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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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So guys, has SAO sunk past the bad-bad zone into the good-bad zone? That series was looking like it was going the "so bad it's good" direction, but I have no compunction to pick it back up and check.


So guys, has SAO sunk past the bad-bad zone into the good-bad zone? That series was looking like it was going the "so bad it's good" direction, but I have no compunction to pick it back up and check.


A million times this. End of series Simon may be the only TTGL character I legitimately like.

Oh, I still love Kamina. I'm just more a fan of characters going from wimp to the biggest badass in the universe than just starting out badass. Easier to empathize and get motivated to do something with your life. That's why episode 11 of TTGL helped me pass a really tough exam and lose weight.


Oh, I still love Kamina. I'm just more a fan of characters going from wimp to the biggest badass in the universe than just starting out badass. Easier to empathize and get motivated to do something with your life. That's why episode 11 of TTGL helped me pass a really tough exam and lose weight.

I just don't like Kamina, but as has been established here, when it comes to TTGL, my tastes are weird and in the minority. Hey, glad the show brought motivation to you, though.


The only character in the show I really can't stand is Nia. I'm almost glad that most of episode 12 is devoted to Yoko sharing that opinion with me. I'm annoyed that because Nia is a perfect pretty princess who can do no wrong and have no enemies, this changes at the end of the episode with no effort on Nia's part other than "I just believe in you!"

UGH, what a terrible, awful character. Everyone else is fine, but goddamn Nia. UGH. Feel sick every time the camera closes up on her ridiculous cross eyeballs.


The only character in the show I really can't stand is Nia. I'm almost glad that most of episode 12 is devoted to Yoko sharing that opinion with me. I'm annoyed that because Nia is a perfect pretty princess who can do no wrong and have no enemies, this changes at the end of the episode with no effort on Nia's part other than "I just believe in you!"

UGH, what a terrible, awful character. Everyone else is fine, but goddamn Nia. UGH. Feel sick every time the camera closes up on her ridiculous cross eyeballs.

There is a lot to dislike about Nia, but I like her weird eyeball design. Any weird design quirk that sets a character apart, I usually enjoy

Nobody wanted to punch Rossiu?

I wanted to punch most of these characters at least some of the time, but yeah, he was pretty bad.


Cowboy Bebop 5

So, I'm not really sure I got everything I should have in those flashbacks or whatever after whats-his-face
cut Spike and pushed him out the church window or something like that
because I'm kinda drunk. I think I did get that
whats-his-face (Mao?) and Spike were allies at one point cause they were shooting backs up against each other bro style.
And then there was that lady near the end singing. I think I saw her there, but that might have just been Spike before passing out.

Though I prolly didn't get what I needed to out of that it was pretty fucking atmospheric and surreal. Then there was that point where Spike
shot that guy holding Faye right in the head
like a fucking boss. This show is coooool.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Otaku no Video 1

Hello copyright infringement! But not quite.
Well, that was... interesting. Not much to say on it regarding animation considering half of it is live-action while the other half has barely any animation at all, up to the point where they reuse footage from fucking Daicon IV as either an act of self-fellating or time-padding. Which isn't to say it wasn't entertaining --I certainly found fun in it in the sense that I find fun in mocking entries in Shit Otaku Says because nerds have always had a knack for laughing at other nerds. Self-depreciation at its most hypocritical!

where were you fifteen or so years ago in my life? :(
I do have some conflicting feelings regarding this one episode, however.
Kubo's descent into nerdkind and his inability to realise what it was doing to his "normal" life was very tactfully done, but I still can't quite pinpoint what the theme of the show is. The Portrait of an Otaku segments almost ask the viewer to share on the demonisation of the hobbyists, where even themselves (or at least the ones that seemed most well-adjusted to adult life) feel ashamed of partaking in enthusiast past times.
The tone of the episode is all over the place, up to the point where I stop trying to look at it from a narrative perspective and assume this is just GAINAX making a biography 'bout GAINAX. It makes me wonder how many
girlfriends dumped everyone in the staff, if they even had any girlfriends to begin with

boy don't we all?
P.S. They don't make them panty shots like they used to.
They forgot to include Madarame's chapter at the club room with Saki (plus pictures he's holding on to) and new year's festival.

Oh I thought you meant the ignored something from the first season. I haven't gotten to that point in the manga.
Only have the first omnibus.


Cowboy Bebop 5

So, I'm not really sure I got everything I should have in those flashbacks or whatever after whats-his-face
cut Spike and pushed him out the church window or something like that
because I'm kinda drunk. I think I did get that
whats-his-face (Mao?) and Spike were allies at one point cause they were shooting backs up against each other bro style.
And then there was that lady near the end singing. I think I saw her there, but that might have just been Spike before passing out.

Though I prolly didn't get what I needed to out of that it was pretty fucking atmospheric and surreal. Then there was that point where Spike
shot that guy holding Faye right in the head
like a fucking boss. This show is coooool.

You got most of it. Flashback is just giving you the beginning of insight into Spike's past which continues to haunt him. Basically, it was to show you that Spike and Vicious both worked for a criminal syndicate, Spike got injured and almost died, and was nursed back to life by that woman who becomes super important to him.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Violence Jack - Whatever episode it is that this bullshit occured

Fuck this show with every fiber of my being. Dropped.


You got most of it. Flashback is just giving you the beginning of insight into Spike's past which continues to haunt him. Basically, it was to show you that Spike and Vicious both worked for a criminal syndicate, Spike got injured and almost died, and was nursed back to life by that woman who becomes super important to him.

Mmm. Okay. I presume I'll be seeing more of her then.


Nobody wanted to punch Rossiu?

Not really. I mean his first episode, sure, but after that he's become a pretty inoffensive background character.

There is a lot to dislike about Nia, but I like her weird eyeball design. Any weird design quirk that sets a character apart, I usually enjoy

Frankly I'm having a hard time liking anything about her. She's terrible through and through. The only good news is she isn't the main character and so she cannot possibly be the focus the whole way through.

Of course things could get worse if they stop being Simone Simone Simone and start becoming Nia Nia Nia. I mean, I am watching Gundam SEED Destiny atm, so it's not like I disbelieve the possibility of a character introduced partway through suddenly supplanting the main character.


Not really. I mean his first episode, sure, but after that he's become a pretty inoffensive background character.

Frankly I'm having a hard time liking anything about her. She's terrible through and through. The only good news is she isn't the main character and so she cannot possibly be the focus the whole way through.

Of course things could get worse if they stop being Simone Simone Simone and start becoming Nia Nia Nia. I mean, I am watching Gundam SEED Destiny atm, so it's not like I disbelieve the possibility of a character introduced partway through suddenly supplanting the main character.

Man, the fact that you are rewatching Destiny by choice baffles me. Well, I guess post SEED you'll get the true horror. Without that, it'd be mealy bad. With that, it is nearly intolerable. By far, the worst Gundam show. AGE is bad, but this is a whole different level.


character arcs man, how the fuck do they work

To be fair, the problem he's describing with Destiny is far deeper than switching main characters half way though. You can do that and still make a good show. The problem with destiny is they drop an, admittedly awful, character halfway through his arc, and pick up another who also has no development whatsoever.


Man, the fact that you are rewatching Destiny by choice baffles me. Well, I guess post SEED you'll get the true horror. Without that, it'd be mealy bad. With that, it is nearly intolerable. By far, the worst Gundam show. AGE is bad, but this is a whole different level.

Is it? I mean, I honestly don't remember what's so bad about this show. It introduced me to SEED and I liked it. And I remember the end not being so terrible. I dunno, I guess we'll find out. I was fairly partial to it.

character arcs man, how the fuck do they work

Fair enough. But I think you can do a character arc without having that character consume 90% of three episodes straight eight episodes in. Case in point: Asuka and Misato have character arcs in Evangelion that do not consume episodes to the detriment of Shinjitime.

But I concede that that could just be a matter of difference in choice. As I've already said, I don't mind Simone's getting development. Nia is what grinds my gears.

Seriously. Kittan is like the cheap Paraguay version of Kamina.
I actually really enjoyed Destiny for the first 36 episodes.

But the final run is pretty much an unmitigated disaster aside from Episodes 44 and 45. No show has ever gone off the rails worse than Destiny, and it still hurts to this day. I would still say I enjoyed the show overall, though.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Fair enough. But I think you can do a character arc without having that character consume 90% of three episodes straight eight episodes in. Case in point: Asuka and Misato have character arcs in Evangelion that do not consume episodes to the detriment of Shinjitime.

But I concede that that could just be a matter of difference in choice. As I've already said, I don't mind Simone's getting development. Nia is what grinds my gears.
Predilections about moé princesses trapped in a box aside, Nia is fundamental to Simon's character arc. The story hasn't changed focus at all.


Is it? I mean, I honestly don't remember what's so bad about this show. It introduced me to SEED and I liked it. And I remember the end not being so terrible. I dunno, I guess we'll find out. I was fairly partial to it.

Part of it is the sadness of seeing such a bad Gundam show. At the time, SEED and Wing are probably the worst Gundam had to offer. Neither of them are particularly bad, just not amazing. Than comes Destiny. Just as SEED is a sort of pseudo remake of 0079, Destiny does the same for Zeta. Except the forgot to put in things like decent characters and drama. They introduce Shinn, the worst Gundam protagonist ever put to screen. Just when they start developing him, and having the balls to make him
actually beat Kira
, they undo that and make Kira the main character. Kira than becomes the most awful, overpowered, haxz0r pilot in Gundam history. The fact they're ruining some plot lines from arguably the greatest Gundam show of all time makes this all the more heartbreaking.

I actually really enjoyed Destiny for the first 36 episodes.

But the final run is pretty much an unmitigated disaster aside from Episodes 44 and 45. No show has ever gone off the rails worse than Destiny, and it still hurts to this day. I would still say I enjoyed the show overall, though.

Man, Destiny looks pretty, but the characters are just awful. Shinn is terrible. Destiny Kira is terrible. Also, as you mentioned, the ending is so much BS.
Genshiken 03


An interesting episode that focuses mostly on the first time visiting a convention. Pretty nice seeing lots of aspects of it, the lining up, the buying of stuff, the lining up, the lining up, the lining up and the lining up.


Violence Jack: Hell Town

Ripped into it last time I watched it but enjoyed it this time. Either it's one of those things I have to be in the mood for or I simply appreciate it better. No line left uncrossed on this one.


Violence Jack


Covered all the bases, people were raped, people were murdered, kids were killed and bodies were
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