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[EA-Conf] Dead Space 3 co-op gameplay and trailer [Use new footage thread]

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Nork unification denier
Right, I felt that made zero sense, which is why codecow's comment made it make more sense if we assumed someone was confused and you just pilot a ship at some point in DS3.

Oh no, I see another annoying and gameflow-breaking "asteroid cannon" sequence on the distant horizon.

Re DS3 rumors:
will be sad if this is the last game we see necromorphs and Issac in. They're sort of touchpoints for the series for me. Selectively dismembering human enemies just doesn't have the same je ne sais quoi.


Actually they imply they're
getting rid of Necromorphs altogether here
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwUNQMM7v5Q

It looks like Dead Space 4 will be a very, very different game. :p


Let me rewatch that to make sure it's the one where they give the quote
"And hopefully, if you play your cards right, you can take down the Necromorphs for all time."
I watched a lot of interviews yesterday, but I think this was it.

Edit 2:

Yep, this was it. Given that Ian also says
"and the core thrust of the games" will come to a close, I guess Necromorphs would be included in that.

Interesting, though it makes sense in some way that the
threat does end as we have been following Isaac through this whole ordeal and it has been his story and his dealing with this technology that has to end at some point, one way or another. It does worry me a little that they are going to pull an ME3 with this, also hope they don't kill off Isaac, really bored of protagonists getting killed off at the end of games lately.

Though I could see them
moving away from Necromorphs, unless they adress it there is an origin for all this mess, and we know from the novels how they attain the first marker so there is some planet out there in space somewhere where all this began.

In one way I hope that they
continue the universe but with a different title, Dead Space without, well, dead people and necromorphs isn't really Dead Space. But I would happily take some other games or media in the same universe that follows different people and stories going on.


Regarding Isaac:
EA could use as many recognizable faces in their top games as possible so I don't really see the point in killing Isaac :( Especially not when Isaac is just starting to become such a character after his face being shown so much in DS2. And I personally don't want to see another Raiden spectacle with Carver. That's thin ice :S
There is a new episode of game trailers tv up..showing quite a lot of new footage from the game.


Just watched the episode. Some thoughts:

  • Even though I am not a fan of the co-op, the atmosphere is perfect. HUD-less without names floating above heads. Just how it should be in this type of game.
  • The way this is marketed feels kinda weird to me. They way I see it now is that you either play the entire game solo or the entire game in co-op. At the end of the first segment the player invited the co-op partner into the game. It's not drop-in drop out it seemed, drop in from the next checkpoint is what I could make of it. After the invite the player (supposedly) gets eaten/dies, so the checkpoint restarts, but this time Carver is at your side and there is some additional dialogue and an extra cutscene before the sub-boss. Can you imagine how weird your story is going to be if you play SP for an hour, co-op for an hour, then SP again? Seems that would create some possible weird moments.
    I guess I'll play SP first and then co-op with a friend. Not interchange between them.
  • The unitologist combat was as I expected: somewhat clunky and bulky. You could say the same of Gears of War but to me it stood out. When the Necromorph took over the soldier's body it was just a bullet sponge it seems. I hope the encounters with these "human" enemies are kept to a minimum
  • Snow outfit looked great
  • F*ck Holy sh*t look at that f*cking thing. F***!
  • Even if I wasn't a fan of the universal ammo mechanic, it seems there's enough depth in the handling of your weapons. The player picked up some scrap metal so I'm guessing that's something like an universal upgrade currency. Need to see more to make sure, but the plasma-ripper combo looked great.

Might sound a bit negative, but I'm still skeptical. This demo surprised me though in some positive ways, so I'll keep an eye on it. The co-op still sounds weird to me but I appreciate that the devs try to make something special out of it. I need to accept this is the way the Dead Space franchise is going.

Good luck to the guys at Visceral and I hope GamesCom brings some new footage!


The voice acting is completely out of place. AAHAHA YEAH IM AWESOME LET'S DO THIS BRO AWWW YEEEEEEEAAAA

Shut the fuck up!

Single player looks good, although I'm worried about the cover shooting stuff.


I feel that having universal ammo brings me more chances to not worry about ammo management in an immersion breaking way and lets me focus more on what's happening in the game. So that's definitely a streamlining choice I can get behind (not that I have all the facts about how it will work but still). Collecting ammo is rarely fun and this sounds like it will minimize the risk of distracting me from the atmosphere and story.

Of course, it sucked real bad in ME2 and 3 (not so much in 3 though) but that's mostly because there were no ammo types whatsoever in ME1. So it's not the same thing.


They added rolling, and cover? That seems like such a poor design decision. I've only played the original, and I enjoyed the atmosphere it created to go along with its setting (derelict ship floating in space), this looks like such a departure from that.

It looks derivative.

Monkey Pants

Outpost Games Creative Director
He's wearing his suit with helmet on, so why is he protecting his face from the snow with his hand? :p

A lot of times when we run into stuff like that I use the phrase "It doesn't need to be literally right, but it needs to be emotionally right." It just felt weird that he didn't react and shield himself when the wind/snow picked up, even though yes, it shouldn't matter to him with his helmet up. So we did it.


Was interesting to see how the cutscene changes when Carver is with you. Gotta give Visceral some credit for that. Most developers wouldn't do every cutscene twice.

What I also liked was the chatter between Issac and Carver. Means that you can play the coop without necessarily using a headset. And while Carver doesn't seem very likable, does this at least make him a somewhat interesting character.

What I didn't like so much were the shooting segments. I hope that in the final game those are rather small parts.


He's wearing his suit with helmet on, so why is he protecting his face from the snow with his hand? :p

A lot of times when we run into stuff like that I use the phrase "It doesn't need to be literally right, but it needs to be emotionally right." It just felt weird that he didn't react and shield himself when the wind/snow picked up, even though yes, it shouldn't matter to him with his helmet up. So we did it.
Wouldn't it still hinder his sight if all the snow got stuck on the helmet? :) Better it gets stuck on the hand instead, unless the helmet is so warm that snow instantly melts.


For some reason the image just popped into my head of the Visceral guys going to see Prometheus together and then going out for dinner/drinks.
Universal ammo is fine, managing inventories is definitely not something I enjoy.

i thought universal ammo was fine when i first heard about it being implemented in DX: Invisible War. i argued that it gave the player more choice in what weapons to use and so forth.

then i got the game and played it. the first time i ran out of ammo, was the moment i realised that i hated it. in survival horror titles there is a kind of joy in running out of your shotgun ammo and falling back to your pistol. that moment is a fun, scary, thing that happens.

not being able to just stick to a single gun encourages experimentation with others too.

i don't know how they're handling it exactly, and i'm not going to freak out yet, but universal ammo as previously implemented in other titles is not something that i think would work will with Dead Space 3.

if i pick up some resource and then get to choose what ammo to turn it into, and cannot convert it back afterwards, i am fine with it (as the gun powders in RE3 worked). if it's like Invisible War, it's a terrible idea for a horror game, imho.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
5 million? Welp, that's the end of Dead Space. At least three games came of it.
I must've missed something. 5 million what? Sales?

The first five minutes or so definitely reminds me of John Carpenter's The Thing. Looks like it is more open too. He went into the caves, which looked like they extended further back but decided to go back up the ladder to the tractor so I see where some exploration comes in. I'm also guessing this is still quite unfinished since it seems the gore was really tame in comparison to the previous Dead Space games. Also, when the clip of them fighting the Unitologists, I never saw Clarke or Carver go into cover, so I'm guessing that's currently work in progress as well.

Overall, it really looks good so far.
it is amazing how much the single player looks like normal dead space and the multiplayer looks like casual dudebro mode. i'll still play through the co-op after the single player, but it's stuff like 'turn on that generator' and 'shoot the glowy orange bits!' being yelled back and forth in co-op where as in single player you're left to figure it out for yourself.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Still not understanding how people are getting "OOORAH!!!" out of "Holy fuck, it's still alive!"
I think he's referring to the part when you get to the giant drill where Carver says "AHAHA! Now we're getting somewhere!"


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh of course, that just reeks of dudebro.
It's not, but I'm guessing that's what he was referring to. In truth, anyone in a stressful situation that gets something good accomplished would probably act very similar in real life. It's not like Clarke and Carver are high fiving one another. Besides, doesn't "dudebro" imply they're friends? From the looks of it, the two are working together mutually out of survival. Doesn't sound like Carver cares much for Clarke or his (possible) love interest.

nel e nel

It's not, but I'm guessing that's what he was referring to. In truth, anyone in a stressful situation that gets something good accomplished would probably act very similar in real life. It's not like Clarke and Carver are high fiving one another. Besides, doesn't "dudebro" imply they're friends? From the looks of it, the two are working together mutually out of survival. Doesn't sound like Carver cares much for Clarke or his (possible) love interest.

Yeah, was being tongue in cheek with that last comment. I agree with what you're writing here, if I were in that situation and just took out a giant mutant spider I'd be a bit 'OOORAH!' myself.

If anything, I'm really curious to see how their 'relationship' pans out, because it's clear that Carver knows who Ellie is, and is aware of the whole Unitology-Marker connection. It might be a cool nerd-jock dichotomy going on.
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