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Foreign Policy (magazine): "Obama Is Pursuing Regime Change in Israel"

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"Angered by Netanyahu’s invitation to address Congress, the White House is now quietly working to unsettle the prime minister before elections in Israel."

Welcome to regime change, Obama-style. There are few opportunities to change the mullahcracy in Tehran. But Jerusalem may be another story. By accepting Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address a joint meeting of Congress — now widely seen as a real bungle — the prime minister has given the Obama administration an opening. And you can bet the White House is taking advantage to make it unmistakably clear that Bibi is bad for the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

The White House has already made clear there will no meeting with President Obama, assuming that Netanyahu sticks to his word and actually shows up in early March. The good news for Netanyahu is that the two won’t have another bad meeting. The not-so-good news is that the White House door will be closed to a sitting Israeli prime minister — that doesn’t happen often. While White House spokesman Josh Earnest has said that the reason is that we’re too close to an Israeli election, that’s a stretch. Trust me: If Obama and Bibi were buddies, they’d be hugging in the Oval Office. Just look at former President Bill Clinton’s efforts to sway the 1996 election in Shimon Peres’s favor, which included seeing him at the White House. This close to an Israeli election, a freeze-out can’t help the incumbent.This close to an Israeli election, a freeze-out can’t help the incumbent.

There are many variables in determining the outcome of the March 17 elections. And clearly Barack Obama isn’t the key issue in the campaign. Indeed, Obama isn’t nearly as beloved as Clinton in Israel: A January 2014 poll indicated that only one in five trusted the president on Iran and a full 50 percent worried about his views on Israel. In any event, Israelis know that he’ll only occupy the White House for a couple of more years. But they also deeply understand that the U.S.-Israel relationship is important, particularly with the region melting down. In a close election, the perception that the incumbent has made hash of it might very well have an impact.

Lock if old.


So the "thanks Obama" has already started? If anyone is to blame, it's the Israeli ambassador to the US, Netanyahu and Boehner. They conspired to throw the president of the US under the bus with this useless speech. They made their bed and now have to lie in it. Plus Netanyahu was a hawk and an idiot. If he's out, it's only good for Israel.

Ita truly sickening when a foreign leader will get a standing ovation in Congress, more so than the president of the country.
You have to love that doing absolutely nothing is seen as interfering in Israeli politics. Has anyone asked what Bibi's challenger feels about his trip to the US?
regime change has a specific meaning, the article doesn't support it. But title but it will get clicks!

obama doesn't like bibi and is working against him in many aspects (settlements, iran, US politics, etc.). Its the same thing bibi did in the 2012 elections. When you're tied at the hip and the relationship is so close you leave yourself open to electoral interference.


Well until 2017.

You won't get any more Pro-Israel politicians than the Bush or Clinton families. In 1997, Clinton and Congress passed a law preventing US satellite companies both private and public from showing high definition resolution imagery of Israel and Gaza. The only country in the world that the US would afford such protection to.

George HW Bush personally motioned the UN resolution that repealed the 1975 zionism is racism resolution etc.

So enjoy the neutrality under Obama, because come 2017, the US will again be ridiculously Pro-Israel.
Good. Maybe if the conservatives get ousted in Israel, we can start seeing some progress there again.

Though I doubt this'd be enough to do it.
You won't get any more Pro-Israel politicians than the Bush or Clinton families. In 1997, Clinton and Congress passed a law preventing US satellite companies both private and public from showing high definition resolution imagery of Israel and Gaza. The only country in the world that the US would afford such protection to.

George HW Bush personally motioned the UN resolution that repealed the 1975 zionism is racism resolution etc.

So enjoy the neutrality under Obama, because come 2017, the US will again be ridiculously Pro-Israel.
To be fair Clinton also had a contentious relationship with Bibi and was glad to see him replaced.

The article title is rather bombastic, or clickbait-tastic. The WH won't let Bibi pretend to be some great friend to the administration...I see no problem with that. He's probably going to win anyway.
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