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Eurogamer: Nintendo Wins E3 On Its Own Terms


The "who won E3" conversation kinda bores me, especially since I think all three of the major players had some cool stuff. But their showing certainly upped my confidence in the WiiU. Not in a "MAN THIS IS GOING TO SELL!" kinda way. But I know that I'll be getting some cool shit as long as I have it.


They have a lot of content that would resonate with a lot of people. What they need to improve is their marketing. Most of my friends are casuals or non-gamers and if it weren't for me they wouldn't even know the WiiU exists.


This is, without a doubt, the best Nintendo E3 in a long time. Maybe not in sheer quantity of announcements, but certainly in terms of quality (almost everything they showed look great) and pure presence.

They dominated the internet coverage in a way their competitors never even considered - even though it's obvious that this is how it should have been done in retrospect - and they had a calm confidence in their product that was reassuring.

And while this week's showing may not "save the Wii U" or whatever, they certainly strengthened their long-term position and staved off sense that they were a dead-man-walking.

If anything, they look more in-touch with where gaming's going than the samey depressing violence-ridden "mature" 13-25 year old male audience focus-tested crap that was being shown by everybody else.


People who are interested in videogames, but without any particularly strong feelings for Nintendo won't follow them for three days for midtier announcements. Hence they need to be in the main event, crap like Palutena in Smash can go into the treehouse instead. People will give them the same time as for MS/Sony, which is the main ,,conference''. That's especially important for outlets outside he US. Most I've seen already gave their judgement straight after the conferences, because they can't attend E3 themselves anyway. I guess something like Starfox will be recognized anyway, Fantasy Life localisation or Devil's Third won't. And for no proper reason anyway, the strategy was idiotic.

Ignoring that the Nintendo steams outnumbered the offical e3 streams on both the Twitch and YouTube in viewers and stayed relevant for much longer.

So I guess by your logic, more Nintendo fans watched on twitch and YouTube compared to Sony AND MS fans combined for E3?

But please continue with your narrative that a conference would have done more, when the numbers don't even add up.
The bar I set for Nintendo and Microsoft was: Did they broaden their appeal?

I felt the answer was no, they did not do what they needed to do to help close the gap with Sony. Meanwhile, I felt Sony had must have games, variety and just a solid showing all around. I think they win by default. They will continue to be the sales leader.


You are free to reason however you like. But this is like me saying Nintendo won E3 in 2013 because there was no game in Sony's conference that appealed to me. It's like okay, this is my choice. Feels kind of arbitrary and pointless to use this approach though, Nintendo always wins E3 if we go by this metric.

Obviously the most fair assessment last year was that it was Sony's year. This year is not a complete domination like that but I think Nintendo laying down the foundation and setting themselves up for a comeback next gen in this new image, while Sony/MS had tame conferences with little actual gameplay, should award them a win.

This is just utter nonsense. All three conferences had plenty of actual gameplay segments. All three also had many non- actual gameplay segments..yes Nintendo included. So no Nintendo didn't stand out any different than the other two in that regard.

Setting down a foundation after your own failings isn't a plus, it's an expectation. And I'm still not sure what this foundation was either? You think they set a nice foundation for the wiiu? With what exactly? In which context are you saying foundation? Future sales? Sorry outside of Zelda I don't see any game that would aid in a 'comeback' for them. Amiiboo would definitely make them some money tho, smart business move.

ps: 'imo' the who won E3 argument boils down to two things. 1. Who was talked about the most by the media/gamers etc coming out of E3 2. Impact on future sales


I'm more convinced to buy a PS4 to be honest. I'm not sure anyone "won" E3 this year. I suppose I'm just more interested in Sony's IP's. That said, Zelda looks great and I'll probably get a WiiU next year to play it.



You said Sony did bite sized videos on Youtube, which you think are better than a livestream, and acted as if Nintendo only had their livestream. But Nintendo did both. They did what Sony did, plus 20 hours of freakin' streaming, that's why those articles are complimenting Nintendo and not Sony.

Sony did the same too >_> They actually have been doing it for years now

Maybe they need to market it more because I have seen quite a few Nintendo fans claim otherwise


Sony did the same too >_> They actually have been doing it for years now

Maybe they need to market it more because I have seen quite a few Nintendo fans claim otherwise

Sony showed 40+ mins of uninterrupted gameplay with dev commentary? Of multiple games? For 20 hours?

showmetherecipts.gif, SonyToo also doesn't apply to positive things without proof.


There was more things of interest in those 8 seconds than entire E3 playthroughs.

Disagreed, we got more info and gameplay on every other nintendo game, I could pick any other nintendo game there and it would be more interesting than Zelda. I really believe they should not have bothered to show it on the digital event.


i've said it before, but the idea that a company 'wins' e3 is funny to me. people act like these companies are in an rpg and conferences have announcements that act as limit breaks and cause massive damage. i think it's rare that a company will do something so big that it blunts momentum for another platform holder or seriously creates some for themeselves. i think only the wii in 2006 and ps4 in 2013 had this effect, and i mean across e3's 20 year history.

that said, i had speculated their digital event could have more production value than a nintendo direct, and they could do more with a pre-recorded format than a press conference. so imagine my total lack of surprise at the robot chicken segment followed by an extended fight scene between the president of noa and the president of ncl. it's boring being right all the time about everything.

that's not to say that i think microsoft will do the same thing next year, or sony will trade in their bloated 2 hour epics for a more streamlined presentation either, but i think it proved that it was a viable alternative, and i think it's also only going to improve as time goes on.

what i hadn't expected was the success of treehouse live. i thought it was definitely a neat thing, depending on what they had to show, to give people insight on demos of games on the show floor. but shit, they went ahead and showed off games that weren't there (xenoblade, codename steam, devil's third). it was like being at some sort of secret e3, or maybe as press (i don't know if those games were playable behind closed doors). given this success, i don't see any reason why microsoft or sony wouldn't try and do the same thing next year. i know sony already did the same thing, but they will at least try and give it a lot more promotion next year, and spend more time upping the presentation aspect of it.

finally, the smash invitational was something i thought was the most superfluous and least interesting of the entire event. it's still the least exciting part of the week, but it further helped reshape the convention as something that was meant for press and big big companies into something for video game fans. a lot of people in the audience were probably there because they were already attending e3, but opening the doors to everyone who could attend was pretty symbolic of nintendo's approach this year.

so to close this out, nintendo didn't save the wii u with their game announcements. for me, captain toad, splatoon, and zelda all look wonderful, but i don't think those games will reverse the platform's fortunes any more than sony and microsoft convinced me i need to buy their $300+ hardware. however i believe they might have changed e3, and for the better.


Sony showed 40+ mins of uninterrupted gameplay with dev commentary? Of multiple games? For 20 hours?


It doesn't have to be the same format. Sony usually does 15-20min segments for games. Sitting down with devs showcasing gameplay demos is something they have been doing via the PSBlog for years now. In a previous thread this argument popped up and I showed another Nintendo fan the link to go watch the stream too which I believe went until Thursday evening.


Last time I checked the stream out we had a Diablo dev talking in depth of character choices and gameplay changes...and also why he loves certain classes above others.
And while this week's showing may not "save the Wii U" or whatever, they certainly strengthened their long-term position and staved off sense that they were a dead-man-walking.

You know how Nintendo could have strengthened its long term position by getting the Wii U down to an acceptable price and maybe getting some third party support. No they did none of that. What they did prove is that Nintendo is still the best at making first party software. They will always be good on the software side because they make really good games.

If anything, they look more in-touch with where gaming's going than the samey depressing violence-ridden "mature" 13-25 year old male audience focus-tested crap that was being shown by everybody else.

Now this is completely false both the Xbox One and PS4 have very diverse line ups of games even more diverse then the Wii U because well they have third party support where as the Wii U does not.
The console wars bullshit is so annoying. IMO as a gamer, all 3 had an excellent e3 but IMO Nintendo had the best presentation and games. I know some people preferred Sony's and Microsofts offerings and I can see why. People have different opinions and another persons taste in video games isn't worth arguing over.


If anything, they look more in-touch with where gaming's going than the samey depressing violence-ridden "mature" 13-25 year old male audience focus-tested crap that was being shown by everybody else.

Can you elaborate on this?

To me it seems that Nintendo showed new, potentially good games but all are after the same demographic that they've failed to excite for the past year


People who are interested in videogames, but without any particularly strong feelings for Nintendo won't follow them for three days for midtier announcements. Hence they need to be in the main event, crap like Palutena in Smash can go into the treehouse instead. People will give them the same time as for MS/Sony, which is the main ,,conference''. That's especially important for outlets outside he US. Most I've seen already gave their judgement straight after the conferences, because they can't attend E3 themselves anyway. I guess something like Starfox will be recognized anyway, Fantasy Life localisation or Devil's Third won't. And for no proper reason anyway, the strategy was idiotic.

There's almost 700,000 views of Nintendo's Digital Event on Nintendo's youtube channel (47 minutes)vs. 100,000 views of Sony's E3 conference on the Playstation's youtube channel (1 hour, 50 minutes).

If your argument that the conferences are able to reach more casual viewers, then Sony need to do a better job of tightening it up since few people outside of hardcore gaming is going to watch nearly two hours of a press event.


You know how Nintendo could have strengthened its long term position by getting the Wii U down to an acceptable price and maybe getting some third party support. No they did none of that. What they did prove is that Nintendo is still the best at making first party software. They will always be good on the software side because they make really good games.
What is an acceptable price for the WiiU? It's $200 on Nintendo's website (brand new even though it says "refurbished) and comes with a game. Hell I could trade in a PS3 or 360 at GameStop for $150 last week (maybe still can; not sure) and you know that GameStop isn't going to lose money selling the systems for less than they bought them for. Just because you don't think the price is acceptable doesn't mean the price isn't reasonable.

As for third party support, it has some. Maybe not the kind that you want, but it has Bayonetta 2 (exclusive), Devil's Third (exclusive), Call of Duty (hasn't been announced yet, but the other ones all were on Nintendo systems), etc.


Now this is completely false both the Xbox One and PS4 have very diverse line ups of games even more diverse then the Wii U because well they have third party support where as the Wii U does not.

sony's got a lot of content on their platforms, but they spent a lot of time at their conference talking about shooters and dark games and then closed it out with a depressing voice over between nathan drake and old nathan drake as nathan drake wanders into a forest. i found it drab and boring. the presentation could have been half as long and twice as good. by focusing attention on everything, i didn't get the impression that they had a lot of stuff, but that they lacked confidence in what to showcase. sony bothered to mention suda 51 by name, and that he was making an exclusive game, and even that announcement got lost in the fold of other dark and violent games.

if they had kept one major announcement per platform, and if they didn't pretend like the ps3 and ps vita didn't exist, i think i would have come away feeling a lot more positive about sony's direction at least. as of now i got the feeling that they don't really care about making or promoting the sort of games that i like, even though persona 5 is on the way, even though they're making oreshika themselves, even though final fantasy type-0 hd was announced during e3.


There's almost 700,000 views of Nintendo's Digital Event on Nintendo's youtube channel (47 minutes)vs. 100,000 views of Sony's E3 conference on the Playstation's youtube channel (1 hour, 50 minutes).

If your argument that the conferences are able to reach more casual viewers, then Sony need to do a better job of tightening it up since few people outside of hardcore gaming is going to watch nearly two hours of a press event.

You do realize that the Sony event was shown on IGN/GT/Twitch etc + movie theaters around the country right?

For example the IGN stream was watched by around 250k+


Now this is completely false both the Xbox One and PS4 have very diverse line ups of games even more diverse then the Wii U because well they have third party support where as the Wii U does not.

I don't really care for list wars, but when the emphasized third-party output is the same annualized (or soon-to-be annualized) FPS/open-world shooter "this is what gamers want right?"-pandering stuff, then I can't say I really care about their absence on Nintendo consoles .

And for the games shown that were outside of that generalization, nothing really clicked for me. Maybe some of them would have clicked if the other companies put on a show like Treehouse to convince me, but for once, Nintendo was ahead and Sony/MS/Ubi/EA were behind, so they lost an opportunity to make a sale. They certainly didn't make a sale during their press conferences, especially Sony which went out to cater themselves to a very specific gamer-audience (MS less so).

I realize that puts me in the minority, but after Sony, MS, and Ubisoft's conferences, I kind of feel like I'm done with their vision of gaming for a while. And I say this as a PS4 owner (and maybe an Xbox One owner someday).

My preferences are rapidly falling out of alignment with the mainstream AAA community; and anecdotally, they may be more along the lines of where the rest of the industry is headed. It's a hunch, but that alone makes Nintendo relevant again.


sony's got a lot of content on their platforms, but they spent a lot of time at their conference talking about shooters and dark games and then closed it out with a depressing voice over between nathan drake and old nathan drake as nathan drake wanders into a forest. i found it drab and boring. the presentation could have been half as long and twice as good. by focusing attention on everything, i didn't get the impression that they had a lot of stuff, but that they lacked confidence in what to showcase. sony bothered to mention suda 51 by name, and that he was making an exclusive game, and even that announcement got lost in the fold of other dark and violent games.

if they had kept one major announcement per platform, and if they didn't pretend like the ps3 and ps vita didn't exist, i think i would have come away feeling a lot more positive about sony's direction at least. as of now i got the feeling that they don't really care about making or promoting the sort of games that i like, even though persona 5 is on the way, even though they're making oreshika themselves, even though final fantasy type-0 hd was announced during e3.

Don't forget they also spent 10 minutes bringing Brian Michael Bendis talking about Powers and their TV initiative.

Sony had an okay conference but it was clear that they could have cut half of their show and made it a lot tighter for everyone's benefit.

I mean, are people really okay with 2+ hour conferences?


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
There's almost 700,000 views of Nintendo's Digital Event on Nintendo's youtube channel (47 minutes)vs. 100,000 views of Sony's E3 conference on the Playstation's youtube channel (1 hour, 50 minutes).

If your argument that the conferences are able to reach more casual viewers, then Sony need to do a better job of tightening it up since few people outside of hardcore gaming is going to watch nearly two hours of a press event.

To be honest, you should add also the amount of views on IGN, Gamespot YouTube channels. On IGN, Nintendo DE has around 30,000 views, while Sony Conference has around 200,000. On Gamespot, Nintendo DE has almost 100,000 views, while Sony has around 200,000 as well.

Tomorrow could be a good way for starting seeing how many views each conference received, on YouTube at least.

P.S. Nintendo DE was already at 700,000 hours ago; amount of views isn't always updated in search pages.
I know this isnt an accurate way to gauge interest but after E3 on almost every board i frequent the topic discussing Nintendo's E3 was the smallest by far. The MS and Sony threads were full of discussion while the Nintendo thread was almost dead.


Considering I was debating whether to pick up an XBone, PS4 or Wii U and I'm now unboxing a Wii U and still feel 'meh' about the other two... yeah, Nintendo "won" this E3. Loved the Treehouse and the Smash tournament was incredible. The digital event was great too, but it would still be cool with a conference to get audience reactions on moments like the Zelda reveal.


You do realize that the Sony event was shown on IGN/GT/Twitch etc + movie theaters around the country right?

For example the IGN stream was watched by around 250k+

You do realize that IGN, et al also streamed Nintendo's digital event around the country and world right? They both had the benefit of being streamed by the major players at the same time. The only difference are the movie theater experience, which I haven't gone and checked the gaf thread for it, and I haven't seen an article on Sony saying how successful it was.

Again, though. We're talking about the casual gamer or user who aren't going to see something live. If we take that as face value, Nintendo has the upper hand in this case. Or do you think loads of people who are only casually into games watch almost two hours of Sony's conference on Monday?


I think Nintendo did it better than last year, but still is way behind of the other two and still will need to continue improving. And well, I think the games announced are welcome but won't push hard WiiU sales as it's needed.

Bayo 1 is a masterpiece but a lot of us played it while ago, Zelda and Star Fox are great announcements but its release seem to be quite far away, and new IPs are great news from Nintendo but one is another spin-off with Mario characters and the other doesn't seem comparable to others announced by the competition like Bloodborne or Scalebound.

Regarding 3rd party stuff like Devil's Third or Xenoblades Chronicles may be ok but it's hard to compare it to blockbusters like Baman, FarCry4, AC4, Battlefield, Witcher, GTAV, The Division, MGSV, Destiny, Evolve, etc.

I think they did a good and solid E3 like the others, and that they did improve compared to previous years. I think this year is hard to find a 'winner' since there isn't a clear one, but of I had to choose one it wouldn't be Nintendo.


I know this isnt an accurate way to gauge interest but after E3 on almost every board i frequent the topic discussing Nintendo's E3 was the smallest by far. The MS and Sony threads were full of discussion while the Nintendo thread was almost dead.
Do you frequent just Sony and MS boards?


You do realize that IGN, et al also streamed Nintendo's digital event around the country and world right? They both had the benefit of being streamed by the major players at the same time. The only difference are the movie theater experience, which I haven't gone and checked the gaf thread for it, and I haven't seen an article on Sony saying how successful it was.

Again, though. We're talking about the casual gamer or user who aren't going to see something live. If we take that as face value, Nintendo has the upper hand in this case. Or do you think loads of people who are only casually into games watch almost two hours of Sony's conference on Monday?

I don't even have to do it as someone above me has done it but those stream options weren't used by the nintendo faithful as much given the numbers we have. It's not even that comparable.

Wait you want a separate article from Sony to tell you how one of their methods to show the event was a success? LOL Unless they were asked about it they won't make a statement on something as trivial. It was a success almost every location it was showed if I'm not mistaken going by the gaffers who attended. My location was filled out and also had a long wait list outside waiting as well.

no casual gamers will just watch the trailers of games that interest them. Which would be available to them everywhere. The conference is mainly for the core gamers, media outlets, publishers, and retailers.

Casuals don't even know what a wiiu is let alone a digital event.
What is an acceptable price for the WiiU? It's $200 on Nintendo's website (brand new even though it says "refurbished) and comes with a game. Hell I could trade in a PS3 or 360 at GameStop for $150 last week (maybe still can; not sure) and you know that GameStop isn't going to lose money selling the systems for less than they bought them for. Just because you don't think the price is acceptable doesn't mean the price isn't reasonable.

Ask yourself this question Is the console selling at its current price? It is not my opinion when the PS4 and Xbox One both launch $100 and $200 more and have surpassed the Wii U's lifetime to date sales or are closing in on it despite launching a year after the Wii U.

As for third party support, it has some. Maybe not the kind that you want, but it has Bayonetta 2 (exclusive), Devil's Third (exclusive), Call of Duty (hasn't been announced yet, but the other ones all were on Nintendo systems), etc.

This is sad neither Bayonetta 2 nor Devil's third are third party games when they are being published and or funded by Nintendo. Also like you said Call of Duty has not been announced for the Wii U so try again.


I don't even have to do it as someone above me has done it but those stream options weren't used by the nintendo faithful as much given the numbers we have. It's not even that comparable.

Wait you want a separate article from Sony to tell you how one of their methods to show the event was a success? LOL Unless they were asked about it they won't make a statement on something as trivial. It was a success almost every location it was showed if I'm not mistaken going by the gaffers who attended. My location was filled out and also had a long wait list outside waiting as well.

no casual gamers will just watch the trailers of games that interest them. Which would be available to them everywhere. The conference is mainly for the core gamers, media outlets, publishers, and retailers.

Casuals don't even know what a wiiu is let alone a digital event.
So wait.
Nintendo fans use YouTube and Sony fans use IGN?
And casuals will find Sony stuff but somehow miss the Nintendo stuff on the front page of sites?
Are you for real here?


So wait.
Nintendo fans use YouTube and Sony fans use IGN?
And casuals will find Sony stuff but somehow miss the Nintendo stuff on the front page of sites?
Are you for real here?

BOOM is also seems to be saying that the casuals go to IGN while the hardcore goes to Youtube.
Happy fans who are confident in Nintendo leads to good word of mouth for Nintendo. Miyamoto talked about the power and influence of memes in relation to the widespread use of social media sites, and if I were to guess the Digital Event and Treehouse are Nintendo's attempts at spreading beneficial memes by reaching players directly in a more personable format. We're seeing fan pictures of Splatoon, a game that wold no doubt be overlooked by many without enthusiastic in-depth demonstrations. A live demonstration helped to alleviate the backlash to S.T.E.A.M.'s art style as well. The game is at least good for gameplay in the eyes of many.


Can you elaborate on this?

To me it seems that Nintendo showed new, potentially good games but all are after the same demographic that they've failed to excite for the past year

While it's certainly true that the Wii U has really failed to "click" with the same demographic they're (always) after, I think in general they'll find their audience again. Maybe it won't be this year or even with this system (whose reputation is toxic), but Nintendo itself is playing a long-term game to relevancy here.

Why? Because their vision of gaming is bigger than the 13-25 year-old male gamer who thrives off shooters. I know the PS4 and XBO have had good launches (which I suspect was mostly due to pent-up demand for long-overdue consoles), but I'm skeptical over whether those sales will last and whether the hardcore market is even a sustainable one. Especially because I'm perceiving a momentum shift where even the hardcore are beginning to roll their eyes at AAA productions' sameness and predictable/barren release schedules (October-November, with other stuff sometimes in March).

Nintendo's broad demographic (even if they currently aren't showing up) is more enviable than their competitors in the long-run; what they've lacked is presence for the last 4-5 years. They need to cut across different forms of media, license more of their properties into toys and cartoons, and become more ubiquitous in today's fragmented media environment. Some of the steps taken over the last few months (and last week) indicate to me that they've done just that.

Nintendo's gaming is more inclusive across age and gender than the other two, and even where it falters, it'll be at least able to sell to this wider base in the future. Long after the military shooter era has dried up, when Nintendo assembles a compelling launch lineup with a decent console again, Nintendo will be able to tap into girl gamers or families - demographics the other companies have completely abandoned - once again.


I know this isnt an accurate way to gauge interest but after E3 on almost every board i frequent the topic discussing Nintendo's E3 was the smallest by far. The MS and Sony threads were full of discussion while the Nintendo thread was almost dead.

Those platforms are still preforming better so people will discuss that stuff more and it doesn't really have much to do with the quality of the conference.


I don't even have to do it as someone above me has done it but those stream options weren't used by the nintendo faithful as much given the numbers we have. It's not even that comparable.

Wait you want a separate article from Sony to tell you how one of their methods to show the event was a success? LOL Unless they were asked about it they won't make a statement on something as trivial. It was a success almost every location it was showed if I'm not mistaken going by the gaffers who attended. My location was filled out and also had a long wait list outside waiting as well.

no casual gamers will just watch the trailers of games that interest them. Which would be available to them everywhere. The conference is mainly for the core gamers, media outlets, publishers, and retailers.

Casuals don't even know what a wiiu is let alone a digital event.

You realize that Nintendo's YouTube numbers alone are more than all of Sony or Microsofts numbers combined right? Then on top of that Nintendo has modest to great showings at all of the other streaming sites.

It's very clear that Nintendo had the most viewed conference at this years e3. How that translates in to anything else is unknown for at least another month.


So wait.
Nintendo fans use YouTube and Sony fans use IGN?
And casuals will find Sony stuff but somehow miss the Nintendo stuff on the front page of sites?
Are you for real here?

If you guys want to actually make an attempt to miss the point then I can't help you

I'm pointing out those who are interested in Playstation have used sources like IGN more than Nintendo fans

The casual comment was initially made by the poster I was replying to. He was saying casuals would prefer the digital event which is shorter. I was pointing out casuals won't give a shit either way. They will just check out the trailers, never said it was specific to one console or the other so not sure why you are being defensive? or what you are being defensive of for that matter lol.

My head hurts...

BOOM is also seems to be saying that the casuals go to IGN while the hardcore goes to Youtube.

Might be because reading comprehension is a tough job for you two. Seriously is this some kind of a comedy routine where you make up imaginary statements in your head and act confused?


If you guys want to actually make an attempt to miss the point then I can't help you

I'm pointing out those who are interested in Playstation have used sources like IGN more than Nintendo fans

The casual comment was initially made by the poster I was replying to. He was saying casuals would prefer the digital event which is shorter. I was pointing out casuals won't give a shit either way. They will just check out the trailers, never said it was specific to one console or the other so not sure why you are being defensive? or what you are being defensive of for that matter lol.
Gonna need to see numbers that back this up.


Might be because reading comprehension is a tough job for you two. Seriously is this some kind of a comedy routine where you make up imaginary statements in your head and act confused?

I'm not the one arguing against the site a billion people are on.


Gonna need to see numbers that back this up.

it's already posted in this very thread.

Or you can just go do a quick search online

I'm not the one arguing against the site a billion people are on.

lol what the actually hell are you going on about mate? What's so damn confusing about the notion that casuals rather watch the trailers than a full blown conference or media event? It's not rocket science
I think what is actually important to take from their showing is that they rallied their fans well. People keep saying "they only appealed to Nintendo fans", well there are a lot of Nintendo fans that haven't picked up a Wii U due to an array of reasons. Selling to these people is important.


It doesn't have to be the same format. Sony usually does 15-20min segments for games. Sitting down with devs showcasing gameplay demos is something they have been doing via the PSBlog for years now. In a previous thread this argument popped up and I showed another Nintendo fan the link to go watch the stream too which I believe went until Thursday evening.


Last time I checked the stream out we had a Diablo dev talking in depth of character choices and gameplay changes...and also why he loves certain classes above others.

Then that's Sony fault if no one heard about it.
Why are they hiding in their blog ?

Bu thanks you're doing a better job than Sony.


Moar Treehouse thingies

Given the "now I have/had to buy a WiiU" comments across the Internet.... looks like it.

Intent =/= buying. We're gamers, we say a lot of stuff we don't really mean :p

I think the comment earlier about "supplementary console" sums up my feelings. I'm not entirely sure what about Nintendo puts me off, considering they're sort of the Apple of the console space with their "everything on our hardware" approach. I just haven't ever been so interested in anything they've put out that I'd go and spend the money on a console just for their games.

Nintendo does seem committed to catering to its base, which seems like a sound plan and great for the gamers here who are invested--I guess the question for Nintendo is how good of a long term plan that is, and if they can continue to be a console where there is weak third-party support.

All I know is I really don't want any of the console guys to fail.


If you guys want to actually make an attempt to miss the point then I can't help you

I'm pointing out those who are interested in Playstation have used sources like IGN more than Nintendo fans

The casual comment was initially made by the poster I was replying to. He was saying casuals would prefer the digital event which is shorter. I was pointing out casuals won't give a shit either way. They will just check out the trailers, never said it was specific to one console or the other so not sure why you are being defensive? or what you are being defensive of for that matter lol.

Might be because reading comprehension is a tough job for you two.

I don't really understand what you're trying to prove with that point. What does it matter if more people watched Sony's conference on IGN if Nintendo still got a decent amount of people watching there in addition to their other sources like Youtube that seemed to do pretty well?


I don't really understand what you're trying to prove with that point. What does it matter if more people watched Sony's conference on IGN if Nintendo still got a decent amount of people watching there in addition to their other sources like Youtube that seemed to do pretty well?
YouTube doesn't matter for reasons.
Just like Eurogamer now doesn't matter for reasons.


Then that's Sony fault if no one heard about it.
Hiding in their blog wasn't a smart move, imo.

They definitely need to market it more..I agree. It's a great segment and informative to boot. But last year we had threads here discussing various showings of the event as well. Not knowing isn't an excuse for false claims however.

I don't really understand what you're trying to prove with that point. What does it matter if more people watched Sony's conference on IGN if Nintendo still got a decent amount of people watching there in addition to their other sources like Youtube that seemed to do pretty well?

uhh how difficult of a point is it to understand that a certain number of view count in one specific media outlet (the initial argument of Nintendo channels' video having more views) is not an accurate indication of the overall views an event had when the target audience have different preferences for viewing those said events? Seriously smh

YouTube doesn't matter for reasons.
Just like Eurogamer now doesn't matter for reasons.

Ok now you are being intentionally obtuse.

Either stop saying dumb things and actually point to where I made such statements or stop with the persecution complex and wasting my time
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