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FCC's run by cable companies now, & they're about to kill the internet.

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I guess they're not gonna stop this unless the public puts them in their fucking place.

Vice link here. What the hell's the point of the FCC now?


Here's a bit detailing WHAT WE CAN DO taken from an AMA done on reddit by some pro-net neutrality folks:

First, call your Senators and Representatives and tell them you want the FCC to classify broadband Access as a "Title II telecommunications service." these are the magic words that -- under the Communications Act -- let the FCC tell companies "this is like a telephone call, between the people involved, not something you get involved in -- you are hired to move the information, not mess with it."
Remember "I support Title II." Otherwise, the carriers can mess with the traffic and we're only debating the details of how much they can mess with it.

Here are their [FCC Commissioner's] email addresses. Tom.Wheeler@fcc.gov[1] ; Mignon.Clyburn@fcc.gov[2] ; Jessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov[3] ; Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov[4] ; Mike.O'Rielly@fcc.gov[5] The FCC's main telephone line is 1-888-225-5322.


I know it's a drop in a bucket, but I tweeted the FCC commissioners and my congressmen. It'll just take a second guys, they should at least take notice if we do it in large numbers. This is what I sent:

Please classify broadband Access as a Title II Telecommunications service #NetNeutrality

FCC commissioners are: @MClyburnFCC @TomWheelerFCC @AjitPaiFCC @JRosenworcel

You can also find your government representative here.
Michael Powell fucked us all over by not calling the internet a common carrier like the telephone network.

To no surprise, he soon left the FCC to accept a cushy high-paying job for the cable companies.
Still some hope here, albiet slim. The telco companies are the only ones in favor of killing net neutrality. The tier 1 internet providers aren't happy, the service providers (google, amazon, netflix) aren't happy, consumers aren't happy.

So I'm saying there's a chance we can put these asshats back in their place.


Part of me is infuriated, the other part wants to join the fight so that one day maybe these filthy rich cable companies will also buy me off and I can make six figures a year.

I'm just sayin!


Isn't it more effective pester actual elected officials?

yeah, see the syria thing and SOPA.

Both of those things would be law were it not for those kind of movements. It usually is useless but at certain times its effective when 1000s are doing it at the same time.

you have to make them scared it matters.


Buncha fuckin' rent-seekers. This is the kind of thing that makes me hope mesh networks actually take off and puts these assholes out of business.
I know it's a drop in a bucket, but I tweeted the FCC commissioners and my congressmen. It'll just take a second guys, they should at least take notice if we do it in large numbers. This is what I sent:

Please classify broadband Access as a Title II Telecommunications service #NetNeutrality

FCC commissioners are: @MClyburnFCC @TomWheelerFCC @AjitPaiFCC @JRosenworcel

You can also find your government representative here.


Canadians get gouged for middling-to-shit speed internet by the big companies, but at least there are small companies to somewhat keep them in check, and a CRTC that somewhat cracks down on different types of throttling.

Great except the CRTC has becomes Bell's bitch therefore that glass house you live in is fragile so you need to put down the stone.


It's called regulatory capture. It happens to a lot of things. There's basically a revolving door between industry and government.

For instance, right now in St. Louis there is a huge fight between the cab companies, who control the cab licensing thing in the city, and Lyft, which is trying to break into the market.


Canadians get gouged for middling-to-shit speed internet by the big companies, but at least there are small companies to somewhat keep them in check, and a CRTC that somewhat cracks down on different types of throttling.

Those small Internet providers are only available to a tiny fraction of the population. The crtc is run by former heads of the telecoms in canada and are useless.

Canada has been fucked for a while now. Now the US is joining us.


Why would the government want to limit the ability for carriers to mess with communications? How else are they going to shift part of the blame onto the companies when they tell them to do it?


I would get mad at canada right now but i am too busy enjoying quadtribablutrable the speeds and unlimited bandwidth right now.

Here in MURICA.


I say let them kill it. Maybe people will start giving a damn about what really happens in Washington, and how bad the corruption is regardless of whether a person is a D or an R.
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