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Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta 2015: It's beginning to look a lot like chaos!





Welcome to the NeoGAF thread for the Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta 2015!

The official page can be found here.

Gilgabot, the official Twitter Bot for the fiesta, is found here.

Hashtag: #FF5FJF2015

This is an event for Child's Play Charity! By making pledges and donations you can affect you and I play the game! And of course raise money for an awesome cause!

Now to June 21: Preregistration
June 21: The Run
June 22 - August 31: Play! Play! Play! Get your #victory in!

What is the Final Fantasy 5 Four Job Fiesta 2015?
You play Final Fantasy Five, the best Final Fantasy game. The only difference is, you are allowed only four jobs, one from each crystal. And they are randomly assigned to you. When you beat Exdeath, your picture must show all four of those jobs being used to qualify you as a winner.

Spell that out for me in lots of small words.
As you play Final Fantasy Five, jobs are unlocked at certain parts of the game. The wind crystal, water crystal, fire crystal and earth crystal. When you unlock the wind, water, fire and earth crystal jobs, send a tweet to @FF5ForFutures with #wind, #water, #fire or #earth respectively. You will then be informed of your new job!

What versions of FF5 are acceptable?
Any. GBA or iOS are recommended. GBA for it being the best version, iOS because heck, screen capturing could not be easier. And it is cheap. Comparatively.

But I have no no way to screen cap!
A picture taken with your friend's partner's mother's niece's dog's feature phone and then uploaded to your local Internet is okay.

Can I use the extra jobs in FFVa?
Haven't you learned anything over the years?
No, you cannot.

What if I have never played FF5 before?
It is cool, you can still sign up.
This is not the recommend way to play the first time. But, no one is stopping you from trying. Many say this is the first way they beat FF5. I personally find that sad, but hey, Y Burn?

I have random number generators! Why do I need you?
Because we are a loving community. Plus: Gilgabot. He is going to yell at you. And we raise money for charity. Child’s Play! Last year brought in $11,414.14. To date the Fiesta has brought in over $20,000.

Twitter is a crime! Let me do it some other way!
I am terribly sorry, but Twitter makes automating this much easier and open to a wide array of people. Twitter requires no personal information, you could easily make a junk account and use it entirely for the Fiesta. If you delete your account or change your name, though, things will get funky and not work as nicely. Many lovely people on Twitter began their Twitter-Life with the Fiesta. Why not you?

My twitter account is private!
Gilgabot will not be able to see your tweets until you follow him and he also follows you. So you will have to either notify me somehow or I will be checking for private accounts following Gilgabot as frequently as I can (maybe once a day). It would be easiest if you made another Fiesta-only account. You like things to be easy, right?

What if I do not get any tweets back?
Gilgabot works on a schedule and will respond to tweets when and if it is able. Should ten or fifteen minutes go by, do not resend the tweet, but let revenantkioku know. He will look into it and if something is really funky - and by funky I mean smells not so sweet - he will manually set you up. It just may take a while if that is the case, but it should not be.
Gilgabot can get overloaded. This happens. The Fiesta can get kind of crazy. Try to calm down and get your jobs when you are playing, not just because you can. Outside of the opening rush, however, stuff should be fine. Emphasis on the stuff even though it should be on the should.

If you encounter any problems, please message me (@revenantkioku ) instead of Gilgabot because that account is so swamped with messages that it is hard to dig through. You can PM me on GAF, but I might not see it as soon.

Is The Run happening this year?
Yes! This year will be a bit different, so stay tuned for details. You can vote for the jobs here: http://fourjobfiesta.com/therun.php

Are there any goals?
Yup! Donation incentives for The Run are:
$500: ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ PIANO FLEX ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ Players must play every piano and flex each time.

$1000: Hi, Gilgamesh! Players must do all Gilgamesh fights.

$2000: Final Savepoint Players must defeat Necrophobe.

$3000: Legendary Weapons Players must collect all four tablets and all twelve legendary weapons.

Any new rules?
#RegChaos: You will be assigned jobs.

Does what it says on the tin. If your tin says more than #RegChaos.

Contest Rules


Normal Run (#reg)

Players will be assigned one class from each crystal. Until all four classes are unlocked, players are only permitted to use the classes they have currently unlocked. Bare/Suppin/Freelance can only be used until the Wind Crystal job is unlocked.

Random Run

Players will be assigned one class from any of the available jobs when new jobs are unlocked. As above, Bare/Suppin/Freelance can only be used until the Wind Jobs are obtained.

Team 750

Players will be be assigned jobs that can only break rods or jobs that are similar in play style and theme.


Team No 750

Players will only be assigned jobs that cannot break rods and follow within that play style and theme.


Classic Jobs

Players will be assigned jobs that were only in the original Final Fantasy. Dupilcates (up to four, even!) can be assigned. Only Red Mage is maxed out at 3 because it is a Water Crystal Job.
Classic Jobs Runs are Natural Runs by default.


You will be assigned jobs.


Natural can be added to any run. To do so either tweet #natural to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. What this means it that you intend on playing with these extra rules in mind.

1. Bartz must use the Wind crystal job exclusively. Lenna the Water, Faris the Fire and Galuf/Krile the Earth.
2. If you are playing a mode other than Normal you simply assign the job listed in that slot on the players page for your job.
3. Characters must remain Freelancer until their job is unlocked. Team No 750 players must not break rods.
4. Characters may not use skills from other jobs. This means no giving Black Magic to Bards and the like. Only skills learned naturally from the one assigned job may be used.


BERSERKER RISK can be added to any run to give the player a chance of getting the Berseker job assigned to their Water, Fire or Earth Crystal slots. The only difference is that a Normal run will have their Water Job set to Berserker instead of any other slot. To do so either tweet #BERSERKERRISK to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. When the fiesta starts, for every $10 of donations, one player with BERSERKER RISK will get another Berserker. If there are more Berserkers to hand out than players with BERSERKER RISK players will end up with multiple Berserkers. This is the only
way in the Fiesta to end up with a duplicate job.
Once the fiesta has started, BERSERKER RISK is no longer an option.

Both Natural and BERSERKER RISK may be added to a run. Except Classic Jobs Runs.

Any questions? Leave them! I will try my best to answer them.

Every $10 in donations before the Fiesta starts means one person with Berserker Risk gets an extra Berserker.
Normal Run players will get it as their Water Job.
Random or Team No 750 (Or Team 750, but that would be weird to register that way. You COULD. I am not stopping you. But.) they get their Berserker assigned to any non-Wind slot.
Natural works with any. You just apply the job assigned to that crystal slot to that character.

The list of all available commands responds to is available here.

This is year seven people. Let's make it a big one.


Alright! I already pre-registered. :) I didn't get too far last year due to personal stuff getting in the way, but with the mobile version I should be able to complete it this year! Can't wait for the 22nd!


FFV has been on my backlog for a while, mainly because every time I play it, I want to max out every job level and am indecisive about them in general. This may be the best way for me to get through this game...

Although no Twitter, so I'd be unofficial...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
FFV has been on my backlog for a while, mainly because every time I play it, I want to max out every job level and am indecisive about them in general. This may be the best way for me to get through this game...

Although no Twitter, so I'd be unofficial...

Having played the fiesta a couple years ago, I found the limitations on jobs made this the absolute most interesting way to experience the game. Really highlights how well balanced and intelligent the core design actually is in FFV.

Red Mage

I'm confused. Duplicates are okay in Classic, but it is also a natural run. ...what?

Also, your classic banner has two Knights and no Monks. =P


Excellent. Think I'm going Random with my first run this year; after three Normal runs crossed 11 classes off my list (Beastmaster was my only duplicate in three years) I think it's time to try something new.



Decided to skip berserker risk this year. Have done it every year it's been available but I think I need some variety this year. Signed up for a chaos run.


FFV has been on my backlog for a while, mainly because every time I play it, I want to max out every job level and am indecisive about them in general. This may be the best way for me to get through this game...

Although no Twitter, so I'd be unofficial...

It's okay. You can make a Twitter account. I promise to not tell.


Signed for normal because 20% is still a high chance of Berserker goodness. Let's see if I can do more playthroughs and try that mysterious Chaos mode.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm going in HARD this year. I failed by only beating it twice last year.

EDIT: Also aren't the run goals kinda backwards, RK? Getting all four tablets doesn't really take long while beating Necrophobe for some parties can be a pain in the butt.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Signed up for Random/Natural/Berserker Risk again. Hopefully I don't get 2 berserkers again this year even though I know it'll happen.

I wanna know what the Chaos run is like so I'll sit out and wait to see until my second run. I did Classic last year during my second run and I felt it was a bit boring. Maybe because I didn't feel like I was getting my ass kicked due to two berserkers, haha.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Signed up for Random/Natural/Berserker Risk again. Hopefully I don't get 2 berserkers again this year even though I know it'll happen.

I wanna know what the Chaos run is like so I'll sit out and wait to see until my second run. I did Classic last year during my second run and I felt it was a bit boring. Maybe because I didn't feel like I was getting my ass kicked due to two berserkers, haha.

2 Berserkers is fun though. I want 3!



(I take the Brave Blade unless I have someone who really benefits from the Chicken Knife. When I do take the Knife, I don't run until right before the pyramid.)

I did a no running playthrough last year and it wasn't that bad but sometimes I missed the ability to skip nasty encounters. Having a super Knight was well worth it, though. :)
I did a no running playthrough last year and it wasn't that bad but sometimes I missed the ability to skip nasty encounters. Having a super Knight was well worth it, though. :)

Triple Blue Dragon is why I have no problem running from encounters in FF5.


I did great with my 2 berserkers last year. Don't remember what my other classes were though, I think it was a white Mage and a bard though hahah


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
You know what? Next year you should make #BerserkerInsanity for a non-random 4 Berserker run. I'd laugh at whoever was crazy enough to run that.


My record so far:
Year 1: Thief, Summoner, Beastmaster, Chemist SUCCESS
Year 2: Knight, Time Mage, Ranger, Chemist SUCCESS
Year 3: Monk, Red Mage, Ninja, Dragoon FAILURE ;-;

Not sure what type of run to go for this year. I wouldn't mind getting a White, Black, or Blue Mage for a change of pace, but I would like to avoid getting Chemist for the third time. Maybe a Random run? Or I could just try out this mysterious Chaos option...
I was watching ElMagus (RPG speed runner on Twitch) and he was saying he was considering Chaos but he was going to wait and see what it was like before attempting.


To head a few things off at the pass for new players:
1: There's really no such thing as a bad class. There are good classes and great classes. Even Berserker, while it can present complications in some instances, generally can hold their own, especially with the right secondary ability.
2: How well balanced is this game? Bards are one of the best classes. I'm sure at least half of the classes will be on somebody's top 5 list. Probably more.
3: Speaking of Bards, ffwiki and other general faqs are geared toward vanilla playthroughs and revolve around offense-heavy strategies that will almost assuredly not be available to you. Half the fun of this challenge is discovering new synergies with the classes you get assigned with. If you do need help there are a number of FJF-specific guides to help, the one linked above probably being one of the best.
4: If #regchaos is what we'd probably expect, said guides would probably need to updated with a few new synergies only available to that reg type. Not that earth crystal jobs are especially renowned for their great synergy. !Revive and Equip Ribbon would be top abilities for Dragoons though. And Dancers are really the only class that would want !Jump.


Looks like i have another game to get on my note 4. I completed a bunch of runs two years ago, last year I failed to do 1. I shall avenge myself.

Link Man

Guess who's back!


It's Melvin, the underemployed retail associate! He's finally found the time for a vacation, so he just decided to rent a Chocobo and ride off to explore the countryside.


Next is a sightseeing cruise. How did he manage to buy a ticket on an hourly associate's wage, you ask? Well, he didn't! Bad Melvin!


And the first stop on the cruise is an ancient temple. Converted into a power plant. Yay modern industry!
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