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Eidos Life President: "Nintendo should have their IP on every platform"


Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Since you love Nintendo first party, it's probably going to be hard to resist a Wii U once they show some of their key titles....I mean just "X" alone sold many to buy a Wii U and that is not even a Nintendo's mainline first party title. Nintendo is also way too stubborn to get out of the console business and they really don't have a good reason yet when it's only 7 months since Wii U came out without key first party support. It's amazing what a first party exclusive can do, I know it is probably a given that many people are buying the 7 year old PS3 just to play The Last of Us. Mario Kart for the Wii U will do similar things but to a wider audience.

Oh I'm sure sales will pick up when they have more games out.

I'll resist for sure though as I'm determined to only buy one console next gen, and I'm fine just playing the Nintendo franchises on the 3DS I already own.
It's not so much that Nintendo is too stubborn to change their business operations, it's that the alternative proposed by many is incredibly volatile and very risky while also significantly limiting their sources of revenue. It will require a complete restructure of their company and a completely different focus and goal. A monumental shift like that would probably need extraordinary circumstances to justify it, and currently Nintendo is not in a position that would justify said shift.


Apparently he doesn't work with kids because every kid I work with at my daycare has or wants a 3DS. I don't think they're skipping any generations.


If Nintendo wanted to put their titles on every platform, they'd go 3rd party. They have hardware that they want to sell and spreading their games on all the platforms would greatly diminish the success of that endeavor. So no, they shouldn't have their IP on every platform.

The Hermit

That was the take of industry veteran Ian Livingstone as he opened proceedings at Bristol Games Hub, a non-profit organisation designed to offer space for developers and academics in the South West of England.

Livingstone – life president of Eidos, and best known for his work on the Fighting Fantasy interactive book series – used his speech at the event both to offer guidance for developers just starting out, and to give advice to one of the industry's biggest players.

IP is king

"Nintendo should have their IP on every platform," said Livingstone, arguing that strengthening IP should take precedence over the health of the publisher's platforms.

"Otherwise a whole generation of young people will miss out on their games."


That's the point, you can only play those games on their system or they will cease to exist.
The day Nintendo stop making hardware its very likely they will stop making software too, or make very shitty versions of them (i. e. Sega)

I hope if Nintendo ever drops hardware,they go PC exclusive.

As a PC gamer, this would be amazing, but totally unrealistic.

Funny hearing about this preach of Nintendo must/will/should go 3rd party, when MS is the one closer to the way out.


Why do these figure heads always have to stuff their foot in their mouths? Talk about disrespect. He makes SE and Eidos look bad.
If Xbone is the model for future consoles, then please Nintendo, don't stop making them. Let the rest of the industry go fuck itself.
If you want a Nintendo IP, then get a Nintendo console. You don't want a Nintendo console? Then tough luck. No Nintendo IP for you. It's that fucking simple.


After the Wii U, that might be even likely in the future. Really, nintendo should focus on publishing and handhelds.

Hunter S.

Why do these figure heads always have to stuff their foot in their mouths? Talk about disrespect. He makes SE and Eidos look bad.

How???? Most of Nintendo's IPs would be great on mobile, and they could have them on PC, PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4 and sell tons more.. It would reach a larger audience and games could be cheaper.
How???? Most of Nintendo's IPs would be great on mobile, and they could have them on PC, PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4 and sell tons more.. It would reach a larger audience and games could be cheaper.

You don't understand how Nintendo makes their games. It's called optimization. They can do this because they understand their own hardware. That is why Nintendo's first party games are almost always polished and not some crappy bug-laden half-ass effort like every other port out there.

Hunter S.

You don't understand how Nintendo makes their games. It's called optimization. They can do this because they understand their own hardware. That is why Nintendo's first party games are almost always polished and not some crappy bug-laden half-ass effort like every other port out there.

So your saying Nintendo cannot learn to do new things? I see.
ITT: I want a whopper from McDonald's. If McDonald's has so many more locations than Burger King, why doesn't BK just sell the whopper at McDonald's?


I love the "Nintendo should sell Pokemon X and Y on the iOS" argument. Like it's more profitable for them to sell a game that couldn't even run on the iphone, lose 30% of the sale and not sell a $170 or $200 console with it which in turn would sell additional games for them.

Pokemon X/Y with 3DS Console plus New Super Mario Bros = $250 or $280(XL) - the difference in retail price and the wholesale price the store paid

Pokemon X/Y on another company's device = 40$ - 30% = 28$

Also account for future game sales of things like Animal Crossing or My Horse Petter 3D and it becomes apparent that selling 3DS games on iOS would be a terrible decision and would ruin tons of future potential revenue.

Did you even read his reasoning? If this happens the games still exist obviously. Kind of just an emotional spew here.

I read through the whole thread and of course the Eidos guy's reasoning. My post wasn't about games not existing, it was me saying that the average person who buys Nintendo consoles don't care about 3rd party games at all. They just want a box that plays the new Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games and that's all they need to focus on. I've heard of a lot of people who went out and bought a Wii only for Wii Sports and New Super Mario Bros. Truth is most Nintendo product owners dont give a shit about Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge, or Splinter Cell.

The whole "no 3rd party support will kill/bankrupt Nintendo" argument has been going since I bought a Gamecube and it has always been as crappy an argument as "PC will kill the consoles" which I have heard forever.

Nintendo will have amazing releases every 6 months or so that revitalize the console and that's all it has to be. It was like that with Gameboy Color, Advance, Gamecube, Wii, DS, 3DS and will be the same with Wii U. No one rushed out to buy a Gameboy Advance for a Rocket Power, Spongebob, or Spiderman 2 game, it was all Pokemon and Mario.
How???? Most of Nintendo's IPs would be great on mobile, and they could have them on PC, PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4 and sell tons more.. It would reach a larger audience and games could be cheaper.

Mobile gaming is shit. I've had a smart phone for a year now and played a grand total of four games before I gave up on it. I work with a dude who does nothing but game and even he won't play mobile games. It's dominated by middle age women playing bejeweled and whatever "with friends" word game is popular that month, and people taking dumps or sitting in waiting rooms. The touch input on phones is so small and imprecise that you can't have any other type of game be enjoyable to play.


If Xbone is the model for future consoles, then please Nintendo, don't stop making them. Let the rest of the industry go fuck itself.

this, people who say they love zelda/mario/pokemon yet wont even buy a Nintendo console to play them are talking outta their ass. Its more like they just love the idea of Nintendo losing this so called "console war" so they can just go on about how Nintendo is failing they don't even have exclusive anymore.. They love the idea of being able to play Nintendo games on their console, but don't be mistaking u dont love/appericate their franchise at all.

nothing stopping you from picking up a Wii U when it gets cheaper and the games get cheaper

Hunter S.

I read through the whole thread and of course the Eidos guy's reasoning. My post wasn't about games not existing, it was me saying that the average person who buys Nintendo consoles don't care about 3rd party games at all. They just want a box that plays the new Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games and that's all they need to focus on. I've heard of a lot of people who went out and bought a Wii only for Wii Sports and New Super Mario Bros. Truth is most Nintendo product owners dont give a shit about Tomb Raider, Prince of Persia, Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge, or Splinter Cell.

The whole "no 3rd party support will kill/bankrupt Nintendo" argument has been going since I bought a Gamecube and it has always been as crappy an argument as "PC will kill the consoles" which I have heard forever.

Nintendo will have amazing releases every 6 months or so that revitalize the console and that's all it has to be. It was like that with Gameboy Color, Advance, Gamecube, Wii, DS, 3DS and will be the same with Wii U. No one rushed out to buy a Gameboy Advance for a Rocket Power, Spongebob, or Spiderman 2 game, it was all Pokemon and Mario.

I do not think this is about third parties and what the biggest Nintendo fans like. I think he is saying the younger generations are consuming things from phones and tablets and many other platforms in higher numbers. There are more people that buy Nintendo devices other than long time huge Nintendo fans. A lot, lot more. It seems the guy thinks thatt most children outside of Japan will be on a lot more gaming platforms than just Nintendo platforms. I tend to agree. With such a strong software line up they would reach the masses instead of a much smaller audience. He mostly focuses on children and I just do not see as many children playing the Wii U as the Wii. Or playing the 3DS as the DS. The only market Nintendo is holding strong in is Japan and that is a very small minority of the potential audience they could have if they moved it to other platforms.
How???? Most of Nintendo's IPs would be great on mobile, and they could have them on PC, PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4 and sell tons more.. It would reach a larger audience and games could be cheaper.

Don't you think they know this? If Nintendo decided to port some Mario game onto iOS it would easily sell and make tons of money. It's more of Nintendo sticking to their own guns and believing in their hardware then anything else.


How???? Most of Nintendo's IPs would be great on mobile, and they could have them on PC, PS3, 360, Xbone, and PS4 and sell tons more.. It would reach a larger audience and games could be cheaper.

What about other family friendly/casual games in the same vein as Nintendo's titles that don't do very well on these platforms? Why would Nintendo's franchises fare any better?
Indie Devs (like Wayforward and Shin'en) are already doing great on the Wii U, the eShop is probably going to help with 3rd Party support, while the big mainline 3rd party games will still come to the Wii U (Watch Dogs, COD, Splinter Cell, Assassin's Creed) in port form without developers loosing too much money (if any) in the process.

I know, I was just poking fun at the oft heard 3rd party reason for not developing on a Nintendo console - they just can't compete with Nintendo games (usually gussied up into a more palatable, "Nintendo games are just too good").
If Nintendo went third-party, the industry would literally crash. They were responsible for 250 million pieces of sold hardware the previous gen and responsible for much of gaming's growth. Not to mention how many third-parties would go bankrupt trying to keep up with Nintendo games on every platform.

The Hermit

I do not think this is about third parties and what the biggest Nintendo fans like. I think he is saying the younger generations are consuming things from phones and tablets and many other platforms in higher numbers. There are more people that buy Nintendo devices other than long time huge Nintendo fans. A lot, lot more. It seems the guy thinks thatt most children outside of Japan will be on a lot more gaming platforms than just Nintendo platforms. I tend to agree. With such a strong software line up they would reach the masses instead of a much smaller audience. He mostly focuses on children and I just do not see as many children playing the Wii U as the Wii. Or playing the 3DS as the DS. The only market Nintendo is holding strong in is Japan and that is a very small minority of the potential audience they could have if they moved it to other platforms.

You could say that to all companies though.

Hunter S.

Thats a lame way to distort the meaning.

Yeah, but it is essentially what he said. I believe developers learn to work with new stuff all the time.

I heard that it worked out well for Sonic after the Dreamcast went down and they went multiplat. /s
Sega never had the capital to stay a success Nintendo has, they also did not have the same massive amounts of IPs. It is a huge difference.

It is a poor argument to say two similar things that try the same method will fail. History does not always repeat itself.


The Eidos guy is dead right.

My 4 year old nephew has his own iPod touch. He is growing up in a world where Nintendo has been marginalized, and he won't have the same nostalgic connection that I have with the company when he's older.

Hunter S.

You could say that to all companies though.

No one ever said this about Sony and Microsoft from what I have seen. This claim is only made about Nintendo due to their very large amounts of first party IPs. Probably a lot more reasons I am not aware of of course.


Since Mario Kart Wii sold over 34 million and New Super Mario Bros Wii sold over 27 million I don't think Nintendo are all too concerned about spreading their games to other platforms. Even if the WiiU doesn't sell great, there are a lot of Wii's and Nintendo games floating around out there and that doesn't just disappear.


Pointless to argue but I could see Nintendo partnering with Sony like they attempted to do with the SNES CD but going full out multiplatform would just dilute their brand. Nintendo has tons of cash reserves so as long as they keep up with the portable market or get to the point graphically where the portable is beaming content to the TV they'll be fine.
The Eidos guy is dead right.

My 4 year old nephew has his own iPod touch. He is growing up in a world where Nintendo has been marginalized, and he won't have the same nostalgic connection that I have with the company when he's older.

4 year olds have iPods now? Man how times have changed. My parents would have never gotten me a Walkman or CD player at age 4.
A third party Nintendo who makes games for other platforms, would not be the Nintendo you claim to love today. There is a luxury in making money off of hardware (eventually) and paying no royalties that afford Nintendo to operate in the way it does creatively. The amount of money Nintendo earns from a $40 5 million seller hit on 3DS is more than a third party publisher with similar success on consoles at $60 (obviously budgets are the main factor, but Nintendo is very lean and efficient). Lets not even talk about the mobile market and how fickle that marketplace and attention span is where prices are a race to the bottom and 30% royalties are the norm. The games and experiences Nintendo would have to design to hit a price point most people are willing to pay on those platforms is not something you will expect or enjoy. There is no guarantee of success either in such a crowded market filled with so much shit and the occasional gem. The brand equity that Nintendo has built with its IPs over the course of decades would be destroyed in a manner of years as people pay 5 dollars for a game they play twice and never touch again as they have a million other distractions available to them on their phone alone. That is not the audience or fan base that follows you loyally and will be there day 1, 10 years from now as so many are for the experiecnes they love.

TLDR: Its not a simple transition. To go third party means to fundamentally change as a company.

Boss Man

Not going to lie, it would be nice to have had an HD Zelda game seven years ago. Would be cool for a lot more of their IPs to get out too, instead of only seeing a few of them each generation.

But for Nintendo, I think it makes more sense in the long run to do things how they're doing them. There will always be a space for Nintendo to sell a 'gimmick' (hate the word) console that's the only place you can play Nintendo games. Also, even though some of their IPs are very recognizable and powerful, they would lose a lot of that if they were in the vast sea of games that exist on other platforms.

There's a chance the Wii U will fail. Zelda is extremely popular.
Yeah not nearly as much as you think apparently. Did SS even hit 5 million? It's not Call of Duty, it's not Gran Turismo, it's not Halo.


4 year olds have iPods now? Man how times have changed. My parents would have never gotten me a Walkman or CD player at age 4.

Yep. They even sell kid friendly cases for them. It's fascinating watching him use it. He knows how to record video, type his name(he was very proud of that), and draws pictures on it. Sonic racing is his favorite game.
Sega never had the capital to stay a success Nintendo has, they also did not have the same massive amounts of IPs. It is a huge difference.

I thought one of the main reasons why Sega went software only is so that they can focus their resources on creating games. And the fact that they have just Sonic to work on during the porting should have made the ports retain top-tier quality. That was not the case. Ports were shitty, simply because Sega had to distribute their resources on creating the game on different platforms.

We're talking about quality here. Nintendo can port their IPs on other platforms. But it will suffer in quality. This is true on most ports. Why would any video game fan want that to happen to iconic franchises like Nintendo's?


It's funny to see that this statement "Nintendo should have their IP on every platform" comes from employees of struggling companies these times : first, the guy from EA Sports, then this guy from Eidos...

Just noticing it...

Otherwise, no. I don't agree with this statement. It's like they all forget that hardware is another way of earning money for Nintendo (when handled right, 3DS is since mid-2012 after the price cut, Wii and DS were from day 1...).
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