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F@$* you Japan

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You know, the ways they kill most animals (particullarly pigs, cows and chickens) can be seen as quite in humane as well. Pigs throats are slit and then they are hung upside down, chickens are boiled alive. If an argument against whale killing is that it is inhumane why is there not the same argument for these animals? I also hear pigs are quite intelligent...

And um... I've never heard of anyone eating koalas... Some people eat Kangaroo, but they aren't endangered or anything...


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider

Or at least the kangaroo jerky I had, was horrible.

I am against eating them based on taste.


Pandaman said:
Foods food, despite what south park might have taught you I doubt people whale solely for the joy of eating hated endangered species. and once again, come back when i see you crying over the hunting, killing and torture of intelligent octopi species. Until then i'll spite eat a dolphin every chance i get.

Food is not food. We're just animals too after all. Some species are more intelligent and empathetic than others and we really should draw the line somewhere.


Pandaman said:
Foods food, despite what south park might have taught you I doubt people whale solely for the joy of eating hated endangered species. and once again, come back when i see you crying over the hunting, killing and torture of intelligent octopi species. Until then i'll spite eat a dolphin every chance i get.

Mahi Mahi is DELICIOUS.

Its dolphin BTW.
Paul Watson from Whale Wars is talkng to Anderson Cooper and was asked what they throw at the Japanese and he said something butter bombs - stink bombs, Anderson asked why they would do that and what they do, Watson hesitated 10 seconds and said that they stink and make it very hard for the whalers to do what they do........

Its bad that I was thinking of South Park the whole time :(


KHarvey16 said:
Is Japanese whaling adversely affecting whale populations?


elrechazao said:
Even if it wasn't it wouldn't change the stance of the anti whaling crowd.


If Whales were breeding tens of thousands a day then nobody would have problems with killing them like every other animal that we eat.

Look, I know your role on this forum is to be the bad motherfucking asshole that doesn't give two shits for life but Whales are mammals. They breed only once a year and that is only if they have a mate.


Kozak said:


If Whales were breeding tens of thousands a day then nobody would have problems with killing them like every other animal that we eat.

Look, I know your role on this forum is to be the bad motherfucking asshole that doesn't give two shits for life but Whales are mammals. They breed only once a year and that is only if they have a mate.

What the hell does being a Mammal have to do with ANYTHING? So are cows, pigs, deer, etc. We eat them and they are DELICIOUS.

I actually want to try some whale now.
Kozak said:


If Whales were breeding tens of thousands a day then nobody would have problems with killing them like every other animal that we eat.

Look, I know your role on this forum is to be the bad motherfucking asshole that doesn't give two shits for life but Whales are mammals. They breed only once a year and that is only if they have a mate.

What on earth are you babbling about?

Anyway, you are absolutely incorrect about the "if there were tens of thousands nobody would have a problem", because those arguing in favor of the anti whaling folks have been making arguments based on the nature of the whale, not on the number of whales.

There's a difference between those two things. Think about it reaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard.


daw840 said:
What the hell does being a Mammal have to do with ANYTHING? So are cows, pigs, deer, etc. We eat them and they are DELICIOUS.

I actually want to try some whale now.

Being a mammal has a lot to do with it. There are below 5000 Blue Whales left (and thats data from 1994) and they only breed once a year and only if they have a mate.

I'd like to know how many whales Japan kill every year.

elrechazao said:
What on earth are you babbling about?

Anyway, you are absolutely incorrect about the "if there were tens of thousands nobody would have a problem", because those arguing in favor of the anti whaling folks have been making arguments based on the nature of the whale, not on the number of whales.

There's a difference between those two things. Think about it reaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard.

Well they're not doing themselves any favours. The only reason I support the banning of whaling is because of the dwindling numbers and I will only argue around it.




What whales are the Japanese killing, and how endangered are they?
I don't think they're killing Blue Whales, they wouldn't fit on the damn ship.


KTallguy said:
What whales are the Japanese killing, and how endangered are they?
I don't think they're killing Blue Whales, they wouldn't fit on the damn ship.

I think Minke.


I have no problem with the protesters. They are fighting for what the believe in. But don't bitch when the people you're fighting fight back, the fuck did you expect?


My issue is that whale isn't even that tasty. We could be killing things that are much more delicious.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Why are thread titles censored, but not posts?

It kind of bugs me with the inconsistency. Not that I'm complaining.

Never mind, found the reason.


Hellcrow said:
As a norwegian, I don't really understand why so many people oppose whaling. It could be a problem in Japan with overfishing, but Norway is very strict on maintaining whale population. We only fish mink whale, which is not endangered.

Cultural differences. We eat meats that would horrify people of different ethnic backgrounds but they don't really have masses of hippies horribly opposed to it and even if they did they wouldn't have the economic clout to make any sort of big deal out of it.

However because many 1st world countries don't consider whale a traditionally hunted creature or source of protein (intelligent protein they might argue) people get riled up about it.


You shouldn't be able to argue intelligence as a reason to single out whalers. There are plenty of other animals out there that are intelligent that routinely hunted and/or used for experiments that are purported to be intelligent. Hell, no one seems to give a damn about octopuses. Where's the outrage here about the continued experimentation on apes and where's the boycott on the pharmaceutical industry? How do you even quantify an organism's intelligence? There are probably aspects of intelligence found in other animals that we routinely kill that we aren't even aware of. You can argue that your sense of attachment to whales precludes you from supporting the whalers but to give reasons such as giving birth once a year or that they're 'intelligent' isn't good enough.

FYI, I don't support whaling.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Mohonky said:
Cultural differences. We eat meats that would horrify people of different ethnic backgrounds but they don't really have masses of hippies horribly opposed to it and even if they did they wouldn't have the economic clout to make any sort of big deal out of it.

However because many 1st world countries don't consider whale a traditionally hunted creature or source of protein (intelligent protein they might argue) people get riled up about it.

Exactly. The cows here in North America get it pretty rough too. Cows are sacred in some cultures. But since we're so used to eating it, we view it and anything else different as 'strange' and 'wrong'.

Fuck...I've never had whale, but I wouldn't mind giving it a try.


Everything is moe to me
AkuMifune said:
Food is not food. We're just animals too after all. Some species are more intelligent and empathetic than others and we really should draw the line somewhere.
food IS food, the primary reason people don't eat each other [other then health] is that we're a social species, if i eat you your family and friends are liable to get pissy, other species dont take things so personally. Besides, its hard to befriend someone if you taste good with sauce come rough times.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
well it's not that simple that we're just "social". It's natural human survival instinct I guess for us to want to interact each other but obviously some people do that with their pets too. If (hypothetically) you kept a pet pig for your entire childhood or however many years that they live, would you eat the pig when it eventually died? No, because you were raised to respect the body of your dead loved ones.

On the other hand, I once was offered to slaughter a goat and I tremendously fucked it up (so much blood) and the only emotion I really felt was just a little bit of shame and anger. Which I pretty much forgot about once the meat was on my plate.

Loving animals and not caring about them at all are both normal human reactions. As long as it lives in relative comfort, then I don't care if it dies immediately after it becomes infertile.
You know how you stop illegal whaling? Hire the ad team that made that ASPCA commercial. You know the one. Arms of the Angel playing in the background, animal torture porn shots, "why won't you help me" scrolling across the screen...Just shop some zippers on the whales, throw in a baby seal getting it's head bashed in (again with arms of the angel playing in the background) and you're done. Sorry I just hate that commercial.

Duke Togo

That boat got LIT UP! Fuck yeah whalers, fuck everybody's shit up! Ram your boat into my house and harpoon me through the chest! I'll be ready.
Pandaman said:
food IS food, the primary reason people don't eat each other [other then health] is that we're a social species, if i eat you your family and friends are liable to get pissy, other species dont take things so personally. Besides, its hard to befriend someone if you taste good with sauce come rough times.


Pandaman said:
food IS food, the primary reason people don't eat each other [other then health] is that we're a social species, if i eat you your family and friends are liable to get pissy, other species dont take things so personally. Besides, its hard to befriend someone if you taste good with sauce come rough times.



If there exists a "protection threshold" related to intelligence, what about a responsibility threshold? Can something be smart enough to not eat, but still dumb enough to not be held responsible for its actions?


CiSTM said:
Oh, well it has been fun GAF. I'm not really in for whaling. I'm against all unnecessary animal cruelty. I have had absolutely nothing to do today (I'm ill) so only thing I came up was flaming in whale hunting discussion. All the "facts" I pulled were results from quick googeling. I'm still against what Sea Shepherd did because I believe there is political solution for the whaling issue. Eventually Sea Shepherd's tactics will cost someones life and that is only going to cause more troubles.

I hope I'm not going to be banned for this :lol

At least you admitted it. If you made any more of an arse of yourself you probably should have left in embarrassment. Dig up, stupid!
Pandaman said:
evolution is a directionless process, there will always be outliers on every part of the spectrum.

Evolution also doesn't care whether or not a species survives. In fact, if a species dies, it means it wasn't adapted to survive this worlds conditions, which is the "goal" of evolution, so to speak.
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