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EA staff threaten walkout over lack of statements during Pride Month (Up: cancelled as EA confirm they wont change logo for pride)


What say you GAF? Personally, I find it sad that we live in a world like this.
All of this superficial support stuff is ridiculous, I'm gay and I couldn't care less about a company PR team turning a logo to a rainbow flag. I love that we live in a time where people in general are more supportive or at least less hateful than they were when I was a kid growing up in the 80's. I'm glad younger people now don't have to worry (as much) about being beaten up for being gay at school and that society as a whole seems to be moving in the right direction, at the same time we've gone way overboard with these ridiculous gestures. As long as EA treats their gay employees with the same respect as their straight employees that's all that matters IMO.


Gold Member
This seems like a legitimately good way to approach this. Either you back up your fake performative support with deeds or cut the bullshit. If I'm interpreting it right, the employees are in the right here and all the people in this thread saying goodbye are just as full of it as EA was making their logo rainbow for the month.
People are full of it because they don’t like pride month?


The sad part is that has nothing to do with being gay but we are all lumped into the same group. I have nothing against trans people but I have nothing in common with them, I have no desire to be a different gender yet I'm put into the same category.
I'm straight, and I have no problem with anybody tying their genitals in knots or who they fuck(within reason, come on people), but some of these people, the way they constantly talk about gender, it's like all they think about is fucking/their genitals ALL THE TIME, way more than a person should.
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Good for EA, this shit is retarded.

I just want to play games and I actively avoid games injected with this kind of bullshit. The problem is even games that shouldn't have any sexual references are chock full of them now.

Anyone who walks off their job in the middle of this economy should be homeless. What a fucking braindead group.
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Gold Member

Update: Walkout over hypocrisy called off after leadership says it won't adopt a company-wide rainbow logo for the month​

Well.....they won I guess?

Season 1 Lol GIF by NBC
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Good. I hope they never return after the walk out.

What's with these crazy people? Netflix, Disney, EA , and the list goes on. Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. If you don't like the management polices then fuck off. Nobody is forcing you to stay. Why force your stupid values on the company culture?
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Gender/pronoun roulette and a daily changing alphabetic affiliation is the new religion.

Yeah, why can’t we go back to the times when Christians ruled the country?!

Also the times when gay marriage was illegal….huh.…but I’m sure THAT has no connection.

In all seriousness, as clownish as these employees’ behavior is, people claiming organized religion is automatically better is ridiculous and ignorant. Now I believe plenty of religious people are decent folk who do not discriminate against LGBT, but we can’t just pretend there aren’t a lot of them who didn’t and plenty still do fight against LGBT people having the right to marriage and other rights that straight people take for granted.

I have a cousin who is a lesbian, and after my grandmother found out she refused to acknowledge my cousin, her wife, and their son as “true family”. My mom told me later that she’s sure my grandmother would have acted the same way if any of us had married someone who wasn’t white. And my grandmother on my dad’s side wasn’t much better.

People acting like clowns like this topic article are bad, but no way in hell does it compare to people who are guilty of discrimination. The latter will fight against equality, split families due to their bigotry, and in the most extreme cases end lives due to their extreme views. I’ll gladly take some dumbasses over bitter assholes trying to take away people’s wedding rings and occasionally shoot them.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Wait am I reading this right? It was basically:

Employee: “we should stage a walkout if all they do is make a rainbow company logo and don’t make any more significant statements about pride!”

EA: “we’re not changing the logo”

Employee: “oh…. Ok cancel the walkout”

Almost seems like what they really wanted was to score some virtue signaling points by calling EA out for rainbow-washing, only to be secretly disappointed when the rainbow-washing didn’t occur.


Wait am I reading this right? It was basically:

Employee: “we should stage a walkout if all they do is make a rainbow company logo and don’t make any more significant statements about pride!”

EA: “we’re not changing the logo”

Employee: “oh…. Ok cancel the walkout”

Almost seems like what they really wanted was to score some virtue signaling points by calling EA out for rainbow-washing, only to be secretly disappointed when the rainbow-washing didn’t occur.
Mr Rogers Clown GIF


While I am a leftist and a European which apparently makes me view corporations quite... bad contrary to the average American, this is pure lunacy, people here struggle to get the bare minimum in terms of wages, work hours, and work places yet there are people that have time to whine and protest about things like that, I guess it's so damned important to brag about what we do in our bedrooms nowadays.

And, mind you, I heavily support LGBTQ when they fight against discrimination and for their rights.

I'm the same. I see myself as left and quite liberal, but these guys make me feel like I'm from the American bible belt.



But straight people aren't represented on that flag, so you can't talk about "equal rights", straight people don't have a flag. This isn't about equal rights at all, this is about the FIGHT for equal rights, that's a different thing, fighting to normalize and stop hate.

Everyone deserves to live their life the way they want to unhindered by hate(if they're not breaking the law).

But changing a corporate logo doesn't prove or disprove anything at all, it's just a new level of virtue signaling, which many LBGTQ people don't even appreciate anyway.
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This stuff is getting out of hand. I have no problems with lgbtq but get real with protest like all the time coming up because of them.

The rest of us are starting to boy give a shit anymore
Do it, don't do it, but yeah put some effort if your going to support a cause.
Seems it was cancelled anyway, so nothing's happening at this moment.


CRT at work.

Look at this nonsense. FIRE THESE PEOPLE!!!! Back to xbox online: "You just got fucked up killed you fa**ot."

This is also our chance to be truly intersectional by celebrating the vast array of people and identities that make up the vibrant Xbox LGBTQIA+ global gaming communities. It is more important than ever to recognize that systems of inequity based on gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, class, and other forms of discrimination intersect and ultimately affect us all. The global issues that LGBTQIA+ communities face are interconnected and we must seek to address them together.

Wow, I just noticed that MS is giving money to Mermaids! They're under review.
Here what that horrible organization has done to poor children in the past. That's worse than Cuties with Netflix.
Yeah I heard about this. This stuff is psychotic.


The irony of working for such a shifty and anti consumer company and virtue signaling that there's not enough pride love is fantastic.

If those employees had any backbones on real ethics they would quit working at EA instead, for non lgbtq reasons.

They are happy to price gouge you, nickel and dime you, deceive you through marketing, and sell you broken products knowingly. But it's all cool if they still look good with their little twitter rainbow profile pics.

Absurd lol


Gold Member
by Kate Rayner, Vice President, Technical Director at The Coalition and Member of Team Xbox LGBTQIA+
Leave it to video game employees to bring politics to their workplace. I was thinking the Xbox article would be from some canned PR release by the company.

One of the few industries, where a product cant just be a product like everything else on the shelf.

And they wonder why gamers can give harsh lashbacks. Just stick to making fun, unbiased neutral games. Leave all the political pandering at home.
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Gender/pronoun roulette and a daily changing alphabetic affiliation is the new religion.
It's so obvious this woke stuff is the new religion for people. There's no way it gets this powerful and completely takes over so many facets of American society otherwise. Politics, arts, the justice system, education, the military - everything is under assault.

The thing about right-wingers is they don't make politics their religion. They have religion for that. Lefties think they don't need religion and have outgrown it, but they're basically no different to 5000-year-old hebrews worshipping false idols. It's pretty ironic.

Even back then people knew, human beings have to worship something so you better be careful what you worship. I honestly worry for any society that adopts this bullshit as their religion as western countries are doing now. It's like the worst aspects of ego-driven self-obsession mixed with extremely dangerous collectivist tribal thinking. You could hardly think of a worse combination. If you think that's better than Judeo-Christian values, which created the most peaceful and prosperous societies the world has ever known, you might be an idiot.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Its the same stuff over and over, ideological extremists being treated in the media as representative/champions of popular sentiment. An endless feedback-loop to signal boost ideological rhetoric.

They are detached from reality.

Gotta be honest, the DICE quote kinda pissed me off because its a company built on selling and glorifying war and combat. They do not have any sort of high ground to morally grandstand from.
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"My stances are worthless, unless they are backed by corporations and strangers on the internet."
This perpetual need to get one's inclinations/choices/opinions not only amplified through social media, but also, and especially validated by governments and firms alike, shows how infantile and insecure the western world has become.
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Gold Member
"My stances are worthless, unless they are backed by corporations and strangers on the internet."
This perpetual need to get one's inclinations/choices/opinions not only amplified through social media, but also, and especially validated by governments and firms alike, shows how infantile and insecure the western world has become.
That's weird people for ya. Down and outers looking for attention.

No doubt at work they are the ones manager's secretly classify as needy. Always got to tell them they are doing a good job with pats on the back. And if a boss doesn't, they feel like shit.

They desperately need positive reinforcement and confirmation they're a swell person from the masses or bosses to feel secure.
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