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Final Revolution Name Announced: Wii

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I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
before today, I thought that rev was going to be a vcery successful console, but now Nintendo have dealt a huge blow to themselves by calling the console wii.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Fishie flop oog said:
The press release came with a silly lil movie.

WFTW(Wii For The Win)

Wii For The Win doesn't sound right. Can also mean What? Fuck The Wii. Wait, that doesn't sound right either. :lol

Please announce that this is a joke on May 9th Nintendo.
:lol :lol

You gotta hand it to Nintendo ... they're never boring with what they do and they're really not holding back on this whole "this system is different" ... what a big mindfuck to all the people expecting a "normal" console.

I personally thought going back to the Famicom name (and using it worldwide this time) would've been better, since Revolution is kind of a reboot of the original Famicom idea -- a game console for everyone in the family.

I just can't see myself saying lets play some Wii though ... :lol :lol

Itsa me Maaaaaaario .... WHEEEEEEE!

On the one hand, I like the two i's being people running around fighting eachother etc.

but on the other hand, Wii = wee = urine.

The only way I can see out of this is if they market the name to hell. Wii play together, Wii fight together, Wii enjoy together.

The advertising writes itself.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Nintendo never disappoint. They've always managed to surprise us. This time its just not the surprise we expected.


When I first saw the name I was like this is a joke right...but after awhile it's not that big of a deal. Of course Revolution was a great name but I can see what nintendo wants to do. It's like when the controller was revealed and everyone was up in arms about it, deciding that nintendo was finshed based on just that. Now the controller has set in after a while and I can't wait to see all the new possibilities it brings. The name is meant to get people talking and bring in new gamers. (Be easy I'm a newbie)



Nintendo FUU would have been cool too.
I don't mind the name.

Just when I think Nintendo can't suprise me, they do, with something as mind-fucking as Wii.

It is so weird, simple, and out there that I am almost drawn towards it. Way better than Revolution IMO.

What kind of Mom, Grandmother, teenage girl, or elderly man is going to want a system called NINTENDO REVOLUTION! It's too powerful, too in-your-face and almost promising people big things...maybe too big for the REAL casual market.

Nintendo Wii almost separates the console from the general gaming stereo-types. It broadens everything, and the name itself implies that the console is something completely different than we've seen before.

I love it, personally.

Musashi Wins!

psycho_snake said:
Nintendo never disappoint. They've always managed to surprise us. This time its just not the surprise we expected.

The problem is that almost everything leaks early now. And people had time to get used to an internal code name that was...better. But Nintendo's family vision wins out in a final version (no surprise) and you can't help but be stunned by it. It's too bad that whatever motivated them internally to take a different stance didn't color their public outlook more.


So will peeps end up calling it the "NW" to avoid the excrutiatingly awkward usage of the "We" word ( like DS, or DSL or whatever)?

Will Next Gen's Console be called "Wii 2"..... *is reminded of Smith during the Burly Brawl in Reloaded....."Me too."

I gotta go take a piss....be right back

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh OOoooooooooooooohhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LMAO! :lol ...........There, that's better

Wiill I buy the "We"?
Wiill I call it the "We"?
What wiill I call it?
---The Enn Dubbleyoo..... :D

Actually, with the right marketing, I think that Nintendo may be able to effectively do exactly what it is seeking out to do with its "vision".

"Wii Wii!"

I think that that they could have made it cooler, if they spelled it.............ah, who am I kidding... its a hard name to swallow. *Dah doomp tcchhhhh* :lol


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I understand what Nintendo's trying to do with the name. They liken it to Google, or Yahoo, or the iPod, but the thing is those quirky names don't have a negative connotation in English speaking countries. This almost reminds me of marketing fiascos for Chevy's "Nova" brand in Spanish speaking countries (which literally meant no go) or Mitsubishis "Pajero"(masturbation in Spanish slang). I think the overwhelming negative reaction will cause Nintendo to change the name, although like people say for those PSP commercials, no press is bad press. Hopefully they're not stubborn enough to stick to their guns on this one and will change it.

Edit: There's no way the boards will hold up at E3. I understand the need for more traffic for revenue, but can we at least restrict the boards to members only?


Earlier today I said Revolution would ultimately appeal only to game dorks and small children.

After hearing the name, I amend my statement:

"Nintendo Wii will only appeal to wiiners and wii children."

Game over, Nintendo. Sony anxiously awaits your transformation to a third-party developer.

I work in marketing, and let me say - if you have to EXPLAIN YOUR NAME, you should save yourself the time and just CHANGE IT instead.

This is baaad.


It's worth remembering that the worlds biggest electronics company is called SIEMENS. I don't think the name will be such a problem. We'll get used to it.


underfooter said:
I don't mind the name.

Just when I think Nintendo can't suprise me, they do, with something as mind-fucking as Wii.

It is so weird, simple, and out there that I am almost drawn towards it. Way better than Revolution IMO.

What kind of Mom, Grandmother, teenage girl, or elderly man is going to want a system called NINTENDO REVOLUTION! It's too powerful, too in-your-face and almost promising people big things...maybe too big for the REAL casual market.

Nintendo Wii almost separates the console from the general gaming stereo-types. It broadens everything, and the name itself implies that the console is something completely different than we've seen before.

I love it, personally.

GAF helps you realize that there is always someone with a different opinion. And they usually have Link avatars!


OK, I admit, this is odd... but it's called Wii and not pronounced wee. But it's not the name that's going to break this system it's the games.


Dragona Akehi said:
Mr. Threepio works for NOE's marketing division. Not a mag.

My apologies, I had seen references to NOM in all his posts.

Edit: I'm coming around to this name, the whole image of the wii is nicely put together, it will take some impressive marketing for the image Nintendo are pushing to stick with the nongamer market though.


interview with NOA PR Manager Matt Atwood :


nothing really new/interesting I guess except for possibly this:

GI: It’s been rumored that the new big Revolution secret is the fact that the nun chuck controller is also motion detecting…

Atwood: Really. That’s interesting. I would say 9:30 in the morning on Tuesday of E3 will be filled with surprises and I would just show up. Because there’s been a ton of speculation. Some of it’s right. Some of it’s not. We’d say that if that’s the only secret you’re expecting you’re going to be very surprised.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
So, here are some conversations my brother and I came up with - all now possible, thanks to the Nintendo Wii!

"So Chris, lets go home and play with our wii's!"
"I got a new joystick for my wii and we played 2 player wii all night-wii have a wiiner!"
"Check out my wii - isn't it small and sexy?"
"My wii is so small, it'll fit in your x-Box"
"Lets go to the Nintendo Store, they have wii all over the place!"
"Wii Touching Is Good"
"Look! I have Super Money Balls on my Wii!!"

"Yo, you dominated my wii last night"
"Mike came over last night, noticed I had my Wii out and screamed I WANNA PLAY"
"I like to impress the ladies with my wii"
"I cant wait till I grow up and get a Wii thats fit for me!"
"My black Wii look bigger then your white Wii"
"Dont push it to hard, you might break my Wii"
"Mommy said that when i finish my homework i get to play with my Wii!"


:lol this is how GAF is everytime Nintendo does something different. wish I had links to ds and revolution remote announcment. Then give it a couple months and you guys like or love it. W.e, revolution wwas a way better name but Wii is growing on mi.(lol that sounds weird... my wii is growning :lol )


Batongen said:
OK, I admit, this is odd... but it's called Wii and not pronounced wee. But it's not the name that's going to break this system itäs the games.

Yeah, it is pronounced that way.


If it is sounded Wii, with a long vowel sound (sort of like why), then it might be a good name. That is, after I let it run around in my head for a while...


Hell no.

The system will be worth checking out (Red Steel looks fun, I don't care what anyone says) but the name sucks balls, and this is coming from a longtime Nintendo fan.



But uh... what was so wrong with Revolution? It was fitting for the console (because of the controller), IMO. They could have used that as a great marketing tool, as it would've been a "revolution" in how you play a game.

But Wii? I just don't get it.

Nintendo Entertainment System
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo... Wii.



Ugh. Worst. Name. Ever.

Not like it matters to me, they could've called it the Nintendo Nut Sweat and I still plan on buying all three current gen consoles at some point. But for those losers, er, I mean people who put a large amount of stake in the monthly NPD, I don't think this is a very good thing for Nintendo NA at all. "The Nintendo wuh... wuh... Why? Wee? Why eye eye? Oh look, there's an Xbox 360/Playstation 3."


Rage Bait Youtuber
I don't really care what the system is named.

I've found that over the last few months I've become bored with console gaming. I barely have any desire to complete any of the X360 games I have, and everytime I go to the store to look for games there is really nothing that I absolutely must play anymore. And honestly I'm not too excited about anything on either the X360 or PS3 at E3 because while they'll be OMGWTFLOOKATTHEGRAPHIX, they'll still be relatively the same playing games just with better graphics, more realistic physics, etc.

I'm personally very excited about Wii due to the control scheme that will hopefully get me excited about console gaming again as opposed to the traditional control scheme MS and Sony use which, to me at least, has become stale and boring after so many years with little change aside from the addition of more buttons.

Maybe that's why games like Guitar Hero, the Bemani titles, and some of the EyeToy stuff is so attractive now?


MrSardonic said:
From kikizo



It is called Madden Wii, I knew it! :lol

That logo is WEIRD. It took me awhile to pick up on the Wii format. Looked like double checkmarks to me at first.

Oh, and to the people who keep on quoting Apple with Wii, stop. This is the same thing that was said about the 360 design.
So does this make the "conventional thinkers" camp 0/3 now?

When the USA Today article came out last May, the 2-3x the power of GameCube comment raised a ton of eyebrows, and the "conventional thinkers" camp came out and made a million rationalizations why that was false.


With the controller, the "conventional thinkers" camp told us to expect maybe a touchscreen controller with configurable button layouts ... after all, Nintendo wouldn't do something too radical because third party ports would be tough.


Now the whole Wii name ...

The pricing of this machine will be very unconventional too IMO ... the people still saying "it'll be $200 because every other Nintendo system was" are going to be 0/4 very soon.

Iwata is taking basically every conventional game console "rule" and screwing it up the ass. :lol
The people playing damage control for Nintendo right now are hilarious. It's really amazing.


Image is apart of business, and this certainly is a business issue whether you like it or not; do you think people magically come up with names for products? Focus groups are involved in this process, and the market is gauged. Xbox 360 is not named "Xbox 360" because it sounds amazing; it's named that because of focus group data that suggested "Xbox 2" would give customers the impression that "PS3" was a stronger system. Microsoft took that foundation and built on it. The console's entire marketing ploy is based on...360. "Jump In" and all the other jingles revolve (get it?) around that concept.

Personally, I'd buy the "Wii" no matter what the name was, but it's not about one customer.

It's not a wonderful name by any stretch of the imagination. I understand what they want it to symbolize, but when it comes down to it it's a terrible name for a videogame system. Look at the codename Revolution. It also described the console's essence. A complete revolution in game design. A complete Revolution in the way we play games, etc. You're going to tell me that's not a far more appealing title than "Wii"?

Granted, "Wii" does describe the community aspect of the console in many ways, and the little PR blurp Nintendo put out is well written. Sadly, Nintendo continues to forget who their audience truly is. "Revolution" gets people's attention much more than "Wii" does.

Nintendo is already doing damage control over this, and there will be more. This comes down to marketing, an area that Nintendo has always dropped the ball at to varying degrees. And yes, image comes down to it as well. Nintendo already has a blacksheep console on their hands, and now they pull something like this. Wow. The console isn't going to fail because of the name...but come on.

Apparently Wii am not impressed. Too bad there are no scientific opinion polls on videogames. Just going by the non scientific approach (Joystiq, IGN, Gamespot, GAF, Beyond3d, etc etc etc), the majority of gamers aren't feeling this name.
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