds of game footage. Their Originals initiative was the only part of the show that struck me as particularly good or interesting.

Bethesda (C) - I feel like they didn't have much to follow up their bombastic Fallout 4 show last year. Dishonored looks alright, but they had to pad a lot of their conference with filler like the Skyrim remaster and their card game. There isn't much good or bad to say about the conference. In fact, I'm having trouble saying anything about it at all.

Microsoft (B-) - Their choice to embrace Xbox as a platform rather than a console was really appreciated and I'm glad they made it a point to drive that idea home with almost every first party game. New hardware at the show is generally exciting, even when it's only a redesign and some abstract specs. Their lineup of games was pretty solid even if nothing really wowed me. It was a pretty safe conference, but it was a steady stream of goodness with only the occasional spots of blight.

Ubisoft (C+) - The show definitely could have been trimmed back from two hours, I can tell you that much. That said, I appreciate how much time they spent showing off their games. It was also sort of novel not to have a large portion of the show dedicated to Assassin's Creed for once. Watch_Dogs definitely isn't my sort of thing, but For Honor and Fractured but Whole were enough to keep me watching. Steep was an interesting choice to end on, and I'm not sure it was their strongest game at the show, but it was a pretty decent way to wrap things up

Sony (A-) - The pacing was fantastic and should be held up as the new bar for future conferences. Just trailers and fairly meaty gameplay segments without much chatter in between. Most of what they showed looked really good too, even if there weren't any moments that had me climbing onto my chair and screaming this time around. At least they had a substantial amount to demo for most of their titles this year. Excluding that bizarre Kojima things of course. The Crash announcement came across as pretty tone deaf, and Days Gone was one of their weaker games to end on, but overall it was a pretty impressive conference.

Nintendo (C+) - It wasn't technically a conference, but they still had a fairly significant E3 showing. They did good with what they had, but not having the NX and all its games to show off really, really did a number on their presence. Zelda was incredible and seemingly breaks a lot of the older conventions in ways I wasn't expecting. Having hours dedicated solely to it was a great way to really show off what it's offering, but I feel like they were starting to run out of things to show in that tiny demo area 4 or 5 hours into the show. Pokemon looks like it could be a good return to form for the series, and Color Splash is a beautiful disappointment. I still love their Treehouse format, but only having the software dregs of the Wii U and 3DS to show off made it all so much less stellar than it could have been.


Nintendo - D. The Wii U and 3DS are effectively dead at this point, and there has been no announcement of new hardware or even a frickin' price cut on the current stuff. I don't know what to think of Zelda; I don't have 5 hours to watch the stream. The artstyle looks good to me, the UI is horrendous, and I'm on the fence about the Minecraft elements baked into the game.

The UI is horrendous? I would love for you to go more in depth into this as I believe it's so straightforward that I'm surprised someone would go so far as to say it's horrendous.


I think a lot of the surprise factor for Microsoft's presser was dampened by the leaks. At one point it became more fun to see how accurate the leaks were.
My own super srs thoughts:

Actual thoughts:

EA (F): This conference was everything wrong with E3 in a damn nutshell. On the one hand, Titanfall 2 looks dope, the FIFA story mode sounded like cornball fun and Fe looked cute. On the other hand, the way they presented each of these games, with stupid people on the stage, was awful. The whole presentation was E3 pageantry, but not fun (dual locations). Then to cap off the entire shit-show, the tease us with a big fat nothing for Mass Effect and the new Star Wars games in the pipeline. An absolute disappointment of a show from start to finish with absolutely nothing secret or unexpected.

Bethesda (C+): The conference vibe started heating up with Bethesda. Quake Champions, Skyrim Remaster and Prey made for some great announcements. What was show of Dishonored 2 was basically exactly what I was hoping for. However, those three announcements had next to no gameplay footage, and only one had what seemed like a solid release date. On top of that, we got snoozer info about Elder Scrolls Online/Legends, Fallout 4 and Doom. Get back to me when Wolfenstein is ready to go chaps.

Microsoft (B):
Forza Horizon looked perfect, mostly because I love offroad driving, ReCore looked rough, but had one of the best trailers of the show, We Happy Few looked phenomenal, Dead Rising looks solid, Sea of Thieves looks amazing and State of Decay 2 was a great thing to make. The bad was the repeat BF1 footage, a garbage FFXV demo, boring hardware announcements (console/controller), terrible Live and Division news, Scalebound looked bad and I was really annoyed at the preannouncement of Scorpio.

PC Gamer (D+): Dawn of War
Klei's new game and Tyranny looked great. Everything else was boring shit that I didn't particularly care about. It wasn't boring, but it mostly seemed like an awkward indie sizzle reel for three hours.

Ubisoft (B-): Lots of great games shown. South Park looked phenomenal, Star Trek look cool, For Honor and Vandenberghe in particular continues to look brilliant and I was super excited for Steep. Conversely, Ghost Recon looked like scripted BS, there was more snoozer Division info, Eagle game looked terrible, and the movie talk was awful.

Sony (A): The choice of bringing an orchestra was brilliant. Then the games they showed were awesome, GoW, TLG, Horizon, Detroit, Infinite Warfare, Kojima, Spider-Man and Days Gone for just the tip of the iceberg. It was one of the only conferences to treat me like an adult and not assume that I need to be babysat by presenters in between every piece of footage. The three reasons the show doesn't get an A+ is that the Crash Remaster really shouldn't have been announced without footage, there was a noticeable lack of release dates for most of the games and there were basically no JPN games shown. One of the all the great conferences though.

Nintendo (C+): On the one hand, Zelda looks pretty neat. On the other hand, their other stuff shown (particularly Pokemon) looked lackluster at best. Plus, four hours of a game isn't a conference. I don't have the time or interest to sit around watching someone play one game all day long, especially with so many more interesting things happening and being shown at E3.


Only caught the two big ones, since the line-ups for EA, Bethesda and Ubisoft don't do anything for me, outside of South Park, and Nintendo didn't have a press conference to speak of (making the ratings that some are handing them a bit baffling!).

Microsoft: B-
Even if the leaks hadn't happened, I suspect that there would still be plenty of complaints about them playing it pretty safe with what they had to offer. Nothing bad at all was shown, outside of the disastrous FFXV demo and Scalebound's less-than-satisfactory showing, but it was all around very solid content that covered quite a few bases, even if we might be creeping back up to maximum zombie game saturation yet again. While I do not understand at all their hardware strategy of "let's announce a new revision, and then take away any reason why you might want it!", I was impressed by how comprehensive their plans are with regards to their Windows 10 integration going forward, and it said a lot of stuff that I wanted to hear (Cross-buy! Cross-play! Cross-any damn thing you can think of!). It's oddly a more future-focused press conference than Sony's was, despite the amount of 2016-early 2017 games they had to show, but the future has to start somewhere.
Biggest mark-out moment: The amount of cross-platform titles being announced, which was basically MS's entire line-up. Maybe not good news for console-only zealots, but the brand is much more important than the hardware.
"Please stop this" moment: The FFXV demo for being the core gamer equivalent of the notorious Wii Music "performance." Nothing went right, and it was painful the whole way through.

Sony: B-
Hey, a Sony conference where the pacing wasn't complete shit! That alone got them big points from me, but as the conference went along, there was a bit of a samey feeling with the games they had to show off. Too much of an emphasis on the western side of things? I feel like that was the case, and while it wasn't absent on Japanese content (the RE7 reveal was a pretty awesome surprise), what they did have to show for them was also pretty heavily western-influenced, which added to a lot of the games winding up a bit blurred together. The VR segment seemed really rushed to me, and I think they only showed two actual games that didn't amount to a wind-up to a logo, and one of them was that terrible-looking FFXV thing (noticing a trend here!). I did like their approach to the presentation, with the live orchestra and the few attempts at having an interactive stage for presenters, like Layden's Crash walk-out and Kojima's grand entrance: fluff, but entertaining fluff. Again, like MS, there really wasn't anything too insane about what they had to show (besides wondering what kind of drugs I was on during the entirety of the Death Stranding trailer), but there was also nothing worth much ire, outside of one game I'll highlight.
Biggest mark-out moment: The RE7 reveal. While savvier types would have caught onto what was going on with the Kitchen mention at the beginning of the trailer (I did!), I loved how it teased out whether or not it really was going to be what you thought it was, which made the title reveal all the better.
"Please stop this" moment: All of Days Gone. I'm sorry guys, but no. I cannot with this game. It's irrational, but I'm opposed to this on a conceptual level. Nothing that they showed made it look enticing at all to me, and all the extended trailer did that was released a short time thereafter was adding in a couple more minutes of tech demo monotony.
I'm stealing RadioActiveLobsters format

Overall Score: F

Terrible...I think it might have been even worse than last years conference.

Overall Score: C+

I'm excited for Prey (loved the first), but I'm most excited for a remastered Skyrim. I can't wait to waste 100's of hours of my life into it...again.

Overall Score: B-

They gave me a reason to never buy an Xbox again by bringing their games to PC. I'm excited for Sea of Thieves and FH3. I didn't really care for any of the hardware reveals, especially considering by this fall I'll have something significantly more powerful than the Scorpio.

PC Gaming Show:
Overall Score: N/A

Missed it, sadly.

Overall Score: D

South Park is the only game I'm looking forward to from Ubisoft. Everything else is just the same crap they usually put out but with a different skin.

Overall Score: A+

Loved everything about it! Opening the show with an overture built up so much tension for what ended up becoming Sonys best show they've ever done. God of War was revealed to be something completely different than what everyone expected, Horizon continued to WOW. Detroit, a game I had almost no interest in, has me hooked! Even fucking Call of Duty looked fantastic! Hideo Kojimas game looks to be right up my ally, and PSVR finally has some games that I'm interested in. Everything just looked great.

Overall Score: C+

Eh, Zelda looks great, but that's pretty much all they showed. I didn't even watch the whole conference because I was sold on Zelda within the first 10 minutes.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Sony (A) Did everything an E3 press conference should do, and what they showed was mostly above average to top noch on the Hype meter.

MS (C) Very by the book, the games where'nt that compeling, at least not well presented...meh

Nintendo (N/A) I honnestly didnt care, Zelda looks nice though

Ubisoft (C) Good conference, but the games themselves felt like rehashes, same ideas recycled very very similarly.

PC (B) That Animal vs human game(forgot the name)


I only followed the console manufacturer's conferences

Nintendo: C+
Zelda looks very good and I'm wanting to get interested again in the franchise, but still not much beyond that for me.

Microsoft: B-
The new hardware (including time spent on the controllers) didn't do anything for me right now. Didn't learn anything more about Scorpio than what I already knew and no desire to get an S. Also have an Elite Controller + 3 other controllers so I'm not controller shopping anytime soon.

Crossplay also doesn't do much much for me as I own a Mac.

I'm still not sold on getting Gears Day 1. I thought it looked good, but after playing through Gears 2 last month and playing Gears 3 for the first time now, I'm not hyped for more of the same.
I'm one of the few that thought ReCore looked great, already pre-ordered it, if anything to show support to doing non-Gears/Forza/Halo titles and going for budget titles.
I was going to skip Forza Horizon this year, but after seeing it, I"m going to buy it also.
Glad to hear there will be a State of Decay 2, but can't get too excited yet based of a teaser trailer
None of the other games shown really grabbed me though I'll likely buy Scalebound.

Sony: A-
As usual Sony are the masters of presentation and generating hype.
Resident Evil really grabbed me and I had skipped 5 and 6, but will buy this.
Horizon looks really good, my only hesitation is on the gameplay demo it seemed you had to go to menus.....a lot......but will still buy
Spider-Man game by Insomniac? Yes please
The new Zombie game could be good, will keep an eye on it.

I'm still on hold regarding VR, as others have said, most of what they showed were clearly defined as "experiences" and not "games" I usually don't buy consoles within their first year and VR will likely fall into that

The other things shown I can't get really hyped about as they are concepts right now and still aways off. (probably missing some things though as they showed a lot)


Unconfirmed Member
EA was completely uninteresting to me, I did not see Bethesda and I find the Ubisoft conference very hard to grade, so I'll stick to just the 'main three'. I'll also copy some stuff from a post I made in an earlier locked thread.

Microsoft - &#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;​

Microsoft held a decent conference, but did not blow me away. Gears 4 looked too much like what we already know. E3 is also not the place to spend any significant amount of time on Minecraft. Highlights were Sea of Thieves and We Happy Few. Dead Rising 4 looks like something I'd very much enjoy, as does Forza ( despite being another Forza game ). The structure of the conference itself was very traditional, which was fine. I did not feel the Scorpio 'reveal' at all; they had nothing to show, only a promise and some numbers that did not mean much to me. It felt especially weird after starting out by announcing the S; I would've picked that up, but now with official acknowledgement of Scorpio during the press conference I feel like I should wait for that instead. I believe this was also the conference where the camera too often cut away from the games / trailers to wide shots, and that pulls it down from three-star to just two stars.

Sony - &#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9733;&#9734;​

Sony did extremely well. The orchestra! Almost every single game reveal was expertly handled. Kratos coming out of the shadows. VII. Norman Reedus. Insomniac Spiderman. I loved seeing them take God of War - a franchise I never cared for - in a new direction. I was happy to see Kojima back on stage, excited to show us his bizarre new vision for his project. They showed confidence in VR. The Infinite Warfare gameplay managed to turn me around from negativity to genuine interest. Seeing more of Horizon and Detroit was great. They gave a release date and a great trailer for The Last Guardian. So much good stuff. The only low points for me were Days Gone and Crash. Days Gone just did not grab me. The zombie tech looked amazing, but the way they chose to demo the game - by shooting them a whole bunch - was uninteresting and I feel some of the animation work was kind of rough. Definitely not the game to end your show on. I would've preferred if the demo had been put right behind the trailer and the conference instead had ended on Spiderman. The Crash bit was underwhelming as expected. I'm kind of indifferent towards it. Those two 'low points' keep Sony from reaching perfection. I also feel like there were some titles / trailers missing from the conference, most notably Gravity Rush 2 and Rigs from the VR bit. I also missed the usual indie spotlight montage.

As for their format in general; I absolutely loved it. I would love for them to do this again next year and for others to take a few things from this too. The Orchestra was amazing and the whole thing was just classy.

I know some people enjoy developers talking about the game, but I think this no-talk approach worked great for Sony. I don't need someone to come on stage to tell me how the new God of War will focus on Kratos trying to be more human again and caring for a boy; I can already see that in what they showed us. I don't need Hermen Hulst to talk us through the Horizon demo pointing out how he's going to make a fire bomb or how you can ride certain bots; I can see that in the gameplay. I don't need a Sony Bend guy to tell us during the Days Gone demo how they got bazillions of zombies on screen and how that creates tense survival action; I can see that in the demo you showed me. I don't need someone to come onto the stage to tell us how they're so super excited to bring Spiderman to PS4; I saw the trailer, I'm excited too!

Developers talking can be great, but I feel it is the correct choice to save that for the days after the conference, when the press gets their hands on stuff and can talk with those devs in person. This conference let the games speak for themselves and I feel like that represents a great deal of respect towards the audience and the games themselves. This is not to say that the usual style of press conference is no longer viable or bad - Microsoft was decent too -, but I feel like with this format, Sony definitely raised the bar.

Nintendo - &#9733;&#9733;&#9734;&#9734;&#9734;​

I feel like I am much less excited for the new Zelda than I should be due to the way Nintendo decided to present that game. A long stream with several breaks in it just did not work for me. While I like a lot of the impressions I am hearing, them starting out the stream with basically just fucking around a bunch did not work for me. That's something you do after you have given us an introduction / impression. It was fun to see some of the new things they added, but this was not the best way to communicate them. It was a lot of "Oh you can do this now I guess. Let's do something else now."; it felt too 'loose', too unfocused, too much like messing around for the sake of messing around, and because of the length and the breaks I just lost interest and actually shut of the stream at some point. It also was not a great idea to have us sit through an overly long POKéMON section that gave us a comparably tiny amount of new information. The POKéMON bit could've been shrunk down into a five minute trailer and we would've lost nothing.

Back to Zelda; if you are showing off a game for the first time at E3, that first impression should tell me what the game is about at its core very quickly, and the Zelda stream failed to do that for me. I would've personally preferred if they had just released / showed several 'vignettes'; short, focused videos each showing off a new aspect of the game. A short video where we hunt something down. A short video where we gather ingredients and cook something. A short video about fighting some enemies in their little encampment showing of some combat. Etc. They could've made 20+ of those and made them available to us over the course of the entire E3 week in addition to doing a comprehensive sit-down with the developers.

Now, just to reiterate; I am still excited for Zelda and like almost everything I've seen and heard from it, it's just that I do not like the way they chose to reveal it. I have now seen a bit more than what I initially saw and heard a lot of great positive impressions, and as a result my excitement is definitely rising. I love that they've gone back to full-on exploration and love a lot of the little things they added. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Despite that, I still think doing things exclusively through the ( long ) Treehouse stream was not the best way to show us the game for the first time; I would've preferred something more focused. Two stars.
Sony: A, So many exclusive games, COD looked great, they got Spidey! and Kojima is Back!
Nintendo: B+, Zelda is still great and Pokemom still sells!
PC: B, HUGE improvement from last year, lots of interesting PC games showed.
Ubisoft: B-, South Park and For Honor looked great, still interested in WD2. Some weird but funny stuff in the conference.
Microsoft: B-, Games and talking, everything is on PC, Carmack VR and the most powerfull console with highest amount of Pixels.
Bethesda: C+, Prey, Skyrim and Dishonored 2 were the only highlights for me.
EA: D+, Do I need to even explain this one?


EA: D. Nothing really caught my attention and just seemed like the usual EA games. Thought we would get more Mass Effect or Star Wars games but they just spent alot of time on Battlefield and Fifa (which are pretty popular so I understand why, just not really my types of games)

Bethesda: C+ Really liked what Beth had to show and am pretty interested in both Prey (liked the original) as well as Dishonored 2 ( the original is something I only played like last year, but it was so damn good)

Ubisoft: C+ Willing to try out South Park and For Honor looks pretty badass. Trails of the Blood Dragon seemed like a cool "available now!!!!" type of game and their new game Steep has me very interested (I love Snow)

Microsoft B- Think they had a really good conference, especially compared to some years past (I also thought last years was decent though), and seemed pretty focused on games, especially games that are coming out this year. I think the whole PC thing they are trying to do with Play Anwhere is cool, wish they would just go to Steam though (yes I'm picky about having my library all in one spot) Willing to give Gears 4 and Recore a shot and really excited for Forza Horizon 3. Wish we could've seen more Cuphead :(. Halo Wars 2 seems pretty fun, never tried out the original but definitely willing to give the sequel a try. Scalebound seems like a fun co-op game, but I'm not sure if I'm entirely sold on it. Sea of Thieves and Dead Rising don't interest me as much though. (not big on pirate games and I'm starting to get tired of Zombies)

Sony B+ Really good showing and conference with very little of the stuff that usually bogs down these conferences. VR seems cool, even if I'm not thinking about VR for quite awhile from now. God of War being changed up was a big and pleasent surprise. Horizon looks badass and can't wait to get my hands on it (I'm sad I tried to watch gameplay stream today and steam was all wonky) Really like the style of the world and the dinos, plus no guns or modern weaponry that I've really seen so far which seems different and fun. Hope they have tons of ways to take down his robodino. Last Guardian is just something I neeeeed now. Resident Evil 7 was a big surprise to me and cool that we got a little demo. (that isn't from the actual game?) Detriot looked really interesting, but I'm wary of David Cage games at this point. Days Gone doesn't really interest me at this point, maybe it will change when I see more, but I'm just burnt out on Zombies at this point. Spiderman can't really say much since we didn't really get much gameplay, not been too big on previous spiderman stuff, but Insomniac is awesome and seeing both how great Ratchet looks and how fun traversal was in Sunset Overdrive, I'm pretty sure the game will turn out great.

Nintendo B- I honestly went into it just expecting Zelda, and boy did I get Zelda! Game looks great and really changes up the formula (Skyward Sword dragged on me too so it's nice to finally see it truly getting changed up like this). World looks fun to explore and actually has me excited to get into it. Both this and Horizon coming out is gonna be crazy for me cause I hardly play Open World games, but I just want to explore both worlds so much now. Dragon Quest 7 3DS was also shown and I love Dragon Quest 7 PS1 so I was happy to finally see that we are getting a release date (IT"S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!!!!). Plus the Rhythm Heaven "available now!!!" release was great and I've been addicted to the game since picking it up (it's really good if you like Rhythm Games) Pokemon looked fun too. Plus BoxBoxBoy! Honestly wish they would've just done a quick 30-40 min Direct or something to get all the news, date annoucements and other such things out there before doing the Treehouse stuff, cause it's really hard to just sit there and watch hours of gameplay footage (which is awesome) for things like release dates and such. Ever Oasis looked pretty neat too, kinda like another Mana game. Pokemon Go doesn't interest me at all though, and that Pokemon Go Pro thing seems kinda overpriced and silly. Also no Mother 3 makes me really sad. Also I hate amiibos lol (not really, but still I just can't care enough to want to get them anymore :(()


Glad to see Ubi getting some love. Also interesting those who rated the PC conference high gave low grades for the console conferences and vice versa. Seems like the PC conference actually tapped in fairly well to the PC crowd.


Sony (A-) I want to play pretty much every game and there was a lot of OMG moments like the Resident Evil logo showing up after the VII and Kojima's entrance. Crash made me gasp too, but that didn't pay off and I actually like Skylanders. I love to see games, but I did want to see more of people like Adam Boyes. They honestly help drive the PS culture and that's what PlayStation has going for them right now. Horizon is my game of show and God of War makes me look forward to PSX. Almost perfect.

Microsoft (B) It had games and hardware. I want to play Recore, but the FFXV and Scalebound demos were pretty bad. I'm especially disappointed in Scalebound because it looks like it might be the first Kamiya game I'm not interested in. Forza Horizon 3 looks great and demoed great. Racing games aren't the type of game I get day 1 though. Hardware was enough to drive excitement, but at this point I'd save for a nice PC than a Scorpio. The Xbox hardware identity disappeared. I have an Xb1, but it's in storage, and probably won't come back out since the PC is Xbox now too. The trailer for their controllers were cool. Gears 4 Elite controller is nice and personalized regular ones are cool. Makes me want Sony to copy them here. The no more generations message should change consoles forever and MS is leading this change right now, so this is theoretically huge. Depending on what the Neo is though.

I only watch these and followed the RE7 demo discussion. Really... The RE7 thread monopolized my time some how. This E3 will be remembered as the one when everybody got Family'd.


EA (F): Awful conference, one of the worst conferences they've had in a while. Nothing really new.

Bethesda (A-): Solid conference, a decent chunk of game announcements along with a decent chunk of games to expect out soon.

Microsoft (B+): Decent amount of announcements and games, they have come a long way from their launch.

Ubisoft (C+): Usually I like Ubisoft's conference, but this year they just had a lacking amount of interesting games and announcements./.....and it was way too long.

Sony (B+): Was a bit too short and a weird format, still a lot of good games though.

No score for PC Game Show or Nintendo, didn't watch it.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Sony (A+)...... Best conference. They somehow managed to live up to last year's conference.
MS (C+) Great effort, but terrible content. Hopefully they will diversify the content some more next year. More stuff like Sea of Thieves and less shooters please.
Nintendo (N/A) Didn't watch, this content does not interest me.
Ubisoft (A-) Best Ubisoft conference, and the most fun conference this year. Bring back Aisha.
Bethesda (N/A) Didn't watch, their content does not interest me.
PC (N/A) Didnt watch, this content does not interest me.
EA (F) Worst conference. They essentially spent 99% of the time advertising things no one tuning in was tuning in for. Horrible misunderstanding of the audience and terrible content showcased.


EA (D+)

Nothing especially bad or anything, but their conference had too few games to really justify one. Totally worth it for #WEED3 though.

Bethesda (D+)

Nothing bad either, but not much substance or anything new aside from Elder Scrolls Hype Lady.

Microsoft (C+)

Probably the first decent conference of the bunch. The announcement of the XboxOneS and Project Scorpio were nice, but nothing too mindblowing. We Happy Few and Sea of Thieves were the interesting games of the show. Sucks that Scalebound and Final Fantasy XV (games I'm actually interested in) were not quite shown in a good light here. Also, no really big game announcements here.

Ubisoft (C+)

Aisha Tyler probably did the best job hosting this time. Though I didn't see it live, I appreciate them showcasing some new games like Grow Up and Steep. Still nothing too mindblowing, though.

Sony (C+)

God of War 4 was a nice surprising first reveal. Resident Evil 7 was also a nice surprise. Aside from those games, the big problem here was Sony having some good games (like the ones shown in the ending sizzle reel), but not even caring to showcase them.

Nintendo (B)

Came in expecting Zelda. Came out seeing a promising new take with Breath of the Wild while also seeing some good gameplay from Pokemon Sun/Moon and some of Nintendo's other games on Treehouse live. I'm a little biased, sure, but Zelda is easily the Game of the Show for me. They also made sure to have a few surprises with Ever Oasis and Rhythm Heaven Megamix releasing right then and there.


EA (F): Boring, fake, poorly paced, brought great games in which they made all sound boring, amazing what they did, congrats to all involved.

Bethesda (C+): Cool conference, nothing shocking there and could have been better if they planned the Dishonored 2 blowout better than they did.

MS (B-): Hard for me to score, i loved X360 but have absolutely no interest on Xbox One, still i was really surprised by Forza Horizon for once in my life and Sea of Thieves seemed awesome, We Happy Few also looked really interesting, Recore looked jolly. It had some really lows though, the Minecraft thing, the Scorpio stuff, the fact that they seem to be moving on to selling their games on PC, and Scalebound that, imo, was one of the worst things of all conferences. Still a good show.

PC (N/A): I watched the conference.

Ubisoft (B+): It was a really good conference overall, funny, well paced, showed good games and good gameplays, it didn't have that mind blowing game announcement, but kudos for the show.

Sony (A+): Best conference i've ever watched, the tension with the orchestra, games after games after games and cool surprises, great gameplays, just fantastic.

Nintendo (N/A): I'm a displeased Nintendo fan and WiiU owner that only wants to move forward and see the future with NX to see if i'm done with Nintendo or not. Zelda was really cool though, but no conference, no direct, no grade.


Sony A- (it would have been an A+ if they showed a release date for their games, still a great conference)

MS B- (too many fillers, very few new games & shouldn't have revealed the scorpion at this time by this way, still the 2nd best conference I had)

Bethesda C- (there was nothing for me other than Prey (which looks awesome) and Dishonored 2 gameplay which was a bit disappointing)

Ubisoft C- (South Park looked fun and watch dogs looks like it can be ok at the end, everything else was meh)

Nintendo D+ (Zelda looked great. That's it)

EA D- (Seriously how can you do a conference as boring as this with a decent lineup?)
I missed out on EA so no grade for them.

Bethesda, B- due to them showing some good things. Some to most are all "in-game" footage and the rest are cinematice trailers.

Microsoft, B to a B+ due to them telling us their future and their vision for the future. 2 new hardware announcements to get Xbox only owners happy, footage of their announced games, and customizable controllers. They don't care where you get your games, so long as you are buying their games they are happy.

Ubisoft, B due to them showing some decent footage of their announced games. Wildlands looks good, Steep is looking like the next SSX without the silliness, For Honor was awesome. Best of all, they know how to put on a decent show. They know that some people hate the akwardness and the big names but they also know that the casuals can sometimes eat that shit up. Aisha is a damn fine presenter.

Sony, B+ due to their pacing and their focus on games. They've learned that people care about the games. They have no need to talk about their new hardware besides VR. They showed games, and mind you these were most, if not, all in-game trailers for their new games. They know that many people are already invested in their ecosystem so why not show them what the future looks like? They did and people loved it.

I didn't pay any attention to Nintendo so no grade.


I only watched the first parties, so they're the only ones I can grade but.

Microsoft C: Mostly solid but nothing hugely exciting

Sony B: Great format, totally solid lineup but nothing that really made me sit up and say wow. Year of dreams this is not.

Nintendo: Oh are we including Nintendo? They didn't even have a conference. But whatever Zelda/10.
Stop with the behind the scene studio stuff. No one cares what the studio looks like, just craft a gameplay rich trailer.

Bethesda: C-
Nothing exciting.

Microsoft: C
Announces slim console then it's successor at the end. Could have shown a new exclusive but those don't exist anymore.

Ubisoft: B
Fun and For Honor looks legit.

Sony: A
Great presentation and game announcements. Spider-Man was the highlight.
I didn't see Microsoft's event or the PC show due to being at work at the time.

For the rest:

EA: F - Nothing of note at all, terrible presentation, most of the focus was on a completely random story mode for FIFA, and so many generic developer videos. Complete misfire.

Bethesda: D- - Nothing completely terrible (aside from the plant screaming at everything), but nothing of note. No real exciting announcements, nothing major was shown, and none of the games really looked personally interesting to me.

Ubisoft: F - The bearded guy talking about For Honor was all they had going for them. Aisha Tyler's "comedy" is always cringe-inducing at best, I've already forgotten almost every game they showcased, and the South Park presentation was remarkably tone deaf considering what had happened the previous day.

Sony: D - Wow, what a come down from last year's legendary showcase. Crash is nothing more than a remaster after all of the teasing of a new game, most of the new games barely showcased anything or just didn't look interesting, and the whole thing was pretty lethargic. I give it props for the great trailer for Resident Evil, and Spider-Man should be cool, but that's about it.
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